diff --git a/src/api/allocate.c b/src/api/allocate.c
index 37b4f5e38198af39d5dfb40d557d4bedc879d1a8..badf57b3a3189b1a81c570a6de864d31b8ee97a0 100644
--- a/src/api/allocate.c
+++ b/src/api/allocate.c
@@ -1,15 +1,15 @@
- * allocate.c - Allocate nodes for a job with supplied contraints
- * See slurm.h for documentation on external functions and data structures
+ * allocate.c - allocate nodes for a job with supplied contraints
+ * see slurm.h for documentation on external functions and data structures
- * Author: Moe Jette, jette@llnl.gov
+ * author: moe jette, jette@llnl.gov
 #define DEBUG_SYSTEM 1
 #  include <config.h>
 #include <errno.h>
 #include <stdio.h>
@@ -22,120 +22,131 @@
 /* main is used here for testing purposes only */
-main(int argc, char * argv[]) {
-    int Error_Code;
-    char *NodeList;
-    Error_Code = Allocate(
-	"JobName=Job01 TotalNodes=400 TotalCPUs=1000 NodeList=lx[3000-3003] Partition=batch MinMemory=1024 MinTmpDisk=2034 Groups=students,employee MinCPUs=4 Contiguous Key=1234",
-	&NodeList);
-    if (Error_Code) 
-	printf("Allocate error %d\n", Error_Code);
-    else {
-	printf("Allocate nodes %s\n", NodeList);
-	free(NodeList);
-    } /* else */
-    while (1) {
-	Error_Code = Allocate(
-	    "JobName=More TotalCPUs=4000 Partition=batch Key=1234 ",
-	    &NodeList);
-	if (Error_Code) {
-	    printf("Allocate error %d\n", Error_Code);
-	    break;
-	} else {
-	    printf("Allocate nodes %s\n", NodeList);
-	    free(NodeList);
-	} /* else */
-    } /* while */
-    while (1) {
-	Error_Code = Allocate(
-	    "JobName=More TotalCPUs=40 Partition=batch Key=1234 ",
-	    &NodeList);
-	if (Error_Code) {
-	    printf("Allocate error %d\n", Error_Code);
-	    break;
-	} else {
-	    printf("Allocate nodes %s\n", NodeList);
-	    free(NodeList);
-	} /* else */
-    } /* while */
-    exit(0);
-} /* main */
+main (int argc, char *argv[]) {
+	int error_code;
+	char *node_list;
+	error_code = slurm_allocate
+		("JobName=job01 TotalNodes=400 TotalCPUs=1000 NodeList=lx[3000-3003] Partition=batch MinMemory=1024 MinTmpDisk=2034 Groups=students,employee MinCPUs=4 Contiguous Key=1234",
+		 &node_list);
+	if (error_code)
+		printf ("allocate error %d\n", error_code);
+	else {
+		printf ("allocate nodes %s\n", node_list);
+		free (node_list);
+	}			/* else */
+	while (1) {
+		error_code = slurm_allocate
+			("JobName=more TotalCPUs=4000 Partition=batch Key=1234 ",
+			 &node_list);
+		if (error_code) {
+			printf ("allocate error %d\n", error_code);
+			break;
+		}
+		else {
+			printf ("allocate nodes %s\n", node_list);
+			free (node_list);
+		}		/* else */
+	}			/* while */
+	while (1) {
+		error_code = slurm_allocate
+			("JobName=more TotalCPUs=40 Partition=batch Key=1234 ",
+			 &node_list);
+		if (error_code) {
+			printf ("allocate error %d\n", error_code);
+			break;
+		}
+		else {
+			printf ("allocate nodes %s\n", node_list);
+			free (node_list);
+		}		/* else */
+	}			/* while */
+	exit (0);
- * Allocate - Allocate nodes for a job with supplied contraints. 
- * Input: Spec - Specification of the job's constraints
- *        NodeList - Place into which a node list pointer can be placed
- * Output: NodeList - List of allocated nodes
- *         Returns 0 if no error, EINVAL if the request is invalid, 
+ * slurm_allocate - allocate nodes for a job with supplied contraints. 
+ * input: spec - specification of the job's constraints
+ *        node_list - place into which a node list pointer can be placed
+ * output: node_list - list of allocated nodes
+ *         returns 0 if no error, EINVAL if the request is invalid, 
  *			EAGAIN if the request can not be satisfied at present
- * NOTE: Acceptable specifications include: JobName=<name>, NodeList=<list>, 
+ * NOTE: acceptable specifications include: JobName=<name> NodeList=<list>, 
  *	Features=<features>, Groups=<groups>, Partition=<part_name>, Contiguous, 
  *	TotalCPUs=<number>, TotalNodes=<number>, MinCPUs=<number>, 
  *	MinMemory=<number>, MinTmpDisk=<number>, Key=<number>, Shared=<0|1>
- * NOTE: The calling function must free the allocated storage at NodeList[0]
+ * NOTE: the calling function must free the allocated storage at node_list[0]
-int Allocate(char *Spec, char **NodeList) {
-    int Buffer_Offset, Buffer_Size, Error_Code, In_Size;
-    char *Request_Msg, *Buffer;
-    int sockfd;
-    struct sockaddr_in serv_addr;
-    if ((Spec == NULL) || (NodeList == (char **)NULL)) return EINVAL;
-    Request_Msg = malloc(strlen(Spec)+10);
-    if (Request_Msg == NULL) return EAGAIN;
-    strcpy(Request_Msg, "Allocate ");
-    strcat(Request_Msg, Spec);
-    if ((sockfd = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0)) < 0) return EINVAL;
-    serv_addr.sin_family	= PF_INET;
-    serv_addr.sin_addr.s_addr	= inet_addr(SLURMCTLD_HOST);
-    serv_addr.sin_port  	= htons(SLURMCTLD_PORT);
-    if (connect(sockfd, (struct sockaddr *) &serv_addr, sizeof(serv_addr)) < 0) {
-	close(sockfd); 
-	return EAGAIN;
-    } /* if */
-    if (send(sockfd, Request_Msg, strlen(Request_Msg)+1, 0) < strlen(Request_Msg)) {
-	close(sockfd); 
-	return EAGAIN;
-    } /* if */
-    Buffer = NULL;
-    Buffer_Offset = 0;
-    Buffer_Size = 8 * 1024;
-    while (1) {
-    	Buffer = realloc(Buffer, Buffer_Size);
-	if (Buffer == NULL) {
-	    close(sockfd); 
-	    return EAGAIN;
-	} /* if */
-	In_Size = recv(sockfd, &Buffer[Buffer_Offset], (Buffer_Size-Buffer_Offset), 0);
-	if (In_Size <= 0) {	/* End if input */
-	    In_Size = 0; 
-	    break; 
-	} /* if */
-	Buffer_Offset +=  In_Size;
-	Buffer_Size += In_Size;
-    } /* while */
-    close(sockfd); 
-    Buffer_Size = Buffer_Offset + In_Size;
-    Buffer = realloc(Buffer, Buffer_Size);
-    if (Buffer == NULL) return EAGAIN;
-    if (strcmp(Buffer, "EAGAIN") == 0) {
-	free(Buffer);
-	return EAGAIN;
-    } /* if */
-    if (strcmp(Buffer, "EINVAL") == 0) {
-	free(Buffer);
-	return EINVAL;
-    } /* if */
-    NodeList[0] = Buffer;
-    return 0;
-} /* Allocate */
+slurm_allocate (char *spec, char **node_list) {
+	int buffer_offset, buffer_size, error_code, in_size;
+	char *request_msg, *buffer;
+	int sockfd;
+	struct sockaddr_in serv_addr;
+	if ((spec == NULL) || (node_list == (char **) NULL))
+		return EINVAL;
+	request_msg = malloc (strlen (spec) + 10);
+	if (request_msg == NULL)
+		return EAGAIN;
+	strcpy (request_msg, "Allocate ");
+	strcat (request_msg, spec);
+	if ((sockfd = socket (AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0)) < 0)
+		return EINVAL;
+	serv_addr.sin_family = PF_INET;
+	serv_addr.sin_addr.s_addr = inet_addr (SLURMCTLD_HOST);
+	serv_addr.sin_port = htons (SLURMCTLD_PORT);
+	if (connect
+	    (sockfd, (struct sockaddr *) &serv_addr,
+	     sizeof (serv_addr)) < 0) {
+		close (sockfd);
+		return EAGAIN;
+	}			/* if */
+	if (send (sockfd, request_msg, strlen (request_msg) + 1, 0) <
+	    strlen (request_msg)) {
+		close (sockfd);
+		return EAGAIN;
+	}			/* if */
+	buffer = NULL;
+	buffer_offset = 0;
+	buffer_size = 8 * 1024;
+	while (1) {
+		buffer = realloc (buffer, buffer_size);
+		if (buffer == NULL) {
+			close (sockfd);
+			return EAGAIN;
+		}		/* if */
+		in_size =
+			recv (sockfd, &buffer[buffer_offset],
+			      (buffer_size - buffer_offset), 0);
+		if (in_size <= 0) {	/* end if input */
+			in_size = 0;
+			break;
+		}		/* if */
+		buffer_offset += in_size;
+		buffer_size += in_size;
+	}			/* while */
+	close (sockfd);
+	buffer_size = buffer_offset + in_size;
+	buffer = realloc (buffer, buffer_size);
+	if (buffer == NULL)
+		return EAGAIN;
+	if (strcmp (buffer, "EAGAIN") == 0) {
+		free (buffer);
+		return EAGAIN;
+	}			/* if */
+	if (strcmp (buffer, "EINVAL") == 0) {
+		free (buffer);
+		return EINVAL;
+	}			/* if */
+	node_list[0] = buffer;
+	return 0;
diff --git a/src/api/config_info.c b/src/api/config_info.c
index 142366afb990233a3a64b78a8ceee214f344a3a5..e616669c93ccc62ec10c64536a8e8578ee501892 100644
--- a/src/api/config_info.c
+++ b/src/api/config_info.c
@@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
- * partition_info.c - Get the partition information of SLURM
- * See slurm.h for documentation on external functions and data structures
+ * partition_info.c - get the partition information of slurm
+ * see slurm.h for documentation on external functions and data structures
- * Author: Moe Jette, jette@llnl.gov
+ * author: moe jette, jette@llnl.gov
@@ -20,179 +20,227 @@
 #include "slurm.h"
 #include "slurmlib.h"
-char *Build_API_Buffer = NULL;
-int  Build_API_Buffer_Size = 0;
+static char *build_api_buffer = NULL;
+static int build_api_buffer_size = 0;
+static pthread_mutex_t build_api_mutex = PTHREAD_MUTEX_INITIALIZER;
 /* main is used here for module testing purposes only */
-main(int argc, char * argv[]) {
-    char Req_Name[BUILD_SIZE], Next_Name[BUILD_SIZE], Value[BUILD_SIZE];
-    int Error_Code;
-    Error_Code = Load_Build();
-    if (Error_Code) {
-	printf("Load_Build error %d\n", Error_Code);
-	exit(1);
-    } /* if */
-    strcpy(Req_Name, "");	/* Start at beginning of build configuration list */
-    while (Error_Code == 0) {
-	Error_Code = Load_Build_Name(Req_Name, Next_Name, Value);
-	if (Error_Code != 0)  {
-	    printf("Load_Build_Name error %d finding %s\n", Error_Code, Req_Name);
-	    break;
-	} /* if */
-	printf("%s=%s\n", Req_Name, Value);
-	if (strlen(Next_Name) == 0) break;
-	strcpy(Req_Name, Next_Name);
-    } /* while */
-    Free_Build_Info();
-    exit(0);
-} /* main */
+main (int argc, char *argv[]) {
+	char req_name[BUILD_SIZE], next_name[BUILD_SIZE], value[BUILD_SIZE];
+	int error_code;
+	error_code = slurm_load_build ();
+	if (error_code) {
+		printf ("slurm_load_build error %d\n", error_code);
+		exit (1);
+	}			
+	strcpy (req_name, "");	/* start at beginning of build configuration list */
+	while (error_code == 0) {
+		error_code = slurm_load_build_name (req_name, next_name, value);
+		if (error_code != 0) {
+			printf ("slurm_load_build_name error %d finding %s\n",
+				error_code, req_name);
+			break;
+		}		
+		printf ("%s=%s\n", req_name, value);
+		if (strlen (next_name) == 0)
+			break;
+		strcpy (req_name, next_name);
+	}			
+	slurm_free_build_info ();
+	exit (0);
- * Free_Build_Info - Free the build information buffer (if allocated)
+ * slurm_free_build_info - free the build information buffer (if allocated)
+ * NOTE: buffer is loaded by load_build and used by load_build_name.
-void Free_Build_Info(void) {
-    if (Build_API_Buffer) free(Build_API_Buffer);
-} /* Free_Build_Info */
+void slurm_free_build_info (void) {
+	pthread_mutex_lock(&build_api_mutex);
+	if (build_api_buffer)
+		free (build_api_buffer);
+	build_api_buffer = NULL;
+	pthread_mutex_unlock(&build_api_mutex);
- * Load_Build - Update the build information buffer for use by info gathering APIs
- * Output: Returns 0 if no error, EINVAL if the buffer is invalid, ENOMEM if malloc failure
+ * slurm_load_build - update the build information buffer for use by info gathering APIs
+ * output: returns 0 if no error, EINVAL if the buffer is invalid, ENOMEM if malloc failure.
+ * NOTE: buffer is used by load_build_name and freed by free_build_info.
-int Load_Build() {
-    int Buffer_Offset, Buffer_Size, Error_Code, In_Size, Version;
-    char *Buffer, *My_Line;
-    int sockfd;
-    struct sockaddr_in serv_addr;
-    unsigned long My_Time;
-    if (Build_API_Buffer) return 0;	/* Already loaded */
-    if ((sockfd = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0)) < 0) return EINVAL;
-    serv_addr.sin_family	= PF_INET;
-    serv_addr.sin_addr.s_addr	= inet_addr(SLURMCTLD_HOST);
-    serv_addr.sin_port  	= htons(SLURMCTLD_PORT);
-    if (connect(sockfd, (struct sockaddr *) &serv_addr, sizeof(serv_addr)) < 0) {
-	close(sockfd); 
-	return EINVAL;
-    } /* if */
-    if (send(sockfd, "DumpBuild", 10, 0) < 10) {
-	close(sockfd); 
-	return EINVAL;
-    } /* if */
-    Buffer = NULL;
-    Buffer_Offset = 0;
-    Buffer_Size = 1024;
-    while (1) {
-    	Buffer = realloc(Buffer, Buffer_Size);
-	if (Buffer == NULL) {
-	    close(sockfd); 
-	    return ENOMEM;
-	} /* if */
-	In_Size = recv(sockfd, &Buffer[Buffer_Offset], (Buffer_Size-Buffer_Offset), 0);
-	if (In_Size <= 0) {	/* End if input */
-	    In_Size = 0; 
-	    break; 
-	} /* if */
-	Buffer_Offset +=  In_Size;
-	Buffer_Size += In_Size;
-    } /* while */
-    close(sockfd); 
-    Buffer_Size = Buffer_Offset + In_Size;
-    Buffer = realloc(Buffer, Buffer_Size);
-    if (Buffer == NULL) return ENOMEM;
-    Buffer_Offset = 0;
-    Error_Code = Read_Buffer(Buffer, &Buffer_Offset, Buffer_Size, &My_Line);
-    if ((Error_Code) || (strlen(My_Line) < strlen(HEAD_FORMAT))) {
+int slurm_load_build () {
+	int buffer_offset, buffer_size, error_code, in_size, version;
+	char *buffer, *my_line;
+	int sockfd;
+	struct sockaddr_in serv_addr;
+	unsigned long my_time;
+	if (build_api_buffer)
+		return 0;	/* already loaded */
+	if ((sockfd = socket (AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0)) < 0)
+		return EINVAL;
+	serv_addr.sin_family = PF_INET;
+	serv_addr.sin_addr.s_addr = inet_addr (SLURMCTLD_HOST);
+	serv_addr.sin_port = htons (SLURMCTLD_PORT);
+	if (connect
+	    (sockfd, (struct sockaddr *) &serv_addr,
+	     sizeof (serv_addr)) < 0) {
+		close (sockfd);
+		return EINVAL;
+	}			
+	if (send (sockfd, "DumpBuild", 10, 0) < 10) {
+		close (sockfd);
+		return EINVAL;
+	}			
+	buffer = NULL;
+	buffer_offset = 0;
+	buffer_size = 1024;
+	while (1) {
+		buffer = realloc (buffer, buffer_size);
+		if (buffer == NULL) {
+			close (sockfd);
+			return ENOMEM;
+		}		
+		in_size =
+			recv (sockfd, &buffer[buffer_offset],
+			      (buffer_size - buffer_offset), 0);
+		if (in_size <= 0) {	/* end if input */
+			in_size = 0;
+			break;
+		}		
+		buffer_offset += in_size;
+		buffer_size += in_size;
+	}			
+	close (sockfd);
+	buffer_size = buffer_offset + in_size;
+	buffer = realloc (buffer, buffer_size);
+	if (buffer == NULL)
+		return ENOMEM;
+	buffer_offset = 0;
+	error_code =
+		read_buffer (buffer, &buffer_offset, buffer_size, &my_line);
+	if ((error_code) || (strlen (my_line) < strlen (HEAD_FORMAT))) {
-	fprintf(stderr, "Load_Build: Node buffer lacks valid header\n");
+		fprintf (stderr,
+			 "load_build: node buffer lacks valid header\n");
-	syslog(LOG_ERR, "Load_Build: Node buffer lacks valid header\n");
+		syslog (LOG_ERR,
+			"load_build: node buffer lacks valid header\n");
-	free(Buffer);
-	return EINVAL;
-    } /* if */
-    sscanf(My_Line, HEAD_FORMAT, &My_Time, &Version);
-    if (Version != BUILD_STRUCT_VERSION) {
+		free (buffer);
+		return EINVAL;
+	}			
+	sscanf (my_line, HEAD_FORMAT, &my_time, &version);
+	if (version != BUILD_STRUCT_VERSION) {
-	fprintf(stderr, "Load_Build: expect version %d, read %d\n", BUILD_STRUCT_VERSION, Version);
+		fprintf (stderr, "load_build: expect version %d, read %d\n",
+			 BUILD_STRUCT_VERSION, version);
-	syslog(LOG_ERR, "Load_Build: expect version %d, read %d\n", BUILD_STRUCT_VERSION, Version);
+		syslog (LOG_ERR, "load_build: expect version %d, read %d\n",
-	free(Buffer);
-	return EINVAL;
-    } /* if */
-    Build_API_Buffer = Buffer;
-    Build_API_Buffer_Size = Buffer_Size;
-    return 0;
-} /* Load_Build */
+		free (buffer);
+		return EINVAL;
+	}			
+	pthread_mutex_lock(&build_api_mutex);
+	if (build_api_buffer) free(build_api_buffer);
+	build_api_buffer = buffer;
+	build_api_buffer_size = buffer_size;
+	pthread_mutex_unlock(&build_api_mutex);
+	return 0;
- * Load_Build_Name - Load the state information about the named build parameter
- * Input: Req_Name - Name of the parameter for which information is requested
+ * slurm_load_build_name - load the state information about the named build parameter
+ * input: req_name - name of the parameter for which information is requested
  *		     if "", then get info for the first parameter in list
- *        Next_Name - Location into which the name of the next parameter is 
+ *        next_name - location into which the name of the next parameter is 
  *                   stored, "" if no more
- *        Value - Pointer to location into which the information is to be stored
- * Output: Req_Name - The parameter's name is stored here
- *         Next_Name - The name of the next parameter in the list is stored here
- *         Value - The parameter's state information
- *         Returns 0 on success, ENOENT if not found, or EINVAL if buffer is bad
- * NOTE:  Req_Name, Next_Name, and Value must be declared by caller with have 
+ *        value - pointer to location into which the information is to be stored
+ * output: req_name - the parameter's name is stored here
+ *         next_name - the name of the next parameter in the list is stored here
+ *         value - the parameter's state information
+ *         returns 0 on success, ENOENT if not found, or EINVAL if buffer is bad
+ * NOTE:  req_name, next_name, and value must be declared by caller with have 
  *        length BUILD_SIZE or larger
+ * NOTE: buffer is loaded by load_build and freed by free_build_info.
-int Load_Build_Name(char *Req_Name, char *Next_Name, char *Value) {
-    int i, Error_Code, Version, Buffer_Offset;
-    static char Next_Build_Name[BUILD_SIZE] = "";
-    static Last_Buffer_Offset;
-    unsigned long My_Time;
-    char *My_Line;
-    char My_Build_Name[BUILD_SIZE], My_Build_Value[BUILD_SIZE];
-    /* Load buffer's header (data structure version and time) */
-    Buffer_Offset = 0;
-    Error_Code = Read_Buffer(Build_API_Buffer, &Buffer_Offset, Build_API_Buffer_Size, &My_Line);
-    if (Error_Code) return Error_Code;
-    sscanf(My_Line, HEAD_FORMAT, &My_Time, &Version);
-    if ((strcmp(Req_Name, Next_Build_Name) == 0) && 
-         (strlen(Req_Name) != 0)) Buffer_Offset=Last_Buffer_Offset;
-    while (1) {	
-	/* Load all info for next parameter */
-	Error_Code = Read_Buffer(Build_API_Buffer, &Buffer_Offset, Build_API_Buffer_Size, &My_Line);
-	if (Error_Code == EFAULT) break; /* End of buffer */
-	if (Error_Code) return Error_Code;
-	i=sscanf(My_Line, BUILD_STRUCT_FORMAT, My_Build_Name, My_Build_Value);
-	if (i == 1) strcpy(My_Build_Value, "");		/* empty string passed */
-	if (strlen(Req_Name) == 0)  strncpy(Req_Name, My_Build_Name, BUILD_SIZE);
-	/* Check if this is requested parameter */ 
-	if (strcmp(Req_Name, My_Build_Name) != 0) continue;
-	/*Load values to be returned */
-	strncpy(Value, My_Build_Value, BUILD_SIZE);
-	Last_Buffer_Offset = Buffer_Offset;
-	Error_Code = Read_Buffer(Build_API_Buffer, &Buffer_Offset, Build_API_Buffer_Size, &My_Line);
-	if (Error_Code) {	/* No more records */
-	    strcpy(Next_Build_Name, "");
-	    strcpy(Next_Name, "");
-	} else {
-	    sscanf(My_Line, BUILD_STRUCT_FORMAT, My_Build_Name, My_Build_Value);
-	    strncpy(Next_Build_Name, My_Build_Name, BUILD_SIZE);
-	    strncpy(Next_Name, My_Build_Name, BUILD_SIZE);
-	} /* else */
-	return 0;
-    } /* while */
-    return ENOENT;
-} /* Load_Build_Name */
+int slurm_load_build_name (char *req_name, char *next_name, char *value) {
+	int i, error_code, version, buffer_offset;
+	static char next_build_name[BUILD_SIZE] = "";
+	static last_buffer_offset;
+	unsigned long my_time;
+	char *my_line;
+	char my_build_name[BUILD_SIZE], my_build_value[BUILD_SIZE];
+	/* load buffer's header (data structure version and time) */
+	pthread_mutex_lock(&build_api_mutex);
+	buffer_offset = 0;
+	error_code =
+		read_buffer (build_api_buffer, &buffer_offset,
+			     build_api_buffer_size, &my_line);
+	if (error_code) {
+		pthread_mutex_unlock(&build_api_mutex);
+		return error_code;
+	}
+	sscanf (my_line, HEAD_FORMAT, &my_time, &version);
+	if ((strcmp (req_name, next_build_name) == 0) &&
+	    (strlen (req_name) != 0))
+		buffer_offset = last_buffer_offset;
+	while (1) {
+		/* load all info for next parameter */
+		error_code =
+			read_buffer (build_api_buffer, &buffer_offset,
+				     build_api_buffer_size, &my_line);
+		if (error_code == EFAULT)
+			break;	/* end of buffer */
+		if (error_code) {
+			pthread_mutex_unlock(&build_api_mutex);
+			return error_code;
+		}
+		i = sscanf (my_line, BUILD_STRUCT_FORMAT, my_build_name,
+			    my_build_value);
+		if (i == 1)
+			strcpy (my_build_value, "");	/* empty string passed */
+		if (strlen (req_name) == 0)
+			strncpy (req_name, my_build_name, BUILD_SIZE);
+		/* check if this is requested parameter */
+		if (strcmp (req_name, my_build_name) != 0)
+			continue;
+		/*load values to be returned */
+		strncpy (value, my_build_value, BUILD_SIZE);
+		last_buffer_offset = buffer_offset;
+		error_code =
+			read_buffer (build_api_buffer, &buffer_offset,
+				     build_api_buffer_size, &my_line);
+		if (error_code) {	/* no more records */
+			strcpy (next_build_name, "");
+			strcpy (next_name, "");
+		}
+		else {
+			sscanf (my_line, BUILD_STRUCT_FORMAT, my_build_name,
+				my_build_value);
+			strncpy (next_build_name, my_build_name, BUILD_SIZE);
+			strncpy (next_name, my_build_name, BUILD_SIZE);
+		}		
+		pthread_mutex_unlock(&build_api_mutex);
+		return 0;
+	}			
+	pthread_mutex_unlock(&build_api_mutex);
+	return ENOENT;
diff --git a/src/api/node_info.c b/src/api/node_info.c
index 98f7124d9966055b2cc2bed7a0f3948e24beed6a..5b1c74659193be715295676b6eeed4222bd481e5 100644
--- a/src/api/node_info.c
+++ b/src/api/node_info.c
@@ -1,15 +1,15 @@
- * node_info.c - Get the node records of SLURM
- * See slurm.h for documentation on external functions and data structures
+ * node_info.c - get the node records of slurm
+ * see slurm.h for documentation on external functions and data structures
- * Author: Moe Jette, jette@llnl.gov
+ * author: moe jette, jette@llnl.gov
 #define DEBUG_SYSTEM 1
 #  include <config.h>
 #include <errno.h>
 #include <stdio.h>
@@ -20,216 +20,255 @@
 #include "slurm.h"
 #include "slurmlib.h"
-char 	*Node_API_Buffer = NULL;
-int  	Node_API_Buffer_Size = 0;
+char *node_api_buffer = NULL;
+int node_api_buffer_size = 0;
 /* main is used here for testing purposes only */
-main(int argc, char * argv[]) {
-    static time_t Last_Update_Time = (time_t)NULL;
-    int Error_Code, size, i;
-    char Partition[MAX_NAME_LEN], Node_State[MAX_NAME_LEN], Features[FEATURE_SIZE];
-    char Req_Name[MAX_NAME_LEN];	/* Name of the partition */
-    char Next_Name[MAX_NAME_LEN];	/* Name of the next partition */
-    int CPUs, RealMemory, TmpDisk, Weight;
-    char *Dump;
-    int Dump_Size;
-    time_t Update_Time;
-    unsigned *NodeBitMap;	/* Bitmap of nodes in partition */
-    int BitMapSize;		/* Bytes in NodeBitMap */
-    Error_Code = Load_Node(&Last_Update_Time);
-    if (Error_Code) printf("Load_Node error %d\n", Error_Code);
-    strcpy(Req_Name, "");	/* Start at beginning of partition list */
-    for (i=1; ;i++) {
-	Error_Code = Load_Node_Config(Req_Name, Next_Name, &CPUs, &RealMemory, &TmpDisk, &Weight, 
-	    Features, Partition, Node_State);
-	if (Error_Code != 0)  {
-	    printf("Load_Node_Config error %d on %s\n", Error_Code, Req_Name);
-	    break;
-	} /* if */
-	if ((i<10) || (i%100 == 0)) {
-	    printf("Found node Name=%s CPUs=%d RealMemory=%d TmpDisk=%d ", 
-		Req_Name, CPUs, RealMemory, TmpDisk);
-	    printf("State=%s Weight=%d Features=%s Partition=%s\n", 
-	  	Node_State, Weight, Features, Partition);
-	} else if (i%100 == 1) 
-	    printf("Skipping...\n");
-	if (strlen(Next_Name) == 0) break;
-	strcpy(Req_Name, Next_Name);
-    } /* while */
-    Free_Node_Info();
-    exit(0);
-} /* main */
+main (int argc, char *argv[]) {
+	static time_t last_update_time = (time_t) NULL;
+	int error_code, size, i;
+	char partition[MAX_NAME_LEN], node_state[MAX_NAME_LEN],
+		features[FEATURE_SIZE];
+	char req_name[MAX_NAME_LEN];	/* name of the partition */
+	char next_name[MAX_NAME_LEN];	/* name of the next partition */
+	int cpus, real_memory, tmp_disk, weight;
+	char *dump;
+	int dump_size;
+	time_t update_time;
+	unsigned *node_bitmap;	/* bitmap of nodes in partition */
+	int bitmap_size;	/* bytes in node_bitmap */
+	error_code = load_node (&last_update_time);
+	if (error_code)
+		printf ("load_node error %d\n", error_code);
+	strcpy (req_name, "");	/* start at beginning of partition list */
+	for (i = 1;; i++) {
+		error_code =
+			load_node_config (req_name, next_name, &cpus,
+					  &real_memory, &tmp_disk, &weight,
+					  features, partition, node_state);
+		if (error_code != 0) {
+			printf ("load_node_config error %d on %s\n",
+				error_code, req_name);
+			break;
+		}		
+		if ((i < 10) || (i % 100 == 0)) {
+			printf ("found NodeName=%s CPUs=%d RealMemory=%d TmpDisk=%d ", 
+				req_name, cpus, real_memory, tmp_disk);
+			printf ("State=%s Weight=%d Features=%s Partition=%s\n", 
+				node_state, weight, features, partition);
+		}
+		else if ((i==10) || (i % 100 == 1))
+			printf ("skipping...\n");
+		if (strlen (next_name) == 0)
+			break;
+		strcpy (req_name, next_name);
+	}			
+	free_node_info ();
+	exit (0);
- * Free_Node_Info - Free the node information buffer (if allocated)
+ * free_node_info - free the node information buffer (if allocated)
+ * NOTE: buffer is loaded by load_node and used by load_node_name.
-void Free_Node_Info(void) {
-    if (Node_API_Buffer) free(Node_API_Buffer);
-} /* Free_Node_Info */
+free_node_info (void)
+	if (node_api_buffer)
+		free (node_api_buffer);
- * Load_Node - Load the supplied node information buffer for use by info gathering APIs if
+ * load_node - load the supplied node information buffer for use by info gathering apis if
  *	node records have changed since the time specified. 
- * Input: Buffer - Pointer to node information buffer
- *        Buffer_Size - size of Buffer
- * Output: Returns 0 if no error, EINVAL if the buffer is invalid, ENOMEM if malloc failure
+ * input: buffer - pointer to node information buffer
+ *        buffer_size - size of buffer
+ * output: returns 0 if no error, EINVAL if the buffer is invalid, ENOMEM if malloc failure
+ * NOTE: buffer is used by load_node_config and freed by free_node_info.
-int Load_Node(time_t *Last_Update_Time) {
-    int Buffer_Offset, Buffer_Size, Error_Code, In_Size, Version;
-    char Request_Msg[64], *Buffer, *My_Line;
-    int sockfd;
-    struct sockaddr_in serv_addr;
-    unsigned long My_Time;
-    if ((sockfd = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0)) < 0) return EINVAL;
-    serv_addr.sin_family	= PF_INET;
-    serv_addr.sin_addr.s_addr	= inet_addr(SLURMCTLD_HOST);
-    serv_addr.sin_port  	= htons(SLURMCTLD_PORT);
-    if (connect(sockfd, (struct sockaddr *) &serv_addr, sizeof(serv_addr)) < 0) {
-	close(sockfd); 
-	return EINVAL;
-    } /* if */
-    sprintf(Request_Msg, "DumpNode LastUpdate=%lu", (long)(*Last_Update_Time));
-    if (send(sockfd, Request_Msg, strlen(Request_Msg)+1, 0) < strlen(Request_Msg)) {
-	close(sockfd); 
-	return EINVAL;
-    } /* if */
-    Buffer = NULL;
-    Buffer_Offset = 0;
-    Buffer_Size = 8 * 1024;
-    while (1) {
-    	Buffer = realloc(Buffer, Buffer_Size);
-	if (Buffer == NULL) {
-	    close(sockfd); 
-	    return ENOMEM;
-	} /* if */
-	In_Size = recv(sockfd, &Buffer[Buffer_Offset], (Buffer_Size-Buffer_Offset), 0);
-	if (In_Size <= 0) {	/* End if input */
-	    In_Size = 0; 
-	    break; 
-	} /* if */
-	Buffer_Offset +=  In_Size;
-	Buffer_Size += In_Size;
-    } /* while */
-    close(sockfd); 
-    Buffer_Size = Buffer_Offset + In_Size;
-    Buffer = realloc(Buffer, Buffer_Size);
-    if (Buffer == NULL) return ENOMEM;
-    if (strcmp(Buffer, "NOCHANGE") == 0) {
-	free(Buffer);
-	return 0;
-    } /* if */
+load_node (time_t * last_update_time) {
+	int buffer_offset, buffer_size, error_code, in_size, version;
+	char request_msg[64], *buffer, *my_line;
+	int sockfd;
+	struct sockaddr_in serv_addr;
+	unsigned long my_time;
+	if ((sockfd = socket (AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0)) < 0)
+		return EINVAL;
+	serv_addr.sin_family = PF_INET;
+	serv_addr.sin_addr.s_addr = inet_addr (SLURMCTLD_HOST);
+	serv_addr.sin_port = htons (SLURMCTLD_PORT);
+	if (connect
+	    (sockfd, (struct sockaddr *) &serv_addr,
+	     sizeof (serv_addr)) < 0) {
+		close (sockfd);
+		return EINVAL;
+	}			
+	sprintf (request_msg, "DumpNode LastUpdate=%lu",
+		 (long) (*last_update_time));
+	if (send (sockfd, request_msg, strlen (request_msg) + 1, 0) <
+	    strlen (request_msg)) {
+		close (sockfd);
+		return EINVAL;
+	}			
+	buffer = NULL;
+	buffer_offset = 0;
+	buffer_size = 8 * 1024;
+	while (1) {
+		buffer = realloc (buffer, buffer_size);
+		if (buffer == NULL) {
+			close (sockfd);
+			return ENOMEM;
+		}		
+		in_size =
+			recv (sockfd, &buffer[buffer_offset],
+			      (buffer_size - buffer_offset), 0);
+		if (in_size <= 0) {	/* end if input */
+			in_size = 0;
+			break;
+		}		
+		buffer_offset += in_size;
+		buffer_size += in_size;
+	}			
+	close (sockfd);
+	buffer_size = buffer_offset + in_size;
+	buffer = realloc (buffer, buffer_size);
+	if (buffer == NULL)
+		return ENOMEM;
+	if (strcmp (buffer, "nochange") == 0) {
+		free (buffer);
+		return 0;
+	}			
-    /* Load buffer's header (data structure version and time) */
-    Buffer_Offset = 0;
-    Error_Code = Read_Buffer(Buffer, &Buffer_Offset, Buffer_Size, &My_Line);
-    if ((Error_Code) || (strlen(My_Line) < strlen(HEAD_FORMAT))) {
+	/* load buffer's header (data structure version and time) */
+	buffer_offset = 0;
+	error_code =
+		read_buffer (buffer, &buffer_offset, buffer_size, &my_line);
+	if ((error_code) || (strlen (my_line) < strlen (HEAD_FORMAT))) {
-	fprintf(stderr, "Load_Node: Node buffer lacks valid header\n");
+		fprintf (stderr,
+			 "load_node: node buffer lacks valid header\n");
-	syslog(LOG_ERR, "Load_Node: Node buffer lacks valid header\n");
+		syslog (LOG_ERR,
+			"load_node: node buffer lacks valid header\n");
-	free(Buffer);
-	return EINVAL;
-    } /* if */
-    sscanf(My_Line, HEAD_FORMAT, &My_Time, &Version);
+		free (buffer);
+		return EINVAL;
+	}			
+	sscanf (my_line, HEAD_FORMAT, &my_time, &version);
-    if (Version != NODE_STRUCT_VERSION) {
+	if (version != NODE_STRUCT_VERSION) {
-	fprintf(stderr, "Load_Part: expect version %d, read %d\n", NODE_STRUCT_VERSION, Version);
+		fprintf (stderr, "load_part: expect version %d, read %d\n",
+			 NODE_STRUCT_VERSION, version);
-	syslog(LOG_ERR, "Load_Part: expect version %d, read %d\n", NODE_STRUCT_VERSION, Version);
+		syslog (LOG_ERR, "load_part: expect version %d, read %d\n",
+			NODE_STRUCT_VERSION, version);
-	free(Buffer);
-	return EINVAL;
-    } /* if */
+		free (buffer);
+		return EINVAL;
+	}			
-    *Last_Update_Time = (time_t)My_Time;
-    Node_API_Buffer = Buffer;
-    Node_API_Buffer_Size = Buffer_Size;
-    return 0;
-} /* Load_Node */
+	*last_update_time = (time_t) my_time;
+	node_api_buffer = buffer;
+	node_api_buffer_size = buffer_size;
+	return 0;
- * Load_Node_Config - Load the state information about the named node
- * Input: Req_Name - Name of the node for which information is requested
+ * load_node_config - load the state information about the named node
+ * input: req_name - name of the node for which information is requested
  *		     if "", then get info for the first node in list
- *        Next_Name - Location into which the name of the next node is 
+ *        next_name - location into which the name of the next node is 
  *                   stored, "" if no more
- *        CPUs, etc. - Pointers into which the information is to be stored
- * Output: Next_Name - Name of the next node in the list
- *         CPUs, etc. - The node's state information
- *         Returns 0 on success, ENOENT if not found, or EINVAL if buffer is bad
- * NOTE:  Req_Name, Next_Name, Partition, and NodeState must be declared by the 
+ *        cpus, etc. - pointers into which the information is to be stored
+ * output: next_name - name of the next node in the list
+ *         cpus, etc. - the node's state information
+ *         returns 0 on success, ENOENT if not found, or EINVAL if buffer is bad
+ * NOTE:  req_name, next_name, partition, and node_state must be declared by the 
  *        caller and have length MAX_NAME_LEN or larger
- *        Features must be declared by the caller and have length FEATURE_SIZE or larger
+ *        features must be declared by the caller and have length FEATURE_SIZE or larger.
+ * NOTE: buffer is loaded by load_node and freed by free_node_info.
