diff --git a/src/common/slurm_resource_info.c b/src/common/slurm_resource_info.c
index 2d72d8e55e1b0ae789aea9135b4b0738f01a9392..60b91c7df6002d7a0abf1d6e83a59b292e507568 100644
--- a/src/common/slurm_resource_info.c
+++ b/src/common/slurm_resource_info.c
@@ -42,15 +42,49 @@
 #  include <string.h>
+#include <ctype.h>
 #include <sys/types.h>
-#include "src/common/log.h"
 #include <slurm/slurm.h>
+#include "src/common/log.h"
+#include "src/common/slurm_protocol_api.h"
 #include "src/common/slurm_resource_info.h"
+#include "src/common/xmalloc.h"
+#include "src/common/xstring.h"
 #define DEBUG 1
+ * First clear all of the bits in "*data" which are set in "clear_mask".
+ * Then set all of the bits in "*data" that are set in "set_mask".
+ */
+static void _clear_then_set(int *data, int clear_mask, int set_mask)
+	*data &= ~clear_mask;
+	*data |= set_mask;
+ * _isvalue
+ * returns 1 is the argument appears to be a value, 0 otherwise
+ */
+static int _isvalue(char *arg) {
+    	if (isdigit(*arg)) {	 /* decimal values and 0x... hex values */
+	    	return 1;
+	}
+	while (isxdigit(*arg)) { /* hex values not preceded by 0x */
+		arg++;
+	}
+	if (*arg == ',' || *arg == '\0') { /* end of field or string */
+	    	return 1;
+	}
+	return 0;	/* not a value */
  * slurm_get_avail_procs - Get the number of "available" cpus on a node
  *	given this number given the number of cpus_per_task and
@@ -339,3 +373,297 @@ void slurm_sprint_mem_bind_type(char *str, mem_bind_type_t mem_bind_type)
 	    	strcat(str, "(null type)");	/* no bits set */
+void slurm_print_cpu_bind_help(void)
+	printf(
+"CPU bind options:\n"
+"    --cpu_bind=         Bind tasks to CPUs\n"
+"        q[uiet]         quietly bind before task runs (default)\n"
+"        v[erbose]       verbosely report binding before task runs\n"
+"        no[ne]          don't bind tasks to CPUs (default)\n"
+"        rank            bind by task rank\n"
+"        map_cpu:<list>  specify a CPU ID binding for each task\n"
+"                        where <list> is <cpuid1>,<cpuid2>,...<cpuidN>\n"
+"        mask_cpu:<list> specify a CPU ID binding mask for each task\n"
+"                        where <list> is <mask1>,<mask2>,...<maskN>\n"
+"        sockets         auto-generated masks bind to sockets\n"
+"        cores           auto-generated masks bind to cores\n"
+"        threads         auto-generated masks bind to threads\n"
+"        help            show this help message\n");
+ * verify cpu_bind arguments
+ *
+ * we support different launch policy names
+ * we also allow a verbose setting to be specified
+ *     --cpu_bind=threads
+ *     --cpu_bind=cores
+ *     --cpu_bind=sockets
+ *     --cpu_bind=v
+ *     --cpu_bind=rank,v
+ *     --cpu_bind=rank
+ *     --cpu_bind={MAP_CPU|MASK_CPU}:0,1,2,3,4
+ *
+ *
+ * returns -1 on error, 0 otherwise
+ */
+int slurm_verify_cpu_bind(const char *arg, char **cpu_bind, 
+			  cpu_bind_type_t *flags)
+	char *buf, *p, *tok;
+	int bind_bits =
+	int bind_to_bits =
+	uint16_t task_plugin_param = slurm_get_task_plugin_param();