-int Load_Node_Config(char *Req_Name, char *Next_Name, int *CPUs, 
-	int *RealMemory, int *TmpDisk, int *Weight, char *Features,
-	char *Partition, char *NodeState) {
-    int i, Error_Code, Version, Buffer_Offset, My_Weight;
-    static time_t Last_Update_Time, Update_Time;
-    struct Node_Record My_Node;
-    static char Next_Name_Value[MAX_NAME_LEN];
-    static Last_Buffer_Offset;
-    char My_NodeName[MAX_NAME_LEN], *My_Line;
-    unsigned long My_Time;
-    /* Load buffer's header (data structure version and time) */
-    Buffer_Offset = 0;
-    Error_Code = Read_Buffer(Node_API_Buffer, &Buffer_Offset, Node_API_Buffer_Size, &My_Line);
-    if (Error_Code) return Error_Code;
-    sscanf(My_Line, HEAD_FORMAT, &My_Time, &Version);
-    Update_Time = (time_t) My_Time;
-    if ((Update_Time == Last_Update_Time) && (strcmp(Req_Name,Next_Name_Value) == 0) && 
-         (strlen(Req_Name) != 0)) Buffer_Offset=Last_Buffer_Offset;
-    Last_Update_Time = Update_Time;
-    while (1) {
-	 /* Load all information for next node */
-	Error_Code = Read_Buffer(Node_API_Buffer, &Buffer_Offset, Node_API_Buffer_Size, &My_Line);
-	if (Error_Code == EFAULT) break; /* End of buffer */
-	if (Error_Code) return Error_Code;
-	sscanf(My_Line, NODE_STRUCT_FORMAT, 
-		My_NodeName, 
-		NodeState, 
-		&My_Node.CPUs, 
-		&My_Node.RealMemory,
-		&My_Node.TmpDisk, 
-		&My_Weight,
-		Features, 
-		Partition);
-	if (strlen(Req_Name) == 0)  strncpy(Req_Name, My_NodeName, MAX_NAME_LEN);
-	/* Check if this is requested node */ 
-	if (strcmp(Req_Name, My_NodeName) != 0) continue;
-	/*Load values to be returned */
-	*CPUs = My_Node.CPUs;
-	*RealMemory = My_Node.RealMemory;
-	*TmpDisk = My_Node.TmpDisk;
-	*Weight = My_Weight;
-	Last_Buffer_Offset = Buffer_Offset;
-	Error_Code = Read_Buffer(Node_API_Buffer, &Buffer_Offset, Node_API_Buffer_Size, &My_Line);
-	if (Error_Code) {	/* No more records */
-	    strcpy(Next_Name_Value, "");
-	    strcpy(Next_Name, "");
-	} else {
-	    sscanf(My_Line, "NodeName=%s", My_NodeName);
-	    strncpy(Next_Name_Value, My_NodeName, MAX_NAME_LEN);
-	    strncpy(Next_Name, My_NodeName, MAX_NAME_LEN);
-	} /* else */
-	return 0;
-    } /* while */
-    return ENOENT;
-} /* Load_Node_Config */
+load_node_config (char *req_name, char *next_name, int *cpus,
+		  int *real_memory, int *tmp_disk, int *weight,
+		  char *features, char *partition, char *node_state) {
+	int i, error_code, version, buffer_offset, my_weight;
+	static time_t last_update_time, update_time;
+	struct node_record my_node;
+	static char next_name_value[MAX_NAME_LEN];
+	static last_buffer_offset;
+	char my_node_name[MAX_NAME_LEN], *my_line;
+	unsigned long my_time;
+	/* load buffer's header (data structure version and time) */
+	buffer_offset = 0;
+	error_code =
+		read_buffer (node_api_buffer, &buffer_offset,
+			     node_api_buffer_size, &my_line);
+	if (error_code)
+		return error_code;
+	sscanf (my_line, HEAD_FORMAT, &my_time, &version);
+	update_time = (time_t) my_time;
+	if ((update_time == last_update_time)
+	    && (strcmp (req_name, next_name_value) == 0)
+	    && (strlen (req_name) != 0))
+		buffer_offset = last_buffer_offset;
+	last_update_time = update_time;
+	while (1) {
+		/* load all information for next node */
+		error_code =
+			read_buffer (node_api_buffer, &buffer_offset,
+				     node_api_buffer_size, &my_line);
+		if (error_code == EFAULT)
+			break;	/* end of buffer */
+		if (error_code)
+			return error_code;
+		sscanf (my_line, NODE_STRUCT_FORMAT,
+			my_node_name,
+			node_state,
+			&my_node.cpus,
+			&my_node.real_memory,
+			&my_node.tmp_disk, &my_weight, features, partition);
+		if (strlen (req_name) == 0)
+			strncpy (req_name, my_node_name, MAX_NAME_LEN);
+		/* check if this is requested node */
+		if (strcmp (req_name, my_node_name) != 0)
+			continue;
+		/*load values to be returned */
+		*cpus = my_node.cpus;
+		*real_memory = my_node.real_memory;
+		*tmp_disk = my_node.tmp_disk;
+		*weight = my_weight;
+		last_buffer_offset = buffer_offset;
+		error_code =
+			read_buffer (node_api_buffer, &buffer_offset,
+				     node_api_buffer_size, &my_line);
+		if (error_code) {	/* no more records */
+			strcpy (next_name_value, "");
+			strcpy (next_name, "");
+		}
+		else {
+			sscanf (my_line, "NodeName=%s", my_node_name);
+			strncpy (next_name_value, my_node_name, MAX_NAME_LEN);
+			strncpy (next_name, my_node_name, MAX_NAME_LEN);
+		}		/* else */
+		return 0;
+	}			
+	return ENOENT;
diff --git a/src/api/partition_info.c b/src/api/partition_info.c
index 5d3ac2be9cfa80ad3cbd676e17c31c2540083b4c..6d5a0e7a6fc3f7392f2bad715897e6433daf4203 100644
--- a/src/api/partition_info.c
+++ b/src/api/partition_info.c
@@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
- * partition_info.c - Get the partition information of SLURM
- * See slurm.h for documentation on external functions and data structures
+ * partition_info.c - get the partition information of slurm
+ * see slurm.h for documentation on external functions and data structures
- * Author: Moe Jette, jette@llnl.gov
+ * author: moe jette, jette@llnl.gov
@@ -20,239 +20,280 @@
 #include "slurm.h"
 #include "slurmlib.h"
-char *Part_API_Buffer = NULL;
-int  Part_API_Buffer_Size = 0;
+char *part_api_buffer = NULL;
+int part_api_buffer_size = 0;
 /* main is used here for module testing purposes only */
-main(int argc, char * argv[]) {
-    static time_t Last_Update_Time = (time_t)NULL;
-    int Error_Code;
-    char Req_Name[MAX_NAME_LEN];	/* Name of the partition */
-    char Next_Name[MAX_NAME_LEN];	/* Name of the next partition */
-    int MaxTime;			/* -1 if unlimited */
-    int MaxNodes;			/* -1 if unlimited */
-    int TotalNodes;			/* Total number of nodes in the partition */
-    int TotalCPUs;			/* Total number of CPUs in the partition */
-    char Nodes[FEATURE_SIZE];		/* Names of nodes in partition */
-    char AllowGroups[FEATURE_SIZE];	/* NULL indicates ALL */
-    int Key;    	 		/* 1 if SLURM distributed key is required for use of partition */
-    int StateUp;			/* 1 if state is UP */
-    int Shared;				/* 1 if partition can be shared */
-    int Default;			/* 1 if default partition */
+main (int argc, char *argv[]) {
+	static time_t last_update_time = (time_t) NULL;
+	int error_code;
+	char req_name[MAX_NAME_LEN];	/* name of the partition */
+	char next_name[MAX_NAME_LEN];	/* name of the next partition */
+	int max_time;		/* -1 if unlimited */
+	int max_nodes;		/* -1 if unlimited */
+	int total_nodes;	/* total number of nodes in the partition */
+	int total_cpus;		/* total number of cpus in the partition */
+	char nodes[FEATURE_SIZE];	/* names of nodes in partition */
+	char allow_groups[FEATURE_SIZE];	/* NULL indicates all */
+	int key;		/* 1 if slurm distributed key is required for use of partition */
+	int state_up;		/* 1 if state is up */
+	int shared;		/* 1 if partition can be shared */
+	int default_flag;	/* 1 if default partition */
-    Error_Code = Load_Part(&Last_Update_Time);
-    if (Error_Code) {
-	printf("Load_Part error %d\n", Error_Code);
-	exit(1);
-    } /* if */
-    strcpy(Req_Name, "");	/* Start at beginning of partition list */
-    while (Error_Code == 0) {
-	Error_Code = Load_Part_Name(Req_Name, Next_Name, &MaxTime, &MaxNodes, 
-	    &TotalNodes, &TotalCPUs, &Key, &StateUp, &Shared, &Default, 
-	    Nodes, AllowGroups);
-	if (Error_Code != 0)  {
-	    printf("Load_Part_Name error %d finding %s\n", Error_Code, Req_Name);
-	    break;
-	} /* if */
+	error_code = load_part (&last_update_time);
+	if (error_code) {
+		printf ("load_part error %d\n", error_code);
+		exit (1);
+	}			
+	strcpy (req_name, "");	/* start at beginning of partition list */
+	while (error_code == 0) {
+		error_code =
+			load_part_name (req_name, next_name, &max_time,
+					&max_nodes, &total_nodes, &total_cpus,
+					&key, &state_up, &shared, &default_flag,
+					nodes, allow_groups);
+		if (error_code != 0) {
+			printf ("load_part_name error %d finding %s\n",
+				error_code, req_name);
+			break;
+		}		
-	printf("Found partition Name=%s Nodes=%s MaxTime=%d MaxNodes=%d Default=%d \n", 
-	    Req_Name, Nodes, MaxTime, MaxNodes, Default);
-	printf("  TotalNodes=%d TotalCPUs=%d Key=%d StateUp=%d Shared=%d AllowGroups=%s\n", 
-	    TotalNodes, TotalCPUs, Key, StateUp, Shared, AllowGroups);
-	if (strlen(Next_Name) == 0) break;
-	strcpy(Req_Name, Next_Name);
-    } /* while */
-    Free_Part_Info();
-    exit(0);
-} /* main */
+		printf ("found partition NodeName=%s Nodes=%s MaxTime=%d MaxNodes=%d\n", 
+			req_name, nodes, max_time, max_nodes, default_flag);
+		printf ("  Default=%d TotalNodes=%d TotalCPUs=%d Key=%d StateUp=%d\n", 
+			default_flag, total_nodes, total_cpus, key, state_up);
+		printf ("  Shared=%d AllowGroups=%s\n", shared, allow_groups);
+		if (strlen (next_name) == 0)
+			break;
+		strcpy (req_name, next_name);
+	}			
+	free_part_info ();
+	exit (0);
- * Free_Part_Info - Free the partition information buffer (if allocated)
+ * free_part_info - free the partition information buffer (if allocated)
+ * NOTE: buffer is loaded by load_part and used by load_part_name.
-void Free_Part_Info(void) {
-    if (Part_API_Buffer) free(Part_API_Buffer);
-} /* Free_Part_Info */
+free_part_info (void) {
+	if (part_api_buffer)
+		free (part_api_buffer);
- * Load_Part - Update the partition information buffer for use by info gathering APIs if 
+ * load_part - update the partition information buffer for use by info gathering apis if 
  *	partition records have changed since the time specified. 
- * Input: Last_Update_Time - Pointer to time of last buffer
- * Output: Last_Update_Time - Time reset if buffer is updated
- *         Returns 0 if no error, EINVAL if the buffer is invalid, ENOMEM if malloc failure
+ * input: last_update_time - pointer to time of last buffer
+ * output: last_update_time - time reset if buffer is updated
+ *         returns 0 if no error, EINVAL if the buffer is invalid, ENOMEM if malloc failure
+ * NOTE: buffer is used by load_part_name and free by free_part_info.
-int Load_Part(time_t *Last_Update_Time) {
-    int Buffer_Offset, Buffer_Size, Error_Code, In_Size, Version;
-    char Request_Msg[64], *Buffer, *My_Line;
-    int sockfd;
-    struct sockaddr_in serv_addr;
-    unsigned long My_Time;
+load_part (time_t * last_update_time) {
+	int buffer_offset, buffer_size, error_code, in_size, version;
+	char request_msg[64], *buffer, *my_line;
+	int sockfd;
+	struct sockaddr_in serv_addr;
+	unsigned long my_time;
-    if ((sockfd = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0)) < 0) return EINVAL;
-    serv_addr.sin_family	= PF_INET;
-    serv_addr.sin_addr.s_addr	= inet_addr(SLURMCTLD_HOST);
-    serv_addr.sin_port  	= htons(SLURMCTLD_PORT);
-    if (connect(sockfd, (struct sockaddr *) &serv_addr, sizeof(serv_addr)) < 0) {
-	close(sockfd); 
-	return EINVAL;
-    } /* if */
-    sprintf(Request_Msg, "DumpPart LastUpdate=%lu", (long)(*Last_Update_Time));
-    if (send(sockfd, Request_Msg, strlen(Request_Msg)+1, 0) < strlen(Request_Msg)) {
-	close(sockfd); 
-	return EINVAL;
-    } /* if */
-    Buffer = NULL;
-    Buffer_Offset = 0;
-    Buffer_Size = 1024;
-    while (1) {
-    	Buffer = realloc(Buffer, Buffer_Size);
-	if (Buffer == NULL) {
-	    close(sockfd); 
-	    return ENOMEM;
-	} /* if */
-	In_Size = recv(sockfd, &Buffer[Buffer_Offset], (Buffer_Size-Buffer_Offset), 0);
-	if (In_Size <= 0) {	/* End if input */
-	    In_Size = 0; 
-	    break; 
-	} /* if */
-	Buffer_Offset +=  In_Size;
-	Buffer_Size += In_Size;
-    } /* while */
-    close(sockfd); 
-    Buffer_Size = Buffer_Offset + In_Size;
-    Buffer = realloc(Buffer, Buffer_Size);
-    if (Buffer == NULL) return ENOMEM;
-    if (strcmp(Buffer, "NOCHANGE") == 0) {
-	free(Buffer);
-	return 0;
-    } /* if */
+	if ((sockfd = socket (AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0)) < 0)
+		return EINVAL;
+	serv_addr.sin_family = PF_INET;
+	serv_addr.sin_addr.s_addr = inet_addr (SLURMCTLD_HOST);
+	serv_addr.sin_port = htons (SLURMCTLD_PORT);
+	if (connect
+	    (sockfd, (struct sockaddr *) &serv_addr,
+	     sizeof (serv_addr)) < 0) {
+		close (sockfd);
+		return EINVAL;
+	}			
+	sprintf (request_msg, "DumpPart LastUpdate=%lu",
+		 (long) (*last_update_time));
+	if (send (sockfd, request_msg, strlen (request_msg) + 1, 0) <
+	    strlen (request_msg)) {
+		close (sockfd);
+		return EINVAL;
+	}			
+	buffer = NULL;
+	buffer_offset = 0;
+	buffer_size = 1024;
+	while (1) {
+		buffer = realloc (buffer, buffer_size);
+		if (buffer == NULL) {
+			close (sockfd);
+			return ENOMEM;
+		}		
+		in_size =
+			recv (sockfd, &buffer[buffer_offset],
+			      (buffer_size - buffer_offset), 0);
+		if (in_size <= 0) {	/* end if input */
+			in_size = 0;
+			break;
+		}		
+		buffer_offset += in_size;
+		buffer_size += in_size;
+	}			
+	close (sockfd);
+	buffer_size = buffer_offset + in_size;
+	buffer = realloc (buffer, buffer_size);
+	if (buffer == NULL)
+		return ENOMEM;
+	if (strcmp (buffer, "nochange") == 0) {
+		free (buffer);
+		return 0;
+	}			
-    Buffer_Offset = 0;
-    Error_Code = Read_Buffer(Buffer, &Buffer_Offset, Buffer_Size, &My_Line);
-    if ((Error_Code) || (strlen(My_Line) < strlen(HEAD_FORMAT))) {
+	buffer_offset = 0;
+	error_code =
+		read_buffer (buffer, &buffer_offset, buffer_size, &my_line);
+	if ((error_code) || (strlen (my_line) < strlen (HEAD_FORMAT))) {
-	fprintf(stderr, "Load_Part: Node buffer lacks valid header\n");
+		fprintf (stderr,
+			 "load_part: node buffer lacks valid header\n");
-	syslog(LOG_ERR, "Load_Part: Node buffer lacks valid header\n");
+		syslog (LOG_ERR,
+			"load_part: node buffer lacks valid header\n");
-	free(Buffer);
-	return EINVAL;
-    } /* if */
-    sscanf(My_Line, HEAD_FORMAT, &My_Time, &Version);
-    if (Version != PART_STRUCT_VERSION) {
+		free (buffer);
+		return EINVAL;
+	}			
+	sscanf (my_line, HEAD_FORMAT, &my_time, &version);
+	if (version != PART_STRUCT_VERSION) {
-	fprintf(stderr, "Load_Part: expect version %d, read %d\n", PART_STRUCT_VERSION, Version);
+		fprintf (stderr, "load_part: expect version %d, read %d\n",
+			 PART_STRUCT_VERSION, version);
-	syslog(LOG_ERR, "Load_Part: expect version %d, read %d\n", PART_STRUCT_VERSION, Version);
+		syslog (LOG_ERR, "load_part: expect version %d, read %d\n",
+			PART_STRUCT_VERSION, version);
-	free(Buffer);
-	return EINVAL;
-    } /* if */
+		free (buffer);
+		return EINVAL;
+	}			
-    *Last_Update_Time = (time_t)My_Time;
-    Part_API_Buffer = Buffer;
-    Part_API_Buffer_Size = Buffer_Size;
-    return 0;
-} /* Load_Part */
+	*last_update_time = (time_t) my_time;
+	part_api_buffer = buffer;
+	part_api_buffer_size = buffer_size;
+	return 0;
- * Load_Part_Name - Load the state information about the named partition
- * Input: Req_Name - Name of the partition for which information is requested
+ * load_part_name - load the state information about the named partition
+ * input: req_name - name of the partition for which information is requested
  *		     if "", then get info for the first partition in list
- *        Next_Name - Location into which the name of the next partition is 
+ *        next_name - location into which the name of the next partition is 
  *                   stored, "" if no more
- *        MaxTime, etc. - Pointers into which the information is to be stored
- * Output: Req_Name - The partition's name is stored here
- *         Next_Name - The name of the next partition in the list is stored here
- *         MaxTime, etc. - The partition's state information
- *         Returns 0 on success, ENOENT if not found, or EINVAL if buffer is bad
- * NOTE:  Req_Name and Next_Name must be declared by caller with have length MAX_NAME_LEN or larger
- *        Nodes and AllowGroups must be declared by caller with length of FEATURE_SIZE or larger
+ *        max_time, etc. - pointers into which the information is to be stored
+ * output: req_name - the partition's name is stored here
+ *         next_name - the name of the next partition in the list is stored here
+ *         max_time, etc. - the partition's state information
+ *         returns 0 on success, ENOENT if not found, or EINVAL if buffer is bad
+ * NOTE:  req_name and next_name must be declared by caller with have length MAX_NAME_LEN or larger.
+ *        nodes and allow_groups must be declared by caller with length of FEATURE_SIZE or larger.
+ * NOTE: buffer is loaded by load_part and free by free_part_info.
-int Load_Part_Name(char *Req_Name, char *Next_Name, int *MaxTime, int *MaxNodes, 
-	int *TotalNodes, int *TotalCPUs, int *Key, int *StateUp, int *Shared, int *Default,
-	char *Nodes, char *AllowGroups) {
-    int i, Error_Code, Version, Buffer_Offset;
-    static time_t Last_Update_Time, Update_Time;
-    struct Part_Record My_Part;
-    static char Next_Name_Value[MAX_NAME_LEN];
-    char My_Part_Name[MAX_NAME_LEN], My_Key[MAX_NAME_LEN], My_Default[MAX_NAME_LEN];
-    char My_Shared[MAX_NAME_LEN], My_State[MAX_NAME_LEN], *My_Line;
-    static Last_Buffer_Offset;
-    unsigned long My_Time;
+load_part_name (char *req_name, char *next_name, int *max_time,
+		int *max_nodes, int *total_nodes, int *total_cpus, int *key,
+		int *state_up, int *shared, int *default_flag, char *nodes,
+		char *allow_groups) {
+	int i, error_code, version, buffer_offset;
+	static time_t last_update_time, update_time;
+	struct part_record my_part;
+	static char next_name_value[MAX_NAME_LEN];
+	char my_part_name[MAX_NAME_LEN], my_key[MAX_NAME_LEN],
+		my_default[MAX_NAME_LEN];
+	char my_shared[MAX_NAME_LEN], my_state[MAX_NAME_LEN], *my_line;
+	static last_buffer_offset;
+	unsigned long my_time;
-    /* Load buffer's header (data structure version and time) */
-    Buffer_Offset = 0;
-    Error_Code = Read_Buffer(Part_API_Buffer, &Buffer_Offset, Part_API_Buffer_Size, &My_Line);
-    if (Error_Code) return Error_Code;
-    sscanf(My_Line, HEAD_FORMAT, &My_Time, &Version);
-    Update_Time = (time_t) My_Time;
+	/* load buffer's header (data structure version and time) */
+	buffer_offset = 0;
+	error_code =
+		read_buffer (part_api_buffer, &buffer_offset,
+			     part_api_buffer_size, &my_line);
+	if (error_code)
+		return error_code;
+	sscanf (my_line, HEAD_FORMAT, &my_time, &version);
+	update_time = (time_t) my_time;
-    if ((Update_Time == Last_Update_Time) && (strcmp(Req_Name,Next_Name_Value) == 0) && 
-         (strlen(Req_Name) != 0)) Buffer_Offset=Last_Buffer_Offset;
-    Last_Update_Time = Update_Time;
+	if ((update_time == last_update_time)
+	    && (strcmp (req_name, next_name_value) == 0)
+	    && (strlen (req_name) != 0))
+		buffer_offset = last_buffer_offset;
+	last_update_time = update_time;
-    while (1) {	
-	/* Load all info for next partition */
-	Error_Code = Read_Buffer(Part_API_Buffer, &Buffer_Offset, Part_API_Buffer_Size, &My_Line);
-	if (Error_Code == EFAULT) break; /* End of buffer */
-	if (Error_Code) return Error_Code;
+	while (1) {
+		/* load all info for next partition */
+		error_code =
+			read_buffer (part_api_buffer, &buffer_offset,
+				     part_api_buffer_size, &my_line);
+		if (error_code == EFAULT)
+			break;	/* end of buffer */
+		if (error_code)
+			return error_code;
-	sscanf(My_Line, PART_STRUCT_FORMAT, 
-		My_Part_Name, 
-		&My_Part.MaxNodes, 
-		&My_Part.MaxTime, 
-		Nodes, 
-		My_Key,
-		My_Default,
-		AllowGroups,
-		My_Shared,
-		My_State,
-		&My_Part.TotalNodes, 
-		&My_Part.TotalCPUs);
+		sscanf (my_line, PART_STRUCT_FORMAT,
+			my_part_name,
+			&my_part.max_nodes,
+			&my_part.max_time,
+			nodes,
+			my_key,
+			my_default,
+			allow_groups,
+			my_shared,
+			my_state, &my_part.total_nodes, &my_part.total_cpus);
-	if (strlen(Req_Name) == 0)  strcpy(Req_Name, My_Part_Name);
+		if (strlen (req_name) == 0)
+			strcpy (req_name, my_part_name);
-	/* Check if this is requested partition */ 
-	if (strcmp(Req_Name, My_Part_Name) != 0) continue;
+		/* check if this is requested partition */
+		if (strcmp (req_name, my_part_name) != 0)
+			continue;
-	/*Load values to be returned */
-	*MaxTime 	= My_Part.MaxTime;
-	*MaxNodes 	= My_Part.MaxNodes;
-	*TotalNodes	= My_Part.TotalNodes;
-	*TotalCPUs	= My_Part.TotalCPUs;
-	if (strcmp(My_Key, "YES") == 0)
-	    *Key = 1;
-	else
-	    *Key = 0;
-	if (strcmp(My_Default, "YES") == 0)
-	    *Default = 1;
-	else
-	    *Default = 0;
-	if (strcmp(My_State, "UP") == 0) 
-	    *StateUp = 1;
-	else
-	    *StateUp = 0;
-	if (strcmp(My_Shared, "YES") == 0) 
-	    *Shared = 1;
-	else
-	    *Shared = 0;
+		/*load values to be returned */
+		*max_time = my_part.max_time;
+		*max_nodes = my_part.max_nodes;
+		*total_nodes = my_part.total_nodes;
+		*total_cpus = my_part.total_cpus;
+		if (strcmp (my_key, "YES") == 0)
+			*key = 1;
+		else
+			*key = 0;
+		if (strcmp (my_default, "YES") == 0)
+			*default_flag = 1;
+		else
+			*default_flag = 0;
+		if (strcmp (my_state, "UP") == 0)
+			*state_up = 1;
+		else
+			*state_up = 0;
+		if (strcmp (my_shared, "YES") == 0)
+			*shared = 1;
+		else if (strcmp (my_shared, "NO") == 0)
+			*shared = 0;
+		else	/* FORCE */
+			*shared = 2;
-	Last_Buffer_Offset = Buffer_Offset;
-	Error_Code = Read_Buffer(Part_API_Buffer, &Buffer_Offset, Part_API_Buffer_Size, &My_Line);
-	if (Error_Code) {	/* No more records */
-	    strcpy(Next_Name_Value, "");
-	    strcpy(Next_Name, "");
-	} else {
-	    sscanf(My_Line, "PartitionName=%s", My_Part_Name);
-	    strncpy(Next_Name_Value, My_Part_Name, MAX_NAME_LEN);
-	    strncpy(Next_Name, My_Part_Name, MAX_NAME_LEN);
-	} /* else */
-	return 0;
-    } /* while */
-    return ENOENT;
-} /* Load_Part_Name */
+		last_buffer_offset = buffer_offset;
+		error_code =
+			read_buffer (part_api_buffer, &buffer_offset,
+				     part_api_buffer_size, &my_line);
+		if (error_code) {	/* no more records */
+			strcpy (next_name_value, "");
+			strcpy (next_name, "");
+		}
+		else {
+			sscanf (my_line, "PartitionName=%s", my_part_name);
+			strncpy (next_name_value, my_part_name, MAX_NAME_LEN);
+			strncpy (next_name, my_part_name, MAX_NAME_LEN);
+		}		/* else */
+		return 0;
+	}			
+	return ENOENT;
diff --git a/src/api/reconfigure.c b/src/api/reconfigure.c
index 12f9babb92bd85d94d9d079135535e7d4544f6bd..f1bd880e6dd308301e824d91d1a11d1d58a29ca2 100644
--- a/src/api/reconfigure.c
+++ b/src/api/reconfigure.c
@@ -1,12 +1,10 @@
- * reconfigure.c - Request that slurmctld re-read the configuration files
+ * reconfigure.c - request that slurmctld re-read the configuration files
- * Author: Moe Jette, jette@llnl.gov
+ * author: moe jette, jette@llnl.gov
-#define PROTOTYPE_API 1
+#ifdef have_config_h
 #  include <config.h>
@@ -23,71 +21,78 @@
 /* main is used here for module testing purposes only */
-main(int argc, char * argv[]) {
-    int i, count, Error_Code;
+main (int argc, char *argv[]) {
+	int i, count, error_code;
-    if (argc < 2) 
-	count = 1;
-    else
-	count = atoi(argv[1]);
+	if (argc < 2)
+		count = 1;
+	else
+		count = atoi (argv[1]);
-    for (i=0; i<count; i++) {
-	Error_Code = Reconfigure();
-	if (Error_Code != 0) printf("Reconfigure error %d\n", Error_Code);
-    } 
-    exit(0);
-} /* main */
+	for (i = 0; i < count; i++) {
+		error_code = reconfigure ();
+		if (error_code != 0)
+			printf ("reconfigure error %d\n", error_code);
+	}
+	exit (0);
- * Reconfigure - _ Request that slurmctld re-read the configuration files
- * Output: Returns 0 on success, errno otherwise
+ * reconfigure - _ request that slurmctld re-read the configuration files
+ * output: returns 0 on success, errno otherwise
-int Reconfigure() {
-    int Buffer_Offset, Buffer_Size, Error_Code, In_Size, Version;
-    char Request_Msg[64], *Buffer, *My_Line;
-    int sockfd;
-    struct sockaddr_in serv_addr;
-    unsigned long My_Time;
-    if ((sockfd = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0)) < 0) return EINVAL;
-    serv_addr.sin_family	= PF_INET;
-    serv_addr.sin_addr.s_addr	= inet_addr(SLURMCTLD_HOST);
-    serv_addr.sin_port  	= htons(SLURMCTLD_PORT);
-    if (connect(sockfd, (struct sockaddr *) &serv_addr, sizeof(serv_addr)) < 0) {
-	close(sockfd); 
-	return EINVAL;
-    } /* if */
-    sprintf(Request_Msg, "Reconfigure");
-    if (send(sockfd, Request_Msg, strlen(Request_Msg)+1, 0) < strlen(Request_Msg)) {
-	close(sockfd); 
-	return EINVAL;
-    } /* if */
-    Buffer = NULL;
-    Buffer_Offset = 0;
-    Buffer_Size = 1024;
-    while (1) {
-    	Buffer = realloc(Buffer, Buffer_Size);
-	if (Buffer == NULL) {
-	    close(sockfd); 
-	    return ENOMEM;
-	} /* if */
-	In_Size = recv(sockfd, &Buffer[Buffer_Offset], (Buffer_Size-Buffer_Offset), 0);
-	if (In_Size <= 0) {	/* End if input */
-	    In_Size = 0; 
-	    break; 
-	} /* if */
-	Buffer_Offset +=  In_Size;
-	Buffer_Size += In_Size;
-    } /* while */
-    close(sockfd); 
-    Buffer_Size = Buffer_Offset + In_Size;
-    Buffer = realloc(Buffer, Buffer_Size);
-    if (Buffer == NULL) return ENOMEM;
-    Error_Code = atoi(Buffer);
-    free(Buffer);
-    return Error_Code;
-} /* Reconfigure */
+reconfigure () {
+	int buffer_offset, buffer_size, error_code, in_size, version;
+	char request_msg[64], *buffer, *my_line;
+	int sockfd;
+	struct sockaddr_in serv_addr;
+	unsigned long my_time;
+	if ((sockfd = socket (AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0)) < 0)
+		return EINVAL;
+	serv_addr.sin_family = PF_INET;
+	serv_addr.sin_addr.s_addr = inet_addr (SLURMCTLD_HOST);
+	serv_addr.sin_port = htons (SLURMCTLD_PORT);
+	if (connect
+	    (sockfd, (struct sockaddr *) &serv_addr,
+	     sizeof (serv_addr)) < 0) {
+		close (sockfd);
+		return EINVAL;
+	}			
+	sprintf (request_msg, "Reconfigure");
+	if (send (sockfd, request_msg, strlen (request_msg) + 1, 0) <
+	    strlen (request_msg)) {
+		close (sockfd);
+		return EINVAL;
+	}			
+	buffer = NULL;
+	buffer_offset = 0;
+	buffer_size = 1024;
+	while (1) {
+		buffer = realloc (buffer, buffer_size);
+		if (buffer == NULL) {
+			close (sockfd);
+			return ENOMEM;
+		}		
+		in_size =
+			recv (sockfd, &buffer[buffer_offset],
+			      (buffer_size - buffer_offset), 0);
+		if (in_size <= 0) {	/* end if input */
+			in_size = 0;
+			break;
+		}		
+		buffer_offset += in_size;
+		buffer_size += in_size;
+	}			
+	close (sockfd);
+	buffer_size = buffer_offset + in_size;
+	buffer = realloc (buffer, buffer_size);
+	if (buffer == NULL)
+		return ENOMEM;
+	error_code = atoi (buffer);
+	free (buffer);
+	return error_code;
diff --git a/src/api/update_config b/src/api/update_config
index 3adbd752fb1c05d683936028d52b054db214e416..950fb2005130aba015342f980b9560aff2a81a0c 100755
Binary files a/src/api/update_config and b/src/api/update_config differ
diff --git a/src/common/bits_bytes.c b/src/common/bits_bytes.c
index 2f6414b8c9da7bb86e56f1aca77621fe7ae02d4e..3870b33f9a8a051571d8453cd584ebc2633de0fb 100644
--- a/src/common/bits_bytes.c
+++ b/src/common/bits_bytes.c
@@ -1,13 +1,13 @@
- * bits_bytes.c  - Tools for manipulating bitmaps and strings
- * See slurm.h for documentation on external functions and data structures
+ * bits_bytes.c  - tools for manipulating bitmaps and strings
+ * see slurm.h for documentation on external functions and data structures
- * Author: Moe Jette, jette@llnl.gov
+ * author: moe jette, jette@llnl.gov
 #define DEBUG_SYSTEM  1
+#ifdef have_config_h
 #  include <config.h>
@@ -22,767 +22,883 @@
 #define BUF_SIZE 1024
 #define SEPCHARS " \n\t"
-/* Tag fields of data structures dumped to API (jobs, partitions, nodes, etc.) */
-/* This is useful for API debugging, especially when changing formats */
-#define TAG_SIZE 8
-int	Node_Record_Count = 0;		/* Count of records in the Node Record Table */
+int node_record_count = 0;	/* count of records in the node record table */
 /* main is used here for module testing purposes only */
-main(int argc, char * argv[]) {
-    char In_Line[128];
-    char *Out_Line;
-    int  Error_Code, Int_Found, i, size;
-    char *String_Found;
-    unsigned *Map1, *Map2, *Map3;
-    char *Buffer, *Format;
-    int Buffer_Offset, Buffer_Size;
-    int Start_Inx, End_Inx, Count_Inx;
-    printf("Testing string manipulation functions...\n");
-    strcpy(In_Line, "Test1=UNLIMITED Test2=1234 Test3 LeftOver Test4=My,String");
-    Error_Code = Load_Integer(&Int_Found, "Test1=", In_Line);
-    if (Error_Code) printf("Load_Integer error on Test1\n");
-    if (Int_Found != -1)
-	printf("Load_Integer parse error on Test1, got %d\n", Int_Found);
-    Error_Code = Load_Integer(&Int_Found, "Test2=", In_Line);
-    if (Error_Code) printf("Load_Integer error on Test2\n");
-    if (Int_Found != 1234) 
-	printf("Load_Integer parse error on Test2, got %d\n", Int_Found);
-    Error_Code = Load_Integer(&Int_Found, "Test3", In_Line);
-    if (Error_Code) printf("Load_Integer error on Test3\n");
-    if (Int_Found != 1) 
-	printf("Load_Integer parse error on Test3, got %d\n", Int_Found);
-    String_Found = NULL;	/* NOTE: arg1 of Load_String is freed if set */
-    Error_Code = Load_String(&String_Found, "Test4=", In_Line);
-    if (Error_Code) printf("Load_String error on Test4\n");
-    if (strcmp(String_Found,"My,String") != 0) 
-	printf("Load_String parse error on Test4, got :%s:\n",String_Found);
-    free(String_Found);
-    printf("NOTE: We expect this to print \"Leftover\"\n");
-    Report_Leftover(In_Line, 0);
-    printf("\n\nTesting bitmap manipulation functions...\n");
-    Node_Record_Count = 97;
-    size = (Node_Record_Count + (sizeof(unsigned)*8) - 1) / (sizeof(unsigned)*8);
-    size *= (sizeof(unsigned)*8);
-    Map1 = malloc(size);
-    memset(Map1, 0, size);
-    BitMapSet(Map1, 23);
-    BitMapSet(Map1, 71);
-    Out_Line = BitMapPrint(Map1);
-    printf("BitMapPrint #1 Map1 shows %s\n", Out_Line);
-    free(Out_Line);
-    Map2 = BitMapCopy(Map1);
-    Out_Line = BitMapPrint(Map2);
-    printf("BitMapPrint #2 Map2 shows %s\n", Out_Line);
-    free(Out_Line);
-    Map3 = BitMapCopy(Map1);
-    BitMapClear(Map2, 23);
-    if (BitMapIsSuper(Map2,Map1) != 1) printf("ERROR: BitMapIsSuper error 1\n");
-    if (BitMapIsSuper(Map1,Map2) != 0) printf("ERROR: BitMapIsSuper error 2\n");
-    BitMapOR(Map3, Map2);
-    if (BitMapValue(Map3, 23) != 1) printf("ERROR: BitMapOR error 1\n");
-    if (BitMapValue(Map3, 71) != 1) printf("ERROR: BitMapOR error 2\n");
-    if (BitMapValue(Map3, 93) != 0) printf("ERROR: BitMapOR error 3\n");
-    BitMapAND(Map3, Map2);
-    if (BitMapValue(Map3, 23) != 0) printf("ERROR: BitMapAND error 1\n");
-    if (BitMapValue(Map3, 71) != 1) printf("ERROR: BitMapAND error 2\n");
-    if (BitMapValue(Map3, 93) != 0) printf("ERROR: BitMapAND error 3\n");
-    Out_Line = BitMapPrint(Map3);
-    printf("BitMapPrint #3 Map3 shows %s\n", Out_Line);
-    free(Out_Line);
-    BitMapFill(Map1);
-    Out_Line = BitMapPrint(Map1);
-    if (BitMapValue(Map1, 34) != 1) printf("ERROR: BitMapFill error 1\n");
-    printf("BitMapPrint #4 Map1 shows %s\n", Out_Line);
-    free(Out_Line);
-    memset(Map1, 0, size);
-    for (i=0; i<10; i++) {
-	BitMapSet(Map1, (i+35));
-	if (i>0) BitMapSet(Map1, (i+65));
-    } /* for */
-    Out_Line = BitMapPrint(Map1);
-    printf("BitMapPrint #6 Map1 shows %s\n", Out_Line);
-    size = BitMapCount(Map1);
-    if (size != 19) printf("ERROR: BitMapCount error, %d\n", size);
-    printf("\n\nTesting buffer I/O functions...\n");
-    Buffer = NULL;
-    Buffer_Offset = Buffer_Size= 0;
-    Error_Code = Write_Buffer(&Buffer, &Buffer_Offset, &Buffer_Size, "Val1\n");
-    if (Error_Code) printf("Write_Buffer error on Test1\n");
-    Error_Code = Write_Buffer(&Buffer, &Buffer_Offset, &Buffer_Size, "Val2\n");
-    if (Error_Code) printf("Write_Buffer error on Test2\n");
-    Buffer_Offset = 0;
-    Error_Code = Read_Buffer(Buffer, &Buffer_Offset, Buffer_Size, &Out_Line);
-    if (Error_Code) printf("Read_Buffer error on Test1\n");
-    if (strcmp(Out_Line,"Val1\n") != 0) printf("Read_Buffer error on Test2\n");
-    Error_Code = Read_Buffer(Buffer, &Buffer_Offset, Buffer_Size, &Out_Line);
-    if (Error_Code) printf("Read_Buffer error on Test3\n");
-    if (strcmp(Out_Line,"Val2\n") != 0) printf("Read_Buffer error on Test4\n");
-    /* Check node name parsing */
-    Out_Line = "linux[003-234]";
-    Error_Code = Parse_Node_Name(Out_Line, &Format, &Start_Inx, &End_Inx, &Count_Inx);
-    if (Error_Code != 0) 
-	printf("ERROR: Parse_Node_Name error %d\n", Error_Code);
-    else {
-	if ((Start_Inx != 3) || (End_Inx != 234)) printf("ERROR: Parse_Node_Name failure\n");
-	printf("Parse_Node_Name of \"%s\" produces format \"%s\", %d to %d, %d records\n", 
-	    Out_Line, Format, Start_Inx, End_Inx, Count_Inx);
-	if (Format) free(Format);
-    } /* else */
-    exit(0);
-} /* main */
+main (int argc, char *argv[]) {
+	char in_line[128];
+	char *out_line;
+	int error_code, int_found, i, size;
+	char *string_found;
+	unsigned *map1, *map2, *map3;
+	char *buffer, *format;
+	int buffer_offset, buffer_size;
+	int start_inx, end_inx, count_inx;
+	printf ("testing string manipulation functions...\n");
+	strcpy (in_line,
+		"test1=UNLIMITED test2=1234 test3 left_over test4=my,string");
+	error_code = load_integer (&int_found, "test1=", in_line);
+	if (error_code)
+		printf ("load_integer error on test1\n");
+	if (int_found != -1)
+		printf ("load_integer parse error on test1, got %d\n",
+			int_found);
+	error_code = load_integer (&int_found, "test2=", in_line);
+	if (error_code)
+		printf ("load_integer error on test2\n");
+	if (int_found != 1234)
+		printf ("load_integer parse error on test2, got %d\n",
+			int_found);
+	error_code = load_integer (&int_found, "test3", in_line);
+	if (error_code)
+		printf ("load_integer error on test3\n");
+	if (int_found != 1)
+		printf ("load_integer parse error on test3, got %d\n",
+			int_found);
+	string_found = NULL;	/* NOTE: arg1 of load_string is freed if set */
+	error_code = load_string (&string_found, "test4=", in_line);
+	if (error_code)
+		printf ("load_string error on test4\n");
+	if (strcmp (string_found, "my,string") != 0)
+		printf ("load_string parse error on test4, got :%s:\n",
+			string_found);
+	free (string_found);
+	printf ("NOTE: we expect this to print \"leftover\"\n");
+	report_leftover (in_line, 0);
+	printf ("\n\n_testing bitmap manipulation functions...\n");
+	node_record_count = 97;
+	size = (node_record_count + (sizeof (unsigned) * 8) -
+		1) / (sizeof (unsigned) * 8);
+	size *= (sizeof (unsigned) * 8);
+	map1 = malloc (size);
+	memset (map1, 0, size);
+	bitmap_set (map1, 23);
+	bitmap_set (map1, 71);
+	out_line = bitmap_print (map1);
+	printf ("bitmap_print #1 map1 shows %s\n", out_line);
+	free (out_line);
+	map2 = bitmap_copy (map1);
+	out_line = bitmap_print (map2);
+	printf ("bitmap_print #2 map2 shows %s\n", out_line);
+	free (out_line);
+	map3 = bitmap_copy (map1);
+	bitmap_clear (map2, 23);
+	if (bitmap_is_super (map2, map1) != 1)
+		printf ("error: bitmap_is_super error 1\n");
+	if (bitmap_is_super (map1, map2) != 0)
+		printf ("error: bitmap_is_super error 2\n");
+	bitmap_or (map3, map2);
+	if (bitmap_value (map3, 23) != 1)
+		printf ("error: bitmap_or error 1\n");
+	if (bitmap_value (map3, 71) != 1)
+		printf ("error: bitmap_or error 2\n");
+	if (bitmap_value (map3, 93) != 0)
+		printf ("error: bitmap_or error 3\n");
+	bitmap_and (map3, map2);
+	if (bitmap_value (map3, 23) != 0)
+		printf ("error: bitmap_and error 1\n");
+	if (bitmap_value (map3, 71) != 1)
+		printf ("error: bitmap_and error 2\n");
+	if (bitmap_value (map3, 93) != 0)
+		printf ("error: bitmap_and error 3\n");
+	out_line = bitmap_print (map3);
+	printf ("bitmap_print #3 map3 shows %s\n", out_line);
+	free (out_line);
+	bitmap_fill (map1);
+	out_line = bitmap_print (map1);
+	if (bitmap_value (map1, 34) != 1)
+		printf ("error: bitmap_fill error 1\n");
+	printf ("bitmap_print #4 map1 shows %s\n", out_line);
+	free (out_line);
+	memset (map1, 0, size);
+	for (i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
+		bitmap_set (map1, (i + 35));
+		if (i > 0)
+			bitmap_set (map1, (i + 65));
+	}
+	out_line = bitmap_print (map1);
+	printf ("bitmap_print #6 map1 shows %s\n", out_line);
+	size = bitmap_count (map1);
+	if (size != 19)
+		printf ("error: bitmap_count error, %d\n", size);
+	printf ("\n\n_testing buffer i/o functions...\n");
+	buffer = NULL;
+	buffer_offset = buffer_size = 0;
+	error_code =
+		write_buffer (&buffer, &buffer_offset, &buffer_size,
+			      "val1\n");
+	if (error_code)
+		printf ("write_buffer error on test1\n");
+	error_code =
+		write_buffer (&buffer, &buffer_offset, &buffer_size,
+			      "val2\n");
+	if (error_code)
+		printf ("write_buffer error on test2\n");
+	buffer_offset = 0;
+	error_code =
+		read_buffer (buffer, &buffer_offset, buffer_size, &out_line);
+	if (error_code)
+		printf ("read_buffer error on test1\n");
+	if (strcmp (out_line, "val1\n") != 0)
+		printf ("read_buffer error on test2\n");
+	error_code =
+		read_buffer (buffer, &buffer_offset, buffer_size, &out_line);
+	if (error_code)
+		printf ("read_buffer error on test3\n");
+	if (strcmp (out_line, "val2\n") != 0)
+		printf ("read_buffer error on test4\n");
+	/* check node name parsing */
+	out_line = "linux[003-234]";
+	error_code =
+		parse_node_name (out_line, &format, &start_inx, &end_inx,
+				 &count_inx);
+	if (error_code != 0)
+		printf ("error: parse_node_name error %d\n", error_code);
+	else {
+		if ((start_inx != 3) || (end_inx != 234))
+			printf ("error: parse_node_name failure\n");
+		printf ("parse_node_name of \"%s\" produces format \"%s\", %d to %d, %d records\n", out_line, format, start_inx, end_inx, count_inx);
+		if (format)
+			free (format);
+	}
+	exit (0);
- * BitMapAND - AND two bitmaps together
- * Input: BitMap1 and BitMap2 - The bitmaps to AND
- * Output: BitMap1 is set to the value of BitMap1 & BitMap2
+ * bitmap_and - and two bitmaps together
+ * input: bitmap1 and bitmap2 - the bitmaps to and
+ * output: bitmap1 is set to the value of bitmap1 & bitmap2
-void BitMapAND(unsigned *BitMap1, unsigned *BitMap2) {
-    int i, size;
+void bitmap_and (unsigned *bitmap1, unsigned *bitmap2) {
+	int i, size;
-    if ((BitMap1 == NULL) || (BitMap2 == NULL)) {
+	if ((bitmap1 == NULL) || (bitmap2 == NULL)) {
-	fprintf(stderr, "BitMapAND: BitMap pointer is NULL\n");
+		fprintf (stderr, "bitmap_and: bitmap pointer is NULL\n");
-	syslog(LOG_ALERT, "BitMapAND: BitMap pointer is NULL\n");
+		syslog (log_alert, "bitmap_and: bitmap pointer is NULL\n");
-	abort();
-    } /* if */
+		abort ();
+	}
-    size = (Node_Record_Count + (sizeof(unsigned)*8) - 1) / (sizeof(unsigned)*8);
-    for (i=0; i<size; i++) {
-	BitMap1[i] &= BitMap2[i];
-    } /* for (i */
-} /* BitMapAND */
+	size = (node_record_count + (sizeof (unsigned) * 8) -
+		1) / (sizeof (unsigned) * 8);
+	for (i = 0; i < size; i++) {
+		bitmap1[i] &= bitmap2[i];
+	}			
- * BitMapClear - Clear the specified bit in the specified bitmap
- * Input: BitMap - The bit map to manipulate
- *        Position - Postition to clear
- * Output: BitMap - Updated value
+ * bitmap_clear - clear the specified bit in the specified bitmap
+ * input: bitmap - the bit map to manipulate
+ *        position - postition to clear
+ * output: bitmap - updated value
-void BitMapClear(unsigned *BitMap, int Position) {
-    int val, bit;
-    unsigned mask;
+void bitmap_clear (unsigned *bitmap, int position) {
+	int val, bit;
+	unsigned mask;
-    if (BitMap == NULL) {
+	if (bitmap == NULL) {
-	fprintf(stderr, "BitMapClear: BitMap pointer is NULL\n");
+		fprintf (stderr, "bitmap_clear: bitmap pointer is NULL\n");
-	syslog(LOG_ALERT, "BitMapClear: BitMap pointer is NULL\n");
+		syslog (log_alert, "bitmap_clear: bitmap pointer is NULL\n");
-	abort();
-    } /* if */
+		abort ();
+	}
-    val  = Position / (sizeof(unsigned)*8);
-    bit  = Position % (sizeof(unsigned)*8);
-    mask = ~(0x1 << ((sizeof(unsigned)*8)-1-bit));
+	val = position / (sizeof (unsigned) * 8);
+	bit = position % (sizeof (unsigned) * 8);
+	mask = ~(0x1 << ((sizeof (unsigned) * 8) - 1 - bit));
-    BitMap[val] &= mask;
-} /* BitMapClear */
+	bitmap[val] &= mask;
- * BitMapCopy - Create a copy of a bitmap
- * Input: BitMap - The bitmap create a copy of
- * Output: Returns pointer to copy of BitMap or NULL if error (no memory)
- * NOTE:  The returned value MUST BE FREED by the calling routine
+ * bitmap_copy - create a copy of a bitmap
+ * input: bitmap - the bitmap create a copy of
+ * output: returns pointer to copy of bitmap or NULL if error (no memory)
+ * NOTE:  the returned value must be freed by the calling routine
-unsigned *BitMapCopy(unsigned *BitMap) {
-    int size;
-    unsigned *Output;
+unsigned * bitmap_copy (unsigned *bitmap) {
+	int size;
+	unsigned *output;
-    if (BitMap == NULL) {
+	if (bitmap == NULL) {
-	fprintf(stderr, "BitMapCopy: BitMap pointer is NULL\n");
+		fprintf (stderr, "bitmap_copy: bitmap pointer is NULL\n");
-	syslog(LOG_ALERT, "BitMapCopy: BitMap pointer is NULL\n");
+		syslog (log_alert, "bitmap_copy: bitmap pointer is NULL\n");
-	abort();
-    } /* if */
+		abort ();
+	}
-    size = (Node_Record_Count + (sizeof(unsigned)*8) - 1) / 8;	/* Bytes */
-    Output = malloc(size);
-    if (Output == NULL) {
+	size = (node_record_count + (sizeof (unsigned) * 8) - 1) / 8;	/* bytes */
+	output = malloc (size);
+	if (output == NULL) {
-	fprintf(stderr, "BitMapCopy: unable to allocate memory\n");
+		fprintf (stderr, "bitmap_copy: unable to allocate memory\n");
-	syslog(LOG_ALERT, "BitMapCopy: unable to allocate memory\n");
+		syslog (log_alert,
+			"bitmap_copy: unable to allocate memory\n");
-	abort();
-    } /* if */
+		abort ();
+	}
-    (void) memcpy(Output, BitMap, size);
-    return Output;
-} /* BitMapCopy */
+	(void) memcpy (output, bitmap, size);
+	return output;
- * BitMapCount - Return the count of set bits in the specified bitmap
- * Input: BitMap - The bit map to get count from
- * Output: Returns the count of set bits
- * NOTE: This routine adapted from Linux 2.4.9 <linux/bitops.h>.