+	if (arg == NULL) {
+		if ((*flags != 0) || 		/* already set values */
+		    (task_plugin_param == 0))	/* no system defaults */
+			return 0;
+		/* set system defaults */
+		xfree(*cpu_bind);
+		if (task_plugin_param & CPU_BIND_NONE) {
+			*flags = CPU_BIND_NONE;
+		} else if (task_plugin_param & CPU_BIND_TO_SOCKETS) {
+			*flags = CPU_BIND_TO_SOCKETS;
+			*cpu_bind = xstrdup("sockets");
+		} else if (task_plugin_param & CPU_BIND_TO_CORES) {
+			*flags = CPU_BIND_TO_CORES;
+			*cpu_bind = xstrdup("cores");
+		} else if (task_plugin_param & CPU_BIND_TO_THREADS) {
+			*flags |= CPU_BIND_TO_THREADS;
+			*cpu_bind = xstrdup("threads");
+		}
+		if (task_plugin_param & CPU_BIND_VERBOSE) {
+			*flags |= CPU_BIND_VERBOSE;
+			if (*cpu_bind)
+				xstrcat(*cpu_bind, ",verbose");
+			else
+				*cpu_bind = xstrdup("verbose");
+		}
+	    	return 0;
+	}
+	/* Start with system default verbose flag (if set) */
+	if (task_plugin_param & CPU_BIND_VERBOSE)
+		*flags |= CPU_BIND_VERBOSE;
+    	buf = xstrdup(arg);
+    	p = buf;
+	/* change all ',' delimiters not followed by a digit to ';'  */
+	/* simplifies parsing tokens while keeping map/mask together */
+	while (p[0] != '\0') {
+	    	if ((p[0] == ',') && (!_isvalue(&(p[1]))))
+			p[0] = ';';
+		p++;
+	}
+	p = buf;
+	while ((tok = strsep(&p, ";"))) {
+		if (strcasecmp(tok, "help") == 0) {
+			slurm_print_cpu_bind_help();
+			return 1;
+		} else if ((strcasecmp(tok, "q") == 0) ||
+			   (strcasecmp(tok, "quiet") == 0)) {
+		        *flags &= ~CPU_BIND_VERBOSE;
+		} else if ((strcasecmp(tok, "v") == 0) ||
+			   (strcasecmp(tok, "verbose") == 0)) {
+		        *flags |= CPU_BIND_VERBOSE;
+		} else if ((strcasecmp(tok, "no") == 0) ||
+			   (strcasecmp(tok, "none") == 0)) {
+			_clear_then_set((int *)flags, bind_bits, CPU_BIND_NONE);
+			xfree(*cpu_bind);
+		} else if (strcasecmp(tok, "rank") == 0) {
+			_clear_then_set((int *)flags, bind_bits, CPU_BIND_RANK);
+			xfree(*cpu_bind);
+		} else if ((strncasecmp(tok, "map_cpu", 7) == 0) ||
+		           (strncasecmp(tok, "mapcpu", 6) == 0)) {
+			char *list;
+			list = strsep(&tok, ":=");
+			list = strsep(&tok, ":=");
+			_clear_then_set((int *)flags, bind_bits, CPU_BIND_MAP);
+			xfree(*cpu_bind);
+			if (list && *list) {
+				*cpu_bind = xstrdup(list);
+			} else {
+				error("missing list for \"--cpu_bind="
+				      "map_cpu:<list>\"");
+				xfree(buf);
+				return 1;
+			}
+		} else if ((strncasecmp(tok, "mask_cpu", 8) == 0) ||
+		           (strncasecmp(tok, "maskcpu", 7) == 0)) {
+			char *list;
+			list = strsep(&tok, ":=");
+			list = strsep(&tok, ":=");
+			_clear_then_set((int *)flags, bind_bits, CPU_BIND_MASK);
+			xfree(*cpu_bind);
+			if (list && *list) {
+				*cpu_bind = xstrdup(list);
+			} else {
+				error("missing list for \"--cpu_bind="
+				      "mask_cpu:<list>\"");
+				xfree(buf);
+				return -1;
+			}
+		} else if ((strcasecmp(tok, "socket") == 0) ||
+		           (strcasecmp(tok, "sockets") == 0)) {
+			if (task_plugin_param & 
+			     CPU_BIND_TO_THREADS)) {
+				error("--cpu_bind=sockets incompatable with "