+ * bitmap_count - return the count of set bits in the specified bitmap
+ * input: bitmap - the bit map to get count from
+ * output: returns the count of set bits
+ * NOTE: this routine adapted from linux 2.4.9 <linux/bitops.h>.
-int BitMapCount(unsigned *BitMap) {
-    int count, byte, size, word, res;
-    unsigned scan;
+int bitmap_count (unsigned *bitmap) {
+	int count, byte, size, word, res;
+	unsigned scan;
-    if (BitMap == NULL) {
+	if (bitmap == NULL) {
-	fprintf(stderr, "BitMapCount: BitMap pointer is NULL\n");
+		fprintf (stderr, "bitmap_count: bitmap pointer is NULL\n");
-	syslog(LOG_ALERT, "BitMapCount: BitMap pointer is NULL\n");
+		syslog (log_alert, "bitmap_count: bitmap pointer is NULL\n");
-	abort();
-    } /* if */
-    count = 0;
-    size = (Node_Record_Count + (sizeof(unsigned)*8) - 1) / 8;	/* Bytes */
-    size /= sizeof(unsigned);			/* Count of unsigned's */
-    for (word=0; word<size; word++) {
-	if (sizeof(unsigned) == 4) {
-	    res = (BitMap[word] & 0x55555555) + ((BitMap[word] >> 1)  & 0x55555555);
-	    res = (res  & 0x33333333) + ((res  >> 2)  & 0x33333333);
-	    res = (res  & 0x0F0F0F0F) + ((res  >> 4)  & 0x0F0F0F0F);
-	    res = (res  & 0x00FF00FF) + ((res  >> 8)  & 0x00FF00FF);
-	    res = (res  & 0x0000FFFF) + ((res  >> 16) & 0x0000FFFF);
-	    count += res;
-	} else if (sizeof(unsigned) == 8) {
-	    res = (BitMap[word] & 0x5555555555555555) + ((BitMap[word] >> 1) & 0x5555555555555555);
-	    res = (res & 0x3333333333333333) + ((res >> 2)  & 0x3333333333333333);
-	    res = (res & 0x0F0F0F0F0F0F0F0F) + ((res >> 4)  & 0x0F0F0F0F0F0F0F0F);
-	    res = (res & 0x00FF00FF00FF00FF) + ((res >> 8)  & 0x00FF00FF00FF00FF);
-	    res = (res & 0x0000FFFF0000FFFF) + ((res >> 16) & 0x0000FFFF0000FFFF);
-	    res = (res & 0x00000000FFFFFFFF) + 
-	          ((res >> sizeof(unsigned)*4) & 0x00000000FFFFFFFF);
-	    count += res;
-	} else {
-	    for (byte=0; byte<(sizeof(unsigned)*8); byte+=8) {
-		scan = BitMap[word] >> ((sizeof(unsigned)*8)-8-byte);
-		if (scan & 0x01) count++;
-		if (scan & 0x02) count++;
-		if (scan & 0x04) count++;
-		if (scan & 0x08) count++;
-		if (scan & 0x10) count++;
-		if (scan & 0x20) count++;
-		if (scan & 0x40) count++;
-		if (scan & 0x80) count++;
-	    } /* for (byte */
-	} /* else */
-    } /* for (word */
-    return count;
-} /* BitMapCount */
+		abort ();
+	}
+	count = 0;
+	size = (node_record_count + (sizeof (unsigned) * 8) - 1) / 8;	/* bytes */
+	size /= sizeof (unsigned);	/* count of unsigned's */
+	for (word = 0; word < size; word++) {
+		if (sizeof (unsigned) == 4) {
+			res = (bitmap[word] & 0x55555555) +
+				((bitmap[word] >> 1) & 0x55555555);
+			res = (res & 0x33333333) + ((res >> 2) & 0x33333333);
+			res = (res & 0x0f0f0f0f) + ((res >> 4) & 0x0f0f0f0f);
+			res = (res & 0x00ff00ff) + ((res >> 8) & 0x00ff00ff);
+			res = (res & 0x0000ffff) + ((res >> 16) & 0x0000ffff);
+			count += res;
+		}
+		else if (sizeof (unsigned) == 8) {
+			res = (bitmap[word] & 0x5555555555555555) +
+				((bitmap[word] >> 1) & 0x5555555555555555);
+			res = (res & 0x3333333333333333) +
+				((res >> 2) & 0x3333333333333333);
+			res = (res & 0x0f0f0f0f0f0f0f0f) +
+				((res >> 4) & 0x0f0f0f0f0f0f0f0f);
+			res = (res & 0x00ff00ff00ff00ff) +
+				((res >> 8) & 0x00ff00ff00ff00ff);
+			res = (res & 0x0000ffff0000ffff) +
+				((res >> 16) & 0x0000ffff0000ffff);
+			res = (res & 0x00000000ffffffff) +
+				((res >> sizeof (unsigned) *
+				  4) & 0x00000000ffffffff);
+			count += res;
+		}
+		else {
+			for (byte = 0; byte < (sizeof (unsigned) * 8);
+			     byte += 8) {
+				scan = bitmap[word] >>
+					((sizeof (unsigned) * 8) - 8 - byte);
+				if (scan & 0x01)
+					count++;
+				if (scan & 0x02)
+					count++;
+				if (scan & 0x04)
+					count++;
+				if (scan & 0x08)
+					count++;
+				if (scan & 0x10)
+					count++;
+				if (scan & 0x20)
+					count++;
+				if (scan & 0x40)
+					count++;
+				if (scan & 0x80)
+					count++;
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	return count;
- * BitMapFill - Fill the provided bitmap so that all bits between the highest and lowest
+ * bitmap_fill - fill the provided bitmap so that all bits between the highest and lowest
  * 	previously set bits are also set (i.e fill in the gaps to make it contiguous)
- * Input: BitMap - Pointer to the bit map to fill in
- * Output: BitMap - The filled in bitmap
+ * input: bitmap - pointer to the bit map to fill in
+ * output: bitmap - the filled in bitmap
-void BitMapFill(unsigned *BitMap) {
-    int bit, size, word;
-    int first, last, position, gap;
-    unsigned mask;
+void bitmap_fill (unsigned *bitmap) {
+	int bit, size, word;
+	int first, last, position, gap;
+	unsigned mask;
-    if (BitMap == NULL) {
+	if (bitmap == NULL) {
-	fprintf(stderr, "BitMapFill: BitMap pointer is NULL\n");
+		fprintf (stderr, "bitmap_fill: bitmap pointer is NULL\n");
-	syslog(LOG_ALERT, "BitMapFill: BitMap pointer is NULL\n");
+		syslog (log_alert, "bitmap_fill: bitmap pointer is NULL\n");
-	abort();
-    } /* if */
-    first = last = position = gap = -1;
-    size = (Node_Record_Count + (sizeof(unsigned)*8) - 1) / 8;	/* Bytes */
-    size /= sizeof(unsigned);			/* Count of unsigned's */
-    for (word=0; word<size; word++) {
-	for (bit=0; bit<(sizeof(unsigned)*8); bit++) {
-	    position++;
-	    mask = (0x1 << ((sizeof(unsigned)*8)-1-bit));
-	    if (BitMap[word] & mask) {
-		if (first == -1) first=position;
-		if ((last != (position-1)) && (last != -1)) gap=1;
-		last = position;
-	    } /* else */
-	} /* for (bit */
-    } /* for (word */
-    if (gap == -1) return;
-    position = -1;
-    for (word=0; word<size; word++) {
-	for (bit=0; bit<(sizeof(unsigned)*8); bit++) {
-	    position++;
-	    if (position <= first) continue;
-	    if (position >= last)  continue;
-	    mask = (0x1 << ((sizeof(unsigned)*8)-1-bit));
-	    BitMap[word] |= mask;
-	} /* for (bit */
-    } /* for (word */
-} /* BitMapFill */
+		abort ();
+	}
+	first = last = position = gap = -1;
+	size = (node_record_count + (sizeof (unsigned) * 8) - 1) / 8;	/* bytes */
+	size /= sizeof (unsigned);	/* count of unsigned's */
+	for (word = 0; word < size; word++) {
+		for (bit = 0; bit < (sizeof (unsigned) * 8); bit++) {
+			position++;
+			mask = (0x1 << ((sizeof (unsigned) * 8) - 1 - bit));
+			if (bitmap[word] & mask) {
+				if (first == -1)
+					first = position;
+				if ((last != (position - 1)) && (last != -1))
+					gap = 1;
+				last = position;
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	if (gap == -1)
+		return;
+	position = -1;
+	for (word = 0; word < size; word++) {
+		for (bit = 0; bit < (sizeof (unsigned) * 8); bit++) {
+			position++;
+			if (position <= first)
+				continue;
+			if (position >= last)
+				continue;
+			mask = (0x1 << ((sizeof (unsigned) * 8) - 1 - bit));
+			bitmap[word] |= mask;
+		}
+	}
- * BitMapIsSuper - Report if one bitmap's contents are a superset of another
- * Input: BitMap1 and BitMap2 - The bitmaps to compare
- * Output: Return 1 if if all bits in BitMap1 are also in BitMap2, 0 otherwise 
+ * bitmap_is_super - report if one bitmap's contents are a superset of another
+ * input: bitmap1 and bitmap2 - the bitmaps to compare
+ * output: return 1 if if all bits in bitmap1 are also in bitmap2, 0 otherwise 
-int BitMapIsSuper(unsigned *BitMap1, unsigned *BitMap2) {
-    int i, size;
+int bitmap_is_super (unsigned *bitmap1, unsigned *bitmap2) {
+	int i, size;
-    if ((BitMap1 == NULL) || (BitMap2 == NULL)) {
+	if ((bitmap1 == NULL) || (bitmap2 == NULL)) {
-	fprintf(stderr, "BitMapOR: BitMap pointer is NULL\n");
+		fprintf (stderr, "bitmap_or: bitmap pointer is NULL\n");
-	syslog(LOG_ALERT, "BitMapOR: BitMap pointer is NULL\n");
+		syslog (log_alert, "bitmap_or: bitmap pointer is NULL\n");
-	abort();
-    } /* if */
-    size = (Node_Record_Count + (sizeof(unsigned)*8) - 1) / (sizeof(unsigned)*8);
-    for (i=0; i<size; i++) {
-	if (BitMap1[i] != (BitMap1[i] & BitMap2[i])) return 0;
-    } /* for (i */
-    return 1;
-} /* BitMapIsSuper */
+		abort ();
+	}
+	size = (node_record_count + (sizeof (unsigned) * 8) -
+		1) / (sizeof (unsigned) * 8);
+	for (i = 0; i < size; i++) {
+		if (bitmap1[i] != (bitmap1[i] & bitmap2[i]))
+			return 0;
+	}
+	return 1;
- * BitMapOR - OR two bitmaps together
- * Input: BitMap1 and BitMap2 - The bitmaps to OR
- * Output: BitMap1 is set to the value of BitMap1 | BitMap2
+ * bitmap_or - or two bitmaps together
+ * input: bitmap1 and bitmap2 - the bitmaps to or
+ * output: bitmap1 is set to the value of bitmap1 | bitmap2
-void BitMapOR(unsigned *BitMap1, unsigned *BitMap2) {
-    int i, size;
+void bitmap_or (unsigned *bitmap1, unsigned *bitmap2) {
+	int i, size;
-    if ((BitMap1 == NULL) || (BitMap2 == NULL)) {
+	if ((bitmap1 == NULL) || (bitmap2 == NULL)) {
-	fprintf(stderr, "BitMapOR: BitMap pointer is NULL\n");
+		fprintf (stderr, "bitmap_or: bitmap pointer is NULL\n");
-	syslog(LOG_ALERT, "BitMapOR: BitMap pointer is NULL\n");
+		syslog (log_alert, "bitmap_or: bitmap pointer is NULL\n");
-	abort();
-    } /* if */
+		abort ();
+	}
-    size = (Node_Record_Count + (sizeof(unsigned)*8) - 1) / (sizeof(unsigned)*8);
-    for (i=0; i<size; i++) {
-	BitMap1[i] |= BitMap2[i];
-    } /* for (i */
-} /* BitMapOR */
+	size = (node_record_count + (sizeof (unsigned) * 8) - 1) / 
+		(sizeof (unsigned) * 8);
+	for (i = 0; i < size; i++) {
+		bitmap1[i] |= bitmap2[i];
+	}
- * BitMapPrint - Convert the specified bitmap into a printable hexadecimal string
- * Input: BitMap - The bit map to print
- * Output: Returns a string
- * NOTE: The returned string must be freed by the calling program
+ * bitmap_print - convert the specified bitmap into a printable hexadecimal string
+ * input: bitmap - the bit map to print
+ * output: returns a string
+ * NOTE: the returned string must be freed by the calling program
-char *BitMapPrint(unsigned *BitMap) {
-    int i, j, k, size, nibbles;
-    char *Output, temp_str[2];
+char * bitmap_print (unsigned *bitmap) {
+	int i, j, k, size, nibbles;
+	char *output, temp_str[2];
-    if (BitMap == NULL) {
+	if (bitmap == NULL) {
-	fprintf(stderr, "BitMapPrint: BitMap pointer is NULL\n");
+		fprintf (stderr, "bitmap_print: bitmap pointer is NULL\n");
-	syslog(LOG_ALERT, "BitMapPrint: BitMap pointer is NULL\n");
+		syslog (log_alert, "bitmap_print: bitmap pointer is NULL\n");
-	abort();
-    } /* if */
-    size = (Node_Record_Count + (sizeof(unsigned)*8) - 1) / (sizeof(unsigned)*8);
-    nibbles = (Node_Record_Count + 3) / 4;
-    Output = (char *)malloc(nibbles+3);
-    if (Output == NULL) {
+		abort ();
+	}
+	size = (node_record_count + (sizeof (unsigned) * 8) -
+		1) / (sizeof (unsigned) * 8);
+	nibbles = (node_record_count + 3) / 4;
+	output = (char *) malloc (nibbles + 3);
+	if (output == NULL) {
-	fprintf(stderr, "BitMapPrint: unable to allocate memory\n");
+		fprintf (stderr, "bitmap_print: unable to allocate memory\n");
-	syslog(LOG_ALERT, "BitMapPrint: unable to allocate memory\n");
+		syslog (log_alert,
+			"bitmap_print: unable to allocate memory\n");
-	abort();
-    } /* if */
-    strcpy(Output, "0x");
-    k = 0;
-    for (i=0; i<size; i++) {				/* Each unsigned */
-	for (j=((sizeof(unsigned)*8)-4); j>=0; j-=4) {	/* Each nibble */
-	    sprintf(temp_str, "%x", ((BitMap[i]>>j)&0xf));
-	    strcat(Output, temp_str);
-	    k++;
-	    if (k == nibbles) return Output;
-	} /* for (j */
-    } /* for (i */
-    return Output;
-} /* BitMapPrint */
+		abort ();
+	}
+	strcpy (output, "0x");
+	k = 0;
+	for (i = 0; i < size; i++) {	/* each unsigned */
+		for (j = ((sizeof (unsigned) * 8) - 4); j >= 0; j -= 4) {	/* each nibble */
+			sprintf (temp_str, "%x", ((bitmap[i] >> j) & 0xf));
+			strcat (output, temp_str);
+			k++;
+			if (k == nibbles)
+				return output;
+		}
+	}
+	return output;
- * BitMapSet - Set the specified bit in the specified bitmap
- * Input: BitMap - The bit map to manipulate
- *        Position - Postition to set
- * Output: BitMap - Updated value
+ * bitmap_set - set the specified bit in the specified bitmap
+ * input: bitmap - the bit map to manipulate
+ *        position - postition to set
+ * output: bitmap - updated value
-void BitMapSet(unsigned *BitMap, int Position) {
-    int val, bit;
-    unsigned mask;
+void bitmap_set (unsigned *bitmap, int position) {
+	int val, bit;
+	unsigned mask;
-    if (BitMap == NULL) {
+	if (bitmap == NULL) {
-	fprintf(stderr, "BitMapSet: BitMap pointer is NULL\n");
+		fprintf (stderr, "bitmap_set: bitmap pointer is NULL\n");
-	syslog(LOG_ALERT, "BitMapSet: BitMap pointer is NULL\n");
+		syslog (log_alert, "bitmap_set: bitmap pointer is NULL\n");
-	abort();
-    } /* if */
+		abort ();
+	}
-    val  = Position / (sizeof(unsigned)*8);
-    bit  = Position % (sizeof(unsigned)*8);
-    mask = (0x1 << ((sizeof(unsigned)*8)-1-bit));
+	val = position / (sizeof (unsigned) * 8);
+	bit = position % (sizeof (unsigned) * 8);
+	mask = (0x1 << ((sizeof (unsigned) * 8) - 1 - bit));
-    BitMap[val] |= mask;
-} /* BitMapSet */
+	bitmap[val] |= mask;
- * BitMapValue - Return the value of specified bit in the specified bitmap
- * Input: BitMap - The bit map to get value from
- *        Position - Postition to get
- * Output: Normally returns the value 0 or 1
+ * bitmap_value - return the value of specified bit in the specified bitmap
+ * input: bitmap - the bit map to get value from
+ *        position - postition to get
+ * output: normally returns the value 0 or 1
-int BitMapValue(unsigned *BitMap, int Position) {
-    int val, bit;
-    unsigned mask;
+int bitmap_value (unsigned *bitmap, int position) {
+	int val, bit;
+	unsigned mask;
-    if (BitMap == NULL) {
+	if (bitmap == NULL) {
-	fprintf(stderr, "BitMapValue: BitMap pointer is NULL\n");
+		fprintf (stderr, "bitmap_value: bitmap pointer is NULL\n");
-	syslog(LOG_ALERT, "BitMapValue: BitMap pointer is NULL\n");
+		syslog (log_alert, "bitmap_value: bitmap pointer is NULL\n");
-	abort();
-    } /* if */
+		abort ();
+	}
-    val  = Position / (sizeof(unsigned)*8);
-    bit  = Position % (sizeof(unsigned)*8);
-    mask = (0x1 << ((sizeof(unsigned)*8)-1-bit));
+	val = position / (sizeof (unsigned) * 8);
+	bit = position % (sizeof (unsigned) * 8);
+	mask = (0x1 << ((sizeof (unsigned) * 8) - 1 - bit));
-    mask &= BitMap[val];
-    if (mask == 0)
-	return 0;
-    else
-	return 1;
-} /* BitMapValue */
+	mask &= bitmap[val];
+	if (mask == 0)
+		return 0;
+	else
+		return 1;
- * Load_Integer - Parse a string for a keyword, value pair  
- * Input: *destination - Location into which result is stored
- *        keyword - String to search for
- *        In_Line - String to search for keyword
- * Output: *destination - set to value, No change if value not found, 
- *             Set to 1 if keyword found without value, 
- *             Set to -1 if keyword followed by "UNLIMITED"
- *         In_Line - The keyword and value (if present) are overwritten by spaces
+ * load_integer - parse a string for a keyword, value pair  
+ * input: *destination - location into which result is stored
+ *        keyword - string to search for
+ *        in_line - string to search for keyword
+ * output: *destination - set to value, no change if value not found, 
+ *             set to 1 if keyword found without value, 
+ *             set to -1 if keyword followed by "unlimited"
+ *         in_line - the keyword and value (if present) are overwritten by spaces
  *         return value - 0 if no error, otherwise an error code
- * NOTE: In_Line is overwritten, DO NOT USE A CONSTANT
+ * NOTE: in_line is overwritten, do not use a constant
-int Load_Integer(int *destination, char *keyword, char *In_Line) {
-    char Scratch[BUF_SIZE];	/* Scratch area for parsing the input line */
-    char *str_ptr1, *str_ptr2, *str_ptr3;
-    int i, str_len1, str_len2;
-    str_ptr1 = (char *)strstr(In_Line, keyword);
-    if (str_ptr1 != NULL) {
-	str_len1 = strlen(keyword);
-	strcpy(Scratch, str_ptr1+str_len1);
-	if ((Scratch[0] == (char)NULL) || 
-	    (isspace((int)Scratch[0]))) { /* Keyword with no value set */
-	    *destination = 1;
-	    str_len2 = 0;
-	} else {
-	    str_ptr2 = (char *)strtok_r(Scratch, SEPCHARS, &str_ptr3);
-	    str_len2 = strlen(str_ptr2);
-	    if (strcmp(str_ptr2, "UNLIMITED") == 0)
-		*destination = -1;
-	    else if ((str_ptr2[0] >= '0') && (str_ptr2[0] <= '9')) {
-		*destination = (int) strtol(Scratch, (char **)NULL, 10);
-	   }  else {
+int load_integer (int *destination, char *keyword, char *in_line) {
+	char scratch[BUF_SIZE];	/* scratch area for parsing the input line */
+	char *str_ptr1, *str_ptr2, *str_ptr3;
+	int i, str_len1, str_len2;
+	str_ptr1 = (char *) strstr (in_line, keyword);
+	if (str_ptr1 != NULL) {
+		str_len1 = strlen (keyword);
+		strcpy (scratch, str_ptr1 + str_len1);
+		if ((scratch[0] == (char) NULL) || 
+		    (isspace ((int) scratch[0]))) {	/* keyword with no value set */
+			*destination = 1;
+			str_len2 = 0;
+		}
+		else {
+			str_ptr2 =
+				(char *) strtok_r (scratch, SEPCHARS,
+						   &str_ptr3);
+			str_len2 = strlen (str_ptr2);
+			if (strcmp (str_ptr2, "UNLIMITED") == 0)
+				*destination = -1;
+			else if ((str_ptr2[0] >= '0') && (str_ptr2[0] <= '9')) {
+				*destination =
+					(int) strtol (scratch, (char **) NULL,
+						      10);
+			}
+			else {
-		fprintf(stderr, "Load_Integer: bad value for keyword %s\n", keyword);
+				fprintf (stderr,
+					 "load_integer: bad value for keyword %s\n",
+					 keyword);
-		syslog(LOG_ERR, "Load_Integer: bad value for keyword %s\n", keyword);
+				syslog (log_err,
+					"load_integer: bad value for keyword %s\n",
+					keyword);
-		return EINVAL;	
-	    } /* else */
-	} /* else */
-	for (i=0; i<(str_len1+str_len2); i++) {
-	    str_ptr1[i] = ' ';
-	} /* for */
-    } /* if */
-    return 0;
-} /* Load_Integer */
+				return EINVAL;
+			}
+		}
+		for (i = 0; i < (str_len1 + str_len2); i++) {
+			str_ptr1[i] = ' ';
+		}
+	}
+	return 0;
- * Load_String - Parse a string for a keyword, value pair  
- * Input: *destination - Location into which result is stored
- *        keyword - String to search for
- *        In_Line - String to search for keyword
- * Output: *destination - set to value, No change if value not found, 
+ * load_string - parse a string for a keyword, value pair  
+ * input: *destination - location into which result is stored
+ *        keyword - string to search for
+ *        in_line - string to search for keyword
+ * output: *destination - set to value, no change if value not found, 
  *	     if *destination had previous value, that memory location is automatically freed
- *         In_Line - The keyword and value (if present) are overwritten by spaces
+ *         in_line - the keyword and value (if present) are overwritten by spaces
  *         return value - 0 if no error, otherwise an error code
  * NOTE: destination must be free when no longer required
  * NOTE: if destination is non-NULL at function call time, it will be freed 
- * NOTE: In_Line is overwritten, DO NOT USE A CONSTANT
+ * NOTE: in_line is overwritten, do not use a constant
-int Load_String(char **destination, char *keyword, char *In_Line) {
-    char Scratch[BUF_SIZE];	/* Scratch area for parsing the input line */
-    char *str_ptr1, *str_ptr2, *str_ptr3;
-    int i, str_len1, str_len2;
-    str_ptr1 = (char *)strstr(In_Line, keyword);
-    if (str_ptr1 != NULL) {
-	str_len1 = strlen(keyword);
-	strcpy(Scratch, str_ptr1+str_len1);
-	if ((Scratch[0] == (char)NULL) || 
-	    (isspace((int)Scratch[0]))) { /* Keyword with no value set */
+int load_string (char **destination, char *keyword, char *in_line) {
+	char scratch[BUF_SIZE];	/* scratch area for parsing the input line */
+	char *str_ptr1, *str_ptr2, *str_ptr3;
+	int i, str_len1, str_len2;
+	str_ptr1 = (char *) strstr (in_line, keyword);
+	if (str_ptr1 != NULL) {
+		str_len1 = strlen (keyword);
+		strcpy (scratch, str_ptr1 + str_len1);
+		if ((scratch[0] == (char) NULL) || 
+		    (isspace ((int) scratch[0]))) {	/* keyword with no value set */
-	    fprintf(stderr, "Load_String: keyword %s lacks value\n", keyword);
+			fprintf (stderr,
+				 "load_string: keyword %s lacks value\n",
+				 keyword);
-	    syslog(LOG_ERR, "Load_String: keyword %s lacks value\n", keyword);
+			syslog (log_err,
+				"load_string: keyword %s lacks value\n",
+				keyword);
-	    return EINVAL;
-	} /* if */
-	str_ptr2 = (char *)strtok_r(Scratch, SEPCHARS, &str_ptr3);
-	str_len2 = strlen(str_ptr2);
-	if (destination[0] != NULL) free(destination[0]);
-	destination[0] = (char *)malloc(str_len2+1);
-	if (destination[0] == NULL) {
+			return EINVAL;
+		}
+		str_ptr2 = (char *) strtok_r (scratch, SEPCHARS, &str_ptr3);
+		str_len2 = strlen (str_ptr2);
+		if (destination[0] != NULL)
+			free (destination[0]);
+		destination[0] = (char *) malloc (str_len2 + 1);
+		if (destination[0] == NULL) {
-	    fprintf(stderr, "Load_String: unable to allocate memory\n");
+			fprintf (stderr,
+				 "load_string: unable to allocate memory\n");
-	    syslog(LOG_ALERT, "Load_String: unable to allocate memory\n");
+			syslog (log_alert,
+				"load_string: unable to allocate memory\n");
-	    abort();
-	} /* if */
-	strcpy(destination[0], str_ptr2);
-	for (i=0; i<(str_len1+str_len2); i++) {
-	    str_ptr1[i] = ' ';
-	} /* for */
-    } /* if */
-    return 0;
-} /* Load_String */
+			abort ();
+		}
+		strcpy (destination[0], str_ptr2);
+		for (i = 0; i < (str_len1 + str_len2); i++) {
+			str_ptr1[i] = ' ';
+		}
+	}
+	return 0;
- * Parse_Node_Name - Parse the node name for regular expressions and return a sprintf format 
- * generate multiple node names as needed.
- * Input: NodeName - Node name to parse
- * Output: Format - sprintf format for generating names
- *         Start_Inx - First index to used
- *         End_Inx - Last index value to use
- *         Count_Inx - Number of index values to use (will be zero if none)
+ * parse_node_name - parse the node name for regular expressions and return a sprintf  
+ * format generate multiple node names as needed.
+ * input: node_name - node name to parse
+ * output: format - sprintf format for generating names
+ *         start_inx - first index to used
+ *         end_inx - last index value to use
+ *         count_inx - number of index values to use (will be zero if none)
  *         return 0 if no error, error code otherwise
- * NOTE: The calling program must execute free(Format) when the storage location is no longer needed
+ * NOTE: the calling program must execute free(format) when the storage location 
+ *       is no longer needed
-int Parse_Node_Name(char *NodeName, char **Format, int *Start_Inx, int *End_Inx, int *Count_Inx) {
-    int Base, Format_Pos, Precision, i;
-    char Type[1];
-    i = strlen(NodeName);
-    Format[0] = (char *)malloc(i+1);
-    if (Format[0] == NULL) {
+int parse_node_name (char *node_name, char **format, int *start_inx, int *end_inx,
+		 int *count_inx) {
+	int base, format_pos, precision, i;
+	char type[1];
+	i = strlen (node_name);
+	format[0] = (char *) malloc (i + 1);
+	if (format[0] == NULL) {
-	fprintf(stderr, "Parse_Node_Name: unable to allocate memory\n");
+		fprintf (stderr,
+			 "parse_node_name: unable to allocate memory\n");
-	syslog(LOG_ERR, "Parse_Node_Name: unable to allocate memory\n");
+		syslog (log_err,
+			"parse_node_name: unable to allocate memory\n");
-	abort();
-    } /* if */
-    *Start_Inx = 0;
-    *End_Inx   = 0;
-    *Count_Inx = 0;
-    Format_Pos = 0;
-    Base = 0;
-    Format[0][Format_Pos] = (char)NULL;
-    i = 0;
-    while (1) {
-	if (NodeName[i] == (char)NULL) break;
-	if (NodeName[i] == '\\') {
-	    if (NodeName[++i] == (char)NULL) break;
-	    Format[0][Format_Pos++] = NodeName[i++];
-	} else if (NodeName[i] == '[') {		/* '[' preceeding number range */
-	    if (NodeName[++i] == (char)NULL) break;
-	    if (Base != 0) {
+		abort ();
+	}
+	*start_inx = 0;
+	*end_inx = 0;
+	*count_inx = 0;
+	format_pos = 0;
+	base = 0;
+	format[0][format_pos] = (char) NULL;
+	i = 0;
+	while (1) {
+		if (node_name[i] == (char) NULL)
+			break;
+		if (node_name[i] == '\\') {
+			if (node_name[++i] == (char) NULL)
+				break;
+			format[0][format_pos++] = node_name[i++];
+		}
+		else if (node_name[i] == '[') {	/* '[' preceeding number range */
+			if (node_name[++i] == (char) NULL)
+				break;
+			if (base != 0) {
-		fprintf(stderr, "Parse_Node_Name: Invalid '[' in node name %s\n", NodeName);
+				fprintf (stderr,
+					 "parse_node_name: invalid '[' in node name %s\n",
+					 node_name);
-		syslog(LOG_ERR, "Parse_Node_Name: Invalid '[' in node name %s\n", NodeName);
+				syslog (log_err,
+					"parse_node_name: invalid '[' in node name %s\n",
+					node_name);
-		free(Format[0]);
-		return EINVAL;
-	    } /* if */
-	    if (NodeName[i] == 'o') {
-		Type[0] = NodeName[i++];
-		Base = 8;
-	    } else {
-		Type[0] = 'd';
-		Base = 10;
-	    } /* else */
-	    Precision = 0;
-	    while (1) {
-		if ((NodeName[i] >= '0') && (NodeName[i] <= '9')) {
-		    *Start_Inx = ((*Start_Inx) * Base) + (int)(NodeName[i++] - '0');
-		    Precision++;
-		    continue;
-		} /* if */
-		if (NodeName[i] == '-') {		/* '-' between numbers */
-		    i++;
-		    break;
-		} /* if */
+				free (format[0]);
+				return EINVAL;
+			}
+			if (node_name[i] == 'o') {
+				type[0] = node_name[i++];
+				base = 8;
+			}
+			else {
+				type[0] = 'd';
+				base = 10;
+			}
+			precision = 0;
+			while (1) {
+				if ((node_name[i] >= '0')
+				    && (node_name[i] <= '9')) {
+					*start_inx =
+						((*start_inx) * base) +
+						(int) (node_name[i++] - '0');
+					precision++;
+					continue;
+				}
+				if (node_name[i] == '-') {	/* '-' between numbers */
+					i++;
+					break;
+				}
-		fprintf(stderr, "Parse_Node_Name: Invalid '%c' in node name %s\n", 
-			NodeName[i], NodeName);
+				fprintf (stderr,
+					 "parse_node_name: invalid '%c' in node name %s\n",
+					 node_name[i], node_name);
-		syslog(LOG_ERR, "Parse_Node_Name: Invalid '%c' in node name %s\n", 
-			NodeName[i], NodeName);
+				syslog (log_err,
+					"parse_node_name: invalid '%c' in node name %s\n",
+					node_name[i], node_name);
-		free(Format[0]);
-		return EINVAL;
-	    } /* while */
-	    while (1) {
-		if ((NodeName[i] >= '0') && (NodeName[i] <= '9')) {
-		    *End_Inx = ((*End_Inx) * Base) + (int)(NodeName[i++] - '0');
-		    continue;
-		} /* if */
-		if (NodeName[i] == ']') {		/* ']' terminating number range */ 
-		    i++;
-		    break;
-		} /* if */
+				free (format[0]);
+				return EINVAL;
+			}
+			while (1) {
+				if ((node_name[i] >= '0')
+				    && (node_name[i] <= '9')) {
+					*end_inx =
+						((*end_inx) * base) +
+						(int) (node_name[i++] - '0');
+					continue;
+				}
+				if (node_name[i] == ']') {	/* ']' terminating number range */
+					i++;
+					break;
+				}
-		fprintf(stderr, "Parse_Node_Name: Invalid '%c' in node name %s\n", 
-			NodeName[i], NodeName);
+				fprintf (stderr,
+					 "parse_node_name: invalid '%c' in node name %s\n",
+					 node_name[i], node_name);
-		syslog(LOG_ERR, "Parse_Node_Name: Invalid '%c' in node name %s\n", 
-			NodeName[i], NodeName);
+				syslog (log_err,
+					"parse_node_name: invalid '%c' in node name %s\n",
+					node_name[i], node_name);
-		free(Format[0]);
-		return EINVAL;
-	    } /* while */
-	    *Count_Inx = (*End_Inx - *Start_Inx) + 1;
-	    Format[0][Format_Pos++] = '%';
-	    Format[0][Format_Pos++] = '.';
-	    if (Precision > 9) Format[0][Format_Pos++] = '0' + (Precision/10);
-	    Format[0][Format_Pos++] = '0' + (Precision%10);
-	    Format[0][Format_Pos++] = Type[0];
-	} else {
-	    Format[0][Format_Pos++] = NodeName[i++];
-	} /* else */
-    } /* while */
-    Format[0][Format_Pos] = (char)NULL;
-    return 0;
-} /* Parse_Node_Name */
+				free (format[0]);
+				return EINVAL;
+			}
+			*count_inx = (*end_inx - *start_inx) + 1;
+			format[0][format_pos++] = '%';
+			format[0][format_pos++] = '.';
+			if (precision > 9)
+				format[0][format_pos++] =
+					'0' + (precision / 10);
+			format[0][format_pos++] = '0' + (precision % 10);
+			format[0][format_pos++] = type[0];
+		}
+		else {
+			format[0][format_pos++] = node_name[i++];
+		}
+	}
+	format[0][format_pos] = (char) NULL;
+	return 0;
- * Read_Buffer - Read a line from the specified buffer
- * Input: Buffer - Pointer to read buffer, must be allocated by alloc()
- *        Buffer_Offset - Byte offset in Buffer, read location
- *        Buffer_Size - Byte size of Buffer
- *        Line - Pointer to location to be loaded with POINTER TO THE LINE
- * Output: Buffer_Offset - Incremented by  size of size plus the Value size itself
- *         Line - Set to pointer to the line
- *         Returns 0 if no error or EFAULT on end of buffer, EINVAL on bad tag 
+ * read_buffer - read a line from the specified buffer
+ * input: buffer - pointer to read buffer, must be allocated by alloc()
+ *        buffer_offset - byte offset in buffer, read location
+ *        buffer_size - byte size of buffer
+ *        line - pointer to location to be loaded with pointer to the line
+ * output: buffer_offset - incremented by  size of size plus the value size itself
+ *         line - set to pointer to the line
+ *         returns 0 if no error or EFAULT on end of buffer, EINVAL on bad tag 
-int Read_Buffer(char *Buffer, int *Buffer_Offset, int Buffer_Size, char **Line) {
-    if ((*Buffer_Offset) >= Buffer_Size) return EFAULT;
-    Line[0] = &Buffer[*Buffer_Offset];
-    (*Buffer_Offset) += (strlen(Line[0]) + 1);  
-    if ((*Buffer_Offset) > Buffer_Size) return EFAULT;
-    return 0;
-} /* Read_Buffer */
+int read_buffer (char *buffer, int *buffer_offset, int buffer_size, char **line) {
+	if ((*buffer_offset) >= buffer_size)
+		return EFAULT;
+	line[0] = &buffer[*buffer_offset];
+	(*buffer_offset) += (strlen (line[0]) + 1);
+	if ((*buffer_offset) > buffer_size)
+		return EFAULT;
+	return 0;
- * Report_Leftover - Report any un-parsed (non-whitespace) characters on the
+ * report_leftover - report any un-parsed (non-whitespace) characters on the
  * configuration input line.