+				      "TaskPluginParam configuration "
+				      "parameter");
+				return -1;
+			}
+			_clear_then_set((int *)flags, bind_to_bits,
+				       CPU_BIND_TO_SOCKETS);
+		} else if ((strcasecmp(tok, "core") == 0) ||
+		           (strcasecmp(tok, "cores") == 0)) {
+			if (task_plugin_param & 
+			     CPU_BIND_TO_THREADS)) {
+				error("--cpu_bind=cores incompatable with "
+				      "TaskPluginParam configuration "
+				      "parameter");
+				return -1;
+			}
+			_clear_then_set((int *)flags, bind_to_bits,
+				       CPU_BIND_TO_CORES);
+		} else if ((strcasecmp(tok, "thread") == 0) ||
+		           (strcasecmp(tok, "threads") == 0)) {
+			if (task_plugin_param & 
+			     CPU_BIND_TO_CORES)) {
+				error("--cpu_bind=threads incompatable with "
+				      "TaskPluginParam configuration "
+				      "parameter");
+				return -1;
+			}
+			_clear_then_set((int *)flags, bind_to_bits,
+				       CPU_BIND_TO_THREADS);
+		} else {
+			error("unrecognized --cpu_bind argument \"%s\"", tok);
+			xfree(buf);
+			return -1;
+		}
+	}
+	xfree(buf);
+	return 0;
+void slurm_print_mem_bind_help(void)
+			printf(
+"Memory bind options:\n"
+"    --mem_bind=         Bind memory to locality domains (ldom)\n"
+"        q[uiet]         quietly bind before task runs (default)\n"
+"        v[erbose]       verbosely report binding before task runs\n"
+"        no[ne]          don't bind tasks to memory (default)\n"
+"        rank            bind by task rank\n"
+"        local           bind to memory local to processor\n"
+"        map_mem:<list>  specify a memory binding for each task\n"
+"                        where <list> is <cpuid1>,<cpuid2>,...<cpuidN>\n"
+"        mask_mem:<list> specify a memory binding mask for each tasks\n"
+"                        where <list> is <mask1>,<mask2>,...<maskN>\n"
+"        help            show this help message\n");
+ * verify mem_bind arguments
+ *
+ * we support different memory binding names
+ * we also allow a verbose setting to be specified
+ *     --mem_bind=v
+ *     --mem_bind=rank,v
+ *     --mem_bind=rank
+ *     --mem_bind={MAP_MEM|MASK_MEM}:0,1,2,3,4
+ *
+ * returns -1 on error, 0 otherwise
+ */
+int slurm_verify_mem_bind(const char *arg, char **mem_bind, 
+			  mem_bind_type_t *flags)
+	char *buf, *p, *tok;
+	if (arg == NULL) {
+	    	return 0;
+	}
+    	buf = xstrdup(arg);
+    	p = buf;
+	/* change all ',' delimiters not followed by a digit to ';'  */
+	/* simplifies parsing tokens while keeping map/mask together */
+	while (p[0] != '\0') {
+	    	if ((p[0] == ',') && (!_isvalue(&(p[1]))))
+			p[0] = ';';
+		p++;
+	}
+	p = buf;
+	while ((tok = strsep(&p, ";"))) {
+		if (strcasecmp(tok, "help") == 0) {
+			slurm_print_mem_bind_help();
+			return 1;
+		} else if ((strcasecmp(tok, "q") == 0) ||
+			   (strcasecmp(tok, "quiet") == 0)) {
+		        *flags &= ~MEM_BIND_VERBOSE;
+		} else if ((strcasecmp(tok, "v") == 0) ||
+			   (strcasecmp(tok, "verbose") == 0)) {
+		        *flags |= MEM_BIND_VERBOSE;
+		} else if ((strcasecmp(tok, "no") == 0) ||