- * Input: In_Line - What is left of the configuration input line.
- *        Line_Num - Line number of the configuration file.
- * Output: NONE
+ * input: in_line - what is left of the configuration input line.
+ *        line_num - line number of the configuration file.
+ * output: none
-void Report_Leftover(char *In_Line, int Line_Num) {
-    int Bad_Index, i;
-    Bad_Index = -1;
-    for (i=0; i<strlen(In_Line); i++) {
-	if (isspace((int)In_Line[i]) || (In_Line[i] == '\n')) continue;
-	Bad_Index=i;
-	break;
-    } /* if */
-    if (Bad_Index == -1) return;
+void report_leftover (char *in_line, int line_num) {
+	int bad_index, i;
+	bad_index = -1;
+	for (i = 0; i < strlen (in_line); i++) {
+		if (isspace ((int) in_line[i]) || (in_line[i] == '\n'))
+			continue;
+		bad_index = i;
+		break;
+	}
+	if (bad_index == -1)
+		return;
-    fprintf(stderr, "Report_Leftover: Ignored input on line %d of configuration: %s\n", 
-	Line_Num, &In_Line[Bad_Index]);
+	fprintf (stderr,
+		 "report_leftover: ignored input on line %d of configuration: %s\n",
+		 line_num, &in_line[bad_index]);
-    syslog(LOG_ERR, "Report_Leftover: Ignored input on line %d of configuration: %s\n", 
-	Line_Num, &In_Line[Bad_Index]);
+	syslog (log_err,
+		"report_leftover: ignored input on line %d of configuration: %s\n",
+		line_num, &in_line[bad_index]);
-    return;
-} /* Report_Leftover */
+	return;
- * Write_Buffer - Write the specified line to the specified buffer, 
+ * write_buffer - write the specified line to the specified buffer, 
  *               enlarging the buffer as needed
- * Input: Buffer - Pointer to write buffer, must be allocated by alloc()
- *        Buffer_Offset - Byte offset in Buffer, write location
- *        Buffer_Size - Byte size of Buffer
- *        Line - Pointer to data to be writen
- * Output: Buffer - Value is written here, buffer may be relocated by realloc()
- *         Buffer_Offset - Incremented by Value_Size
- *         Returns 0 if no error or errno otherwise 
+ * input: buffer - pointer to write buffer, must be allocated by alloc()
+ *        buffer_offset - byte offset in buffer, write location
+ *        buffer_size - byte size of buffer
+ *        line - pointer to data to be writen
+ * output: buffer - value is written here, buffer may be relocated by realloc()
+ *         buffer_offset - incremented by value_size
+ *         returns 0 if no error or errno otherwise 
-int Write_Buffer(char **Buffer, int *Buffer_Offset, int *Buffer_Size, char *Line) {
-    int Line_Size;
-    Line_Size = strlen(Line) + 1;
-    if ((*Buffer_Offset + Line_Size) >= *Buffer_Size) {
-	(*Buffer_Size) += Line_Size + 8096;
-	Buffer[0] = realloc(Buffer[0], *Buffer_Size);
-	if (Buffer[0] == NULL) {
+int write_buffer (char **buffer, int *buffer_offset, int *buffer_size, char *line) {
+	int line_size;
+	line_size = strlen (line) + 1;
+	if ((*buffer_offset + line_size) >= *buffer_size) {
+		(*buffer_size) += line_size + 8096;
+		buffer[0] = realloc (buffer[0], *buffer_size);
+		if (buffer[0] == NULL) {
-	    fprintf(stderr, "Write_Buffer: unable to allocate memory\n");
+			fprintf (stderr,
+				 "write_buffer: unable to allocate memory\n");
-	    syslog(LOG_ALERT, "Write_Buffer: unable to allocate memory\n");
+			syslog (log_alert,
+				"write_buffer: unable to allocate memory\n");
-	    abort();
-	} /* if */
-    } /* if */
-    memcpy(Buffer[0]+(*Buffer_Offset), Line, Line_Size);
-    (*Buffer_Offset) += Line_Size;
-    return 0;
-} /* Write_Buffer */
+			abort ();
+		}
+	}
+	memcpy (buffer[0] + (*buffer_offset), line, line_size);
+	(*buffer_offset) += line_size;
+	return 0;
diff --git a/src/common/slurm.h b/src/common/slurm.h
index 1841cb6d796b6a0499b3cc15af25c74c811aa06b..18727c702d848e5c200d91ee81a023d131f5ce58 100644
--- a/src/common/slurm.h
+++ b/src/common/slurm.h
@@ -1,16 +1,16 @@
- * slurm.h - Definitions for slurm API use
+ * slurm.h - definitions for slurm api use
- * Note: The job, node, and partition specifications are all of the 
+ * NOTE: the job, node, and partition specifications are all of the 
  * same basic format:
- * If the first character of a line is "#" then it is a comment.
- * Place all information for a single node, partition, or job on a 
+ * if the first character of a line is "#" then it is a comment.
+ * place all information for a single node, partition, or job on a 
  *    single line. 
- * Space delimit collection of keywords and values and separate
- *    the keyword from value with an equal sign (e.g. "CPUs=3"). 
- * List entries should be comma separated (e.g. "Nodes=lx01,lx02").
+ * space delimit collection of keywords and values and separate
+ *    the keyword from value with an equal sign (e.g. "cpus=3"). 
+ * list entries should be comma separated (e.g. "nodes=lx01,lx02").
- * See the SLURM administrator guide for more details.
+ * see the slurm administrator guide for more details.
 #ifndef _HAVE_SLURM_H
@@ -25,8 +25,8 @@
 #define DEBUG_SYSTEM 1
 #define BACKUP_INTERVAL		60
-#define BACKUP_LOCATION		"/usr/local/SLURM/Slurm.State"
-#define CONTROL_DAEMON  	"/usr/local/SLURM/Slurmd.Control"
+#define BACKUP_LOCATION		"/usr/local/slurm/slurm.state"
+#define CONTROL_DAEMON  	"/usr/local/slurm/slurmd.control"
 #define EPILOG			""
 #define HASH_BASE		10
@@ -35,451 +35,458 @@
 #define KILL_WAIT		30
 #define	PRIORITIZE		""
 #define PROLOG			""
-#define SERVER_DAEMON   	"/usr/local/SLURM/Slurmd.Server"
+#define SERVER_DAEMON   	"/usr/local/slurm/slurmd.server"
 #define SERVER_TIMEOUT  	300
-#define SLURM_CONF		"/g/g0/jette/slurm/etc/SLURM.conf2"
+#define SLURM_CONF		"/g/g0/jette/slurm/etc/slurm.conf2"
 #define TMP_FS			"/tmp"
-/* NOTE: Change BUILD_STRUCT_VERSION value whenever the contents of BUILD_STRUCT_FORMAT change */
+/* NOTE: change BUILD_STRUCT_VERSION value whenever the contents of BUILD_STRUCT_FORMAT change */
-#define HEAD_FORMAT "#Time=%lu Version=%d\n"
+#define HEAD_FORMAT "#time=%lu version=%d\n"
 #define BUILD_STRUCT_FORMAT  "%s %s\n"
 #define BUILD_STRUCT2_FORMAT "%s %d\n"
-extern char *ControlMachine;	/* Name of computer acting as SLURM controller */
-extern char *BackupController;	/* Name of computer acting as SLURM backup controller */
+extern char *control_machine;	/* name of computer acting as slurm controller */
+extern char *backup_controller;	/* name of computer acting as slurm backup controller */
-/* NOTE: Change JOB_STRUCT_VERSION value whenever the contents of "struct Job_Record" 
- * change with respect to the API structures  */
+/* NOTE: change JOB_STRUCT_VERSION value whenever the contents of "struct job_record" 
+ * change with respect to the api structures  */
-struct Job_Record {
-    int Job_Id;
-    int User_Id;
-    int MaxTime;		/* -1 if unlimited */
+struct job_record {
+	int job_id;
+	int user_id;
+	int max_time;		/* -1 if unlimited */
-/* NOTE: Change NODE_STRUCT_VERSION value whenever the contents of NODE_STRUCT_FORMAT change */
+/* NOTE: change NODE_STRUCT_VERSION value whenever the contents of NODE_STRUCT_FORMAT change */
-#define NODE_STRUCT_FORMAT "NodeName=%s State=%s CPUs=%d RealMemory=%d TmpDisk=%d Weight=%d Feature=%s #Partition=%s\n"
-#define CONFIG_MAGIC 'C'
-#define NODE_MAGIC   'N'
-struct Config_Record {
+#define NODE_STRUCT_FORMAT "NodeName=%s Atate=%s CPUs=%d RealMemory=%d TmpDisk=%d Weight=%d Feature=%s #Partition=%s\n"
+#define CONFIG_MAGIC 'c'
+#define NODE_MAGIC   'n'
+struct config_record {
-    char Magic;			/* Magic cookie to test data integrity */
+	char magic;		/* magic cookie to test data integrity */
-    int CPUs;			/* Count of CPUs running on the node */
-    int RealMemory;		/* Megabytes of real memory on the node */
-    int TmpDisk;		/* Megabytes of total storage in TMP_FS file system */
-    int Weight;			/* Arbitrary priority of node for scheduling work on */
-    char *Feature;		/* Arbitrary list of features associated with a node */
-    char *Nodes;		/* Names of nodes in partition configuration record */
-    unsigned *NodeBitMap;	/* Bitmap of nodes in configuration record */
+	int cpus;		/* count of cpus running on the node */
+	int real_memory;	/* megabytes of real memory on the node */
+	int tmp_disk;		/* megabytes of total storage in TMP_FS file system */
+	int weight;		/* arbitrary priority of node for scheduling work on */
+	char *feature;		/* arbitrary list of features associated with a node */
+	char *nodes;		/* names of nodes in partition configuration record */
+	unsigned *node_bitmap;	/* bitmap of nodes in configuration record */
-extern List Config_List;		/* List of Config_Record entries */
+extern List config_list;	/* list of config_record entries */
-/* Last entry must be STATE_END, keep in sync with Node_State_String    	*/
-/* Any value less than or equal to zero is down. If a node was in state 	*/
+/* last entry must be STATE_END, keep in sync with node_state_string    	*/
+/* any value less than or equal to zero is down. if a node was in state 	*/
 /* STATE_BUSY and stops responding, its state becomes -(STATE_BUSY), etc.	*/
-enum Node_State {
-	STATE_DOWN,		/* Node is not responding */
-	STATE_UNKNOWN, 		/* Node's initial state, unknown */
-	STATE_IDLE, 		/* Node idle and available for use */
-	STATE_STAGE_IN, 	/* Node has been allocated to a job, which has not yet begun execution */
-	STATE_BUSY,		/* Node allocated to a job and that job is actively running */
-	STATE_STAGE_OUT,	/* Node has been allocated to a job, which has completed execution */
-	STATE_DRAINED, 		/* Node idle and not to be allocated future work */
-	STATE_DRAINING,		/* Node in use, but not to be allocated future work */
-/* Last entry must be "END", keep in sync with Node_State */
-extern char *Node_State_String[];
-extern time_t Last_BitMap_Update;	/* Time of last node creation or deletion */
-extern time_t Last_Node_Update;		/* Time of last update to Node Records */
-struct Node_Record {
+enum node_state {
+	STATE_DOWN,		/* node is not responding */
+	STATE_UNKNOWN,		/* node's initial state, unknown */
+	STATE_IDLE,		/* node idle and available for use */
+	STATE_STAGE_IN,		/* node has been allocated to a job, which has not yet begun execution */
+	STATE_BUSY,		/* node allocated to a job and that job is actively running */
+	STATE_STAGE_OUT,	/* node has been allocated to a job, which has completed execution */
+	STATE_DRAINED,		/* node idle and not to be allocated future work */
+	STATE_DRAINING,		/* node in use, but not to be allocated future work */
+};				/* last entry in table */
+/* last entry must be "end", keep in sync with node_state */
+extern char *node_state_string[];
+extern time_t last_bitmap_update;	/* time of last node creation or deletion */
+extern time_t last_node_update;	/* time of last update to node records */
+struct node_record {
-    char Magic;				/* Magic cookie to test data integrity */
+	char magic;		/* magic cookie to test data integrity */
-    char Name[MAX_NAME_LEN];		/* Name of the node. A NULL name indicates defunct node */
-    int NodeState;			/* State of the node, see Node_State above, negative if down */
-    time_t LastResponse;		/* Last response from the node */
-    int CPUs;				/* Actual count of CPUs running on the node */
-    int RealMemory;			/* Actual megabytes of real memory on the node */
-    int TmpDisk;			/* Actual megabytes of total storage in TMP_FS file system */
-    struct Config_Record *Config_Ptr;	/* Configuration specification for this node */
-    struct Part_Record *Partition_Ptr;	/* Partition for this node */
+	char name[MAX_NAME_LEN];	/* name of the node. a null name indicates defunct node */
+	int node_state;		/* state of the node, see node_state above, negative if down */
+	time_t last_response;	/* last response from the node */
+	int cpus;		/* actual count of cpus running on the node */
+	int real_memory;	/* actual megabytes of real memory on the node */
+	int tmp_disk;		/* actual megabytes of total storage in TMP_FS file system */
+	struct config_record *config_ptr;	/* configuration specification for this node */
+	struct part_record *partition_ptr;	/* partition for this node */
-extern struct Node_Record *Node_Record_Table_Ptr; /* Location of the node records */
-extern int	Node_Record_Count;	/* Count of records in the Node Record Table */
-extern int	*Hash_Table;		/* Table of hashed indicies into Node_Record */
-extern unsigned *Up_NodeBitMap;		/* Bitmap of nodes are UP */
-extern unsigned *Idle_NodeBitMap;	/* Bitmap of nodes are IDLE */
-extern struct 	Config_Record Default_Config_Record;
-extern struct 	Node_Record Default_Node_Record;
-/* NOTE: Change PART_STRUCT_VERSION value whenever the contents of PART_STRUCT_FORMAT change */
+extern struct node_record *node_record_table_ptr;	/* location of the node records */
+extern int node_record_count;	/* count of records in the node record table */
+extern int *hash_table;		/* table of hashed indicies into node_record */
+extern unsigned *up_node_bitmap;	/* bitmap of nodes are up */
+extern unsigned *idle_node_bitmap;	/* bitmap of nodes are idle */
+extern struct config_record default_config_record;
+extern struct node_record default_node_record;
+/* NOTE: change PART_STRUCT_VERSION value whenever the contents of PART_STRUCT_FORMAT change */
 #define PART_STRUCT_FORMAT "PartitionName=%s MaxNodes=%d MaxTime=%d Nodes=%s Key=%s Default=%s AllowGroups=%s Shared=%s State=%s #TotalNodes=%d TotalCPUs=%d\n"
-#define PART_MAGIC 'P'
-extern time_t Last_Part_Update;	/* Time of last update to Part Records */
-struct Part_Record {
+#define PART_MAGIC 'p'
+extern time_t last_part_update;	/* time of last update to part records */
+struct part_record {
-    char Magic;			/* Magic cookie to test data integrity */
+	char magic;		/* magic cookie to test data integrity */
-    char Name[MAX_NAME_LEN];	/* Name of the partition */
-    int MaxTime;		/* -1 if unlimited */
-    int MaxNodes;		/* -1 if unlimited */
-    int TotalNodes;		/* Total number of nodes in the partition */
-    int TotalCPUs;		/* Total number of CPUs in the partition */
-    unsigned Key:1;		/* 1 if SLURM distributed key is required for use of partition */
-    unsigned Shared:2;		/* 1 if more than one job can execute on a node, 2 if required */
-    unsigned StateUp:1;		/* 1 if state is UP, 0 if DOWN */
-    char *Nodes;		/* Names of nodes in partition */
-    char *AllowGroups;		/* NULL indicates ALL */
-    unsigned *NodeBitMap;	/* Bitmap of nodes in partition */
+	char name[MAX_NAME_LEN];	/* name of the partition */
+	int max_time;		/* -1 if unlimited */
+	int max_nodes;		/* -1 if unlimited */
+	int total_nodes;	/* total number of nodes in the partition */
+	int total_cpus;		/* total number of cpus in the partition */
+	unsigned key:1;		/* 1 if slurm distributed key is required for use of partition */
+	unsigned shared:2;	/* 1 if more than one job can execute on a node, 2 if required */
+	unsigned state_up:1;	/* 1 if state is up, 0 if down */
+	char *nodes;		/* names of nodes in partition */
+	char *allow_groups;	/* null indicates all */
+	unsigned *node_bitmap;	/* bitmap of nodes in partition */
-extern List Part_List;		/* List of Part_Record entries */
-extern struct	Part_Record Default_Part;		/* Default configuration values */
-extern char Default_Part_Name[MAX_NAME_LEN];	/* Name of default partition */
-extern struct Part_Record *Default_Part_Loc;	/* Location of default partition */
+extern List part_list;		/* list of part_record entries */
+extern struct part_record default_part;	/* default configuration values */
+extern char default_part_name[MAX_NAME_LEN];	/* name of default partition */
+extern struct part_record *default_part_loc;	/* location of default partition */
- * BitMap2NodeName - Given a bitmap, build a node list representation
- * Input: BitMap - Bitmap pointer
- *        Node_List - Place to put node list
- * Output: Node_List - Set to node list or NULL on error 
- *         Returns 0 if no error, otherwise EINVAL or ENOMEM
- * NOTE: Consider returning the node list as a regular expression if helpful
- * NOTE: The caller must free memory at Node_List when no longer required
+ * bitmap2node_name - given a bitmap, build a node list representation
+ * input: bitmap - bitmap pointer
+ *        node_list - place to put node list
+ * output: node_list - set to node list or null on error 
+ *         returns 0 if no error, otherwise einval or enomem
+ * NOTE: consider returning the node list as a regular expression if helpful
+ * NOTE: the caller must free memory at node_list when no longer required
-extern int BitMap2NodeName(unsigned *BitMap, char **Node_List);
+extern int bitmap2node_name (unsigned *bitmap, char **node_list);
- * BitMapAND - AND two bitmaps together
- * Input: BitMap1 and BitMap2 - The bitmaps to AND
- * Output: BitMap1 is set to the value of BitMap1 & BitMap2
+ * bitmap_and - and two bitmaps together
+ * input: bitmap1 and bitmap2 - the bitmaps to and
+ * output: bitmap1 is set to the value of bitmap1 & bitmap2
-extern void BitMapAND(unsigned *BitMap1, unsigned *BitMap2);
+extern void bitmap_and (unsigned *bitmap1, unsigned *bitmap2);
- * BitMapClear - Clear the specified bit in the specified bitmap
- * Input: BitMap - The bit map to manipulate
- *        Position - Postition to clear
- * Output: BitMap - Updated value
+ * bitmap_clear - clear the specified bit in the specified bitmap
+ * input: bitmap - the bit map to manipulate
+ *        position - postition to clear
+ * output: bitmap - updated value
-extern void BitMapClear(unsigned *BitMap, int Position);
+extern void bitmap_clear (unsigned *bitmap, int position);
- * BitMapCopy - Create a copy of a bitmap
- * Input: BitMap - The bitmap create a copy of
- * Output: Returns pointer to copy of BitMap or NULL if error (no memory)
- *   The returned value MUST BE FREED by the calling routine
+ * bitmap_copy - create a copy of a bitmap
+ * input: bitmap - the bitmap create a copy of
+ * output: returns pointer to copy of bitmap or null if error (no memory)
+ *   the returned value must be freed by the calling routine
-extern unsigned * BitMapCopy(unsigned *BitMap);
+extern unsigned *bitmap_copy (unsigned *bitmap);
- * BitMapCount - Return the count of set bits in the specified bitmap
- * Input: BitMap - The bit map to get count from
- * Output: Returns the count of set bits
+ * bitmap_count - return the count of set bits in the specified bitmap
+ * input: bitmap - the bit map to get count from
+ * output: returns the count of set bits
-extern int BitMapCount(unsigned *BitMap);
+extern int bitmap_count (unsigned *bitmap);
- * BitMapFill - Fill the provided bitmap so that all bits between the highest and lowest
+ * bitmap_fill - fill the provided bitmap so that all bits between the highest and lowest
  * 	previously set bits are also set (i.e fill in the gaps to make it contiguous)
- * Input: BitMap - Pointer to the bit map to fill in
- * Output: BitMap - The filled in bitmap
+ * input: bitmap - pointer to the bit map to fill in
+ * output: bitmap - the filled in bitmap
-extern void BitMapFill(unsigned *BitMap);
+extern void bitmap_fill (unsigned *bitmap);
- * BitMapIsSuper - Report if one bitmap's contents are a superset of another
- * Input: BitMap1 and BitMap2 - The bitmaps to compare
- * Output: Return 1 if if all bits in BitMap1 are also in BitMap2, 0 otherwise 
+ * bitmap_is_super - report if one bitmap's contents are a superset of another
+ * input: bitmap1 and bitmap2 - the bitmaps to compare
+ * output: return 1 if if all bits in bitmap1 are also in bitmap2, 0 otherwise 
-extern int BitMapIsSuper(unsigned *BitMap1, unsigned *BitMap2);
+extern int bitmap_is_super (unsigned *bitmap1, unsigned *bitmap2);
- * BitMapOR - OR two bitmaps together
- * Input: BitMap1 and BitMap2 - The bitmaps to OR
- * Output: BitMap1 is set to the value of BitMap1 | BitMap2
+ * bitmap_or - or two bitmaps together
+ * input: bitmap1 and bitmap2 - the bitmaps to or
+ * output: bitmap1 is set to the value of bitmap1 | bitmap2
-extern void BitMapOR(unsigned *BitMap1, unsigned *BitMap2);
+extern void bitmap_or (unsigned *bitmap1, unsigned *bitmap2);
- * BitMapPrint - Convert the specified bitmap into a printable hexadecimal string
- * Input: BitMap - The bit map to print
- * Output: Returns a string
- * NOTE: The returned string must be freed by the calling program
+ * bitmap_print - convert the specified bitmap into a printable hexadecimal string
+ * input: bitmap - the bit map to print
+ * output: returns a string
+ * NOTE: the returned string must be freed by the calling program
-extern char *BitMapPrint(unsigned *BitMap);
+extern char *bitmap_print (unsigned *bitmap);
- * BitMapSet - Set the specified bit in the specified bitmap
- * Input: BitMap - The bit map to manipulate
- *        Position - Postition to set
- * Output: BitMap - Updated value
+ * bitmap_set - set the specified bit in the specified bitmap
+ * input: bitmap - the bit map to manipulate
+ *        position - postition to set
+ * output: bitmap - updated value
-extern void BitMapSet(unsigned *BitMap, int Position);
+extern void bitmap_set (unsigned *bitmap, int position);
- * BitMapValue - Return the value of specified bit in the specified bitmap
- * Input: BitMap - The bit map to get value from
- *        Position - Postition to get
- * Output: Normally returns the value 0 or 1, returns -1 if given bad BitMap ponter
+ * bitmap_value - return the value of specified bit in the specified bitmap
+ * input: bitmap - the bit map to get value from
+ *        position - postition to get
+ * output: normally returns the value 0 or 1, returns -1 if given bad bitmap ponter
-extern int BitMapValue(unsigned *BitMap, int Position);
+extern int bitmap_value (unsigned *bitmap, int position);
- * Create_Config_Record - Create a Config_Record entry, append it to the Config_List, 
- *	and set is values to the defaults in Default_Config_Record.
- * Input: Error_Code - Pointer to an error code
- * Output: Returns pointer to the Config_Record
- *         Error_Code - set to zero if no error, errno otherwise
- * NOTE: The pointer returned is allocated memory that must be freed when no longer needed.
+ * create_config_record - create a config_record entry, append it to the config_list, 
+ *	and set is values to the defaults in default_config_record.
+ * input: error_code - pointer to an error code
+ * output: returns pointer to the config_record
+ *         error_code - set to zero if no error, errno otherwise
+ * NOTE: the pointer returned is allocated memory that must be freed when no longer needed.
-extern struct Config_Record *Create_Config_Record(int *Error_Code);
+extern struct config_record *create_config_record (int *error_code);
- * Create_Node_Record - Create a node record
- * Input: Error_Code - Location to store error value in
- *        Config_Point - Pointer to node's configuration information
- *        Node_Name - Name of the node
- * Output: Error_Code - Set to zero if no error, errno otherwise
- *         Returns a pointer to the record or NULL if error
- * NOTE The record's values are initialized to those of Default_Node_Record, Node_Name and 
- *	Config_Point's CPUs, RealMemory, and TmpDisk values
- * NOTE: Allocates memory that should be freed with Delete_Part_Record
- */
-extern struct Node_Record *Create_Node_Record(int *Error_Code, struct Config_Record *Config_Point,
-	char *Node_Name);
+ * create_node_record - create a node record
+ * input: error_code - location to store error value in
+ *        config_point - pointer to node's configuration information
+ *        node_name - name of the node
+ * output: error_code - set to zero if no error, errno otherwise
+ *         returns a pointer to the record or null if error
+ * note the record's values are initialized to those of default_node_record, node_name and 
+ *	config_point's cpus, real_memory, and tmp_disk values
+ * NOTE: allocates memory that should be freed with delete_part_record
+ */
+extern struct node_record *create_node_record (int *error_code,
+					       struct config_record
+					       *config_point,
+					       char *node_name);
- * Create_Part_Record - Create a partition record
- * Input: Error_Code - Location to store error value in
- * Output: Error_Code - Set to zero if no error, errno otherwise
- *         Returns a pointer to the record or NULL if error
- * NOTE: The record's values are initialized to those of Default_Part
+ * create_part_record - create a partition record
+ * input: error_code - location to store error value in
+ * output: error_code - set to zero if no error, errno otherwise
+ *         returns a pointer to the record or null if error
+ * NOTE: the record's values are initialized to those of default_part
-extern struct Part_Record *Create_Part_Record(int *Error_Code);
+extern struct part_record *create_part_record (int *error_code);
- * Delete_Node_Record - Delete record for node with specified name
- *   To avoid invalidating the bitmaps and hash table, we just clear the name 
+ * delete_node_record - delete record for node with specified name
+ *   to avoid invalidating the bitmaps and hash table, we just clear the name 
  *   set its state to STATE_DOWN
- * Input: name - name of the desired node 
- * Output: return 0 on success, errno otherwise
+ * input: name - name of the desired node 
+ * output: return 0 on success, errno otherwise
-extern int Delete_Node_Record(char *name);
+extern int delete_node_record (char *name);
- * Delete_Part_Record - Delete record for partition with specified name
- * Input: name - name of the desired node 
- * Output: return 0 on success, errno otherwise
+ * delete_part_record - delete record for partition with specified name
+ * input: name - name of the desired node 
+ * output: return 0 on success, errno otherwise
-extern int Delete_Part_Record(char *name);
+extern int delete_part_record (char *name);
- * Dump_Node - Dump all configuration and node information to a buffer
- * Input: Buffer_Ptr - Location into which a pointer to the data is to be stored.
- *                     The data buffer is actually allocated by Dump_Node and the 
+ * dump_node - dump all configuration and node information to a buffer
+ * input: buffer_ptr - location into which a pointer to the data is to be stored.
+ *                     the data buffer is actually allocated by dump_node and the 
  *                     calling function must free the storage.
- *         Buffer_Size - Location into which the size of the created buffer is in bytes
- *         Update_Time - Dump new data only if partition records updated since time 
+ *         buffer_size - location into which the size of the created buffer is in bytes
+ *         update_time - dump new data only if partition records updated since time 
  *                       specified, otherwise return empty buffer
- * Output: Buffer_Ptr - The pointer is set to the allocated buffer.
- *         Buffer_Size - Set to size of the buffer in bytes
- *         Update_Time - set to time partition records last updated
- *         Returns 0 if no error, errno otherwise
- * NOTE: In this prototype, the buffer at *Buffer_Ptr must be freed by the caller
- * NOTE: This is a prototype for a function to ship data partition to an API.
+ * output: buffer_ptr - the pointer is set to the allocated buffer.
+ *         buffer_size - set to size of the buffer in bytes
+ *         update_time - set to time partition records last updated
+ *         returns 0 if no error, errno otherwise
+ * NOTE: in this prototype, the buffer at *buffer_ptr must be freed by the caller
+ * NOTE: this is a prototype for a function to ship data partition to an api.
-extern int Dump_Node(char **Buffer_Ptr, int *Buffer_Size, time_t *Update_Time);
+extern int dump_node (char **buffer_ptr, int *buffer_size,
+		      time_t * update_time);
- * Dump_Part - Dump all partition information to a buffer
- * Input: Buffer_Ptr - Location into which a pointer to the data is to be stored.
- *                     The data buffer is actually allocated by Dump_Part and the 
+ * dump_part - dump all partition information to a buffer
+ * input: buffer_ptr - location into which a pointer to the data is to be stored.
+ *                     the data buffer is actually allocated by dump_part and the 
  *                     calling function must free the storage.
- *         Buffer_Size - Location into which the size of the created buffer is in bytes
- *         Update_Time - Dump new data only if partition records updated since time 
+ *         buffer_size - location into which the size of the created buffer is in bytes
+ *         update_time - dump new data only if partition records updated since time 
  *                       specified, otherwise return empty buffer
- * Output: Buffer_Ptr - The pointer is set to the allocated buffer.
- *         Buffer_Size - Set to size of the buffer in bytes
- *         Update_Time - set to time partition records last updated
- *         Returns 0 if no error, errno otherwise
- * NOTE: In this prototype, the buffer at *Buffer_Ptr must be freed by the caller
- * NOTE: This is a prototype for a function to ship data partition to an API.
+ * output: buffer_ptr - the pointer is set to the allocated buffer.
+ *         buffer_size - set to size of the buffer in bytes
+ *         update_time - set to time partition records last updated
+ *         returns 0 if no error, errno otherwise
+ * NOTE: in this prototype, the buffer at *buffer_ptr must be freed by the caller
+ * NOTE: this is a prototype for a function to ship data partition to an api.
-extern int Dump_Part(char **Buffer_Ptr, int *Buffer_Size, time_t *Update_Time);
+extern int dump_part (char **buffer_ptr, int *buffer_size,
+		      time_t * update_time);
- * Find_Node_Record - Find a record for node with specified name,
- * Input: name - name of the desired node 
- * Output: return pointer to node record or NULL if not found
+ * find_node_record - find a record for node with specified name,
+ * input: name - name of the desired node 
+ * output: return pointer to node record or null if not found
-extern struct Node_Record *Find_Node_Record(char *name);
+extern struct node_record *find_node_record (char *name);
- * Find_Part_Record - Find a record for partition with specified name,
- * Input: name - name of the desired partition 
- * Output: return pointer to node partition or NULL if not found
+ * find_part_record - find a record for partition with specified name,
+ * input: name - name of the desired partition 
+ * output: return pointer to node partition or null if not found
-extern struct Part_Record *Find_Part_Record(char *name);
+extern struct part_record *find_part_record (char *name);
- * Init_Node_Conf - Initialize the node configuration values. 
- * This should be called before creating any node or configuration entries.
- * Output: return value - 0 if no error, otherwise an error code
+ * init_node_conf - initialize the node configuration values. 
+ * this should be called before creating any node or configuration entries.
+ * output: return value - 0 if no error, otherwise an error code
-extern int Init_Node_Conf();
+extern int init_node_conf ();
- * Init_Part_Conf - Initialize the partition configuration values. 
- * This should be called before creating any partition entries.
- * Output: return value - 0 if no error, otherwise an error code
+ * init_part_conf - initialize the partition configuration values. 
+ * this should be called before creating any partition entries.
+ * output: return value - 0 if no error, otherwise an error code
-extern int Init_Part_Conf();
+extern int init_part_conf ();
-/* List_Compare_Config - Compare two entry from the config list based upon weight, 
+/* list_compare_config - compare two entry from the config list based upon weight, 
  * see list.h for documentation */
-extern int List_Compare_Config(void *Config_Entry1, void *Config_Entry2);
+extern int list_compare_config (void *config_entry1, void *config_entry2);
-/* List_Delete_Config - Delete an entry from the configuration list, see list.h for documentation */
-extern void List_Delete_Config(void *Config_Entry);
+/* list_delete_config - delete an entry from the configuration list, see list.h for documentation */
+extern void list_delete_config (void *config_entry);
-/* List_Find_Config - Find an entry in the configuration list, see list.h for documentation 
- * Key is partition name or "UNIVERSAL_KEY" for all configuration */
-extern int List_Find_Config(void *Config_Entry, void *key);
+/* list_find_config - find an entry in the configuration list, see list.h for documentation 
+ * key is partition name or "universal_key" for all configuration */
+extern int list_find_config (void *config_entry, void *key);
-/* List_Delete_Part - Delete an entry from the partition list, see list.h for documentation */
-extern void List_Delete_Part(void *Part_Entry);
+/* list_delete_part - delete an entry from the partition list, see list.h for documentation */
+extern void list_delete_part (void *part_entry);
-/* List_Find_Part - Find an entry in the partition list, see list.h for documentation 
- * Key is partition name or "UNIVERSAL_KEY" for all partitions */
-extern int List_Find_Part(void *Part_Entry, void *key);
+/* list_find_part - find an entry in the partition list, see list.h for documentation 
+ * key is partition name or "universal_key" for all partitions */
+extern int list_find_part (void *part_entry, void *key);
- * Load_Integer - Parse a string for a keyword, value pair  
- * Input: *destination - Location into which result is stored
- *        keyword - String to search for
- *        In_Line - String to search for keyword
- * Output: *destination - set to value, No change if value not found, 
- *             Set to 1 if keyword found without value, 
- *             Set to -1 if keyword followed by "UNLIMITED"
- *         In_Line - The keyword and value (if present) are overwritten by spaces
+ * load_integer - parse a string for a keyword, value pair  
+ * input: *destination - location into which result is stored
+ *        keyword - string to search for
+ *        in_line - string to search for keyword
+ * output: *destination - set to value, no change if value not found, 
+ *             set to 1 if keyword found without value, 
+ *             set to -1 if keyword followed by "unlimited"
+ *         in_line - the keyword and value (if present) are overwritten by spaces
  *         return value - 0 if no error, otherwise an error code
- * NOTE: In_Line is overwritten, DO NOT USE A CONSTANT
+ * NOTE: in_line is overwritten, do not use a constant
-extern int Load_Integer(int *destination, char *keyword, char *In_Line);
+extern int load_integer (int *destination, char *keyword, char *in_line);
- * Load_String - Parse a string for a keyword, value pair  
- * Input: *destination - Location into which result is stored
- *        keyword - String to search for
- *        In_Line - String to search for keyword
- * Output: *destination - set to value, No change if value not found, 
+ * load_string - parse a string for a keyword, value pair  
+ * input: *destination - location into which result is stored
+ *        keyword - string to search for
+ *        in_line - string to search for keyword
+ * output: *destination - set to value, no change if value not found, 
  *	     if *destination had previous value, that memory location is automatically freed
- *         In_Line - The keyword and value (if present) are overwritten by spaces
+ *         in_line - the keyword and value (if present) are overwritten by spaces
  *         return value - 0 if no error, otherwise an error code
  * NOTE: destination must be free when no longer required
- * NOTE: if destination is non-NULL at function call time, it will be freed 
- * NOTE: In_Line is overwritten, DO NOT USE A CONSTANT
+ * NOTE: if destination is non-null at function call time, it will be freed 
+ * NOTE: in_line is overwritten, do not use a constant
-extern int Load_String(char **destination, char *keyword, char *In_Line);
+extern int load_string (char **destination, char *keyword, char *in_line);
-/* Node_Lock - Lock the node and configuration information */
-extern void Node_Lock();
+/* node_lock - lock the node and configuration information */
+extern void node_lock ();
-/* Node_Unlock - Unlock the node and configuration information */
-extern void Node_Unlock();
+/* node_unlock - unlock the node and configuration information */
+extern void node_unlock ();
- * NodeName2BitMap - Given a node list, build a bitmap representation
- * Input: Node_List - List of nodes
- *        BitMap - Place to put bitmap pointer
- * Output: BitMap - Set to bitmap or NULL on error 
- *         Returns 0 if no error, otherwise EINVAL or ENOMEM
- * NOTE: The caller must free memory at BitMap when no longer required
+ * node_name2bitmap - given a node list, build a bitmap representation
+ * input: node_list - list of nodes
+ *        bitmap - place to put bitmap pointer
+ * output: bitmap - set to bitmap or null on error 
+ *         returns 0 if no error, otherwise einval or enomem
+ * NOTE: the caller must free memory at bitmap when no longer required
-extern int NodeName2BitMap(char *Node_List, unsigned **BitMap);
+extern int node_name2bitmap (char *node_list, unsigned **bitmap);
-/* Part_Lock - Lock the partition information */
-extern void Part_Lock();
+/* part_lock - lock the partition information */
+extern void part_lock ();
-/* Part_Unlock - Unlock the partition information */
-extern void Part_Unlock();
+/* part_unlock - unlock the partition information */
+extern void part_unlock ();
- * Read_Buffer - Read a line from the specified buffer
- * Input: Buffer - Pointer to read buffer, must be allocated by alloc()
- *        Buffer_Offset - Byte offset in Buffer, read location
- *        Buffer_Size - Byte size of Buffer
- *        Line - Pointer to location to be loaded with POINTER TO THE LINE
- * Output: Buffer_Offset - Incremented by  size of size plus the Value size itself
- *         Line - Set to pointer to the line
- *         Returns 0 if no error or EFAULT on end of buffer, EINVAL on bad tag 
- */
-extern int Read_Buffer(char *Buffer, int *Buffer_Offset, int Buffer_Size, char **Line);
+ * read_buffer - read a line from the specified buffer
+ * input: buffer - pointer to read buffer, must be allocated by alloc()
+ *        buffer_offset - byte offset in buffer, read location
+ *        buffer_size - byte size of buffer
+ *        line - pointer to location to be loaded with pointer to the line
+ * output: buffer_offset - incremented by  size of size plus the value size itself
+ *         line - set to pointer to the line
+ *         returns 0 if no error or efault on end of buffer, einval on bad tag 
+ */
+extern int read_buffer (char *buffer, int *buffer_offset, int buffer_size,
+			char **line);
- * Read_SLURM_Conf - Load the SLURM configuration from the specified file 
- * Call Init_SLURM_Conf before ever calling Read_SLURM_Conf.  
- * Read_SLURM_Conf can be called more than once if so desired.
- * Input: File_Name - Name of the file containing SLURM configuration information
- * Output: Return - 0 if no error, otherwise an error code
+ * read_SLURM_CONF - load the slurm configuration from the specified file 
+ * call init_SLURM_CONF before ever calling read_SLURM_CONF.  
+ * read_SLURM_CONF can be called more than once if so desired.
+ * input: file_name - name of the file containing slurm configuration information
+ * output: return - 0 if no error, otherwise an error code
-extern int Read_SLURM_Conf (char *File_Name);
+extern int read_SLURM_CONF (char *file_name);
- * Report_Leftover - Report any un-parsed (non-whitespace) characters on the
+ * report_leftover - report any un-parsed (non-whitespace) characters on the
  * configuration input line.
- * Input: In_Line - What is left of the configuration input line.
- *        Line_Num - Line number of the configuration file.
- * Output: NONE
+ * input: in_line - what is left of the configuration input line.
+ *        line_num - line number of the configuration file.
+ * output: none
-extern void Report_Leftover(char *In_Line, int Line_Num);
+extern void report_leftover (char *in_line, int line_num);
- * Update_Node - Update a node configuration data
- * Input: NodeName - Node name specification (can include real expression)
- *        Spec - The updates to the node's specification 
- * Output:  Return - 0 if no error, otherwise an error code
+ * update_node - update a node configuration data
+ * input: node_name - node name specification (can include real expression)
+ *        spec - the updates to the node's specification 
+ * output:  return - 0 if no error, otherwise an error code
-extern int Update_Node(char *NodeName, char *Spec);
+extern int update_node (char *node_name, char *spec);
- * Update_Part - Update a partition's configuration data
- * Input: PartitionName - Partition's name
- *        Spec - The updates to the partition's specification 
- * Output:  Return - 0 if no error, otherwise an error code
- * NOTE: The contents of Spec are overwritten by white space
+ * update_part - update a partition's configuration data
+ * input: partition_name - partition's name
+ *        spec - the updates to the partition's specification 
+ * output:  return - 0 if no error, otherwise an error code
+ * NOTE: the contents of spec are overwritten by white space
-extern int Update_Part(char *PartitionName, char *Spec);
+extern int update_part (char *partition_name, char *spec);
- * Validate_Node_Specs - Validate the node's specifications as valid, 
- *   if not set state to DOWN, in any case update LastResponse
- * Input: NodeName - Name of the node
- *        CPUs - Number of CPUs measured
- *        RealMemory - MegaBytes of RealMemory measured
- *        TmpDisk - MegaBytes of TmpDisk measured
- * Output: Returns 0 if no error, ENOENT if no such node, EINVAL if values too low
- */ 
-extern int Validate_Node_Specs(char *NodeName, 
-	int CPUs, int RealMemory, int TmpDisk);
+ * validate_node_specs - validate the node's specifications as valid, 
+ *   if not set state to down, in any case update last_response
+ * input: node_name - name of the node
+ *        cpus - number of cpus measured
+ *        real_memory - mega_bytes of real_memory measured
+ *        tmp_disk - mega_bytes of tmp_disk measured
+ * output: returns 0 if no error, enoent if no such node, einval if values too low
+ */
+extern int validate_node_specs (char *node_name,
+				int cpus, int real_memory, int tmp_disk);
- * Write_Buffer - Write the specified line to the specified buffer, 
+ * write_buffer - write the specified line to the specified buffer, 
  *               enlarging the buffer as needed
- * Input: Buffer - Pointer to write buffer, must be allocated by alloc()
- *        Buffer_Offset - Byte offset in Buffer, write location
- *        Buffer_Size - Byte size of Buffer
- *        Line - Pointer to data to be writen
- * Output: Buffer - Value is written here, buffer may be relocated by realloc()
- *         Buffer_Offset - Incremented by Value_Size
- *         Returns 0 if no error or errno otherwise 
- */
-extern int Write_Buffer(char **Buffer, int *Buffer_Offset, int *Buffer_Size, char *Line);
+ * input: buffer - pointer to write buffer, must be allocated by alloc()
+ *        buffer_offset - byte offset in buffer, write location
+ *        buffer_size - byte size of buffer
+ *        line - pointer to data to be writen
+ * output: buffer - value is written here, buffer may be relocated by realloc()
+ *         buffer_offset - incremented by value_size
+ *         returns 0 if no error or errno otherwise 
+ */
+extern int write_buffer (char **buffer, int *buffer_offset, int *buffer_size,
+			 char *line);
 #endif /* !_HAVE_SLURM_H */
diff --git a/src/common/slurmlib.h b/src/common/slurmlib.h
index 6e139c1eb8e89959b5c2d19d46477f9af2e6c636..c7b4c77855d8fc23f69e0b9982cf8bfa6dd09f9b 100644
--- a/src/common/slurmlib.h
+++ b/src/common/slurmlib.h
@@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
- * slurmlib.h - Descriptions of SLURM APIs
- * See slurm.h for documentation on external functions and data structures
+ * slurmlib.h - descriptions of slurm APIs
+ * see slurm.h for documentation on external functions and data structures
- * Author: Moe Jette, jette@llnl.gov
+ * author: moe jette, jette@llnl.gov
 #define MAX_NAME_LEN	16
@@ -11,136 +11,146 @@
 #define SLURMCTLD_HOST	""
 #define SLURMCTLD_PORT	1543
- * Allocate - Allocate nodes for a job with supplied contraints. 
- * Input: Spec - Specification of the job's constraints
- *        NodeList - Place into which a node list pointer can be placed
- * Output: NodeList - List of allocated nodes
- *         Returns 0 if no error, EINVAL if the request is invalid, 
- *			EAGAIN if the request can not be satisfied at present
- * NOTE: Acceptable specifications include: JobName=<name> NodeList=<list>, 
+ * slurm_allocate - allocate nodes for a job with supplied contraints. 
+ * input: spec - specification of the job's constraints
+ *        node_list - place into which a node list pointer can be placed
+ * output: node_list - list of allocated nodes
+ *         returns 0 if no error, einval if the request is invalid, 
+ *			eagain if the request can not be satisfied at present
+ * NOTE: acceptable specifications include: JobName=<name> NodeList=<list>, 
  *	Features=<features>, Groups=<groups>, Partition=<part_name>, Contiguous, 
  *	TotalCPUs=<number>, TotalNodes=<number>, MinCPUs=<number>, 
  *	MinMemory=<number>, MinTmpDisk=<number>, Key=<number>, Shared=<0|1>
- * NOTE: The calling function must free the allocated storage at NodeList[0]
+ * NOTE: the calling function must free the allocated storage at node_list[0]
-extern int Allocate(char *Spec, char **NodeList);
+extern int slurm_allocate (char *spec, char **node_list);
- * Free_Build_Info - Free the build information buffer (if allocated)
+ * slurm_free_build_info - free the build information buffer (if allocated).
+ * NOTE: buffer is loaded by slurm_load_build and used by slurm_load_build_name.
-extern void Free_Build_Info(void);
+extern void slurm_free_build_info (void);
- * Free_Node_Info - Free the node information buffer (if allocated)
+ * free_node_info - free the node information buffer (if allocated)
+ * NOTE: buffer is loaded by load_node and used by load_node_name.
-extern void Free_Node_Info(void);
+extern void free_node_info (void);
- * Free_Part_Info - Free the partition information buffer (if allocated)
+ * free_part_info - free the partition information buffer (if allocated)
+ * NOTE: buffer is loaded by load_part and used by load_part_name.
-extern void Free_Part_Info(void);
+extern void free_part_info (void);
- * Load_Build - Update the build information buffer for use by info gathering APIs
- * Output: Returns 0 if no error, EINVAL if the buffer is invalid, ENOMEM if malloc failure
+ * slurm_load_build - update the build information buffer for use by info gathering APIs
+ * output: returns 0 if no error, einval if the buffer is invalid, enomem if malloc failure.
+ * NOTE: buffer is used by slurm_load_build_name and freed by slurm_free_build_info.
-extern int Load_Build();
+extern int slurm_load_build ();
- * Load_Build_Name - Load the state information about the named build parameter
- * Input: Req_Name - Name of the parameter for which information is requested
+ * slurm_load_build_name - load the state information about the named build parameter
+ * input: req_name - name of the parameter for which information is requested
  *		     if "", then get info for the first parameter in list
- *        Next_Name - Location into which the name of the next parameter is 
+ *        next_name - location into which the name of the next parameter is 
  *                   stored, "" if no more
- *        Value - Pointer to location into which the information is to be stored
- * Output: Req_Name - The parameter's name is stored here
- *         Next_Name - The name of the next parameter in the list is stored here
- *         Value - The parameter's state information
- *         Returns 0 on success, ENOENT if not found, or EINVAL if buffer is bad
- * NOTE:  Req_Name, Next_Name, and Value must be declared by caller with have 
+ *        value - pointer to location into which the information is to be stored
+ * output: req_name - the parameter's name is stored here
+ *         next_name - the name of the next parameter in the list is stored here
+ *         value - the parameter's state information
+ *         returns 0 on success, enoent if not found, or einval if buffer is bad
+ * NOTE:  req_name, next_name, and value must be declared by caller with have 
  *        length BUILD_SIZE or larger
+ * NOTE: buffer is loaded by slurm_load_build and freed by slurm_free_build_info.
-extern int Load_Build_Name(char *Req_Name, char *Next_Name, char *Value);
+extern int slurm_load_build_name (char *req_name, char *next_name, char *value);
- * Load_Node - Load the supplied node information buffer for use by info gathering APIs if
+ * load_node - load the supplied node information buffer for use by info gathering APIs if
  *	node records have changed since the time specified. 
- * Input: Buffer - Pointer to node information buffer
- *        Buffer_Size - size of Buffer
- * Output: Returns 0 if no error, EINVAL if the buffer is invalid, ENOMEM if malloc failure
+ * input: buffer - pointer to node information buffer
+ *        buffer_size - size of buffer
+ * output: returns 0 if no error, einval if the buffer is invalid, enomem if malloc failure
+ * NOTE: buffer is used by load_node_config and freed by free_node_info.
-extern int Load_Node(time_t *Last_Update_Time);
+extern int load_node (time_t * last_update_time);
- * Load_Node_Config - Load the state information about the named node
- * Input: Req_Name - Name of the node for which information is requested
+ * load_node_config - load the state information about the named node
+ * input: req_name - name of the node for which information is requested
  *		     if "", then get info for the first node in list
- *        Next_Name - Location into which the name of the next node is 
+ *        next_name - location into which the name of the next node is 
  *                   stored, "" if no more
- *        CPUs, etc. - Pointers into which the information is to be stored
- * Output: Next_Name - Name of the next node in the list
- *         CPUs, etc. - The node's state information
- *         Returns 0 on success, ENOENT if not found, or EINVAL if buffer is bad
- * NOTE:  Req_Name, Next_Name, Partition, and NodeState must be declared by the 
+ *        cpus, etc. - pointers into which the information is to be stored
+ * output: next_name - name of the next node in the list
+ *         cpus, etc. - the node's state information
+ *         returns 0 on success, enoent if not found, or einval if buffer is bad
+ * NOTE:  req_name, next_name, partition, and node_state must be declared by the 
  *        caller and have length MAX_NAME_LEN or larger
- *        Features must be declared by the caller and have length FEATURE_SIZE or larger
+ *        features must be declared by the caller and have length FEATURE_SIZE or larger
+ * NOTE: buffer is loaded by load_node and freed by free_node_info.
-extern int Load_Node_Config(char *Req_Name, char *Next_Name, int *CPUs, 
-	int *RealMemory, int *TmpDisk, int *Weight, char *Features,
-	char *Partition, char *NodeState);
+extern int load_node_config (char *req_name, char *next_name, int *cpus,
+			     int *real_memory, int *tmp_disk, int *weight,
+			     char *features, char *partition,
+			     char *node_state);
- * Load_Part - Update the partition information buffer for use by info gathering APIs if 
+ * load_part - update the partition information buffer for use by info gathering APIs if 
  *	partition records have changed since the time specified. 
- * Input: Last_Update_Time - Pointer to time of last buffer
- * Output: Last_Update_Time - Time reset if buffer is updated
- *         Returns 0 if no error, EINVAL if the buffer is invalid, ENOMEM if malloc failure
+ * input: last_update_time - pointer to time of last buffer
+ * output: last_update_time - time reset if buffer is updated
+ *         returns 0 if no error, einval if the buffer is invalid, enomem if malloc failure
+ * NOTE: buffer is used by load_part_name and free by free_part_info.
-int Load_Part(time_t *Last_Update_Time);
+extern int load_part (time_t * last_update_time);
- * Load_Part_Name - Load the state information about the named partition
- * Input: Req_Name - Name of the partition for which information is requested
+ * load_part_name - load the state information about the named partition
+ * input: req_name - name of the partition for which information is requested
  *		     if "", then get info for the first partition in list
- *        Next_Name - Location into which the name of the next partition is 
+ *        next_name - location into which the name of the next partition is 
  *                   stored, "" if no more
- *        MaxTime, etc. - Pointers into which the information is to be stored
- * Output: Req_Name - The partition's name is stored here
- *         Next_Name - The name of the next partition in the list is stored here
- *         MaxTime, etc. - The partition's state information
- *         Returns 0 on success, ENOENT if not found, or EINVAL if buffer is bad
- * NOTE:  Req_Name and Next_Name must be declared by caller with have length MAX_NAME_LEN or larger
- *        Nodes and AllowGroups must be declared by caller with length of FEATURE_SIZE or larger
+ *        max_time, etc. - pointers into which the information is to be stored
+ * output: req_name - the partition's name is stored here
+ *         next_name - the name of the next partition in the list is stored here
+ *         max_time, etc. - the partition's state information
+ *         returns 0 on success, enoent if not found, or einval if buffer is bad
+ * NOTE:  req_name and next_name must be declared by caller with have length MAX_NAME_LEN or larger.
+ *        nodes and allow_groups must be declared by caller with length of FEATURE_SIZE or larger.
+ * NOTE: buffer is loaded by load_part and free by free_part_info.
-int Load_Part_Name(char *Req_Name, char *Next_Name, int *MaxTime, int *MaxNodes, 
-	int *TotalNodes, int *TotalCPUs, int *Key, int *StateUp, int *Shared, int *Default,
-	char *Nodes, char *AllowGroups);
+extern int load_part_name (char *req_name, char *next_name, int *max_time,
+		    int *max_nodes, int *total_nodes, int *total_cpus,
+		    int *key, int *state_up, int *shared, int *default_flag,
+		    char *nodes, char *allow_groups);
- * Parse_Node_Name - Parse the node name for regular expressions and return a sprintf format 
+ * parse_node_name - parse the node name for regular expressions and return a sprintf format 
  * generate multiple node names as needed.
- * Input: NodeName - Node name to parse
- * Output: Format - sprintf format for generating names
- *         Start_Inx - First index to used
- *         End_Inx - Last index value to use
- *         Count_Inx - Number of index values to use (will be zero if none)
+ * input: node_name - node name to parse
+ * output: format - sprintf format for generating names
+ *         start_inx - first index to used
+ *         end_inx - last index value to use
+ *         count_inx - number of index values to use (will be zero if none)
  *         return 0 if no error, error code otherwise
- * NOTE: The calling program must execute free(Format) when the storage location is no longer needed
+ * NOTE: the calling program must execute free(format) when the storage location is no longer needed
-extern int Parse_Node_Name(char *NodeName, char **Format, int *Start_Inx, int *End_Inx, int *Count_Inx);
+extern int parse_node_name (char *node_name, char **format, int *start_inx,
+			    int *end_inx, int *count_inx);
- * Reconfigure - _ Request that slurmctld re-read the configuration files
- * Output: Returns 0 on success, errno otherwise
+ * reconfigure - _ request that slurmctld re-read the configuration files
+ * output: returns 0 on success, errno otherwise
-extern int Reconfigure();
+extern int reconfigure ();
- * Update_Config - _ Request that slurmctld update its configuration per request
- * Input: A line containing configuration information per the configuration file format
- * Output: Returns 0 on success, errno otherwise
+ * update_config - _ request that slurmctld update its configuration per request
+ * input: a line containing configuration information per the configuration file format
+ * output: returns 0 on success, errno otherwise
-extern int Update_Config(char *Spec);
+extern int update_config (char *spec);
diff --git a/src/scontrol/scontrol.c b/src/scontrol/scontrol.c
index 84d6c84d5033078cc156c8eb5ed7413f8700897e..4528212957c60c6d169497f3f41a9ea20641b457 100644
--- a/src/scontrol/scontrol.c
+++ b/src/scontrol/scontrol.c
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
- * scontrol - Administration tool for SLURM. 
- * Provides interface to read, write, update, and configurations.
+ * scontrol - administration tool for slurm. 
+ * provides interface to read, write, update, and configurations.
 #include <errno.h>
@@ -10,477 +10,575 @@
 #include "slurmlib.h"
 #define	BUF_SIZE 1024
-#define	MAX_INPUT_FIELDS 128
-char *Command_Name;
-int Exit_Flag;		/* Program to terminate if =1 */
-int Quiet_Flag;		/* Quiet=1, verbose=-1, normal=0 */
-int Input_Words;	/* Number of words of input permitted */
-void Dump_Command(int argc, char *argv[]);
-int  Get_Command(int *argc, char *argv[]);
-void Print_Build(char *build_param);
-void Print_Node(char *node_name);
-void Print_Node_List(char *node_list);
-void Print_Part(char *partition_name);
-int  Process_Command(int argc, char *argv[]);
-int  Update_It(int argc, char *argv[]);
-void Usage();
-main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
-    int Error_Code, i, Input_Field_Count;
-    char **Input_Fields;
-    Command_Name = argv[0];
-    Exit_Flag = 0;
-    Input_Field_Count = 0;
-    Quiet_Flag = 0;
-    if (argc > MAX_INPUT_FIELDS)	/* Bogus input, but let's continue anyway */
-	Input_Words = argc;
-    else
-	Input_Words = 128;
-    Input_Fields = (char **)malloc(sizeof(char *) * Input_Words);
-    for (i=1; i<argc; i++) {
-	if (strcmp(argv[i], "-q") == 0) {
-	    Quiet_Flag =  1;
-	} else if (strcmp(argv[i], "quiet") == 0) {
-	    Quiet_Flag = 1;
-	} else if (strcmp(argv[i], "-v") == 0) {
-	    Quiet_Flag = -1;
-	} else if (strcmp(argv[i], "verbose") == 0) {
-	    Quiet_Flag = -1;
-	} else {
-	    Input_Fields[Input_Field_Count++] = argv[i];
-	} /* else */
-    } /* for */
-    if (Input_Field_Count)
-	Exit_Flag = 1;
-    else
-	Error_Code = Get_Command(&Input_Field_Count, Input_Fields);
-    while (1) {
+#define	max_input_fields 128
+static char *command_name;
+static int exit_flag;			/* program to terminate if =1 */
+static int quiet_flag;			/* quiet=1, verbose=-1, normal=0 */
+static int input_words;		/* number of words of input permitted */
+void dump_command (int argc, char *argv[]);
+int get_command (int *argc, char *argv[]);
+void print_build (char *build_param);
+void print_node (char *node_name);
+void print_node_list (char *node_list);
+void print_part (char *partition_name);
+int process_command (int argc, char *argv[]);
+int update_it (int argc, char *argv[]);
+void usage ();
+main (int argc, char *argv[]) {
+	int error_code, i, input_field_count;
+	char **input_fields;
+	command_name = argv[0];
+	exit_flag = 0;
+	input_field_count = 0;
+	quiet_flag = 0;
+	if (argc > max_input_fields)	/* bogus input, but let's continue anyway */
+		input_words = argc;
+	else
+		input_words = 128;
+	input_fields = (char **) malloc (sizeof (char *) * input_words);
+	for (i = 1; i < argc; i++) {
+		if (strcmp (argv[i], "-q") == 0) {
+			quiet_flag = 1;
+		}
+		else if (strcmp (argv[i], "quiet") == 0) {
+			quiet_flag = 1;
+		}
+		else if (strcmp (argv[i], "-v") == 0) {
+			quiet_flag = -1;
+		}
+		else if (strcmp (argv[i], "verbose") == 0) {
+			quiet_flag = -1;
+		}
+		else {
+			input_fields[input_field_count++] = argv[i];
+		}		/* else */
+	}			
+	if (input_field_count)
+		exit_flag = 1;
+	else
+		error_code = get_command (&input_field_count, input_fields);
+	while (1) {
-	Dump_Command(Input_Field_Count, Input_Fields);
+		dump_command (input_field_count, input_fields);
-	Error_Code = Process_Command(Input_Field_Count, Input_Fields);
-	if (Error_Code != 0) break;
-	if (Exit_Flag == 1) break;
-	Error_Code = Get_Command(&Input_Field_Count, Input_Fields);
-	if (Error_Code != 0) break;
-    } /* while */
+		error_code =
+			process_command (input_field_count, input_fields);
+		if (error_code != 0)
+			break;
+		if (exit_flag == 1)
+			break;
+		error_code = get_command (&input_field_count, input_fields);
+		if (error_code != 0)
+			break;
+	}			
-    exit(Error_Code);
-} /* main */
+	exit (error_code);
- * Dump_Command - Dump the user's command
- * Input: argc - count of arguments
+ * dump_command - dump the user's command
+ * input: argc - count of arguments
  *        argv - the arguments
-void Dump_Command(int argc, char *argv[]) {
-    int i;
+dump_command (int argc, char *argv[]) {
+	int i;
-    for (i=0; i<argc; i++) {
-	printf("Arg %d:%s:\n", i, argv[i]);
-    } /* for */
-} /* Dump_Command */
+	for (i = 0; i < argc; i++) {
+		printf ("arg %d:%s:\n", i, argv[i]);
+	}			
- * Get_Command - Get a command from the user
- * Input: argc - location to store count of arguments
+ * get_command - get a command from the user
+ * input: argc - location to store count of arguments
  *        argv - location to store the argument list
- * Output: returns error code, 0 if no problems
+ * output: returns error code, 0 if no problems
-int Get_Command(int *argc, char **argv) {
-    static char *In_Line;
-    static int In_Line_Size = 0;
-    int In_Line_Pos = 0;
-    int Temp_Char, i;
-    if (In_Line_Size == 0) {
-	In_Line_Size += BUF_SIZE;
-	In_Line = (char *)malloc(In_Line_Size);
-	if (In_Line == NULL) {
-	    fprintf(stderr, "%s: Error %d allocating memory\n", Command_Name, errno);
-	    In_Line_Size = 0;
-	    return ENOMEM;
-	} /* if */
-    } /* if */
-    printf("scontrol: ");
-    *argc = 0;
-    In_Line_Pos = 0;
-    while (1) {
-	Temp_Char = getc(stdin);
-	if (Temp_Char == EOF) break;
-	if (Temp_Char == (int)'\n') break;
-	if ((In_Line_Pos+2) >= In_Line_Size) {
-	    In_Line_Size += BUF_SIZE;
-	    In_Line = (char *)realloc(In_Line, In_Line_Size);
-	    if (In_Line == NULL) {
-		fprintf(stderr, "%s: Error %d allocating memory\n", Command_Name, errno);
-		In_Line_Size = 0;
-		return ENOMEM;
-	    } /* if */
-	} /* if */
-	In_Line[In_Line_Pos++] = (char)Temp_Char;
-    } /* while */
-    In_Line[In_Line_Pos] = (char)NULL;
-    for (i=0; i<In_Line_Pos; i++) {
-	if (isspace((int)In_Line[i])) continue;
-	if (((*argc)+1) > MAX_INPUT_FIELDS) {	/* Really bogus input line */
-	    fprintf(stderr, "%s: Over %d fields in line: %s\n", Command_Name, Input_Words ,In_Line);
-	    return E2BIG;
-	} /* if */
-	argv[(*argc)++] = &In_Line[i];
-	for (i++ ; i<In_Line_Pos; i++) {
-	    if (!isspace((int)In_Line[i])) continue;
-	    In_Line[i] = (char)NULL;
-	    break;
-	} /* for */
-    } /* for */
-    return 0;
-} /* Get_Command */
+int get_command (int *argc, char **argv) {
+	static char *in_line;
+	static int in_line_size = 0;
+	int in_line_pos = 0;
+	int temp_char, i;
+	if (in_line_size == 0) {
+		in_line_size += BUF_SIZE;
+		in_line = (char *) malloc (in_line_size);
+		if (in_line == NULL) {
+			fprintf (stderr, "%s: error %d allocating memory\n",
+				 command_name, errno);
+			in_line_size = 0;
+			return ENOMEM;
+		}		
+	}			
+	printf ("scontrol: ");
+	*argc = 0;
+	in_line_pos = 0;
+	while (1) {
+		temp_char = getc (stdin);
+		if (temp_char == EOF)
+			break;
+		if (temp_char == (int) '\n')
+			break;
+		if ((in_line_pos + 2) >= in_line_size) {
+			in_line_size += BUF_SIZE;
+			in_line = (char *) realloc (in_line, in_line_size);
+			if (in_line == NULL) {
+				fprintf (stderr,
+					 "%s: error %d allocating memory\n",
+					 command_name, errno);
+				in_line_size = 0;
+				return ENOMEM;
+			}	
+		}		
+		in_line[in_line_pos++] = (char) temp_char;
+	}			
+	in_line[in_line_pos] = (char) NULL;
+	for (i = 0; i < in_line_pos; i++) {
+		if (isspace ((int) in_line[i]))
+			continue;
+		if (((*argc) + 1) > max_input_fields) {	/* really bogus input line */
+			fprintf (stderr, "%s: over %d fields in line: %s\n",
+				 command_name, input_words, in_line);
+			return E2BIG;
+		}		
+		argv[(*argc)++] = &in_line[i];
+		for (i++; i < in_line_pos; i++) {
+			if (!isspace ((int) in_line[i]))
+				continue;
+			in_line[i] = (char) NULL;
+			break;
+		}		
+	}			
+	return 0;
- * Print_Build - Print the specified  build parameter and value 
- * Input: build_param - NULL to print all parameters and values
+ * print_build - print the specified build parameter and value 
+ * input: build_param - NULL to print all parameters and values
-void Print_Build(char *build_param) {
-    char Req_Name[BUILD_SIZE], Next_Name[BUILD_SIZE], Value[BUILD_SIZE];
-    int Error_Code;
-    Error_Code = Load_Build();
-    if (Error_Code) {
-	if (Quiet_Flag != 1) printf("Load_Build error %d\n", Error_Code);
-	return;
-    } /* if */
-    if (build_param) 
-	strncpy(Req_Name, build_param, BUILD_SIZE);
-    else
-	strcpy(Req_Name, "");	/* Start at beginning of node list */
-    while (1) {
-	Error_Code = Load_Build_Name(Req_Name, Next_Name, Value);
-	if (Error_Code != 0)  {
-	    if (Quiet_Flag != 1) {
-		if (Error_Code == ENOENT) 
-		    printf("No parameter %s found\n", Req_Name);
-		else
-		    printf("Error %d finding value for parameter %s\n", Error_Code, Req_Name);
-	    } /* if */
-	    break;
-	} /* if */
-	printf("%s=%s\n", Req_Name, Value);
-	if (build_param || (strlen(Next_Name) == 0)) break;
-	strcpy(Req_Name, Next_Name);
-    } /* while */
-/*  Free_Build_Info();		Keep data for reuse, cleaned on exit */
-} /* Print_Build */
+void print_build (char *build_param) {
+	char req_name[BUILD_SIZE], next_name[BUILD_SIZE], value[BUILD_SIZE];
+	int error_code;
+	error_code = slurm_load_build ();
+	if (error_code) {
+		if (quiet_flag != 1)
+			printf ("slurm_load_build error %d\n", error_code);
+		return;
+	}			
+	if (build_param)
+		strncpy (req_name, build_param, BUILD_SIZE);
+	else
+		strcpy (req_name, "");	/* start at beginning of node list */
+	while (1) {
+		error_code = slurm_load_build_name (req_name, next_name, value);
+		if (error_code != 0) {
+			if (quiet_flag != 1) {
+				if (error_code == ENOENT)
+					printf ("no parameter %s found\n",
+						req_name);
+				else
+					printf ("error %d finding value for parameter %s\n", 
+						error_code, req_name);
+			}	
+			break;
+		}		
+		printf ("%s=%s\n", req_name, value);
+		if (build_param || (strlen (next_name) == 0))
+			break;
+		strcpy (req_name, next_name);
+	}			
+/*  slurm_free_build_info();		keep data for reuse, cleaned on exit */
- * Print_Node - Print the specified node's information
- * Input: node_name - NULL to print all node information
- * NOTE: Call this only after executing Load_Node, called from Print_Node_List
+ * print_node - print the specified node's information
+ * input: node_name - NULL to print all node information
+ * NOTE: call this only after executing load_node, called from print_node_list
-void Print_Node(char *node_name) {
-    int Error_Code, size, i;
-    char Partition[MAX_NAME_LEN], Node_State[MAX_NAME_LEN], Features[FEATURE_SIZE];
-    char Req_Name[MAX_NAME_LEN];	/* Name of the partition */
-    char Next_Name[MAX_NAME_LEN];	/* Name of the next partition */
-    int CPUs, RealMemory, TmpDisk, Weight;
-    char *Dump;
-    int Dump_Size;
-    time_t Update_Time;
-    unsigned *NodeBitMap;	/* Bitmap of nodes in partition */
-    int BitMapSize;		/* Bytes in NodeBitMap */
-    if (node_name) 
-	strncpy(Req_Name, node_name, MAX_NAME_LEN);
-    else
-	strcpy(Req_Name, "");	/* Start at beginning of node list */
-    while (1) {
-	Error_Code = Load_Node_Config(Req_Name, Next_Name, &CPUs, &RealMemory, &TmpDisk, &Weight, 
-	    Features, Partition, Node_State);
-	if (Error_Code != 0)  {
-	    if (Quiet_Flag != 1) {
-		if (Error_Code == ENOENT) 
-		    printf("No node %s found\n", Req_Name);
-		else
-		    printf("Error %d finding information for node %s\n", Error_Code, Req_Name);
-	    } /* if */
-	    break;
-	} /* if */
-	printf("NodeName=%s CPUs=%d RealMemory=%d TmpDisk=%d ", 
-		Req_Name, CPUs, RealMemory, TmpDisk);
-	printf("State=%s Weight=%d Features=%s Partition=%s\n", 
-	  	Node_State, Weight, Features, Partition);
-	if (node_name || (strlen(Next_Name) == 0)) break;
-	strcpy(Req_Name, Next_Name);
-    } /* while */
-} /* Print_Node */
+print_node (char *node_name) {
+	int error_code, size, i;
+	char partition[MAX_NAME_LEN], node_state[MAX_NAME_LEN],
+		features[FEATURE_SIZE];
+	char req_name[MAX_NAME_LEN];	/* name of the partition */
+	char next_name[MAX_NAME_LEN];	/* name of the next partition */
+	int cpus, real_memory, tmp_disk, weight;
+	char *dump;
+	int dump_size;
+	time_t update_time;
+	unsigned *node_bitmap;	/* bitmap of nodes in partition */
+	int bitmap_size;	/* bytes in node_bitmap */
+	if (node_name)
+		strncpy (req_name, node_name, MAX_NAME_LEN);
+	else
+		strcpy (req_name, "");	/* start at beginning of node list */
+	while (1) {
+		error_code =
+			load_node_config (req_name, next_name, &cpus,
+					  &real_memory, &tmp_disk, &weight,
+					  features, partition, node_state);
+		if (error_code != 0) {
+			if (quiet_flag != 1) {
+				if (error_code == ENOENT)
+					printf ("no node %s found\n",
+						req_name);
+				else
+					printf ("error %d finding information for node %s\n", error_code, req_name);
+			}	
+			break;
+		}		
+		printf ("NodeName=%s CPUs=%d RealMemory=%d TmpDisk=%d ",
+			req_name, cpus, real_memory, tmp_disk);
+		printf ("State=%s Weight=%d Features=%s Partition=%s\n",
+			node_state, weight, features, partition);
+		if (node_name || (strlen (next_name) == 0))
+			break;
+		strcpy (req_name, next_name);
+	}			
- * Print_Node_List - Print information about the supplied node list (or regular expression)
- * Input: node_list - Print information about the supplied node list (or regular expression)
+ * print_node_list - print information about the supplied node list (or regular expression)
+ * input: node_list - print information about the supplied node list (or regular expression)
-void Print_Node_List(char *node_list) {
-    static time_t Last_Update_Time = (time_t)NULL;
-    int Start_Inx, End_Inx, Count_Inx, Error_Code, i;
-    char *str_ptr1, *str_ptr2, *Format, *My_Node_List, This_Node_Name[BUF_SIZE];;
-    Error_Code = Load_Node(&Last_Update_Time);
-    if (Error_Code) {
-	if (Quiet_Flag != 1) printf("Load_Node error %d\n", Error_Code);
+print_node_list (char *node_list) {
+	static time_t last_update_time = (time_t) NULL;
+	int start_inx, end_inx, count_inx, error_code, i;
+	char *str_ptr1, *str_ptr2, *format, *my_node_list,
+		this_node_name[BUF_SIZE];;
+	error_code = load_node (&last_update_time);
+	if (error_code) {
+		if (quiet_flag != 1)
+			printf ("load_node error %d\n", error_code);
+		return;
+	}			
+	if (quiet_flag == -1)
+		printf ("last_update_time=%ld\n", (long) last_update_time);
+	if (node_list == NULL) {
+		print_node (NULL);
+	}
+	else {
+		my_node_list = malloc (strlen (node_list) + 1);
+		if (my_node_list == NULL) {
+			if (quiet_flag != 1)
+				fprintf (stderr,
+					 "unable to allocate memory\n");
+			abort ();
+		}		
+		strcpy (my_node_list, node_list);
+		str_ptr2 = (char *) strtok_r (my_node_list, ",", &str_ptr1);
+		while (str_ptr2) {	/* break apart by comma separators */
+			error_code =
+				parse_node_name (str_ptr2, &format,
+						 &start_inx, &end_inx,
+						 &count_inx);
+			if (error_code) {
+				if (quiet_flag != 1)
+					fprintf (stderr,
+						 "invalid node name specification: %s\n",
+						 str_ptr2);
+				break;
+			}	
+			if (strlen (format) >= sizeof (this_node_name)) {
+				if (quiet_flag != 1)
+					fprintf (stderr,
+						 "invalid node name specification: %s\n",
+						 format);
+				free (format);
+				break;
+			}	
+			for (i = start_inx; i <= end_inx; i++) {
+				if (count_inx == 0)
+					strncpy (this_node_name, format,
+						 sizeof (this_node_name));
+				else
+					sprintf (this_node_name, format, i);
+				print_node (this_node_name);
+			}	
+			free (format);
+			str_ptr2 = (char *) strtok_r (NULL, ",", &str_ptr1);
+		}		
+		free (my_node_list);
+	}			/* else */
+/*  free_node_info();		keep data for reuse, cleaned on exit */
-    } /* if */
-    if (Quiet_Flag == -1) printf("Last_Update_Time=%ld\n", (long)Last_Update_Time);
-    if (node_list == NULL) {
-	Print_Node(NULL);
-    } else {
-	My_Node_List = malloc(strlen(node_list)+1);
-	if (My_Node_List == NULL) {
-	    if (Quiet_Flag != 1) fprintf(stderr, "Unable to allocate memory\n");
-	    abort();
-	} /* if */
-	strcpy(My_Node_List, node_list);
-	str_ptr2 = (char *)strtok_r(My_Node_List, ",", &str_ptr1);
-	while (str_ptr2) {	/* Break apart by comma separators */
-	    Error_Code = Parse_Node_Name(str_ptr2, &Format, &Start_Inx, &End_Inx, &Count_Inx);
-	    if (Error_Code) {
-		if (Quiet_Flag != 1) fprintf(stderr, "Invalid node name specification: %s\n", str_ptr2);
-		break;
-	    } /* if */ 
-	    if (strlen(Format) >= sizeof(This_Node_Name)) {
-		if (Quiet_Flag != 1) fprintf(stderr, "Invalid node name specification: %s\n", Format);
-		free(Format);
-		break;
-	    } /* if */
-	    for (i=Start_Inx; i<=End_Inx; i++) {
-		if (Count_Inx == 0) 
-		    strncpy(This_Node_Name, Format, sizeof(This_Node_Name));
-		else
-		    sprintf(This_Node_Name, Format, i);
-		Print_Node(This_Node_Name);
-	    } /* for */
-	    free(Format);
-	    str_ptr2 = (char *)strtok_r(NULL, ",", &str_ptr1);
-	} /* while */
-	free(My_Node_List);
-    } /* else */
-/*  Free_Node_Info();		Keep data for reuse, cleaned on exit */
-    return;
-} /* Print_Node_List */
- * Print_Part - Print the specified partition's information
- * Input: partition_name - NULL to print all partition information
+ * print_part - print the specified partition's information
+ * input: partition_name - NULL to print all partition information
-void Print_Part(char *partition_name) {
-    static time_t Last_Update_Time  = (time_t)NULL;	/* Time desired for data */
-    static char *Yes_No[0] = {"NO", "YES"};
-    static char *Up_Down[0] = {"DOWN", "UP"};
-    char Req_Name[MAX_NAME_LEN];	/* Name of the partition */
-    char Next_Name[MAX_NAME_LEN];	/* Name of the next partition */
-    int MaxTime;			/* -1 if unlimited */
-    int MaxNodes;			/* -1 if unlimited */
-    int TotalNodes;			/* Total number of nodes in the partition */
-    int TotalCPUs;			/* Total number of CPUs in the partition */
-    char Nodes[FEATURE_SIZE];		/* Names of nodes in partition */
-    char AllowGroups[FEATURE_SIZE];	/* NULL indicates ALL */
-    int Key;    	 		/* 1 if SLURM distributed key is required for use of partition */
-    int StateUp;			/* 1 if state is UP */
-    int Shared;				/* 1 if partition can be shared */
-    int Default;			/* 1 if default partition */
-    int Error_Code;
-    Error_Code = Load_Part(&Last_Update_Time);
-    if (Error_Code) {
-	if (Quiet_Flag != 1) printf("Load_Part error %d\n", Error_Code);
-	return;
-    } /* if */
-    if (Quiet_Flag == -1) printf("Last_Update_Time=%ld\n", (long)Last_Update_Time);
-    if (partition_name) 
-	strncpy(Req_Name, partition_name, MAX_NAME_LEN);
-    else
-	strcpy(Req_Name, "");	/* Start at beginning of partition list */
-    while (1) {
-	Error_Code = Load_Part_Name(Req_Name, Next_Name, &MaxTime, &MaxNodes, 
-	    &TotalNodes, &TotalCPUs, &Key, &StateUp, &Shared, &Default, 
-	    Nodes, AllowGroups);
-	if (Error_Code != 0)  {
-	    if (Quiet_Flag != 1) {
-		if (Error_Code == ENOENT) 
-		    printf("No partition %s found\n", Req_Name);
-		else
-		    printf("Error %d finding information for partition %s\n", Error_Code, Req_Name);
-	    } /* if */
-	    break;
-	} /* if */
-	printf("PartitionName=%s Nodes=%s  MaxTime=%d  MaxNodes=%d Default=%s ", 
-	    Req_Name, Nodes, MaxTime, MaxNodes, Yes_No[Default]);
-	printf("Key=%s State=%s Shared=%s AllowGroups=%s TotalNodes=%d TotalCPUs=%d \n", 
-	    Yes_No[Key], Up_Down[StateUp], Yes_No[Shared], AllowGroups, TotalNodes, TotalCPUs);
-	if (partition_name || (strlen(Next_Name) == 0)) break;
-	strcpy(Req_Name, Next_Name);
-    } /* while */
-/*  Free_Part_Info(); 	Keep data for reuse, cleaned on exit */
-} /* Print_Part */
+void print_part (char *partition_name) {
+	static time_t last_update_time = (time_t) NULL;	/* time desired for data */
+	static char *yes_no[0] = { "NO", "YES" };
+	static char *up_down[0] = { "DOWN", "UP" };
+	char req_name[MAX_NAME_LEN];	/* name of the partition */
+	char next_name[MAX_NAME_LEN];	/* name of the next partition */
+	int max_time;			/* -1 if unlimited */
+	int max_nodes;			/* -1 if unlimited */
+	int total_nodes;		/* total number of nodes in the partition */
+	int total_cpus;			/* total number of cpus in the partition */
+	char nodes[FEATURE_SIZE];	/* names of nodes in partition */
+	char allow_groups[FEATURE_SIZE];/* NULL indicates all */
+	int key;			/* 1 if slurm distributed key is required */