+			   (strcasecmp(tok, "none") == 0)) {
+			_clear_then_set((int *)flags, bind_bits, MEM_BIND_NONE);
+			xfree(*mem_bind);
+		} else if (strcasecmp(tok, "rank") == 0) {
+			_clear_then_set((int *)flags, bind_bits, MEM_BIND_RANK);
+			xfree(*mem_bind);
+		} else if (strcasecmp(tok, "local") == 0) {
+			_clear_then_set((int *)flags, bind_bits, MEM_BIND_LOCAL);
+			xfree(*mem_bind);
+		} else if ((strncasecmp(tok, "map_mem", 7) == 0) ||
+		           (strncasecmp(tok, "mapmem", 6) == 0)) {
+			char *list;
+			list = strsep(&tok, ":=");
+			list = strsep(&tok, ":=");
+			_clear_then_set((int *)flags, bind_bits, MEM_BIND_MAP);
+			xfree(*mem_bind);
+			if (list && *list) {
+				*mem_bind = xstrdup(list);
+			} else {
+				error("missing list for \"--mem_bind=map_mem:<list>\"");
+				xfree(buf);
+				return 1;
+			}
+		} else if ((strncasecmp(tok, "mask_mem", 8) == 0) ||
+		           (strncasecmp(tok, "maskmem", 7) == 0)) {
+			char *list;
+			list = strsep(&tok, ":=");
+			list = strsep(&tok, ":=");
+			_clear_then_set((int *)flags, bind_bits, MEM_BIND_MASK);
+			xfree(*mem_bind);
+			if (list && *list) {
+				*mem_bind = xstrdup(list);
+			} else {
+				error("missing list for \"--mem_bind=mask_mem:<list>\"");
+				xfree(buf);
+				return 1;
+			}
+		} else {
+			error("unrecognized --mem_bind argument \"%s\"", tok);
+			xfree(buf);
+			return 1;
+		}
+	}
+	xfree(buf);
+	return 0;
diff --git a/src/common/slurm_resource_info.h b/src/common/slurm_resource_info.h
index 25733ff8e54207fd21709532072228dae86f24b1..7597fafd43d8a564309bd5561af6208b5afa5875 100644
--- a/src/common/slurm_resource_info.h
+++ b/src/common/slurm_resource_info.h
@@ -66,7 +66,15 @@ int slurm_get_avail_procs(const uint16_t mxsockets,
 			  const select_type_plugin_info_t cr_type,
 			  uint32_t job_id, char *name);
+void slurm_print_cpu_bind_help(void);
+void slurm_print_mem_bind_help(void);
 void slurm_sprint_cpu_bind_type(char *str, cpu_bind_type_t cpu_bind_type);
 void slurm_sprint_mem_bind_type(char *str, mem_bind_type_t mem_bind_type);
+int slurm_verify_cpu_bind(const char *arg, char **cpu_bind, 
+			  cpu_bind_type_t *flags);
+int slurm_verify_mem_bind(const char *arg, char **mem_bind, 
+			  mem_bind_type_t *flags);
 #endif /* !_RES_INFO_H */
diff --git a/src/srun/allocate.c b/src/srun/allocate.c
index 9127b64957350b39976355322080075e0d07bb33..b7876874b1404fc9dcee04b183b2566b5807a5cc 100644
--- a/src/srun/allocate.c
+++ b/src/srun/allocate.c
@@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
- * src/srun/allocate.c - srun functions for managing node allocations
- * $Id$
+ *  src/srun/allocate.c - srun functions for managing node allocations
- *  Copyright (C) 2002-2006 The Regents of the University of California.
+ *  Copyright (C) 2002-2007 The Regents of the University of California.
+ *  Copyright (C) 2008 Lawrence Livermore National Security.
  *  Produced at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (cf, DISCLAIMER).
  *  Written by Mark Grondona <mgrondona@llnl.gov>.
  *  LLNL-CODE-402394.
@@ -379,7 +379,6 @@ job_desc_msg_create_from_opts ()
 	j->dependency     = opt.dependency;
 	if (opt.nice)
 		j->nice   = NICE_OFFSET + opt.nice;
-	j->task_dist      = opt.distribution;
 	if (opt.cpu_bind)
 		j->cpu_bind       = opt.cpu_bind;
@@ -391,6 +390,7 @@ job_desc_msg_create_from_opts ()
 		j->mem_bind_type  = opt.mem_bind_type;
 	if (opt.plane_size != NO_VAL)
 		j->plane_size     = opt.plane_size;
+	j->task_dist      = opt.distribution;
 	j->group_id       = opt.gid;
 	j->mail_type      = opt.mail_type;
diff --git a/src/srun/opt.c b/src/srun/opt.c
index 859d00e5b11d1578d1a7b8b40b0a5669000cb3c0..3d54cf214e6645f0a10f7fdccfc5bd84fd000903 100644
--- a/src/srun/opt.c
+++ b/src/srun/opt.c
@@ -61,7 +61,6 @@
 #include <stdio.h>
 #include <stdlib.h>		/* getenv     */
 #include <pwd.h>		/* getpwuid   */
-#include <ctype.h>		/* isdigit    */
 #include <sys/param.h>		/* MAXPATHLEN */
 #include <sys/stat.h>
 #include <unistd.h>
@@ -79,6 +78,7 @@
 #include "src/common/slurm_protocol_api.h"
 #include "src/common/slurm_protocol_interface.h"
 #include "src/common/slurm_rlimits_info.h"
+#include "src/common/slurm_resource_info.h"
 #include "src/common/uid.h"
 #include "src/common/xmalloc.h"
 #include "src/common/xstring.h"
@@ -203,10 +203,6 @@ static void _process_env_var(env_vars_t *e, const char *val);
 static bool  _under_parallel_debugger(void);
 static void  _usage(void);
 static bool  _valid_node_list(char **node_list_pptr);
-static int   _verify_cpu_bind(const char *arg, char **cpu_bind,
-			      cpu_bind_type_t *flags);
-static int   _verify_mem_bind(const char *arg, char **mem_bind,
-			      mem_bind_type_t *flags);
 /*---[ end forward declarations of static functions ]---------------------*/
@@ -268,329 +264,6 @@ static bool _valid_node_list(char **node_list_pptr)
 	return true;
- * _isvalue
- * returns 1 is the argument appears to be a value, 0 otherwise
- */
-static int _isvalue(char *arg) {
-    	if (isdigit(*arg)) {	 /* decimal values and 0x... hex values */
-	    	return 1;
-	}
-	while (isxdigit(*arg)) { /* hex values not preceded by 0x */
-		arg++;
-	}
-	if (*arg == ',' || *arg == '\0') { /* end of field or string */
-	    	return 1;
-	}
-	return 0;	/* not a value */
- * First clear all of the bits in "*data" which are set in "clear_mask".
- * Then set all of the bits in "*data" that are set in "set_mask".
- */
-static void clear_then_set(int *data, int clear_mask, int set_mask)
-	*data &= ~clear_mask;
-	*data |= set_mask;
-static void _print_cpu_bind_help()
-	printf(
-"CPU bind options:\n"
-"    --cpu_bind=         Bind tasks to CPUs\n"
-"        q[uiet]         quietly bind before task runs (default)\n"
-"        v[erbose]       verbosely report binding before task runs\n"
-"        no[ne]          don't bind tasks to CPUs (default)\n"
-"        rank            bind by task rank\n"
-"        map_cpu:<list>  specify a CPU ID binding for each task\n"
-"                        where <list> is <cpuid1>,<cpuid2>,...<cpuidN>\n"
-"        mask_cpu:<list> specify a CPU ID binding mask for each task\n"
-"                        where <list> is <mask1>,<mask2>,...<maskN>\n"
-"        sockets         auto-generated masks bind to sockets\n"