+	int state_up;			/* 1 if state is up */
+	int shared;			/* 1 if partition can be shared */
+	int default_flag;		/* 1 if default partition */
+	int error_code;
+	error_code = load_part (&last_update_time);
+	if (error_code) {
+		if (quiet_flag != 1)
+			printf ("load_part error %d\n", error_code);
+		return;
+	}			
+	if (quiet_flag == -1)
+		printf ("last_update_time=%ld\n", (long) last_update_time);
+	if (partition_name)
+		strncpy (req_name, partition_name, MAX_NAME_LEN);
+	else
+		strcpy (req_name, "");	/* start at beginning of partition list */
+	while (1) {
+		error_code =
+			load_part_name (req_name, next_name, &max_time,
+					&max_nodes, &total_nodes, &total_cpus,
+					&key, &state_up, &shared, &default_flag,
+					nodes, allow_groups);
+		if (error_code != 0) {
+			if (quiet_flag != 1) {
+				if (error_code == ENOENT)
+					printf ("no partition %s found\n",
+						req_name);
+				else
+					printf ("error %d finding information for partition %s\n", error_code, req_name);
+			}	
+			break;
+		}		
+		printf ("PartitionName=%s Nodes=%s  MaxTime=%d  MaxNodes=%d Default=%s ", 
+			req_name, nodes, max_time, max_nodes, yes_no[default_flag]);
+		printf ("Key=%s State=%s Shared=%s AllowGroups=%s ", 
+			yes_no[key], up_down[state_up], yes_no[shared], allow_groups);
+		printf ("TotalNodes=%d total_cpus=%d \n", total_nodes, total_cpus);
+		if (partition_name || (strlen (next_name) == 0))
+			break;
+		strcpy (req_name, next_name);
+	}			
+/*  free_part_info(); 	keep data for reuse, cleaned on exit */
- * Process_Command - Process the user's command
- * Input: argc - count of arguments
+ * process_command - process the user's command
+ * input: argc - count of arguments
  *        argv - the arguments
- * Ourput: Return code is 0 or errno (ONLY for errors fatal to scontrol)
+ * ourput: return code is 0 or errno (only for errors fatal to scontrol)
-int Process_Command(int argc, char *argv[]) {
-    int Error_Code;
-    if ((strcmp(argv[0], "exit") == 0) || 
-        (strcmp(argv[0], "quit") == 0)) {
-	if (argc > 1) fprintf(stderr, "Too many arguments for keyword:%s\n", argv[0]);
-	Exit_Flag = 1;
-    } else if (strcmp(argv[0], "help") == 0) {
-	if (argc > 1) fprintf(stderr, "Too many arguments for keyword:%s\n", argv[0]);
-	Usage();
-    } else if (strcmp(argv[0], "quiet") == 0) {
-	if (argc > 1)  fprintf(stderr, "Too many arguments for keyword:%s\n", argv[0]);
-	Quiet_Flag = 1;
-    } else if (strncmp(argv[0], "reconfigure", 7) == 0) {
-	if (argc > 2) fprintf(stderr, "Too many arguments for keyword:%s\n", argv[0]);
-	Error_Code = Reconfigure();
-	if ((Error_Code != 0) && (Quiet_Flag != 1))
-	    fprintf(stderr, "Error %d from reconfigure\n", Error_Code);
-    } else if (strcmp(argv[0], "show") == 0) {
-	if (argc > 3) {
-	    if (Quiet_Flag != 1) fprintf(stderr, "Too many arguments for keyword:%s\n", argv[0]);
-	} else if (argc < 2) {
-	    if (Quiet_Flag != 1) fprintf(stderr, "Too few arguments for keyword:%s\n", argv[0]);
-	} else if (strncmp(argv[1],"build", 3) == 0) {
-	    if (argc > 2) 
-		Print_Build(argv[2]);
-	    else
-		Print_Build(NULL);
-	} else if (strncmp(argv[1],"jobs", 3) == 0) {
-	    if (Quiet_Flag != 1) printf("keyword:%s entity:%s command not yet implemented\n", argv[0], argv[1]);
-	} else if (strncmp(argv[1],"nodes", 3) == 0) {
-	    if (argc > 2) 
-		Print_Node_List(argv[2]);
-	    else
-		Print_Node_List(NULL);
-	} else if (strncmp(argv[1],"partitions", 3) == 0) {
-	    if (argc > 2) 
-		Print_Part(argv[2]);
-	    else
-		Print_Part(NULL);
-	} else if (Quiet_Flag != 1) {
-	    fprintf(stderr, "Invalid entity:%s for keyword:%s \n", argv[1], argv[0]);
-	} /* if */
-    } else if (strcmp(argv[0], "update") == 0) {
-	if (argc < 2) {
-	    fprintf(stderr, "Too few arguments for %s keyword\n", argv[0]);
-	    return 0;
-	} /* if */
-	Update_It((argc-1), &argv[1]);
-    } else if (strcmp(argv[0], "verbose") == 0) {
-	if (argc > 1) {
-	    fprintf(stderr, "Too many arguments for %s keyword\n", argv[0]);
-	} /* if */
-	Quiet_Flag = -1;
-    } else if (strcmp(argv[0], "version") == 0) {
-	if (argc > 1) {
-	    fprintf(stderr, "Too many arguments for %s keyword\n", argv[0]);
-	} /* if */
-	printf("%s version 0.1\n", Command_Name);
-    } else
-	fprintf(stderr, "Invalid keyword: %s\n", argv[0]);
-    return 0;
-} /* Process_Command */
+process_command (int argc, char *argv[]) {
+	int error_code;
+	if ((strcmp (argv[0], "exit") == 0) ||
+	    (strcmp (argv[0], "quit") == 0)) {
+		if (argc > 1)
+			fprintf (stderr,
+				 "too many arguments for keyword:%s\n",
+				 argv[0]);
+		exit_flag = 1;
+	}
+	else if (strcmp (argv[0], "help") == 0) {
+		if (argc > 1)
+			fprintf (stderr,
+				 "too many arguments for keyword:%s\n",
+				 argv[0]);
+		usage ();
+	}
+	else if (strcmp (argv[0], "quiet") == 0) {
+		if (argc > 1)
+			fprintf (stderr,
+				 "too many arguments for keyword:%s\n",
+				 argv[0]);
+		quiet_flag = 1;
+	}
+	else if (strncmp (argv[0], "reconfigure", 7) == 0) {
+		if (argc > 2)
+			fprintf (stderr,
+				 "too many arguments for keyword:%s\n",
+				 argv[0]);
+		error_code = reconfigure ();
+		if ((error_code != 0) && (quiet_flag != 1))
+			fprintf (stderr, "error %d from reconfigure\n",
+				 error_code);
+	}
+	else if (strcmp (argv[0], "show") == 0) {
+		if (argc > 3) {
+			if (quiet_flag != 1)
+				fprintf (stderr,
+					 "too many arguments for keyword:%s\n",
+					 argv[0]);
+		}
+		else if (argc < 2) {
+			if (quiet_flag != 1)
+				fprintf (stderr,
+					 "too few arguments for keyword:%s\n",
+					 argv[0]);
+		}
+		else if (strncmp (argv[1], "build", 3) == 0) {
+			if (argc > 2)
+				print_build (argv[2]);
+			else
+				print_build (NULL);
+		}
+		else if (strncmp (argv[1], "jobs", 3) == 0) {
+			if (quiet_flag != 1)
+				printf ("keyword:%s entity:%s command not yet implemented\n", argv[0], argv[1]);
+		}
+		else if (strncmp (argv[1], "nodes", 3) == 0) {
+			if (argc > 2)
+				print_node_list (argv[2]);
+			else
+				print_node_list (NULL);
+		}
+		else if (strncmp (argv[1], "partitions", 3) == 0) {
+			if (argc > 2)
+				print_part (argv[2]);
+			else
+				print_part (NULL);
+		}
+		else if (quiet_flag != 1) {
+			fprintf (stderr,
+				 "invalid entity:%s for keyword:%s \n",
+				 argv[1], argv[0]);
+		}		
+	}
+	else if (strcmp (argv[0], "update") == 0) {
+		if (argc < 2) {
+			fprintf (stderr, "too few arguments for %s keyword\n",
+				 argv[0]);
+			return 0;
+		}		
+		update_it ((argc - 1), &argv[1]);
+	}
+	else if (strcmp (argv[0], "verbose") == 0) {
+		if (argc > 1) {
+			fprintf (stderr,
+				 "too many arguments for %s keyword\n",
+				 argv[0]);
+		}		
+		quiet_flag = -1;
+	}
+	else if (strcmp (argv[0], "version") == 0) {
+		if (argc > 1) {
+			fprintf (stderr,
+				 "too many arguments for %s keyword\n",
+				 argv[0]);
+		}		
+		printf ("%s version 0.1\n", command_name);
+	}
+	else
+		fprintf (stderr, "invalid keyword: %s\n", argv[0]);
+	return 0;
- * Update_It - Update the SLURM configuration per the supplied arguments 
- * Input: argc - count of arguments
+ * update_it - update the slurm configuration per the supplied arguments 
+ * input: argc - count of arguments
  *        argv - list of arguments
- * Output: Returns 0 if no error, errno otherwise
+ * output: returns 0 if no error, errno otherwise
-int  Update_It(int argc, char *argv[]) {
-    char *In_Line;
-    int Error_Code, i, In_Line_Size;
-    In_Line_Size = BUF_SIZE;
-    In_Line = (char *)malloc(In_Line_Size);
-    if (In_Line == NULL) {
-	fprintf(stderr, "%s: Error %d allocating memory\n", Command_Name, errno);
-	return ENOMEM;
-    } /* if */
-    strcpy(In_Line, "");
-    for (i=0; i<argc; i++) {
-	if ((strlen(In_Line) + strlen(argv[i]) + 2) > In_Line_Size) {
-	    In_Line_Size += BUF_SIZE;
-	    In_Line = (char *)realloc(In_Line, In_Line_Size);
-	    if (In_Line == NULL) {
-		fprintf(stderr, "%s: Error %d allocating memory\n", Command_Name, errno);
+update_it (int argc, char *argv[]) {
+	char *in_line;
+	int error_code, i, in_line_size;
+	in_line_size = BUF_SIZE;
+	in_line = (char *) malloc (in_line_size);
+	if (in_line == NULL) {
+		fprintf (stderr, "%s: error %d allocating memory\n",
+			 command_name, errno);
 		return ENOMEM;
-	    } /* if */
-	} /* if */
-	strcat(In_Line, argv[i]);
-	strcat(In_Line, " ");
-    } /* for */
-    Error_Code = Update_Config(In_Line);
-    free(In_Line);
-    return Error_Code;
-} /* Update_It */
-/* Usage - Show the valid scontrol commands */
-void Usage() {
-    printf("%s [-q | -v] [<keyword>]\n", Command_Name);
-    printf("  -q is equivalent to the keyword \"quiet\" described below.\n");
-    printf("  -v is equivalent to the keyword \"verbose\" described below.\n");
-    printf("  <keyword> may be omitted from the execute line and %s will execute in interactive\n");
-    printf("    mode to process multiple keywords (i.e. commands). Valid <entity> values are:\n");
-    printf("    build, job, node, and partition. Node names may be sepcified using regular simple \n");
-    printf("    expressions. Valid <keyword> values are:\n");
-    printf("     exit                     Terminate this command.\n");
-    printf("     help                     Print this description of use.\n");
-    printf("     quiet                    Print no messages other than error messages.\n");
-    printf("     quit                     Terminate this command.\n");
-    printf("     reconfigure              Re-read configuration files.\n");
-    printf("     show <entity> [<ID>]     Display state of identified entity, default is all records.\n");
-    printf("     update <options>         Update configuration per configuration file format.\n");
-    printf("     verbose                  Enable detailed logging.\n");
-    printf("     version                  Display tool version number.\n");
-} /* Usage */
+	}			
+	strcpy (in_line, "");
+	for (i = 0; i < argc; i++) {
+		if ((strlen (in_line) + strlen (argv[i]) + 2) > in_line_size) {
+			in_line_size += BUF_SIZE;
+			in_line = (char *) realloc (in_line, in_line_size);
+			if (in_line == NULL) {
+				fprintf (stderr,
+					 "%s: error %d allocating memory\n",
+					 command_name, errno);
+				return ENOMEM;
+			}	
+		}		
+		strcat (in_line, argv[i]);
+		strcat (in_line, " ");
+	}			
+	error_code = update_config (in_line);
+	free (in_line);
+	return error_code;
+/* usage - show the valid scontrol commands */
+usage () {
+	printf ("%s [-q | -v] [<keyword>]\n", command_name);
+	printf ("  -q is equivalent to the keyword \"quiet\" described below.\n");
+	printf ("  -v is equivalent to the keyword \"verbose\" described below.\n");
+	printf ("  <keyword> may be omitted from the execute line and %s will execute in interactive\n");
+	printf ("    mode to process multiple keywords (i.e. commands). valid <entity> values are:\n");
+	printf ("    build, job, node, and partition. node names may be sepcified using regular simple \n");
+	printf ("    expressions. valid <keyword> values are:\n");
+	printf ("     exit                     terminate this command.\n");
+	printf ("     help                     print this description of use.\n");
+	printf ("     quiet                    print no messages other than error messages.\n");
+	printf ("     quit                     terminate this command.\n");
+	printf ("     reconfigure              re-read configuration files.\n");
+	printf ("     show <entity> [<id>]     display state of identified entity, default is all records.\n");
+	printf ("     update <options>         update configuration per configuration file format.\n");
+	printf ("     verbose                  enable detailed logging.\n");
+	printf ("     version                  display tool version number.\n");
+}				/* usage */
diff --git a/src/slurmctld/controller.c b/src/slurmctld/controller.c
index 7e3a98b4828e8dbe7760bf646873bd3d94d21a23..4d41632fe676221a85bec9f5c95a28ce0f226fcc 100644
--- a/src/slurmctld/controller.c
+++ b/src/slurmctld/controller.c
@@ -1,14 +1,14 @@
- * controller.c - Main control machine daemon for SLURM
- * See slurm.h for documentation on external functions and data structures
+ * controller.c - main control machine daemon for slurm
+ * see slurm.h for documentation on external functions and data structures
  * NOTE: DEBUG_MODULE of read_config requires that it be loaded with 
  *       bits_bytes, partition_mgr, read_config, and node_mgr
- * Author: Moe Jette, jette@llnl.gov
+ * author: moe jette, jette@llnl.gov
+#ifdef have_config_h
 #  include <config.h>
@@ -24,427 +24,565 @@
 #include "slurmlib.h"
 #define BUF_SIZE 1024
+#define NO_VAL (-99)
-int Msg_From_Root(void);
-void Slurmctld_Req(int sockfd);
+int msg_from_root (void);
+void slurmctld_req (int sockfd);
-main(int argc, char * argv[]) {
-    int Error_Code;
-    int child_pid, cli_len, newsockfd, sockfd;
-    struct sockaddr_in cli_addr, serv_addr;
-    char Node_Name[MAX_NAME_LEN];
+main (int argc, char *argv[]) {
+	int error_code;
+	int child_pid, cli_len, newsockfd, sockfd;
+	struct sockaddr_in cli_addr, serv_addr;
+	char node_name[MAX_NAME_LEN];
-    Error_Code = Init_SLURM_Conf();
-    if (Error_Code) {
+	error_code = init_slurm_conf ();
+	if (error_code) {
-	fprintf(stderr, "slurmctld: Init_SLURM_Conf error %d\n", Error_Code);
+		fprintf (stderr, "slurmctld: init_slurm_conf error %d\n",
+			 error_code);
-	syslog(LOG_ALERT, "slurmctld: Init_SLURM_Conf error %d\n", Error_Code);
+		syslog (LOG_ALERT, "slurmctld: init_slurm_conf error %d\n",
+			error_code);
-	abort();
-    } /* if */
+		abort ();
+	}			
-    Error_Code = Read_SLURM_Conf(SLURM_CONF);
-    if (Error_Code) {
+	error_code = read_slurm_conf (SLURM_CONF);
+	if (error_code) {
-	fprintf(stderr, "slurmctld: Error %d from Read_SLURM_Conf reading %s\n", 
-		Error_Code, SLURM_CONF);
+		fprintf (stderr,
+			 "slurmctld: error %d from read_slurm_conf reading %s\n",
+			 error_code, SLURM_CONF);
-	syslog(LOG_ALERT, "slurmctld: Error %d from Read_SLURM_Conf reading %s\n", 
-		Error_Code, SLURM_CONF);
+		syslog (LOG_ALERT,
+			"slurmctld: error %d from read_slurm_conf reading %s\n",
+			error_code, SLURM_CONF);
-	abort();
-    } /* if */
+		abort ();
+	}			
-    Error_Code = gethostname(Node_Name, MAX_NAME_LEN);
-    if (Error_Code != 0) {
+	error_code = gethostname (node_name, MAX_NAME_LEN);
+	if (error_code != 0) {
-	fprintf(stderr, "slurmctld: Error %d from gethostname\n", Error_Code);
+		fprintf (stderr, "slurmctld: error %d from gethostname\n",
+			 error_code);
-	syslog(LOG_ALERT, "slurmctld: Error %d from gethostname\n", Error_Code);
+		syslog (LOG_ALERT, "slurmctld: error %d from gethostname\n",
+			error_code);
-	abort();
-    } /* if */
-    if (strcmp(Node_Name, ControlMachine) != 0) {
+		abort ();
+	}			
+	if (strcmp (node_name, control_machine) != 0) {
-	fprintf(stderr, "slurmctld: This machine (%s) is not the primary control machine (%s)\n", 
-		Node_Name, ControlMachine);
+		fprintf (stderr,
+			 "slurmctld: this machine (%s) is not the primary control machine (%s)\n",
+			 node_name, control_machine);
-	syslog(LOG_ERR, "slurmctld: This machine (%s) is not the primary control machine (%s)\n", 
-		Node_Name, ControlMachine);
+		syslog (LOG_ERR,
+			"slurmctld: this machine (%s) is not the primary control machine (%s)\n",
+			node_name, control_machine);
-	exit(1);
-    } /* if */
+		exit (1);
+	}			
-    if ((sockfd = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0)) < 0) {
+	if ((sockfd = socket (AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0)) < 0) {
-	fprintf(stderr, "slurmctld: Error %d from socket\n", errno);
+		fprintf (stderr, "slurmctld: error %d from socket\n", errno);
-	syslog(LOG_ALERT, "slurmctld: Error %d from socket\n", errno);
+		syslog (LOG_ALERT, "slurmctld: error %d from socket\n",
+			errno);
-	abort();
-    } /* if */
-    memset(&serv_addr, 0, sizeof(serv_addr));
-    serv_addr.sin_family	= PF_INET;
-    serv_addr.sin_addr.s_addr	= htonl(INADDR_ANY);
-    serv_addr.sin_port  	= htons(SLURMCTLD_PORT);
-    if (bind(sockfd, (struct sockaddr *) &serv_addr, sizeof(serv_addr)) < 0) {
+		abort ();
+	}			
+	memset (&serv_addr, 0, sizeof (serv_addr));
+	serv_addr.sin_family = PF_INET;
+	serv_addr.sin_addr.s_addr = htonl (INADDR_ANY);
+	serv_addr.sin_port = htons (SLURMCTLD_PORT);
+	if (bind (sockfd, (struct sockaddr *) &serv_addr, sizeof (serv_addr))
+	    < 0) {
-	fprintf(stderr, "slurmctld: Error %d from bind\n", errno);
+		fprintf (stderr, "slurmctld: error %d from bind\n", errno);
-	syslog(LOG_ALERT, "slurmctld: Error %d from bind\n", errno);
+		syslog (LOG_ALERT, "slurmctld: error %d from bind\n", errno);
-	abort();
-    } /* if */
-    listen(sockfd, 5);
-    while (1) {
-	cli_len = sizeof(cli_addr);
-	if ((newsockfd = accept(sockfd, (struct sockaddr *) &cli_addr, &cli_len)) < 0) {
+		abort ();
+	}			
+	listen (sockfd, 5);
+	while (1) {
+		cli_len = sizeof (cli_addr);
+		if ((newsockfd =
+		     accept (sockfd, (struct sockaddr *) &cli_addr,
+			     &cli_len)) < 0) {
-	    fprintf(stderr, "slurmctld: Error %d from accept\n", errno);
+			fprintf (stderr, "slurmctld: error %d from accept\n",
+				 errno);
-	    syslog(LOG_ALERT, "slurmctld: Error %d from accept\n", errno);
+			syslog (LOG_ALERT,
+				"slurmctld: error %d from accept\n", errno);
-	    abort();
-	} /* if */
+			abort ();
+		}		
-/* Convert to pthread, TBD */
-Slurmctld_Req(newsockfd);	/* Process the request */
-close(newsockfd);		/* close the new socket */
+/* convert to pthread, tbd */
+		slurmctld_req (newsockfd);	/* process the request */
+		close (newsockfd);	/* close the new socket */
-    } /* while */
-} /* main */
+	}			
+}				/* main */
- * Dump_Build - Dump all build parameters to a buffer
- * Input: Buffer_Ptr - Location into which a pointer to the data is to be stored.
- *                     The data buffer is actually allocated by Dump_Part and the 
+ * dump_build - dump all build parameters to a buffer
+ * input: buffer_ptr - location into which a pointer to the data is to be stored.
+ *                     the data buffer is actually allocated by dump_part and the 
  *                     calling function must free the storage.
- *         Buffer_Size - Location into which the size of the created buffer is in bytes
- * Output: Buffer_Ptr - The pointer is set to the allocated buffer.
- *         Buffer_Size - Set to size of the buffer in bytes
- *         Returns 0 if no error, errno otherwise
- * NOTE: The buffer at *Buffer_Ptr must be freed by the caller
- * NOTE: IF YOU MAKE ANY CHANGES HERE be sure to increment the value of BUILD_STRUCT_VERSION
- *       and make the corresponding changes to Load_Build_Name in api/build_info.c
+ *         buffer_size - location into which the size of the created buffer is in bytes
+ * output: buffer_ptr - the pointer is set to the allocated buffer.
+ *         buffer_size - set to size of the buffer in bytes
+ *         returns 0 if no error, errno otherwise
+ * NOTE: the buffer at *buffer_ptr must be freed by the caller
+ * NOTE: if you make any changes here be sure to increment the value of BUILD_STRUCT_VERSION
+ *       and make the corresponding changes to load_build_name in api/build_info.c
-int Dump_Build(char **Buffer_Ptr, int *Buffer_Size) {
-    char *Buffer;
-    int Buffer_Offset, Buffer_Allocated, i, Record_Size;
-    char Out_Line[BUILD_SIZE*2];
-    Buffer_Ptr[0] = NULL;
-    *Buffer_Size = 0;
-    Buffer = NULL;
-    Buffer_Offset = 0;
-    Buffer_Allocated = 0;
-    /* Write haeader, version and time */
-    sprintf(Out_Line, HEAD_FORMAT, (unsigned long)time(NULL), BUILD_STRUCT_VERSION);
-    if (Write_Buffer(&Buffer, &Buffer_Offset, &Buffer_Allocated, Out_Line)) goto cleanup;
-    /* Write paramter records */
-    if (Write_Buffer(&Buffer, &Buffer_Offset, &Buffer_Allocated, Out_Line)) goto cleanup;
-    if (Write_Buffer(&Buffer, &Buffer_Offset, &Buffer_Allocated, Out_Line)) goto cleanup;
-    if (Write_Buffer(&Buffer, &Buffer_Offset, &Buffer_Allocated, Out_Line)) goto cleanup;
-    if (Write_Buffer(&Buffer, &Buffer_Offset, &Buffer_Allocated, Out_Line)) goto cleanup;
-    sprintf(Out_Line, BUILD_STRUCT_FORMAT, "EPILOG", EPILOG);
-    if (Write_Buffer(&Buffer, &Buffer_Offset, &Buffer_Allocated, Out_Line)) goto cleanup;
-    if (Write_Buffer(&Buffer, &Buffer_Offset, &Buffer_Allocated, Out_Line)) goto cleanup;
-    if (Write_Buffer(&Buffer, &Buffer_Offset, &Buffer_Allocated, Out_Line)) goto cleanup;
-    if (Write_Buffer(&Buffer, &Buffer_Offset, &Buffer_Allocated, Out_Line)) goto cleanup;
-    if (Write_Buffer(&Buffer, &Buffer_Offset, &Buffer_Allocated, Out_Line)) goto cleanup;
-    if (Write_Buffer(&Buffer, &Buffer_Offset, &Buffer_Allocated, Out_Line)) goto cleanup;
-    sprintf(Out_Line, BUILD_STRUCT_FORMAT, "PROLOG", PROLOG);
-    if (Write_Buffer(&Buffer, &Buffer_Offset, &Buffer_Allocated, Out_Line)) goto cleanup;
-    if (Write_Buffer(&Buffer, &Buffer_Offset, &Buffer_Allocated, Out_Line)) goto cleanup;
-    if (Write_Buffer(&Buffer, &Buffer_Offset, &Buffer_Allocated, Out_Line)) goto cleanup;
-    if (Write_Buffer(&Buffer, &Buffer_Offset, &Buffer_Allocated, Out_Line)) goto cleanup;
-    sprintf(Out_Line, BUILD_STRUCT_FORMAT, "TMP_FS", TMP_FS);
-    if (Write_Buffer(&Buffer, &Buffer_Offset, &Buffer_Allocated, Out_Line)) goto cleanup;
-    Buffer = realloc(Buffer, Buffer_Offset);
-    if (Buffer == NULL) {
+dump_build (char **buffer_ptr, int *buffer_size)
+	char *buffer;
+	int buffer_offset, buffer_allocated, i, record_size;
+	char out_line[BUILD_SIZE * 2];
+	buffer_ptr[0] = NULL;
+	*buffer_size = 0;
+	buffer = NULL;
+	buffer_offset = 0;
+	buffer_allocated = 0;
+	/* write haeader, version and time */
+	sprintf (out_line, HEAD_FORMAT, (unsigned long) time (NULL),
+	if (write_buffer
+	    (&buffer, &buffer_offset, &buffer_allocated, out_line))
+		goto cleanup;
+	/* write paramter records */
+	if (write_buffer
+	    (&buffer, &buffer_offset, &buffer_allocated, out_line))
+		goto cleanup;
+	if (write_buffer
+	    (&buffer, &buffer_offset, &buffer_allocated, out_line))
+		goto cleanup;
+	if (write_buffer
+	    (&buffer, &buffer_offset, &buffer_allocated, out_line))
+		goto cleanup;
+	if (write_buffer
+	    (&buffer, &buffer_offset, &buffer_allocated, out_line))
+		goto cleanup;
+	sprintf (out_line, BUILD_STRUCT_FORMAT, "EPILOG", EPILOG);
+	if (write_buffer
+	    (&buffer, &buffer_offset, &buffer_allocated, out_line))
+		goto cleanup;
+	sprintf (out_line, BUILD_STRUCT2_FORMAT, "HASH_BASE", HASH_BASE);
+	if (write_buffer
+	    (&buffer, &buffer_offset, &buffer_allocated, out_line))
+		goto cleanup;
+	if (write_buffer
+	    (&buffer, &buffer_offset, &buffer_allocated, out_line))
+		goto cleanup;
+	if (write_buffer
+	    (&buffer, &buffer_offset, &buffer_allocated, out_line))
+		goto cleanup;
+	sprintf (out_line, BUILD_STRUCT2_FORMAT, "KILL_WAIT", KILL_WAIT);
+	if (write_buffer
+	    (&buffer, &buffer_offset, &buffer_allocated, out_line))
+		goto cleanup;
+	if (write_buffer
+	    (&buffer, &buffer_offset, &buffer_allocated, out_line))
+		goto cleanup;
+	sprintf (out_line, BUILD_STRUCT_FORMAT, "PROLOG", PROLOG);
+	if (write_buffer
+	    (&buffer, &buffer_offset, &buffer_allocated, out_line))
+		goto cleanup;
+	sprintf (out_line, BUILD_STRUCT_FORMAT, "SERVER_DAEMON",
+	if (write_buffer
+	    (&buffer, &buffer_offset, &buffer_allocated, out_line))
+		goto cleanup;
+	sprintf (out_line, BUILD_STRUCT2_FORMAT, "SERVER_TIMEOUT",
+	if (write_buffer
+	    (&buffer, &buffer_offset, &buffer_allocated, out_line))
+		goto cleanup;
+	if (write_buffer
+	    (&buffer, &buffer_offset, &buffer_allocated, out_line))
+		goto cleanup;
+	sprintf (out_line, BUILD_STRUCT_FORMAT, "TMP_FS", TMP_FS);
+	if (write_buffer
+	    (&buffer, &buffer_offset, &buffer_allocated, out_line))
+		goto cleanup;
+	buffer = realloc (buffer, buffer_offset);
+	if (buffer == NULL) {
-	fprintf(stderr, "Dump_Build: unable to allocate memory\n");
+		fprintf (stderr, "dump_build: unable to allocate memory\n");
-	syslog(LOG_ALERT, "Dump_Build: unable to allocate memory\n");
+		syslog (LOG_ALERT, "dump_build: unable to allocate memory\n");
-	abort();
-    } /* if */
+		abort ();
+	}			
-    Buffer_Ptr[0] = Buffer;
-    *Buffer_Size = Buffer_Offset;
-    return 0;
+	buffer_ptr[0] = buffer;
+	*buffer_size = buffer_offset;
+	return 0;
-    if (Buffer) free(Buffer);
-    return EINVAL;
-} /* Dump_Build */
+      cleanup:
+	if (buffer)
+		free (buffer);
+	return EINVAL;
- * Slurmctld_Req - Process a slurmctld request from the given socket
- * Input: sockfd - The socket with a request to be processed
+ * slurmctld_req - process a slurmctld request from the given socket
+ * input: sockfd - the socket with a request to be processed
-void Slurmctld_Req(int sockfd) {
-    int Error_Code, In_Size, i;
-    char In_Line[BUF_SIZE], Node_Name[MAX_NAME_LEN];
-    int CPUs, RealMemory, TmpDisk;
-    char *NodeName, *PartName, *TimeStamp;
-    time_t Last_Update;
-    clock_t Start_Time;
-    char *Dump;
-    int Dump_Size, Dump_Loc;
-    In_Size = recv(sockfd, In_Line, sizeof(In_Line), 0);
-    /* Allocate:  Allocate resources for a job */
-    if (strncmp("Allocate",   In_Line,  8) == 0) {	
-	Start_Time = clock();
-	NodeName = NULL;
-	Error_Code = Select_Nodes(&In_Line[8], &NodeName);   /* Skip over "Allocate" */
+slurmctld_req (int sockfd) {
+	int error_code, in_size, i;
+	char in_line[BUF_SIZE], node_name[MAX_NAME_LEN];
+	int cpus, real_memory, tmp_disk;
+	char *node_name_ptr, *part_name, *time_stamp;
+	time_t last_update;
+	clock_t start_time;
+	char *dump;
+	int dump_size, dump_loc;
+	in_size = recv (sockfd, in_line, sizeof (in_line), 0);
+	/* Allocate:  allocate resources for a job */
+	if (strncmp ("Allocate", in_line, 8) == 0) {
+		start_time = clock ();
+		node_name_ptr = NULL;
+		error_code = select_nodes (&in_line[8], &node_name_ptr);  /* skip "Allocate" */
-	if (Error_Code)
-	    fprintf(stderr, "Slurmctld_Req: Error %d allocating resources for %s, ",
-		 Error_Code, &In_Line[8]);
-	else 
-	    fprintf(stderr, "Slurmctld_Req: Allocated nodes %s to job %s, ", 
-		NodeName, &In_Line[8]);
-	fprintf(stderr, "time = %ld usec\n", (long)(clock() - Start_Time));
+		if (error_code)
+			fprintf (stderr,
+				 "slurmctld_req: error %d allocating resources for %s, ",
+				 error_code, &in_line[8]);
+		else
+			fprintf (stderr,
+				 "slurmctld_req: allocated nodes %s to job %s, ",
+				 node_name_ptr, &in_line[8]);
+		fprintf (stderr, "time = %ld usec\n",
+			 (long) (clock () - start_time));
-	if (Error_Code == 0)
-	    send(sockfd, NodeName, strlen(NodeName)+1, 0);
-	else if (Error_Code == EAGAIN)
-	    send(sockfd, "EAGAIN", 7, 0);
-	else
-	    send(sockfd, "EINVAL", 7, 0);
-	if (NodeName) free(NodeName);
-    /* DumpBuild:  Dump build parameters to a buffer */
-    } else if (strncmp("DumpBuild",    In_Line,  9) == 0) {	
-	Start_Time = clock();
-	Error_Code = Dump_Build(&Dump, &Dump_Size);
+		if (error_code == 0)
+			send (sockfd, node_name_ptr, strlen (node_name_ptr) + 1, 0);
+		else if (error_code == EAGAIN)
+			send (sockfd, "EAGAIN", 7, 0);
+		else
+			send (sockfd, "EINVAL", 7, 0);
+		if (node_name_ptr)
+			free (node_name_ptr);
+	}
+	else if (strncmp ("DumpBuild", in_line, 9) == 0) {
+		start_time = clock ();
+		error_code = dump_build (&dump, &dump_size);
-	if (Error_Code)
-	    fprintf(stderr, "Slurmctld_Req: Dump_Build error %d, ", Error_Code);
-	else 
-	   fprintf(stderr, "Slurmctld_Req: Dump_Build returning %d bytes, ", Dump_Size);
-	fprintf(stderr, "time = %ld usec\n", (long)(clock() - Start_Time));
+		if (error_code)
+			fprintf (stderr,
+				 "slurmctld_req: dump_build error %d, ",
+				 error_code);
+		else
+			fprintf (stderr,
+				 "slurmctld_req: dump_build returning %d bytes, ",
+				 dump_size);
+		fprintf (stderr, "time = %ld usec\n",
+			 (long) (clock () - start_time));
-	if (Error_Code == 0) {
-	    Dump_Loc = 0;
-	    while (Dump_Size > 0) {
-		i = send(sockfd, &Dump[Dump_Loc], Dump_Size, 0);
-		Dump_Loc += i;
-		Dump_Size -= i;
-	    } /* while */
-	} else
-	    send(sockfd, "EINVAL", 7, 0);
-	if (Dump) free(Dump);
-    /* DumpNode:  Dump node state information to a buffer */
-    } else if (strncmp("DumpNode",    In_Line,  8) == 0) {	
-	Start_Time = clock();
-	TimeStamp = NULL;
-	Error_Code = Load_String(&TimeStamp, "LastUpdate=", In_Line);
-	if (TimeStamp) {
-	    Last_Update = strtol(TimeStamp, (char **)NULL, 10);
-	    free(TimeStamp);
-	} else 
-	    Last_Update = (time_t) 0;
-	Error_Code = Dump_Node(&Dump, &Dump_Size, &Last_Update);
+		if (error_code == 0) {
+			dump_loc = 0;
+			while (dump_size > 0) {
+				i = send (sockfd, &dump[dump_loc], dump_size,
+					  0);
+				dump_loc += i;
+				dump_size -= i;
+			}	
+		}
+		else
+			send (sockfd, "EINVAL", 7, 0);
+		if (dump)
+			free (dump);
+	}
+	else if (strncmp ("DumpNode", in_line, 8) == 0) {
+		start_time = clock ();
+		time_stamp = NULL;
+		error_code =
+			load_string (&time_stamp, "LastUpdate=", in_line);
+		if (time_stamp) {
+			last_update = strtol (time_stamp, (char **) NULL, 10);
+			free (time_stamp);
+		}
+		else
+			last_update = (time_t) 0;
+		error_code = dump_node (&dump, &dump_size, &last_update);
-	if (Error_Code)
-	    fprintf(stderr, "Slurmctld_Req: Dump_Node error %d, ", Error_Code);
-	else 
-	   fprintf(stderr, "Slurmctld_Req: Dump_Node returning %d bytes, ", Dump_Size);
-	fprintf(stderr, "time = %ld usec\n", (long)(clock() - Start_Time));
+		if (error_code)
+			fprintf (stderr,
+				 "slurmctld_req: dump_node error %d, ",
+				 error_code);
+		else
+			fprintf (stderr,
+				 "slurmctld_req: dump_node returning %d bytes, ",
+				 dump_size);
+		fprintf (stderr, "time = %ld usec\n",
+			 (long) (clock () - start_time));
-	if (Dump_Size == 0) 
-	    send(sockfd, "NOCHANGE", 9, 0);
-	else if (Error_Code == 0) {
-	    Dump_Loc = 0;
-	    while (Dump_Size > 0) {
-		i = send(sockfd, &Dump[Dump_Loc], Dump_Size, 0);
-		Dump_Loc += i;
-		Dump_Size -= i;
-	    } /* while */
-	} else
-	    send(sockfd, "EINVAL", 7, 0);
-	if (Dump) free(Dump);
-    /* DumpPart:  Dump partition state information to a buffer */
-    } else if (strncmp("DumpPart",    In_Line,  8) == 0) {	
-	Start_Time = clock();
-	TimeStamp = NULL;
-	Error_Code = Load_String(&TimeStamp, "LastUpdate=", In_Line);
-	if (TimeStamp) {
-	    Last_Update = strtol(TimeStamp, (char **)NULL, 10);
-	    free(TimeStamp);
-	} else 
-	    Last_Update = (time_t) 0;
-	Error_Code = Dump_Part(&Dump, &Dump_Size, &Last_Update);
+		if (dump_size == 0)
+			send (sockfd, "nochange", 9, 0);
+		else if (error_code == 0) {
+			dump_loc = 0;
+			while (dump_size > 0) {
+				i = send (sockfd, &dump[dump_loc], dump_size,
+					  0);
+				dump_loc += i;
+				dump_size -= i;
+			}	
+		}
+		else
+			send (sockfd, "EINVAL", 7, 0);
+		if (dump)
+			free (dump);
+	}
+	else if (strncmp ("DumpPart", in_line, 8) == 0) {
+		start_time = clock ();
+		time_stamp = NULL;
+		error_code =
+			load_string (&time_stamp, "LastUpdate=", in_line);
+		if (time_stamp) {
+			last_update = strtol (time_stamp, (char **) NULL, 10);
+			free (time_stamp);
+		}
+		else
+			last_update = (time_t) 0;
+		error_code = dump_part (&dump, &dump_size, &last_update);
-	if (Error_Code)
-	    fprintf(stderr, "Slurmctld_Req: Dump_Part error %d, ", Error_Code);
-	else 
-	    fprintf(stderr, "Slurmctld_Req: Dump_Part returning %d bytes, ", Dump_Size);
-	fprintf(stderr, "time = %ld usec\n", (long)(clock() - Start_Time));
+		if (error_code)
+			fprintf (stderr,
+				 "slurmctld_req: dump_part error %d, ",
+				 error_code);
+		else
+			fprintf (stderr,
+				 "slurmctld_req: dump_part returning %d bytes, ",
+				 dump_size);
+		fprintf (stderr, "time = %ld usec\n",
+			 (long) (clock () - start_time));
-	if (Dump_Size == 0) 
-	    send(sockfd, "NOCHANGE", 9, 0);
-	else if (Error_Code == 0) {
-	    Dump_Loc = 0;
-	    while (Dump_Size > 0) {
-		i = send(sockfd, &Dump[Dump_Loc], Dump_Size, 0);
-		Dump_Loc += i;
-		Dump_Size -= i;
-	    } /* while */
-	} else
-	    send(sockfd, "EINVAL", 7, 0);
-	if (Dump) free(Dump);
-    /* JobSubmit:  Submit job to execute, TBD */
-    } else if (strncmp("JobSubmit",    In_Line,  9) == 0) {	
-	Start_Time = clock();
-	TimeStamp = NULL;
-	Error_Code = EINVAL;
+		if (dump_size == 0)
+			send (sockfd, "nochange", 9, 0);
+		else if (error_code == 0) {
+			dump_loc = 0;
+			while (dump_size > 0) {
+				i = send (sockfd, &dump[dump_loc], dump_size,
+					  0);
+				dump_loc += i;
+				dump_size -= i;
+			}	
+		}
+		else
+			send (sockfd, "EINVAL", 7, 0);
+		if (dump)
+			free (dump);
+	}
+	else if (strncmp ("JobSubmit", in_line, 9) == 0) {
+		start_time = clock ();
+		time_stamp = NULL;
+		error_code = EINVAL;
-	if (Error_Code)
-	    fprintf(stderr, "Slurmctld_Req: JobSubmit error %d", Error_Code);
-	else 
-	    fprintf(stderr, "Slurmctld_Req: JobSubmit success for %s", &In_Line[10]);
-	fprintf(stderr, "JobSubmit Time = %ld usec\n", (long)(clock() - Start_Time));
+		if (error_code)
+			fprintf (stderr, "slurmctld_req: job_submit error %d",
+				 error_code);
+		else
+			fprintf (stderr,
+				 "slurmctld_req: job_submit success for %s",
+				 &in_line[10]);
+		fprintf (stderr, "job_submit time = %ld usec\n",
+			 (long) (clock () - start_time));
-	if (Error_Code == 0)
-	    send(sockfd, Dump, Dump_Size, 0);
-	else
-	    send(sockfd, "EINVAL", 7, 0);
-    /* JobWillRun:  Will job run if submitted, TBD */
-    } else if (strncmp("JobWillRun",    In_Line,  10) == 0) {	
-	Start_Time = clock();
-	TimeStamp = NULL;
-	Error_Code = EINVAL;
+		if (error_code == 0)
+			send (sockfd, dump, dump_size, 0);
+		else
+			send (sockfd, "EINVAL", 7, 0);
+	}
+	else if (strncmp ("JobWillRun", in_line, 10) == 0) {
+		start_time = clock ();
+		time_stamp = NULL;
+		error_code = EINVAL;
-	if (Error_Code)
-	    fprintf(stderr, "Slurmctld_Req: JobWillRun error %d", Error_Code);
-	else 
-	    fprintf(stderr, "Slurmctld_Req: JobWillRun success for %s", &In_Line[10]);
-	fprintf(stderr, "JobWillRun Time = %ld usec\n", (long)(clock() - Start_Time));
+		if (error_code)
+			fprintf (stderr,
+				 "slurmctld_req: job_will_run error %d",
+				 error_code);
+		else
+			fprintf (stderr,
+				 "slurmctld_req: job_will_run success for %s",
+				 &in_line[10]);
+		fprintf (stderr, "job_will_run time = %ld usec\n",
+			 (long) (clock () - start_time));
-	if (Error_Code == 0)
-	    send(sockfd, Dump, Dump_Size, 0);
-	else
-	    send(sockfd, "EINVAL", 7, 0);
-    /* NodeConfig:   Process node configuration state on check-in */
-    } else if (strncmp("NodeConfig",    In_Line,  10) == 0) {	
-	Start_Time = clock();
-	TimeStamp = NULL;
-	Error_Code  = Load_String (&NodeName,   "NodeName=",   In_Line);
-	if (NodeName == NULL) Error_Code = EINVAL;
-	if (Error_Code == 0) Error_Code = Load_Integer(&CPUs,       "CPUs=",       In_Line);
-	if (Error_Code == 0) Error_Code = Load_Integer(&RealMemory, "RealMemory=", In_Line);
-	if (Error_Code == 0) Error_Code = Load_Integer(&TmpDisk,    "TmpDisk=",    In_Line);
-	if (Error_Code == 0) Error_Code = Validate_Node_Specs(NodeName,CPUs,RealMemory,TmpDisk);
+		if (error_code == 0)
+			send (sockfd, dump, dump_size, 0);
+		else
+			send (sockfd, "EINVAL", 7, 0);
+	}
+	else if (strncmp ("NodeConfig", in_line, 10) == 0) {
+		start_time = clock ();
+		time_stamp = NULL;
+		node_name_ptr = NULL;
+		cpus = real_memory = tmp_disk = NO_VAL;
+		error_code = load_string (&node_name_ptr, "NodeName=", in_line);
+		if (node_name == NULL)
+			error_code = EINVAL;
+		if (error_code == 0)
+			error_code = load_integer (&cpus, "CPUs=", in_line);
+		if (error_code == 0)
+			error_code =
+				load_integer (&real_memory, "RealMemory=",
+					      in_line);
+		if (error_code == 0)
+			error_code =
+				load_integer (&tmp_disk, "TmpDisk=",
+					      in_line);
+		if (error_code == 0)
+			error_code =
+				validate_node_specs (node_name_ptr, cpus,
+						     real_memory, tmp_disk);
-	if (Error_Code)
-	    fprintf(stderr, "Slurmctld_Req: NodeConfig error %d for %s", Error_Code, NodeName);
-	else 
-	    fprintf(stderr, "Slurmctld_Req: NodeConfig for %s", NodeName);
-	fprintf(stderr, "NodeConfig Time = %ld usec\n", (long)(clock() - Start_Time));
+		if (error_code)
+			fprintf (stderr,
+				 "slurmctld_req: node_config error %d for %s",
+				 error_code, node_name_ptr);
+		else
+			fprintf (stderr, "slurmctld_req: node_config for %s",
+				 node_name_ptr);
+		fprintf (stderr, "node_config time = %ld usec\n",
+			 (long) (clock () - start_time));
-	if (Error_Code == 0)
-	    send(sockfd, Dump, Dump_Size, 0);
-	else
-	    send(sockfd, "EINVAL", 7, 0);
-	if (NodeName) free(NodeName);
-    /* Reconfigure:   Re-read configuration files */
-    } else if (strncmp("Reconfigure",    In_Line,  11) == 0) {	
-	Start_Time = clock();
-	TimeStamp = NULL;
-	Error_Code = Init_SLURM_Conf();
-	if (Error_Code == 0) Error_Code = Read_SLURM_Conf(SLURM_CONF);
+		if (error_code == 0)
+			send (sockfd, dump, dump_size, 0);
+		else
+			send (sockfd, "EINVAL", 7, 0);
+		if (node_name_ptr)
+			free (node_name_ptr);
+	}
+	else if (strncmp ("Reconfigure", in_line, 11) == 0) {
+		start_time = clock ();
+		time_stamp = NULL;
+		error_code = init_slurm_conf ();
+		if (error_code == 0)
+			error_code = read_slurm_conf (SLURM_CONF);
-	if (Error_Code)
-	    fprintf(stderr, "Slurmctld_Req: Reconfigure error %d, ", Error_Code);
-	else 
-	    fprintf(stderr, "Slurmctld_Req: Reconfigure completed successfully, ");
-	fprintf(stderr, "time = %ld usec\n", (long)(clock() - Start_Time));
+		if (error_code)