-"        cores           auto-generated masks bind to cores\n"
-"        threads         auto-generated masks bind to threads\n"
-"        help            show this help message\n");
- * verify cpu_bind arguments
- *
- * we support different launch policy names
- * we also allow a verbose setting to be specified
- *     --cpu_bind=threads
- *     --cpu_bind=cores
- *     --cpu_bind=sockets
- *     --cpu_bind=v
- *     --cpu_bind=rank,v
- *     --cpu_bind=rank
- *     --cpu_bind={MAP_CPU|MASK_CPU}:0,1,2,3,4
- *
- *
- * returns -1 on error, 0 otherwise
- */
-static int _verify_cpu_bind(const char *arg, char **cpu_bind, 
-			    cpu_bind_type_t *flags)
-	char *buf, *p, *tok;
-	int bind_bits =
-	int bind_to_bits =
-	uint16_t task_plugin_param = slurm_get_task_plugin_param();
-	if (arg == NULL) {
-		if ((*flags != 0) || 		/* already set values */
-		    (task_plugin_param == 0))	/* no system defaults */
-			return 0;
-		/* set system defaults */
-		xfree(*cpu_bind);
-		if (task_plugin_param & CPU_BIND_NONE) {
-			*flags = CPU_BIND_NONE;
-		} else if (task_plugin_param & CPU_BIND_TO_SOCKETS) {
-			*flags = CPU_BIND_TO_SOCKETS;
-			*cpu_bind = xstrdup("sockets");
-		} else if (task_plugin_param & CPU_BIND_TO_CORES) {
-			*flags = CPU_BIND_TO_CORES;
-			*cpu_bind = xstrdup("cores");
-		} else if (task_plugin_param & CPU_BIND_TO_THREADS) {
-			*flags |= CPU_BIND_TO_THREADS;
-			*cpu_bind = xstrdup("threads");
-		}
-		if (task_plugin_param & CPU_BIND_VERBOSE) {
-			*flags |= CPU_BIND_VERBOSE;
-			if (*cpu_bind)
-				xstrcat(*cpu_bind, ",verbose");
-			else
-				*cpu_bind = xstrdup("verbose");
-		}
-	    	return 0;
-	}
-	/* Start with system default verbose flag (if set) */
-	if (task_plugin_param & CPU_BIND_VERBOSE)
-		*flags |= CPU_BIND_VERBOSE;
-    	buf = xstrdup(arg);
-    	p = buf;
-	/* change all ',' delimiters not followed by a digit to ';'  */
-	/* simplifies parsing tokens while keeping map/mask together */
-	while (p[0] != '\0') {
-	    	if ((p[0] == ',') && (!_isvalue(&(p[1]))))
-			p[0] = ';';
-		p++;
-	}
-	p = buf;
-	while ((tok = strsep(&p, ";"))) {
-		if (strcasecmp(tok, "help") == 0) {
-			_print_cpu_bind_help();
-			return 1;
-		} else if ((strcasecmp(tok, "q") == 0) ||
-			   (strcasecmp(tok, "quiet") == 0)) {
-		        *flags &= ~CPU_BIND_VERBOSE;
-		} else if ((strcasecmp(tok, "v") == 0) ||
-			   (strcasecmp(tok, "verbose") == 0)) {
-		        *flags |= CPU_BIND_VERBOSE;
-		} else if ((strcasecmp(tok, "no") == 0) ||
-			   (strcasecmp(tok, "none") == 0)) {
-			clear_then_set((int *)flags, bind_bits, CPU_BIND_NONE);
-			xfree(*cpu_bind);
-		} else if (strcasecmp(tok, "rank") == 0) {
-			clear_then_set((int *)flags, bind_bits, CPU_BIND_RANK);
-			xfree(*cpu_bind);
-		} else if ((strncasecmp(tok, "map_cpu", 7) == 0) ||
-		           (strncasecmp(tok, "mapcpu", 6) == 0)) {
-			char *list;
-			list = strsep(&tok, ":=");
-			list = strsep(&tok, ":=");
-			clear_then_set((int *)flags, bind_bits, CPU_BIND_MAP);
-			xfree(*cpu_bind);
-			if (list && *list) {
-				*cpu_bind = xstrdup(list);
-			} else {
-				error("missing list for \"--cpu_bind="
-				      "map_cpu:<list>\"");
-				xfree(buf);
-				return 1;
-			}
-		} else if ((strncasecmp(tok, "mask_cpu", 8) == 0) ||
-		           (strncasecmp(tok, "maskcpu", 7) == 0)) {
-			char *list;
-			list = strsep(&tok, ":=");
-			list = strsep(&tok, ":=");
-			clear_then_set((int *)flags, bind_bits, CPU_BIND_MASK);
-			xfree(*cpu_bind);
-			if (list && *list) {
-				*cpu_bind = xstrdup(list);
-			} else {
-				error("missing list for \"--cpu_bind="
-				      "mask_cpu:<list>\"");
-				xfree(buf);
-				return -1;
-			}
-		} else if ((strcasecmp(tok, "socket") == 0) ||
-		           (strcasecmp(tok, "sockets") == 0)) {
-			if (task_plugin_param & 
-			     CPU_BIND_TO_THREADS)) {
-				error("--cpu_bind=sockets incompatable with "
-				      "TaskPluginParam configuration "
-				      "parameter");
-				return -1;
-			}
-			clear_then_set((int *)flags, bind_to_bits,
-				       CPU_BIND_TO_SOCKETS);
-		} else if ((strcasecmp(tok, "core") == 0) ||
-		           (strcasecmp(tok, "cores") == 0)) {
-			if (task_plugin_param & 
-			     CPU_BIND_TO_THREADS)) {
-				error("--cpu_bind=cores incompatable with "
-				      "TaskPluginParam configuration "
-				      "parameter");
-				return -1;
-			}
-			clear_then_set((int *)flags, bind_to_bits,
-				       CPU_BIND_TO_CORES);
-		} else if ((strcasecmp(tok, "thread") == 0) ||
-		           (strcasecmp(tok, "threads") == 0)) {
-			if (task_plugin_param & 
-			     CPU_BIND_TO_CORES)) {
-				error("--cpu_bind=threads incompatable with "
-				      "TaskPluginParam configuration "
-				      "parameter");
-				return -1;
-			}
-			clear_then_set((int *)flags, bind_to_bits,
-				       CPU_BIND_TO_THREADS);
-		} else {
-			error("unrecognized --cpu_bind argument \"%s\"", tok);
-			xfree(buf);
-			return -1;
-		}
-	}
-	xfree(buf);
-	return 0;
-static void _print_mem_bind_help()
-			printf(
-"Memory bind options:\n"
-"    --mem_bind=         Bind memory to locality domains (ldom)\n"
-"        q[uiet]         quietly bind before task runs (default)\n"
-"        v[erbose]       verbosely report binding before task runs\n"
-"        no[ne]          don't bind tasks to memory (default)\n"
-"        rank            bind by task rank\n"
-"        local           bind to memory local to processor\n"
-"        map_mem:<list>  specify a memory binding for each task\n"
-"                        where <list> is <cpuid1>,<cpuid2>,...<cpuidN>\n"
-"        mask_mem:<list> specify a memory binding mask for each tasks\n"
-"                        where <list> is <mask1>,<mask2>,...<maskN>\n"
-"        help            show this help message\n");
- * verify mem_bind arguments
- *
- * we support different memory binding names
- * we also allow a verbose setting to be specified
- *     --mem_bind=v
- *     --mem_bind=rank,v
- *     --mem_bind=rank
- *     --mem_bind={MAP_MEM|MASK_MEM}:0,1,2,3,4
- *
- * returns -1 on error, 0 otherwise
- */
-static int _verify_mem_bind(const char *arg, char **mem_bind, 
-			    mem_bind_type_t *flags)
-	char *buf, *p, *tok;
-	if (arg == NULL) {
-	    	return 0;
-	}
-    	buf = xstrdup(arg);
-    	p = buf;
-	/* change all ',' delimiters not followed by a digit to ';'  */
-	/* simplifies parsing tokens while keeping map/mask together */