+			fprintf (stderr,
+				 "slurmctld_req: reconfigure error %d, ",
+				 error_code);
+		else
+			fprintf (stderr,
+				 "slurmctld_req: reconfigure completed successfully, ");
+		fprintf (stderr, "time = %ld usec\n",
+			 (long) (clock () - start_time));
-	sprintf(In_Line, "%d", Error_Code);
-	send(sockfd, In_Line, strlen(In_Line)+1, 0);
-    /* Update:   Modify the configuration of a job, node, or partition */
-    } else if (strncmp("Update",    In_Line,  6) == 0) {	
-	Start_Time = clock();
-	NodeName = PartName = NULL;
-	Error_Code = Load_String(&NodeName, "NodeName=", In_Line);
-	if ((Error_Code == 0) && (NodeName != NULL))
-	    Error_Code = Update_Node(NodeName, &In_Line[6]);  /* Skip over "Update" */
-	else {
-	    Error_Code = Load_String(&PartName, "PartitionName=", In_Line);
-	    if ((Error_Code == 0) && (PartName != NULL)) {
-		Error_Code = Update_Part(PartName, &In_Line[6]);  /* Skip over "Update" */
-	    } /* if */
-	} /* else */
+		sprintf (in_line, "%d", error_code);
+		send (sockfd, in_line, strlen (in_line) + 1, 0);
+	}
+	else if (strncmp ("Update", in_line, 6) == 0) {
+		start_time = clock ();
+		node_name_ptr = part_name = NULL;
+		error_code = load_string (&node_name_ptr, "NodeName=", in_line);
+		if ((error_code == 0) && (node_name_ptr != NULL))
+			error_code = update_node (node_name_ptr, &in_line[6]);	/* skip "Update" */
+		else {
+			error_code =
+				load_string (&part_name, "PartitionName=", in_line);
+			if ((error_code == 0) && (part_name != NULL))
+				error_code = update_part (part_name, &in_line[6]); /* skip "Update" */
+			else
+				error_code = EINVAL;
+		}		
-	if (Error_Code) {
-	    if (NodeName)
-		fprintf(stderr, "Slurmctld_Req: Update error %d on node %s, ", Error_Code, NodeName);
-	    else
-		fprintf(stderr, "Slurmctld_Req: Update error %d on partition %s, ", Error_Code, PartName);
-	} else {
-	    if (NodeName)
-		fprintf(stderr, "Slurmctld_Req: Updated node %s, ", NodeName);
-	    else
-		fprintf(stderr, "Slurmctld_Req: Updated partition %s, ", PartName);
-	} /* else */
-	fprintf(stderr, "time = %ld usec\n", (long)(clock() - Start_Time));
+		if (error_code) {
+			if (node_name_ptr)
+				fprintf (stderr,
+					 "slurmctld_req: update error %d on node %s, ",
+					 error_code, node_name_ptr);
+			else if (part_name)
+				fprintf (stderr,
+					 "slurmctld_req: update error %d on partition %s, ",
+					 error_code, part_name);
+			else
+				fprintf (stderr,
+					 "slurmctld_req: update error %d on request %s, ",
+					 error_code, in_line);
+		}
+		else {
+			if (node_name_ptr)
+				fprintf (stderr,
+					 "slurmctld_req: updated node %s, ",
+					 node_name_ptr);
+			else
+				fprintf (stderr,
+					 "slurmctld_req: updated partition %s, ",
+					 part_name);
+		}		
+		fprintf (stderr, "time = %ld usec\n",
+			 (long) (clock () - start_time));
-	sprintf(In_Line, "%d", Error_Code);
-	send(sockfd, In_Line, strlen(In_Line)+1, 0);
+		sprintf (in_line, "%d", error_code);
+		send (sockfd, in_line, strlen (in_line) + 1, 0);
-	if (NodeName) free(NodeName);
-	if (PartName) free(PartName);
+		if (node_name_ptr)
+			free (node_name_ptr);
+		if (part_name)
+			free (part_name);
-    } else {
+	}
+	else {
-	fprintf(stderr, "Slurmctld_Req: Invalid request %s\n", In_Line);
+		fprintf (stderr, "slurmctld_req: invalid request %s\n",
+			 in_line);
-	syslog(LOG_WARNING, "Slurmctld_Req: Invalid request %s\n", In_Line);
+		syslog (LOG_WARNING, "slurmctld_req: invalid request %s\n",
+			in_line);
-	send(sockfd, "EINVAL", 7, 0);
-    } /* else */
-    return;
-} /* main */
+		send (sockfd, "EINVAL", 7, 0);
+	}			
+	return;
diff --git a/src/slurmctld/node_mgr.c b/src/slurmctld/node_mgr.c
index 569aa3593b67d5784996972170ba0c81660a8f98..07a60fe8cbc399dc6dbaf4fbf0b05e457b4c2ad0 100644
--- a/src/slurmctld/node_mgr.c
+++ b/src/slurmctld/node_mgr.c
@@ -1,13 +1,13 @@
- * node_mgr.c - Manage the node records of SLURM
- * See slurm.h for documentation on external functions and data structures
+ * node_mgr.c - manage the node records of slurm
+ * see slurm.h for documentation on external functions and data structures
- * Author: Moe Jette, jette@llnl.gov
+ * author: moe jette, jette@llnl.gov
 #  include <config.h>
 #include <errno.h>
 #include <stdio.h>
@@ -21,1139 +21,1332 @@
 #define NO_VAL	 	(-99)
 #define SEPCHARS 	" \n\t"
-List 	Config_List = NULL;			/* List of Config_Record entries */
-struct Node_Record *Node_Record_Table_Ptr = NULL; /* Location of the node records */
-char 	*Node_State_String[] = {"DOWN", "UNKNOWN", "IDLE", "STAGE_IN", "BUSY", "STAGE_OUT", "DRAINED", "DRAINING", "END"};
-int	*Hash_Table = NULL;			/* Table of hashed indicies into Node_Record */
-struct 	Config_Record Default_Config_Record;
-struct 	Node_Record   Default_Node_Record;
-time_t 	Last_BitMap_Update =(time_t)NULL;	/* Time of last node creation or deletion */
-time_t 	Last_Node_Update =(time_t)NULL;		/* Time of last update to Node Records */
-static pthread_mutex_t Node_Mutex= PTHREAD_MUTEX_INITIALIZER;	/* Lock for Node and Config info */
-unsigned *Up_NodeBitMap  = NULL;		/* Bitmap of nodes are UP */
-unsigned *Idle_NodeBitMap = NULL;		/* Bitmap of nodes are IDLE */
-int	Delete_Config_Record();
-void	Dump_Hash();
-int 	Hash_Index(char *name);
-void 	Rehash();
-void	Split_Node_Name(char *Name, char *Prefix, char *Suffix, int *Index, int *Digits);
+List config_list = NULL;	/* list of config_record entries */
+struct node_record *node_record_table_ptr = NULL;	/* location of the node records */
+char *node_state_string[] =
+int *hash_table = NULL;		/* table of hashed indicies into node_record */
+struct config_record default_config_record;
+struct node_record default_node_record;
+time_t last_bitmap_update = (time_t) NULL;	/* time of last node creation or deletion */
+time_t last_node_update = (time_t) NULL;	/* time of last update to node records */
+static pthread_mutex_t node_mutex = PTHREAD_MUTEX_INITIALIZER;	/* lock for node and config info */
+unsigned *up_node_bitmap = NULL;	/* bitmap of nodes are up */
+unsigned *idle_node_bitmap = NULL;	/* bitmap of nodes are idle */
+int delete_config_record ();
+void dump_hash ();
+int hash_index (char *name);
+void rehash ();
+void split_node_name (char *name, char *prefix, char *suffix, int *index,
+		      int *digits);
 /* main is used here for testing purposes only */
-main(int argc, char * argv[]) {
-    int Error_Code, size;
-    char *Out_Line;
-    unsigned *Map1, *Map2;
-    unsigned U_Map[2];
-    struct Config_Record *Config_Ptr;
-    struct Node_Record *Node_Ptr;
-    char *Dump;
-    int Dump_Size;
-    time_t Update_Time;
-    char Update_Spec[] = "State=DRAINING";
-    /* Bitmap setup */
-    Node_Record_Count = 97;
-    size = (Node_Record_Count + 7) / 8;
-    Map1 = malloc(size);
-    memset(Map1, 0, size);
-    BitMapSet(Map1, 7);
-    BitMapSet(Map1, 23);
-    BitMapSet(Map1, 71);
-    Map2 = BitMapCopy(Map1);
-    BitMapSet(Map2, 11);
-    Node_Record_Count = 0;
-    /* Now check out configuration and node structure functions */
-    Error_Code = Init_Node_Conf();
-    if (Error_Code) printf("ERROR: Init_Node_Conf error %d\n", Error_Code);
-    Default_Config_Record.CPUs       = 12;
-    Default_Config_Record.RealMemory = 345;
-    Default_Config_Record.TmpDisk    = 67;
-    Default_Config_Record.Weight     = 89;
-    Default_Node_Record.LastResponse = (time_t)678;
-    Config_Ptr = Create_Config_Record(&Error_Code);
-    if (Error_Code) printf("ERROR: Create_Config_Record error %d\n", Error_Code);
-    if (Config_Ptr->CPUs != 12)        printf("ERROR: Config default CPUs not set\n");
-    if (Config_Ptr->RealMemory != 345) printf("ERROR: Config default RealMemory not set\n");
-    if (Config_Ptr->TmpDisk != 67)     printf("ERROR: Config default TmpDisk not set\n");
-    if (Config_Ptr->Weight != 89)      printf("ERROR: Config default Weight not set\n");
-    Config_Ptr->Feature = "for_lx01,lx02";
-    Config_Ptr->Nodes = "lx[01-02]";
-    Config_Ptr->NodeBitMap = Map1;
-    Node_Ptr   = Create_Node_Record(&Error_Code, Config_Ptr, "lx01");
-    if (Error_Code) printf("ERROR: Create_Node_Record error %d\n", Error_Code);
-    Node_Ptr   = Create_Node_Record(&Error_Code, Config_Ptr, "lx02");
-    if (Error_Code) printf("ERROR: Create_Node_Record error %d\n", Error_Code);
-    Up_NodeBitMap = &U_Map[0];
-    Idle_NodeBitMap = &U_Map[1];
-    Error_Code = Update_Node("lx[01-02]", Update_Spec);
-    if (Error_Code) printf("ERROR: Update_Node error1 %d\n", Error_Code);
-    if (Node_Ptr->NodeState != STATE_DRAINING) 
-	printf("ERROR: Update_Node error2 NodeState=%d\n", Node_Ptr->NodeState);
-    Config_Ptr = Create_Config_Record(&Error_Code);
-    Config_Ptr->CPUs = 543;
-    Config_Ptr->Nodes = "lx[03-20]";
-    Config_Ptr->Feature = "for_lx03,lx04";
-    Config_Ptr->NodeBitMap = Map2;
-    Node_Ptr   = Create_Node_Record(&Error_Code, Config_Ptr, "lx03");
-    if (Error_Code) printf("ERROR: Create_Node_Record error %d\n", Error_Code);
-    if (Node_Ptr->LastResponse != (time_t)678) printf("ERROR: Node default LastResponse not set\n");
-    if (Node_Ptr->CPUs != 543) printf("ERROR: Node default CPUs not set\n");
-    if (Node_Ptr->RealMemory != 345) printf("ERROR: Node default RealMemory not set\n");
-    if (Node_Ptr->TmpDisk != 67) printf("ERROR: Node default TmpDisk not set\n");
-    Node_Ptr   = Create_Node_Record(&Error_Code, Config_Ptr, "lx04");
-    if (Error_Code) printf("ERROR: Create_Node_Record error %d\n", Error_Code);
-    Error_Code = NodeName2BitMap("lx[01-02],lx04", &Map1);
-    if (Error_Code) printf("ERROR: NodeName2BitMap error %d\n", Error_Code);
-    Error_Code = BitMap2NodeName(Map1, &Out_Line);
-    if (Error_Code) printf("ERROR: BitMap2NodeName error %d\n", Error_Code);
-    if (strcmp(Out_Line, "lx[01-02],lx04") != 0) 
-	printf("ERROR: BitMap2NodeName results bad %s vs %s\n", Out_Line, "lx[01-02],lx04");
-    free(Map1);
-    free(Out_Line);
-    Update_Time = (time_t)0;
-    U_Map[0] = 0xdeadbeef;
-    U_Map[1] = 0xbeefdead;
-    Error_Code = Validate_Node_Specs("lx01", 12, 345, 67);
-    if (Error_Code) printf("ERROR: Validate_Node_Specs error1\n");
-    Error_Code = Dump_Node(&Dump, &Dump_Size, &Update_Time);
-    if (Error_Code) printf("ERROR: Dump_Node error %d\n", Error_Code);
-    printf("NOTE: We expect Validate_Node_Specs to report bad CPU, RealMemory and TmpDisk on lx01\n");
-    Error_Code = Validate_Node_Specs("lx01", 1, 2, 3);
-    if (Error_Code != EINVAL) printf("ERROR: Validate_Node_Specs error2\n");
-    Rehash();
-    Dump_Hash();
-    Node_Ptr   = Find_Node_Record("lx02");
-    if (Node_Ptr == 0) 
-	printf("ERROR: Find_Node_Record failure 1\n");
-    else if (strcmp(Node_Ptr->Name, "lx02") != 0)
-	printf("ERROR: Find_Node_Record failure 2\n");
-    else if (Node_Ptr->LastResponse != (time_t)678) 
-	printf("ERROR: Node default LastResponse not set\n");
-    printf("NOTE: We expect Delete_Node_Record to report not finding a record for lx10\n");
-    Error_Code = Delete_Node_Record("lx10");
-    if (Error_Code != ENOENT) printf("ERROR: Delete_Node_Record failure 1\n");
-    Error_Code = Delete_Node_Record("lx02");
-    if (Error_Code != 0) printf("ERROR: Delete_Node_Record failure 2\n");
-    printf("NOTE: We expect Find_Node_Record to report not finding a record for lx02\n");
-    Node_Ptr   = Find_Node_Record("lx02");
-    if (Node_Ptr != 0) printf("ERROR: Find_Node_Record failure 3\n");
-    exit(0);
-} /* main */
+main (int argc, char *argv[]) {
+	int error_code, size;
+	char *out_line;
+	unsigned *map1, *map2;
+	unsigned u_map[2];
+	struct config_record *config_ptr;
+	struct node_record *node_ptr;
+	char *dump;
+	int dump_size;
+	time_t update_time;
+	char update_spec[] = "State=DRAINING";
+	/* bitmap setup */
+	node_record_count = 97;
+	size = (node_record_count + 7) / 8;
+	map1 = malloc (size);
+	memset (map1, 0, size);
+	bitmap_set (map1, 7);
+	bitmap_set (map1, 23);
+	bitmap_set (map1, 71);
+	map2 = bitmap_copy (map1);
+	bitmap_set (map2, 11);
+	node_record_count = 0;
+	/* now check out configuration and node structure functions */
+	error_code = init_node_conf ();
+	if (error_code)
+		printf ("ERROR: init_node_conf error %d\n", error_code);
+	default_config_record.cpus = 12;
+	default_config_record.real_memory = 345;
+	default_config_record.tmp_disk = 67;
+	default_config_record.weight = 89;
+	default_node_record.last_response = (time_t) 678;
+	config_ptr = create_config_record (&error_code);
+	if (error_code)
+		printf ("ERROR: create_config_record error %d\n", error_code);
+	if (config_ptr->cpus != 12)
+		printf ("ERROR: config default cpus not set\n");
+	if (config_ptr->real_memory != 345)
+		printf ("ERROR: config default real_memory not set\n");
+	if (config_ptr->tmp_disk != 67)
+		printf ("ERROR: config default tmp_disk not set\n");
+	if (config_ptr->weight != 89)
+		printf ("ERROR: config default weight not set\n");
+	config_ptr->feature = "for_lx01,lx02";
+	config_ptr->nodes = "lx[01-02]";
+	config_ptr->node_bitmap = map1;
+	node_ptr = create_node_record (&error_code, config_ptr, "lx01");
+	if (error_code)
+		printf ("ERROR: create_node_record error %d\n", error_code);
+	node_ptr = create_node_record (&error_code, config_ptr, "lx02");
+	if (error_code)
+		printf ("ERROR: create_node_record error %d\n", error_code);
+	up_node_bitmap = &u_map[0];
+	idle_node_bitmap = &u_map[1];
+	error_code = update_node ("lx[01-02]", update_spec);
+	if (error_code)
+		printf ("ERROR: update_node error1 %d\n", error_code);
+	if (node_ptr->node_state != STATE_DRAINING)
+		printf ("ERROR: update_node error2 node_state=%d\n",
+			node_ptr->node_state);
+	config_ptr = create_config_record (&error_code);
+	config_ptr->cpus = 543;
+	config_ptr->nodes = "lx[03-20]";
+	config_ptr->feature = "for_lx03,lx04";
+	config_ptr->node_bitmap = map2;
+	node_ptr = create_node_record (&error_code, config_ptr, "lx03");
+	if (error_code)
+		printf ("ERROR: create_node_record error %d\n", error_code);
+	if (node_ptr->last_response != (time_t) 678)
+		printf ("ERROR: node default last_response not set\n");
+	if (node_ptr->cpus != 543)
+		printf ("ERROR: node default cpus not set\n");
+	if (node_ptr->real_memory != 345)
+		printf ("ERROR: node default real_memory not set\n");
+	if (node_ptr->tmp_disk != 67)
+		printf ("ERROR: node default tmp_disk not set\n");
+	node_ptr = create_node_record (&error_code, config_ptr, "lx04");
+	if (error_code)
+		printf ("ERROR: create_node_record error %d\n", error_code);
+	error_code = node_name2bitmap ("lx[01-02],lx04", &map1);
+	if (error_code)
+		printf ("ERROR: node_name2bitmap error %d\n", error_code);
+	error_code = bitmap2node_name (map1, &out_line);
+	if (error_code)
+		printf ("ERROR: bitmap2node_name error %d\n", error_code);
+	if (strcmp (out_line, "lx[01-02],lx04") != 0)
+		printf ("ERROR: bitmap2node_name results bad %s vs %s\n",
+			out_line, "lx[01-02],lx04");
+	free (map1);
+	free (out_line);
+	update_time = (time_t) 0;
+	u_map[0] = 0xdeadbeef;
+	u_map[1] = 0xbeefdead;
+	error_code = validate_node_specs ("lx01", 12, 345, 67);
+	if (error_code)
+		printf ("ERROR: validate_node_specs error1\n");
+	error_code = dump_node (&dump, &dump_size, &update_time);
+	if (error_code)
+		printf ("ERROR: dump_node error %d\n", error_code);
+	printf ("NOTE: we expect validate_node_specs to report bad cpu, real_memory and tmp_disk on lx01\n");
+	error_code = validate_node_specs ("lx01", 1, 2, 3);
+	if (error_code != EINVAL)
+		printf ("ERROR: validate_node_specs error2\n");
+	rehash ();
+	dump_hash ();
+	node_ptr = find_node_record ("lx02");
+	if (node_ptr == 0)
+		printf ("ERROR: find_node_record failure 1\n");
+	else if (strcmp (node_ptr->name, "lx02") != 0)
+		printf ("ERROR: find_node_record failure 2\n");
+	else if (node_ptr->last_response != (time_t) 678)
+		printf ("ERROR: node default last_response not set\n");
+	printf ("NOTE: we expect delete_node_record to report not finding a record for lx10\n");
+	error_code = delete_node_record ("lx10");
+	if (error_code != ENOENT)
+		printf ("ERROR: delete_node_record failure 1\n");
+	error_code = delete_node_record ("lx02");
+	if (error_code != 0)
+		printf ("ERROR: delete_node_record failure 2\n");
+	printf ("NOTE: we expect find_node_record to report not finding a record for lx02\n");
+	node_ptr = find_node_record ("lx02");
+	if (node_ptr != 0)
+		printf ("ERROR: find_node_record failure 3\n");
+	exit (0);
- * BitMap2NodeName - Given a bitmap, build a node list representation
- * Input: BitMap - Bitmap pointer
- *        Node_List - Place to put node list
- * Output: Node_List - Set to node list or NULL on error 
- *         Returns 0 if no error, errno otherwise
- * NOTE: Consider returning the node list as a regular expression if helpful
- * NOTE: The caller must free memory at Node_List when no longer required
+ * bitmap2node_name - given a bitmap, build a node list representation
+ * input: bitmap - bitmap pointer
+ *        node_list - place to put node list
+ * output: node_list - set to node list or NULL on error 
+ *         returns 0 if no error, errno otherwise
+ * NOTE: consider returning the node list as a regular expression if helpful
+ * NOTE: the caller must free memory at node_list when no longer required
-int BitMap2NodeName(unsigned *BitMap, char **Node_List) {
-    int Error_Code, Node_List_Size, i;
-    struct Node_Record *Node_Ptr;
-    char Prefix[MAX_NAME_LEN], Suffix[MAX_NAME_LEN];
-    char Format[MAX_NAME_LEN], Temp[MAX_NAME_LEN];
-    char Last_Prefix[MAX_NAME_LEN], Last_Suffix[MAX_NAME_LEN];
-    int  First_Index, Last_Index, Index, Digits;
-    unsigned mask;
-    Node_List[0] = NULL;
-    Node_List_Size = 0;
-    if (BitMap == NULL) {
+int bitmap2node_name (unsigned *bitmap, char **node_list) {
+	int error_code, node_list_size, i;
+	struct node_record *node_ptr;
+	char prefix[MAX_NAME_LEN], suffix[MAX_NAME_LEN];
+	char format[MAX_NAME_LEN], temp[MAX_NAME_LEN];
+	char last_prefix[MAX_NAME_LEN], last_suffix[MAX_NAME_LEN];
+	int first_index, last_index, index, digits;
+	unsigned mask;
+	node_list[0] = NULL;
+	node_list_size = 0;
+	if (bitmap == NULL) {
-	fprintf(stderr, "NodeName2BitMap: BitMap is NULL\n");
+		fprintf (stderr, "node_name2bitmap: bitmap is NULL\n");
-	syslog(LOG_ERR, "NodeName2BitMap: BitMap is NULL\n");
+		syslog (LOG_ERR, "node_name2bitmap: bitmap is NULL\n");
-	abort();
-    } /* if */
+		abort ();
+	}
-    Node_List[0] = malloc(BUF_SIZE);
-    if (Node_List[0] == NULL) {
+	node_list[0] = malloc (BUF_SIZE);
+	if (node_list[0] == NULL) {
-	fprintf(stderr, "BitMap2NodeName: Can not allocate memory\n");
+		fprintf (stderr,
+			 "bitmap2node_name: can not allocate memory\n");
-	syslog(LOG_ALERT, "BitMap2NodeName: Can not allocate memory\n");
+		syslog (LOG_ALERT,
+			"bitmap2node_name: can not allocate memory\n");
-	abort();
-    } /* if */
-    strcpy(Node_List[0], "");
-    strcpy(Last_Prefix, "");
-    strcpy(Last_Suffix, "");
-    for (i=0; i<Node_Record_Count; i++) {
-	if (Node_List_Size < (strlen(Node_List[0])+MAX_NAME_LEN*3)) {
-	    Node_List_Size += BUF_SIZE;
-	    Node_List[0] = realloc(Node_List[0], Node_List_Size);
-	    if (Node_List[0] == NULL) {
+		abort ();
+	}
+	strcpy (node_list[0], "");
+	strcpy (last_prefix, "");
+	strcpy (last_suffix, "");
+	for (i = 0; i < node_record_count; i++) {
+		if (node_list_size <
+		    (strlen (node_list[0]) + MAX_NAME_LEN * 3)) {
+			node_list_size += BUF_SIZE;
+			node_list[0] = realloc (node_list[0], node_list_size);
+			if (node_list[0] == NULL) {
-		fprintf(stderr, "BitMap2NodeName: Can not allocate memory\n");
+				fprintf (stderr,
+					 "bitmap2node_name: can not allocate memory\n");
-		syslog(LOG_ALERT, "BitMap2NodeName: Can not allocate memory\n");
+				syslog (LOG_ALERT,
+					"bitmap2node_name: can not allocate memory\n");
-		abort();
-	    } /* if */
-	} /* if need more memory */
-	if (BitMapValue(BitMap, i) == 0) continue;
-	Split_Node_Name(Node_Record_Table_Ptr[i].Name, Prefix, Suffix, &Index, &Digits);
-	if ((Index == (Last_Index+1)) && 		/* Next in sequence */
-	    (strcmp(Last_Prefix, Prefix) == 0) &&
-	    (strcmp(Last_Suffix, Suffix) == 0)) {
-	    Last_Index = Index;
-	    continue;
-	} /* if */
-	if ((strlen(Last_Prefix) != 0) || 		/* End of a sequence */
-	    (strlen(Last_Suffix) != 0)) {
-	    if (strlen(Node_List[0]) > 0) strcat(Node_List[0],",");
-	    strcat(Node_List[0], Last_Prefix);
-	    if (First_Index != Last_Index) strcat(Node_List[0], "[");
-	    strcpy(Format, "%0");
-	    sprintf(&Format[2], "%dd", Digits);
-	    sprintf(Temp, Format, First_Index);
-	    strcat(Node_List[0], Temp);
-	    if (First_Index != Last_Index) {
-		strcat(Node_List[0], "-");
-		strcpy(Format, "%0");
-		sprintf(&Format[2], "%dd]", Digits);
-		sprintf(Temp, Format, Last_Index);
-		strcat(Node_List[0], Temp);
-	    } /* if */
-	    strcat(Node_List[0], Last_Suffix);
-	    strcpy(Last_Prefix, "");
-	    strcpy(Last_Suffix, "");
-	} /* if */
-	if (Index == NO_VAL) {
-	    if (strlen(Node_List[0]) > 0) strcat(Node_List[0],",");
-	    strcat(Node_List[0], Node_Record_Table_Ptr[i].Name);
-	} else {
-	    strcpy(Last_Prefix, Prefix);
-	    strcpy(Last_Suffix, Suffix);
-	    First_Index = Last_Index = Index;
-	} /* else */
-    } /* for */
-    if ((strlen(Last_Prefix) != 0) || 		/* End of a sequence */
-	(strlen(Last_Suffix) != 0)) {
-	if (strlen(Node_List[0]) > 0) strcat(Node_List[0],",");
-	strcat(Node_List[0], Last_Prefix);
-	if (First_Index != Last_Index) strcat(Node_List[0], "[");
-	strcpy(Format, "%0");
-	sprintf(&Format[2], "%dd", Digits);
-	sprintf(Temp, Format, First_Index);
-	strcat(Node_List[0], Temp);
-	if (First_Index != Last_Index) {
-	    strcat(Node_List[0], "-");
-	    strcpy(Format, "%0");
-	    sprintf(&Format[2], "%dd]", Digits);
-	    sprintf(Temp, Format, Last_Index);
-	    strcat(Node_List[0], Temp);
-	} /* if */
-	strcat(Node_List[0], Last_Suffix);
-    } /* if */
-    Node_List[0] = realloc(Node_List[0], strlen(Node_List[0])+1);
-    return 0;
-} /* BitMap2NodeName */
+				abort ();
+			}
+		}
+		if (bitmap_value (bitmap, i) == 0)
+			continue;
+		split_node_name (node_record_table_ptr[i].name, prefix,
+				 suffix, &index, &digits);
+		if ((index == (last_index + 1)) &&	/* next in sequence */
+		    (strcmp (last_prefix, prefix) == 0) &&
+		    (strcmp (last_suffix, suffix) == 0)) {
+			last_index = index;
+			continue;
+		}
+		if ((strlen (last_prefix) != 0) ||	/* end of a sequence */
+		    (strlen (last_suffix) != 0)) {
+			if (strlen (node_list[0]) > 0)
+				strcat (node_list[0], ",");
+			strcat (node_list[0], last_prefix);
+			if (first_index != last_index)
+				strcat (node_list[0], "[");
+			strcpy (format, "%0");
+			sprintf (&format[2], "%dd", digits);
+			sprintf (temp, format, first_index);
+			strcat (node_list[0], temp);
+			if (first_index != last_index) {
+				strcat (node_list[0], "-");
+				strcpy (format, "%0");
+				sprintf (&format[2], "%dd]", digits);
+				sprintf (temp, format, last_index);
+				strcat (node_list[0], temp);
+			}	
+			strcat (node_list[0], last_suffix);
+			strcpy (last_prefix, "");
+			strcpy (last_suffix, "");
+		}
+		if (index == NO_VAL) {
+			if (strlen (node_list[0]) > 0)
+				strcat (node_list[0], ",");
+			strcat (node_list[0], node_record_table_ptr[i].name);
+		}
+		else {
+			strcpy (last_prefix, prefix);
+			strcpy (last_suffix, suffix);
+			first_index = last_index = index;
+		}
+	}
+	if ((strlen (last_prefix) != 0) ||	/* end of a sequence */
+	    (strlen (last_suffix) != 0)) {
+		if (strlen (node_list[0]) > 0)
+			strcat (node_list[0], ",");
+		strcat (node_list[0], last_prefix);
+		if (first_index != last_index)
+			strcat (node_list[0], "[");
+		strcpy (format, "%0");
+		sprintf (&format[2], "%dd", digits);
+		sprintf (temp, format, first_index);
+		strcat (node_list[0], temp);
+		if (first_index != last_index) {
+			strcat (node_list[0], "-");
+			strcpy (format, "%0");
+			sprintf (&format[2], "%dd]", digits);
+			sprintf (temp, format, last_index);
+			strcat (node_list[0], temp);
+		}
+		strcat (node_list[0], last_suffix);
+	}
+	node_list[0] = realloc (node_list[0], strlen (node_list[0]) + 1);
+	return 0;
- * Create_Config_Record - Create a Config_Record entry, append it to the Config_List, 
+ * create_config_record - create a config_record entry, append it to the config_list, 
  *	and set is values to the defaults.
- * Input: Error_Code - Pointer to an error code
- * Output: Returns pointer to the Config_Record
- *         Error_Code - set to zero if no error, errno otherwise
- * NOTE: The pointer returned is allocated memory that must be freed when no longer needed.
+ * input: error_code - pointer to an error code
+ * output: returns pointer to the config_record
+ *         error_code - set to zero if no error, errno otherwise
+ * NOTE: the pointer returned is allocated memory that must be freed when no longer needed.
-struct Config_Record *Create_Config_Record(int *Error_Code) {
-    struct Config_Record *Config_Point;
-    Last_Node_Update = time(NULL);
-    Config_Point = (struct Config_Record *)malloc(sizeof(struct Config_Record));
-    if (Config_Point == (struct Config_Record *)NULL) {
+struct config_record * create_config_record (int *error_code) {
+	struct config_record *config_point;
+	last_node_update = time (NULL);
+	config_point =
+		(struct config_record *)
+		malloc (sizeof (struct config_record));
+	if (config_point == (struct config_record *) NULL) {
-	fprintf(stderr, "Create_Config_Record: unable to allocate memory\n");
+		fprintf (stderr,
+			 "create_config_record: unable to allocate memory\n");
-	syslog(LOG_ALERT, "Create_Config_Record: unable to allocate memory\n");
+		syslog (LOG_ALERT,
+			"create_config_record: unable to allocate memory\n");
-	abort();
-    } /* if */
-    /* Set default values */
-    Config_Point->CPUs = Default_Config_Record.CPUs;
-    Config_Point->RealMemory = Default_Config_Record.RealMemory;
-    Config_Point->TmpDisk = Default_Config_Record.TmpDisk;
-    Config_Point->Weight = Default_Config_Record.Weight;
-    Config_Point->Nodes = NULL;
-    Config_Point->NodeBitMap = NULL;
+		abort ();
+	}
+	/* set default values */
+	config_point->cpus = default_config_record.cpus;
+	config_point->real_memory = default_config_record.real_memory;
+	config_point->tmp_disk = default_config_record.tmp_disk;
+	config_point->weight = default_config_record.weight;
+	config_point->nodes = NULL;
+	config_point->node_bitmap = NULL;
-    Config_Point->Magic = CONFIG_MAGIC;
+	config_point->magic = CONFIG_MAGIC;
-    if (Default_Config_Record.Feature) {
-	Config_Point->Feature = (char *)malloc(strlen(Default_Config_Record.Feature)+1);
-	if (Config_Point->Feature == (char *)NULL) {
+	if (default_config_record.feature) {
+		config_point->feature =
+			(char *)
+			malloc (strlen (default_config_record.feature) + 1);
+		if (config_point->feature == (char *) NULL) {
-	    fprintf(stderr, "Create_Config_Record: unable to allocate memory\n");
+			fprintf (stderr,
+				 "create_config_record: unable to allocate memory\n");
-	    syslog(LOG_ALERT, "Create_Config_Record: unable to allocate memory\n");
+			syslog (LOG_ALERT,
+				"create_config_record: unable to allocate memory\n");
-	    abort();
-	} /* if */
-	strcpy(Config_Point->Feature, Default_Config_Record.Feature);
-    } else
-	Config_Point->Feature = (char *)NULL;
+			abort ();
+		}
+		strcpy (config_point->feature, default_config_record.feature);
+	}
+	else
+		config_point->feature = (char *) NULL;
-    if (list_append(Config_List, Config_Point) == NULL) {
+	if (list_append (config_list, config_point) == NULL) {
-	fprintf(stderr, "Create_Config_Record: unable to allocate memory\n");
+		fprintf (stderr,
+			 "create_config_record: unable to allocate memory\n");
-	syslog(LOG_ALERT, "Create_Config_Record: unable to allocate memory\n");
+		syslog (LOG_ALERT,
+			"create_config_record: unable to allocate memory\n");
-	abort();
-    } /* if */
+		abort ();
+	}
-    return Config_Point;
-} /* Create_Config_Record */
+	return config_point;
- * Create_Node_Record - Create a node record
- * Input: Error_Code - Location to store error value in
- *        Config_Point - Pointer to node's configuration information
- *        Node_Name - Name of the node
- * Output: Error_Code - Set to zero if no error, errno otherwise
- *         Returns a pointer to the record or NULL if error
- * NOTE The record's values are initialized to those of Default_Node_Record, Node_Name and 
- *	Config_Point's CPUs, RealMemory, and TmpDisk values
- * NOTE: Allocates memory that should be freed with Delete_Part_Record
+ * create_node_record - create a node record
+ * input: error_code - location to store error value in
+ *        config_point - pointer to node's configuration information
+ *        node_name - name of the node
+ * output: error_code - set to zero if no error, errno otherwise
+ *         returns a pointer to the record or NULL if error
+ * note the record's values are initialized to those of default_node_record, node_name and 
+ *	config_point's cpus, real_memory, and tmp_disk values
+ * NOTE: allocates memory that should be freed with delete_part_record
-struct Node_Record *Create_Node_Record(int *Error_Code, struct Config_Record *Config_Point,
-	char *Node_Name) {
-    struct Node_Record *Node_Record_Point;
-    int Old_Buffer_Size, New_Buffer_Size;
+struct node_record * create_node_record (int *error_code, struct config_record *config_point,
+		    char *node_name) {
+	struct node_record *node_record_point;
+	int old_buffer_size, new_buffer_size;
-    *Error_Code = 0;
-    Last_Node_Update = time(NULL);
+	*error_code = 0;
+	last_node_update = time (NULL);
-    if (Config_Point == NULL) {
+	if (config_point == NULL) {
-	fprintf(stderr, "Create_Node_Record: Invalid Config_Point\n");
+		fprintf (stderr,
+			 "create_node_record: invalid config_point\n");
-	syslog(LOG_ALERT, "Create_Node_Record: Invalid Config_Point\n");
+		syslog (LOG_ALERT,
+			"create_node_record: invalid config_point\n");
-	abort();
-    } /* if */
-    if ((Node_Name == NULL) || (strlen(Node_Name) >= MAX_NAME_LEN)) {
+		abort ();
+	}
+	if ((node_name == NULL) || (strlen (node_name) >= MAX_NAME_LEN)) {
-	fprintf(stderr, "Create_Node_Record: Invalid Node_Name %s\n", Node_Name);
+		fprintf (stderr, "create_node_record: invalid node_name %s\n",
+			 node_name);
-	syslog(LOG_ALERT, "Create_Node_Record: Invalid Node_Name %s\n", Node_Name);
+		syslog (LOG_ALERT,
+			"create_node_record: invalid node_name %s\n",
+			node_name);
-	abort();
-    } /* if */
-    /* Round up the buffer size to reduce overhead of realloc */
-    Old_Buffer_Size = (Node_Record_Count) * sizeof(struct Node_Record);
-    Old_Buffer_Size = ((int)((Old_Buffer_Size / BUF_SIZE) + 1)) * BUF_SIZE;
-    New_Buffer_Size = (Node_Record_Count+1) * sizeof(struct Node_Record);
-    New_Buffer_Size = ((int)((New_Buffer_Size / BUF_SIZE) + 1)) * BUF_SIZE;
-    if (Node_Record_Count == 0)
-	Node_Record_Table_Ptr = (struct Node_Record *)malloc(New_Buffer_Size);
-    else if (Old_Buffer_Size != New_Buffer_Size)
-	Node_Record_Table_Ptr = (struct Node_Record *)realloc(Node_Record_Table_Ptr, New_Buffer_Size);
-    if (Node_Record_Table_Ptr == NULL) {
+		abort ();
+	} 
+	/* round up the buffer size to reduce overhead of realloc */
+	old_buffer_size = (node_record_count) * sizeof (struct node_record);
+	old_buffer_size =
+		((int) ((old_buffer_size / BUF_SIZE) + 1)) * BUF_SIZE;
+	new_buffer_size =
+		(node_record_count + 1) * sizeof (struct node_record);
+	new_buffer_size =
+		((int) ((new_buffer_size / BUF_SIZE) + 1)) * BUF_SIZE;
+	if (node_record_count == 0)
+		node_record_table_ptr =
+			(struct node_record *) malloc (new_buffer_size);
+	else if (old_buffer_size != new_buffer_size)
+		node_record_table_ptr =
+			(struct node_record *) realloc (node_record_table_ptr,
+							new_buffer_size);
+	if (node_record_table_ptr == NULL) {
-	fprintf(stderr, "Create_Node_Record: unable to allocate memory\n");
+		fprintf (stderr,
+			 "create_node_record: unable to allocate memory\n");
-	syslog(LOG_ALERT, "Create_Node_Record: unable to allocate memory\n");
+		syslog (LOG_ALERT,
+			"create_node_record: unable to allocate memory\n");
-	abort();
-    } /* if */
-    Node_Record_Point = Node_Record_Table_Ptr + (Node_Record_Count++);
-    strcpy(Node_Record_Point->Name,	Node_Name);
-    Node_Record_Point->NodeState	= Default_Node_Record.NodeState;
-    Node_Record_Point->LastResponse	= Default_Node_Record.LastResponse;
-    Node_Record_Point->Config_Ptr	= Config_Point;
-    Node_Record_Point->Partition_Ptr	= NULL;
-    /* These values will be overwritten when the node actually registers */
-    Node_Record_Point->CPUs 		= Config_Point->CPUs;
-    Node_Record_Point->RealMemory  	= Config_Point->RealMemory;
-    Node_Record_Point->TmpDisk  	= Config_Point->TmpDisk;
+		abort ();
+	}
+	node_record_point = node_record_table_ptr + (node_record_count++);
+	strcpy (node_record_point->name, node_name);
+	node_record_point->node_state = default_node_record.node_state;
+	node_record_point->last_response = default_node_record.last_response;
+	node_record_point->config_ptr = config_point;
+	node_record_point->partition_ptr = NULL;
+	/* these values will be overwritten when the node actually registers */
+	node_record_point->cpus = config_point->cpus;
+	node_record_point->real_memory = config_point->real_memory;
+	node_record_point->tmp_disk = config_point->tmp_disk;
-    Node_Record_Point->Magic    	= NODE_MAGIC;
+	node_record_point->magic = NODE_MAGIC;
-    Last_BitMap_Update = time(NULL);
-    return Node_Record_Point;
-} /* Create_Node_Record */
+	last_bitmap_update = time (NULL);
+	return node_record_point;
- * Delete_Config_Record - Delete all configuration records
- * Output: Returns 0 if no error, errno otherwise
+ * delete_config_record - delete all configuration records
+ * output: returns 0 if no error, errno otherwise
-int Delete_Config_Record() {
-    Last_Node_Update = time(NULL);
-    (void)list_delete_all(Config_List, &List_Find_Config, "UNIVERSAL_KEY");
-    return 0;
-} /* Delete_Config_Record */
+int delete_config_record () {
+	last_node_update = time (NULL);
+	(void) list_delete_all (config_list, &list_find_config,
+				"universal_key");
+	return 0;
- * Delete_Node_Record - Delete record for node with specified name
- *   To avoid invalidating the bitmaps and hash table, we just clear the name 
+ * delete_node_record - delete record for node with specified name
+ *   to avoid invalidating the bitmaps and hash table, we just clear the name 
  *   set its state to STATE_DOWN
- * Input: name - Name of the desired node, Delete all nodes if pointer is NULL
- * Output: return 0 on success, errno otherwise
+ * input: name - name of the desired node, delete all nodes if pointer is NULL
+ * output: return 0 on success, errno otherwise
-int Delete_Node_Record(char *name) {
-    struct Node_Record *Node_Record_Point;	/* Pointer to Node_Record */
+int delete_node_record (char *name) {
+	struct node_record *node_record_point;	/* pointer to node_record */
-    Last_Node_Update = time(NULL);
-    Node_Lock();
-    Node_Record_Point = Find_Node_Record(name);
-    if (Node_Record_Point == (struct Node_Record *)NULL) {
+	last_node_update = time (NULL);
+	node_record_point = find_node_record (name);
+	if (node_record_point == (struct node_record *) NULL) {
-	fprintf(stderr, "Delete_Node_Record: Attempt to delete non-existent node %s\n", name);
+		fprintf (stderr,
+			 "delete_node_record: attempt to delete non-existent node %s\n",
+			 name);
-	syslog(LOG_ALERT, "Delete_Node_Record: Attempt to delete non-existent node %s\n", name);
+		syslog (LOG_ALERT,
+			"delete_node_record: attempt to delete non-existent node %s\n",
+			name);
-	Node_Unlock();
-	return ENOENT;
-    } /* if */
-    if (Node_Record_Point->Partition_Ptr) {
-	(Node_Record_Point->Partition_Ptr->TotalNodes)--;
-	(Node_Record_Point->Partition_Ptr->TotalCPUs) -= Node_Record_Point->CPUs;
-    } /* if */
-    strcpy(Node_Record_Point->Name, "");
-    Node_Record_Point->NodeState = STATE_DOWN;
-    Last_BitMap_Update = time(NULL);
-    Node_Unlock();
-    return 0;
-} /* Delete_Node_Record */
-/* Print the Hash_Table contents, used for debugging or analysis of hash technique */
-void Dump_Hash() {
-    int i;
-    if (Hash_Table ==  NULL) return;
-    for (i=0; i<Node_Record_Count; i++) {
-	if (strlen(Node_Record_Table_Ptr[Hash_Table[i]].Name) == 0) continue;
-	printf("Hash:%d:%s\n", i, Node_Record_Table_Ptr[Hash_Table[i]].Name);
-    } /* for */
-} /* Dump_Hash */
+		return ENOENT;
+	}  
+	if (node_record_point->partition_ptr) {
+		(node_record_point->partition_ptr->total_nodes)--;
+		(node_record_point->partition_ptr->total_cpus) -=
+			node_record_point->cpus;
+	}
+	strcpy (node_record_point->name, "");
+	node_record_point->node_state = STATE_DOWN;
+	last_bitmap_update = time (NULL);
+	return 0;
+/* print the hash_table contents, used for debugging or analysis of hash technique */
+void dump_hash () {
+	int i;
+	if (hash_table == NULL)
+		return;
+	for (i = 0; i < node_record_count; i++) {
+		if (strlen (node_record_table_ptr[hash_table[i]].name) == 0)
+			continue;
+		printf ("hash:%d:%s\n", i,
+			node_record_table_ptr[hash_table[i]].name);
+	}
- * Dump_Node - Dump all configuration and node information to a buffer
- * Input: Buffer_Ptr - Location into which a pointer to the data is to be stored.