-	while (p[0] != '\0') {
-	    	if ((p[0] == ',') && (!_isvalue(&(p[1]))))
-			p[0] = ';';
-		p++;
-	}
-	p = buf;
-	while ((tok = strsep(&p, ";"))) {
-		if (strcasecmp(tok, "help") == 0) {
-			_print_mem_bind_help();
-			return 1;
-		} else if ((strcasecmp(tok, "q") == 0) ||
-			   (strcasecmp(tok, "quiet") == 0)) {
-		        *flags &= ~MEM_BIND_VERBOSE;
-		} else if ((strcasecmp(tok, "v") == 0) ||
-			   (strcasecmp(tok, "verbose") == 0)) {
-		        *flags |= MEM_BIND_VERBOSE;
-		} else if ((strcasecmp(tok, "no") == 0) ||
-			   (strcasecmp(tok, "none") == 0)) {
-			clear_then_set((int *)flags, bind_bits, MEM_BIND_NONE);
-			xfree(*mem_bind);
-		} else if (strcasecmp(tok, "rank") == 0) {
-			clear_then_set((int *)flags, bind_bits, MEM_BIND_RANK);
-			xfree(*mem_bind);
-		} else if (strcasecmp(tok, "local") == 0) {
-			clear_then_set((int *)flags, bind_bits, MEM_BIND_LOCAL);
-			xfree(*mem_bind);
-		} else if ((strncasecmp(tok, "map_mem", 7) == 0) ||
-		           (strncasecmp(tok, "mapmem", 6) == 0)) {
-			char *list;
-			list = strsep(&tok, ":=");
-			list = strsep(&tok, ":=");
-			clear_then_set((int *)flags, bind_bits, MEM_BIND_MAP);
-			xfree(*mem_bind);
-			if (list && *list) {
-				*mem_bind = xstrdup(list);
-			} else {
-				error("missing list for \"--mem_bind=map_mem:<list>\"");
-				xfree(buf);
-				return 1;
-			}
-		} else if ((strncasecmp(tok, "mask_mem", 8) == 0) ||
-		           (strncasecmp(tok, "maskmem", 7) == 0)) {
-			char *list;
-			list = strsep(&tok, ":=");
-			list = strsep(&tok, ":=");
-			clear_then_set((int *)flags, bind_bits, MEM_BIND_MASK);
-			xfree(*mem_bind);
-			if (list && *list) {
-				*mem_bind = xstrdup(list);
-			} else {
-				error("missing list for \"--mem_bind=mask_mem:<list>\"");
-				xfree(buf);
-				return 1;
-			}
-		} else {
-			error("unrecognized --mem_bind argument \"%s\"", tok);
-			xfree(buf);
-			return 1;
-		}
-	}
-	xfree(buf);
-	return 0;
  * print error message to stderr with opt.progname prepended
@@ -891,14 +564,14 @@ _process_env_var(env_vars_t *e, const char *val)
 	case OPT_CPU_BIND:
-		if (_verify_cpu_bind(val, &opt.cpu_bind,
-				     &opt.cpu_bind_type))
+		if (slurm_verify_cpu_bind(val, &opt.cpu_bind,
+					  &opt.cpu_bind_type))
 	case OPT_MEM_BIND:
-		if (_verify_mem_bind(val, &opt.mem_bind,
-				     &opt.mem_bind_type))
+		if (slurm_verify_mem_bind(val, &opt.mem_bind,
+					  &opt.mem_bind_type))
@@ -1329,13 +1002,13 @@ static void set_options(const int argc, char **argv)
                         opt.shared = 0;
                 case LONG_OPT_CPU_BIND:
-			if (_verify_cpu_bind(optarg, &opt.cpu_bind,
-					     &opt.cpu_bind_type))
+			if (slurm_verify_cpu_bind(optarg, &opt.cpu_bind,
+						  &opt.cpu_bind_type))
-			if (_verify_mem_bind(optarg, &opt.mem_bind,
-					     &opt.mem_bind_type))
+			if (slurm_verify_mem_bind(optarg, &opt.mem_bind,
+						  &opt.mem_bind_type))
 		case LONG_OPT_CORE:
@@ -2072,8 +1745,8 @@ static bool _opt_verify(void)
-	 if (_verify_cpu_bind(NULL, &opt.cpu_bind,
-			      &opt.cpu_bind_type))
+	 if (slurm_verify_cpu_bind(NULL, &opt.cpu_bind,
+				   &opt.cpu_bind_type))
 	return verified;