- *                     The data buffer is actually allocated by Dump_Node and the 
+ * dump_node - dump all configuration and node information to a buffer
+ * input: buffer_ptr - location into which a pointer to the data is to be stored.
+ *                     the data buffer is actually allocated by dump_node and the 
  *                     calling function must free the storage.
- *         Buffer_Size - Location into which the size of the created buffer is in bytes
- *         Update_Time - Dump new data only if partition records updated since time 
+ *         buffer_size - location into which the size of the created buffer is in bytes
+ *         update_time - dump new data only if partition records updated since time 
  *                       specified, otherwise return empty buffer
- * Output: Buffer_Ptr - The pointer is set to the allocated buffer.
- *         Buffer_Size - Set to size of the buffer in bytes
- *         Update_Time - set to time partition records last updated
- *         Returns 0 if no error, errno otherwise
- * NOTE: The buffer at *Buffer_Ptr must be freed by the caller
- * NOTE: IF YOU MAKE ANY CHANGES HERE be sure to increment the value of NODE_STRUCT_VERSION
- *       and make the corresponding changes to Load_Node_Config in api/node_info.c
+ * output: buffer_ptr - the pointer is set to the allocated buffer.
+ *         buffer_size - set to size of the buffer in bytes
+ *         update_time - set to time partition records last updated
+ *         returns 0 if no error, errno otherwise
+ * NOTE: the buffer at *buffer_ptr must be freed by the caller
+ * NOTE: if you make any changes here be sure to increment the value of NODE_STRUCT_VERSION
+ *       and make the corresponding changes to load_node_config in api/node_info.c
-int Dump_Node(char **Buffer_Ptr, int *Buffer_Size, time_t *Update_Time) {
-    char *Buffer;
-    int Buffer_Offset, Buffer_Allocated, My_BitMap_Size, i, inx, state;
-    char Out_Line[BUF_SIZE*2], *feature, *partition;
-    Buffer_Ptr[0] = NULL;
-    *Buffer_Size = 0;
-    Buffer = NULL;
-    Buffer_Offset = 0;
-    Buffer_Allocated = 0;
-    if (*Update_Time == Last_Node_Update) return 0;
-    Node_Lock();
-    /* Write haeader: version and time */
-    sprintf(Out_Line, HEAD_FORMAT, (unsigned long)Last_Node_Update, NODE_STRUCT_VERSION);
-    if (Write_Buffer(&Buffer, &Buffer_Offset, &Buffer_Allocated, Out_Line)) goto cleanup;
-    /* Write node records */
-    for (inx=0; inx<Node_Record_Count; inx++) {
+int dump_node (char **buffer_ptr, int *buffer_size, time_t * update_time) {
+	char *buffer;
+	int buffer_offset, buffer_allocated, my_bitmap_size, i, inx, state;
+	char out_line[BUF_SIZE * 2], *feature, *partition;
+	buffer_ptr[0] = NULL;
+	*buffer_size = 0;
+	buffer = NULL;
+	buffer_offset = 0;
+	buffer_allocated = 0;
+	if (*update_time == last_node_update)
+		return 0;
+	/* write haeader: version and time */
+	sprintf (out_line, HEAD_FORMAT, (unsigned long) last_node_update,
+	if (write_buffer
+	    (&buffer, &buffer_offset, &buffer_allocated, out_line))
+		goto cleanup;
+	/* write node records */
+	for (inx = 0; inx < node_record_count; inx++) {
- 	if ((Node_Record_Table_Ptr[inx].Magic != NODE_MAGIC) ||
-	    (Node_Record_Table_Ptr[inx].Config_Ptr->Magic != CONFIG_MAGIC)) {
-	    fprintf(stderr, "Dump_Node: Data integrity is bad\n");
- 	    abort();
- 	} /* if */
+		if ((node_record_table_ptr[inx].magic != NODE_MAGIC) ||
+		    (node_record_table_ptr[inx].config_ptr->magic !=
+		     CONFIG_MAGIC)) {
+			fprintf (stderr,
+				 "dump_node: data integrity is bad\n");
+			abort ();
+		}
-	state = Node_Record_Table_Ptr[inx].NodeState;
-	if (state < 0) state=STATE_DOWN;
-	if (Node_Record_Table_Ptr[inx].Config_Ptr->Feature)
-	    feature = Node_Record_Table_Ptr[inx].Config_Ptr->Feature;
-	else
-	    feature = "NONE";
-	if (Node_Record_Table_Ptr[inx].Partition_Ptr)
-	    partition = Node_Record_Table_Ptr[inx].Partition_Ptr->Name;
-	else
-	    partition = "NONE";
-	sprintf(Out_Line, NODE_STRUCT_FORMAT, 
-		Node_Record_Table_Ptr[inx].Name, 
-		Node_State_String[state],
-		Node_Record_Table_Ptr[inx].CPUs, 
-		Node_Record_Table_Ptr[inx].RealMemory, 
-		Node_Record_Table_Ptr[inx].TmpDisk, 
-		Node_Record_Table_Ptr[inx].Config_Ptr->Weight, 
-		feature, partition);
-	if (strlen(Out_Line) > BUF_SIZE) {
+		state = node_record_table_ptr[inx].node_state;
+		if (state < 0)
+			state = STATE_DOWN;
+		if (node_record_table_ptr[inx].config_ptr->feature)
+			feature =
+				node_record_table_ptr[inx].config_ptr->
+				feature;
+		else
+			feature = "none";
+		if (node_record_table_ptr[inx].partition_ptr)
+			partition =
+				node_record_table_ptr[inx].partition_ptr->
+				name;
+		else
+			partition = "none";
+		sprintf (out_line, NODE_STRUCT_FORMAT,
+			 node_record_table_ptr[inx].name,
+			 node_state_string[state],
+			 node_record_table_ptr[inx].cpus,
+			 node_record_table_ptr[inx].real_memory,
+			 node_record_table_ptr[inx].tmp_disk,
+			 node_record_table_ptr[inx].config_ptr->weight,
+			 feature, partition);
+		if (strlen (out_line) > BUF_SIZE) {
-	    fprintf(stderr, "Dump_Node: buffer overflow for node %s\n", Node_Record_Table_Ptr[inx].Name);
+			fprintf (stderr,
+				 "dump_node: buffer overflow for node %s\n",
+				 node_record_table_ptr[inx].name);
-	    syslog(LOG_ALERT, "Dump_Node: buffer overflow for node %s\n", Node_Record_Table_Ptr[inx].Name);
+			syslog (LOG_ALERT,
+				"dump_node: buffer overflow for node %s\n",
+				node_record_table_ptr[inx].name);
-	    if (strlen(Out_Line) > (2*BUF_SIZE)) abort();
-	} /* if */
+			if (strlen (out_line) > (2 * BUF_SIZE))
+				abort ();
+		}
-	if (Write_Buffer(&Buffer, &Buffer_Offset, &Buffer_Allocated, Out_Line)) goto cleanup;
-    } /* for (inx */
+		if (write_buffer
+		    (&buffer, &buffer_offset, &buffer_allocated, out_line))
+			goto cleanup;
+	}
-    Buffer = realloc(Buffer, Buffer_Offset);
-    if (Buffer == NULL) {
+	buffer = realloc (buffer, buffer_offset);
+	if (buffer == NULL) {
-	fprintf(stderr, "Dump_Node: unable to allocate memory\n");
+		fprintf (stderr, "dump_node: unable to allocate memory\n");
-	syslog(LOG_ALERT, "Dump_Node: unable to allocate memory\n");
+		syslog (LOG_ALERT, "dump_node: unable to allocate memory\n");
-	abort();
-    } /* if */
+		abort ();
+	}
-    Buffer_Ptr[0] = Buffer;
-    *Buffer_Size = Buffer_Offset;
-    *Update_Time = Last_Node_Update;
-    Node_Unlock();
-    return 0;
+	buffer_ptr[0] = buffer;
+	*buffer_size = buffer_offset;
+	*update_time = last_node_update;
+	return 0;
-    Node_Unlock();
-    if (Buffer) free(Buffer);
-    return EINVAL;
-} /* Dump_Node */
+      cleanup:
+	if (buffer)
+		free (buffer);
+	return EINVAL;
- * Find_Node_Record - Find a record for node with specified name,
- * Input: name - name of the desired node 
- * Output: return pointer to node record or NULL if not found
+ * find_node_record - find a record for node with specified name,
+ * input: name - name of the desired node 
+ * output: return pointer to node record or NULL if not found
-struct Node_Record *Find_Node_Record(char *name) {
-    struct Node_Record *Node_Record_Point;	/* Pointer to Node_Record */
-    int i;
-    /* Try to find in hash table first */
-    if (Hash_Table) {
-	i = Hash_Index(name);
-        if (strcmp((Node_Record_Table_Ptr+Hash_Table[i])->Name, name) == 0) 
-		return (Node_Record_Table_Ptr+Hash_Table[i]);
+struct node_record * find_node_record (char *name) {
+	struct node_record *node_record_point;	/* pointer to node_record */
+	int i;
+	/* try to find in hash table first */
+	if (hash_table) {
+		i = hash_index (name);
+		if (strcmp
+		    ((node_record_table_ptr + hash_table[i])->name,
+		     name) == 0)
+			return (node_record_table_ptr + hash_table[i]);
-	fprintf(stderr, "Find_Node_Record: Hash table lookup failure for %s\n", name);
-	Dump_Hash();
+		fprintf (stderr,
+			 "find_node_record: hash table lookup failure for %s\n",
+			 name);
+		dump_hash ();
-	syslog(LOG_DEBUG, "Find_Node_Record: Hash table lookup failure for %s\n", name);
+		syslog (LOG_DEBUG,
+			"find_node_record: hash table lookup failure for %s\n",
+			name);
-    } /* if */
+	}
-    /* Revert to sequential search */
-    for (i=0; i<Node_Record_Count; i++) {
-	if (strcmp(name, Node_Record_Table_Ptr[i].Name) != 0) continue;
-	return (Node_Record_Table_Ptr+i);
-    } /* for */
+	/* revert to sequential search */
+	for (i = 0; i < node_record_count; i++) {
+		if (strcmp (name, node_record_table_ptr[i].name) != 0)
+			continue;
+		return (node_record_table_ptr + i);
+	}
-    if (Hash_Table) {
+	if (hash_table) {
-	fprintf(stderr, "Find_Node_Record: Lookup failure for %s\n", name);
+		fprintf (stderr, "find_node_record: lookup failure for %s\n",
+			 name);
-	syslog(LOG_ERR, "Find_Node_Record: Lookup failure for %s\n", name);
+		syslog (LOG_ERR, "find_node_record: lookup failure for %s\n",
+			name);
-    } /* if */
-    return (struct Node_Record *)NULL;
-} /* Find_Node_Record */
+	}
+	return (struct node_record *) NULL;
- * Hash_Index - Return a hash table index for the given node name 
- * This code is optimized for names containing a base-ten suffix (e.g. "lx04")
- * Input: The node's name
- * Output: Return code is the hash table index
+ * hash_index - return a hash table index for the given node name 
+ * this code is optimized for names containing a base-ten suffix (e.g. "lx04")
+ * input: the node's name
+ * output: return code is the hash table index
-int Hash_Index(char *name) {
-    int i, inx, tmp;
+int hash_index (char *name) {
+	int i, inx, tmp;
-    if (Node_Record_Count == 0) return 0;		/* Degenerate case */
-    inx = 0;
+	if (node_record_count == 0)
+		return 0;	/* degenerate case */
+	inx = 0;
 #if ( HASH_BASE == 10 )
-    for (i=0; ;i++) { 
-	tmp = (int) name[i];
-	if (tmp == 0) break;			/* end if string */
-	if ((tmp >= (int)'0') && (tmp <= (int)'9')) 
-	    inx = (inx * HASH_BASE) + (tmp - (int)'0');
-    } /* for */
+	for (i = 0;; i++) {
+		tmp = (int) name[i];
+		if (tmp == 0)
+			break;	/* end if string */
+		if ((tmp >= (int) '0') && (tmp <= (int) '9'))
+			inx = (inx * HASH_BASE) + (tmp - (int) '0');
+	}
 #elif ( HASH_BASE == 8 )
-    for (i=0; ;i++) { 
-	tmp = (int) name[i];
-	if (tmp == 0) break;			/* end if string */
-	if ((tmp >= (int)'0') && (tmp <= (int)'7')) 
-	    inx = (inx * HASH_BASE) + (tmp - (int)'0');
-    } /* for */
+	for (i = 0;; i++) {
+		tmp = (int) name[i];
+		if (tmp == 0)
+			break;	/* end if string */
+		if ((tmp >= (int) '0') && (tmp <= (int) '7'))
+			inx = (inx * HASH_BASE) + (tmp - (int) '0');
+	}
-    for (i=0; i<5;i++) { 
-	tmp = (int) name[i];
-	if (tmp == 0) break;					/* end if string */
-	if ((tmp >= (int)'0') && (tmp <= (int)'9')) {		/* value 0-9 */
-	    tmp -= (int)'0';
-	} else if ((tmp >= (int)'a') && (tmp <= (int)'z')) {	/* value 10-35 */
-	    tmp -= (int)'a';
-	    tmp += 10;
-	} else if ((tmp >= (int)'A') && (tmp <= (int)'Z')) {	/* value 10-35 */
-	    tmp -= (int)'A';
-	    tmp += 10;
-	} else {
-	    tmp = 36;
+	for (i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
+		tmp = (int) name[i];
+		if (tmp == 0)
+			break;	/* end if string */
+		if ((tmp >= (int) '0') && (tmp <= (int) '9')) {	/* value 0-9 */
+			tmp -= (int) '0';
+		}
+		else if ((tmp >= (int) 'a') && (tmp <= (int) 'z')) {	/* value 10-35 */
+			tmp -= (int) 'a';
+			tmp += 10;
+		}
+		else if ((tmp >= (int) 'a') && (tmp <= (int) 'z')) {	/* value 10-35 */
+			tmp -= (int) 'a';
+			tmp += 10;
+		}
+		else {
+			tmp = 36;
+		}
+		inx = (inx * 37) + tmp;
-	inx = (inx * 37) + tmp;
-    } /* for */
- #endif
-    inx = inx % Node_Record_Count;
-    return inx;
-} /* Hash_Index */
+	inx = inx % node_record_count;
+	return inx;
- * Init_Node_Conf - Initialize the node configuration values. 
- * This should be called before creating any node or configuration entries.
- * Output: return value - 0 if no error, otherwise an error code
+ * init_node_conf - initialize the node configuration values. 
+ * this should be called before creating any node or configuration entries.
+ * output: return value - 0 if no error, otherwise an error code
-int Init_Node_Conf() {
-    Last_Node_Update = time(NULL);
-    Node_Lock();
-    Node_Record_Count = 0;
-    if (Node_Record_Table_Ptr) {
-	free(Node_Record_Table_Ptr);
-	Node_Record_Table_Ptr = NULL;
-    }
-    if (Hash_Table)  {
-	free(Hash_Table);
-	Hash_Table = NULL;
-    }
-    strcpy(Default_Node_Record.Name, "DEFAULT");
-    Default_Node_Record.NodeState    	= STATE_UNKNOWN;
-    Default_Node_Record.LastResponse 	= (time_t)0;
-    Default_Node_Record.CPUs   		= 1;
-    Default_Node_Record.RealMemory    	= 1;
-    Default_Node_Record.TmpDisk    	= 1;
-    Default_Node_Record.Config_Ptr    	= NULL;
-    Default_Node_Record.Partition_Ptr	= NULL;
-    Default_Config_Record.CPUs       	= 1;
-    Default_Config_Record.RealMemory 	= 1;
-    Default_Config_Record.TmpDisk    	= 1;
-    Default_Config_Record.Weight     	= 1;
-    if (Default_Config_Record.Feature) free(Default_Config_Record.Feature);
-    Default_Config_Record.Feature    	= (char *)NULL;
-    if (Default_Config_Record.Nodes) free(Default_Config_Record.Nodes);
-    Default_Config_Record.Nodes      	= (char *)NULL;
-    if (Default_Config_Record.NodeBitMap) free(Default_Config_Record.NodeBitMap);
-    Default_Config_Record.NodeBitMap 	= (unsigned *)NULL;
-    if (Config_List) 	/* Delete defunct configuration entries */
-	(void)Delete_Config_Record();
-    else
-	Config_List = list_create(&List_Delete_Config);
-    if (Config_List == NULL) {
+int init_node_conf () {
+	last_node_update = time (NULL);
+	node_record_count = 0;
+	if (node_record_table_ptr) {
+		free (node_record_table_ptr);
+		node_record_table_ptr = NULL;
+	}
+	if (hash_table) {
+		free (hash_table);
+		hash_table = NULL;
+	}
+	strcpy (default_node_record.name, "DEFAULT");
+	default_node_record.node_state = STATE_UNKNOWN;
+	default_node_record.last_response = (time_t) 0;
+	default_node_record.cpus = 1;
+	default_node_record.real_memory = 1;
+	default_node_record.tmp_disk = 1;
+	default_node_record.config_ptr = NULL;
+	default_node_record.partition_ptr = NULL;
+	default_config_record.cpus = 1;
+	default_config_record.real_memory = 1;
+	default_config_record.tmp_disk = 1;
+	default_config_record.weight = 1;
+	if (default_config_record.feature)
+		free (default_config_record.feature);
+	default_config_record.feature = (char *) NULL;
+	if (default_config_record.nodes)
+		free (default_config_record.nodes);
+	default_config_record.nodes = (char *) NULL;
+	if (default_config_record.node_bitmap)
+		free (default_config_record.node_bitmap);
+	default_config_record.node_bitmap = (unsigned *) NULL;
+	if (config_list)	/* delete defunct configuration entries */
+		(void) delete_config_record ();
+	else
+		config_list = list_create (&list_delete_config);
+	if (config_list == NULL) {
-	fprintf(stderr, "Init_Node_Conf: list_create can not allocate memory\n");
+		fprintf (stderr,
+			 "init_node_conf: list_create can not allocate memory\n");
-	syslog(LOG_ALERT, "Init_Node_Conf: list_create can not allocate memory\n");
+		syslog (LOG_ALERT,
+			"init_node_conf: list_create can not allocate memory\n");
-	abort();
-    } /* if */
-    Node_Unlock();
-    return 0;
-} /* Init_Node_Conf */
+		abort ();
+	}
+	return 0;
-/* List_Compare_Config - Compare two entry from the config list based upon weight, 
+/* list_compare_config - compare two entry from the config list based upon weight, 
  * see list.h for documentation */
-int List_Compare_Config(void *Config_Entry1, void *Config_Entry2) {
-    int Weight1, Weight2;
-    Weight1 = ((struct Config_Record *)Config_Entry1)->Weight;
-    Weight2 = ((struct Config_Record *)Config_Entry2)->Weight;
-    return (Weight1 - Weight2);
-} /* List_Compare_Config */
-/* List_Delete_Config - Delete an entry from the config list, see list.h for documentation */
-void List_Delete_Config(void *Config_Entry) {
-    struct Config_Record *Config_Record_Point;	/* Pointer to Config_Record */
-    Config_Record_Point = (struct Config_Record *)Config_Entry;
-    if (Config_Record_Point->Feature)     free(Config_Record_Point->Feature);
-    if (Config_Record_Point->Nodes)       free(Config_Record_Point->Nodes);
-    if (Config_Record_Point->NodeBitMap)  free(Config_Record_Point->NodeBitMap);
-    free(Config_Record_Point);
-} /* List_Delete_Config */
-/* List_Find_Config - Find an entry in the config list, see list.h for documentation 
- * Key is partition name or "UNIVERSAL_KEY" for all config */
-int List_Find_Config(void *Config_Entry, void *key) {
-    if (strcmp(key, "UNIVERSAL_KEY") == 0) return 1;
-    return 0;
-} /* List_Find_Config */
+int list_compare_config (void *config_entry1, void *config_entry2) {
+	int weight1, weight2;
+	weight1 = ((struct config_record *) config_entry1)->weight;
+	weight2 = ((struct config_record *) config_entry2)->weight;
+	return (weight1 - weight2);
+/* list_delete_config - delete an entry from the config list, see list.h for documentation */
+void list_delete_config (void *config_entry) {
+	struct config_record *config_record_point;	/* pointer to config_record */
+	config_record_point = (struct config_record *) config_entry;
+	if (config_record_point->feature)
+		free (config_record_point->feature);
+	if (config_record_point->nodes)
+		free (config_record_point->nodes);
+	if (config_record_point->node_bitmap)
+		free (config_record_point->node_bitmap);
+	free (config_record_point);
+/* list_find_config - find an entry in the config list, see list.h for documentation 
+ * key is partition name or "universal_key" for all config */
+int list_find_config (void *config_entry, void *key) {
+	if (strcmp (key, "universal_key") == 0)
+		return 1;
+	return 0;
- * NodeName2BitMap - Given a node list, build a bitmap representation
- * Input: Node_List - List of nodes
- *        BitMap - Place to put bitmap pointer
- * Output: BitMap - Set to bitmap or NULL on error 
- *         Returns 0 if no error, otherwise EINVAL or ENOMEM
- * NOTE: The caller must free memory at BitMap when no longer required
+ * node_name2bitmap - given a node list, build a bitmap representation
+ * input: node_list - list of nodes
+ *        bitmap - place to put bitmap pointer
+ * output: bitmap - set to bitmap or NULL on error 
+ *         returns 0 if no error, otherwise EINVAL or enomem
+ * NOTE: the caller must free memory at bitmap when no longer required
-int NodeName2BitMap(char *Node_List, unsigned **BitMap) {
-    int Error_Code, i, size;
-    int Start_Inx, End_Inx, Count_Inx;
-    char *Format, This_Node_Name[BUF_SIZE], *My_Node_List, *str_ptr1, *str_ptr2;
-    struct Node_Record *Node_Record_Point;
-    unsigned *My_BitMap;
-    BitMap[0] = NULL;
-    if (Node_List == NULL) {
+int node_name2bitmap (char *node_list, unsigned **bitmap) {
+	int error_code, i, size;
+	int start_inx, end_inx, count_inx;
+	char *format, this_node_name[BUF_SIZE], *my_node_list, *str_ptr1,
+		*str_ptr2;
+	struct node_record *node_record_point;
+	unsigned *my_bitmap;
+	bitmap[0] = NULL;
+	if (node_list == NULL) {
-	fprintf(stderr, "NodeName2BitMap: Node_List is NULL\n");
+		fprintf (stderr, "node_name2bitmap: node_list is NULL\n");
-	syslog(LOG_ERR, "NodeName2BitMap: Node_List is NULL\n");
+		syslog (LOG_ERR, "node_name2bitmap: node_list is NULL\n");
-	return EINVAL;
-    } /* if */
-    if (Node_Record_Count == 0) {
+		return EINVAL;
+	}
+	if (node_record_count == 0) {
-	fprintf(stderr, "NodeName2BitMap: System has no nodes\n");
+		fprintf (stderr, "node_name2bitmap: system has no nodes\n");
-	syslog(LOG_ERR, "NodeName2BitMap: System has no nodes\n");
+		syslog (LOG_ERR, "node_name2bitmap: system has no nodes\n");
-	return EINVAL;
-    } /* if */
+		return EINVAL;
+	}
-    My_Node_List = malloc(strlen(Node_List)+1);
-    if (My_Node_List == NULL) {
+	my_node_list = malloc (strlen (node_list) + 1);
+	if (my_node_list == NULL) {
-	fprintf(stderr, "NodeName2BitMap: unable to allocate memory\n");
+		fprintf (stderr,
+			 "node_name2bitmap: unable to allocate memory\n");
-	syslog(LOG_ALERT, "NodeName2BitMap: unable to allocate memory\n");
+		syslog (LOG_ALERT,
+			"node_name2bitmap: unable to allocate memory\n");
-	abort();
-    } /* if */
-    strcpy(My_Node_List, Node_List);
-    size = (Node_Record_Count + (sizeof(unsigned)*8) - 1) / 
-		(sizeof(unsigned)*8); 	/* Unsigned int records in bitmap */
-    size *= 8;				/* Bytes in bitmap */
-    My_BitMap = (unsigned *)malloc(size);
-    if (My_BitMap == NULL) {
+		abort ();
+	}
+	strcpy (my_node_list, node_list);
+	size = (node_record_count + (sizeof (unsigned) * 8) - 1) / (sizeof (unsigned) * 8);	/* unsigned int records in bitmap */
+	size *= 8;		/* bytes in bitmap */
+	my_bitmap = (unsigned *) malloc (size);
+	if (my_bitmap == NULL) {
-	fprintf(stderr, "NodeName2BitMap: unable to allocate memory\n");
+		fprintf (stderr,
+			 "node_name2bitmap: unable to allocate memory\n");
-	syslog(LOG_ALERT, "NodeName2BitMap: unable to allocate memory\n");
+		syslog (LOG_ALERT,
+			"node_name2bitmap: unable to allocate memory\n");
-	abort();
-    } /* if */
-    memset(My_BitMap, 0, size);
-    str_ptr2 = (char *)strtok_r(My_Node_List, ",", &str_ptr1);
-    while (str_ptr2) {	/* Break apart by comma separators */
-	Error_Code = Parse_Node_Name(str_ptr2, &Format, &Start_Inx, &End_Inx, &Count_Inx);
-	if (Error_Code) {
-	    free(My_Node_List);
-	    free(My_BitMap);
-	    return EINVAL;
-	} /* if */
-	if (strlen(Format) >= sizeof(This_Node_Name)) {
+		abort ();
+	}
+	memset (my_bitmap, 0, size);
+	str_ptr2 = (char *) strtok_r (my_node_list, ",", &str_ptr1);
+	while (str_ptr2) {	/* break apart by comma separators */
+		error_code =
+			parse_node_name (str_ptr2, &format, &start_inx,
+					 &end_inx, &count_inx);
+		if (error_code) {
+			free (my_node_list);
+			free (my_bitmap);
+			return EINVAL;
+		}
+		if (strlen (format) >= sizeof (this_node_name)) {
-	    fprintf(stderr, "NodeName2BitMap: Node name specification too long: %s\n", Format);
+			fprintf (stderr,
+				 "node_name2bitmap: node name specification too long: %s\n",
+				 format);
-	    syslog(LOG_ERR, "NodeName2BitMap: Node name specification too long: %s\n", Format);
+			syslog (LOG_ERR,
+				"node_name2bitmap: node name specification too long: %s\n",
+				format);
-	    free(My_Node_List);
-	    free(My_BitMap);
-	    free(Format);
-	    return EINVAL;
-	} /* if */
-	for (i=Start_Inx; i<=End_Inx; i++) {
-	    if (Count_Inx == 0) 
-		strncpy(This_Node_Name, Format, sizeof(This_Node_Name));
-	    else
-		sprintf(This_Node_Name, Format, i);
-	    Node_Record_Point = Find_Node_Record(This_Node_Name);
-	    if (Node_Record_Point == NULL) {
+			free (my_node_list);
+			free (my_bitmap);
+			free (format);
+			return EINVAL;
+		}
+		for (i = start_inx; i <= end_inx; i++) {
+			if (count_inx == 0)
+				strncpy (this_node_name, format,
+					 sizeof (this_node_name));
+			else
+				sprintf (this_node_name, format, i);
+			node_record_point = find_node_record (this_node_name);
+			if (node_record_point == NULL) {
-		fprintf(stderr, "NodeName2BitMap: Invalid node specified %s\n", This_Node_Name);
+				fprintf (stderr,
+					 "node_name2bitmap: invalid node specified %s\n",
+					 this_node_name);
-		syslog(LOG_ERR, "NodeName2BitMap: Invalid node specified %s\n", This_Node_Name);
+				syslog (LOG_ERR,
+					"node_name2bitmap: invalid node specified %s\n",
+					this_node_name);
-		free(My_Node_List);
-		free(My_BitMap);
-		free(Format);
-		return EINVAL;
-	    } /* if */
-	    BitMapSet(My_BitMap, (int)(Node_Record_Point - Node_Record_Table_Ptr));
-	} /* for */
-	str_ptr2 = (char *)strtok_r(NULL, ",", &str_ptr1);
-    } /* while */
-    free(My_Node_List);
-    free(Format);
-    BitMap[0] =My_BitMap;
-    return 0;
-} /* NodeName2BitMap */
-/* Node_Lock - Lock the node and configuration information */
-void Node_Lock() {
-    int Error_Code;
-    Error_Code = pthread_mutex_lock(&Node_Mutex);
-    if (Error_Code) {
+				free (my_node_list);
+				free (my_bitmap);
+				free (format);
+				return EINVAL;
+			}
+			bitmap_set (my_bitmap,
+				    (int) (node_record_point -
+					   node_record_table_ptr));
+		}
+		str_ptr2 = (char *) strtok_r (NULL, ",", &str_ptr1);
+	}
+	free (my_node_list);
+	free (format);
+	bitmap[0] = my_bitmap;
+	return 0;
+/* node_lock - lock the node and configuration information */
+void node_lock () {
+	int error_code;
+	error_code = pthread_mutex_lock (&node_mutex);
+	if (error_code) {
-	fprintf(stderr, "Node_Lock: pthread_mutex_lock error %d\n", Error_Code);
+		fprintf (stderr, "node_lock: pthread_mutex_lock error %d\n",
+			 error_code);
-	syslog(LOG_ALERT, "Node_Lock: pthread_mutex_lock error %d\n", Error_Code);
+		syslog (LOG_ALERT, "node_lock: pthread_mutex_lock error %d\n",
+			error_code);
-	abort();
-    } /* if */
-} /* Node_Lock */
+		abort ();
+	}			
-/* Node_Unlock - Unlock the node and configuration information */
-void Node_Unlock() {
-    int Error_Code;
-    Error_Code = pthread_mutex_unlock(&Node_Mutex);
-    if (Error_Code) {
+/* node_unlock - unlock the node and configuration information */
+void node_unlock () {
+	int error_code;
+	error_code = pthread_mutex_unlock (&node_mutex);
+	if (error_code) {
-	fprintf(stderr, "Node_Lock: pthread_mutex_unlock error %d\n", Error_Code);
+		fprintf (stderr, "node_lock: pthread_mutex_unlock error %d\n",
+			 error_code);
-	syslog(LOG_ALERT, "Node_Lock: pthread_mutex_unlock error %d\n", Error_Code);
+		syslog (LOG_ALERT,
+			"node_lock: pthread_mutex_unlock error %d\n",
+			error_code);
-	abort();
-    } /* if */
-} /* Node_Unlock */
+		abort ();
+	}
- * Rehash - Build a hash table of the Node_Record entries. This is a large hash table 
+ * rehash - build a hash table of the node_record entries. this is a large hash table 
  * to permit the immediate finding of a record based only upon its name without regards 
- * to the number. There should be no need for a search. The algorithm is optimized for 
- * node names with a base-ten sequence number suffix. If you have a large cluster and 
- * use a different naming convention, this function and/or the Hash_Index function 
+ * to the number. there should be no need for a search. the algorithm is optimized for 
+ * node names with a base-ten sequence number suffix. if you have a large cluster and 
+ * use a different naming convention, this function and/or the hash_index function 
  * should be re-written.
-void Rehash() {
-    struct Node_Record *Node_Record_Point;	/* Pointer to Node_Record */
-    int i, inx;
+void rehash () {
+	struct node_record *node_record_point;	/* pointer to node_record */
+	int i, inx;
-    Node_Lock();
-    Hash_Table = (int *)realloc(Hash_Table, (sizeof(int) * Node_Record_Count));
+	hash_table =
+		(int *) realloc (hash_table,
+				 (sizeof (int) * node_record_count));
-    if (Hash_Table == NULL) {
+	if (hash_table == NULL) {
-	fprintf(stderr, "Rehash: list_append can not allocate memory\n");
+		fprintf (stderr,
+			 "rehash: list_append can not allocate memory\n");
-	syslog(LOG_ALERT, "Rehash: list_append can not allocate memory\n");
+		syslog (LOG_ALERT,
+			"rehash: list_append can not allocate memory\n");
-	abort();
-    } /* if */
-    memset(Hash_Table, 0, (sizeof(int) * Node_Record_Count));
+		abort ();
+	}
+	memset (hash_table, 0, (sizeof (int) * node_record_count));
-    for (i=0; i<Node_Record_Count; i++) {
-	if (strlen(Node_Record_Table_Ptr[i].Name) == 0) continue;
-	inx = Hash_Index(Node_Record_Table_Ptr[i].Name);
-	Hash_Table[inx] = i;
-    } /* for */
+	for (i = 0; i < node_record_count; i++) {
+		if (strlen (node_record_table_ptr[i].name) == 0)
+			continue;
+		inx = hash_index (node_record_table_ptr[i].name);
+		hash_table[inx] = i;
+	}
-    Node_Unlock();
-    return;
-} /* Rehash */
+	return;
- * Split_Node_Name - Split a node name into prefix, suffix, and index value 
- * Input: Name - The node name to parse
- *        Prefix, Suffix, Index, Digits - Location into which to store node name's constituents
- * Output: Prefix, Suffix, Index - The node name's constituents 
- *         Index - Index, defaults to NO_VAL
- *         Digits - Number of digits in the index, defaults to NO_VAL
+ * split_node_name - split a node name into prefix, suffix, and index value 
+ * input: name - the node name to parse
+ *        prefix, suffix, index, digits - location into which to store node name's constituents
+ * output: prefix, suffix, index - the node name's constituents 
+ *         index - index, defaults to NO_VAL
+ *         digits - number of digits in the index, defaults to NO_VAL
-void Split_Node_Name(char *Name, char *Prefix, char *Suffix, int *Index, int *Digits) {
-    int i;
-    char Tmp[2];
-    strcpy(Prefix, "");
-    strcpy(Suffix, "");
-    *Index  = NO_VAL;
-    *Digits = NO_VAL;
-    Tmp[1] = (char)NULL;
-    for (i=0; ; i++) {
-	if (Name[i] == (char)NULL) break;
-	if ((Name[i] >= '0') && (Name[i] <= '9')) {
-	    if (*Index  == NO_VAL) {
-		*Index  = *Digits = 0;
-	    } /* if */
-	    (*Digits)++;
-	    *Index = (*Index * 10) + (Name[i] - '0');
-	} else {
-	    Tmp[0] = Name[i];
-	    if (*Index  == NO_VAL)
-		strcat(Prefix, Tmp);
-	    else 
-		strcat(Suffix, Tmp);
-	} /* else */
-    } /* for */
-    return;
-} /* Split_Node_Name */
+void split_node_name (char *name, char *prefix, char *suffix, int *index,
+		 int *digits) {
+	int i;
+	char tmp[2];
+	strcpy (prefix, "");
+	strcpy (suffix, "");
+	*index = NO_VAL;
+	*digits = NO_VAL;
+	tmp[1] = (char) NULL;
+	for (i = 0;; i++) {
+		if (name[i] == (char) NULL)
+			break;
+		if ((name[i] >= '0') && (name[i] <= '9')) {
+			if (*index == NO_VAL) {
+				*index = *digits = 0;
+			}	
+			(*digits)++;
+			*index = (*index * 10) + (name[i] - '0');
+		}
+		else {
+			tmp[0] = name[i];
+			if (*index == NO_VAL)
+				strcat (prefix, tmp);
+			else
+				strcat (suffix, tmp);
+		}
+	}
+	return;
- * Update_Node - Update a node's configuration data
- * Input: NodeName - Node's name
- *        Spec - The updates to the node's specification 
- * Output:  Return - 0 if no error, otherwise an error code
- * NOTE: The contents of Spec are overwritten by white space
+ * update_node - update a node's configuration data
+ * input: node_name - node's name
+ *        spec - the updates to the node's specification 
+ * output:  return - 0 if no error, otherwise an error code
+ * NOTE: the contents of spec are overwritten by white space
-int Update_Node(char *NodeName, char *Spec) {
-    int Bad_Index, Error_Code, i;
-    char *Format, *State, This_Node_Name[BUF_SIZE];
-    int Start_Inx, End_Inx, Count_Inx, State_Val;
-    char *str_ptr1, *str_ptr2, *My_Node_List;
-    struct Node_Record *Node_Record_Point;
-    if (strcmp(NodeName, "DEFAULT") == 0) {
+int update_node (char *node_name, char *spec) {
+	int bad_index, error_code, i;
+	char *format, *state, this_node_name[BUF_SIZE];
+	int start_inx, end_inx, count_inx, state_val;
+	char *str_ptr1, *str_ptr2, *my_node_list;
+	struct node_record *node_record_point;
+	if (strcmp (node_name, "DEFAULT") == 0) {
-	fprintf(stderr, "Update_Node: Invalid node name %s\n", NodeName);
+		fprintf (stderr, "update_node: invalid node name %s\n",
+			 node_name);
-	syslog(LOG_ERR, "Update_Node: Invalid node name  %s\n", NodeName);
+		syslog (LOG_ERR, "update_node: invalid node name  %s\n",
+			node_name);
-	return EINVAL;
-    } /* if */
-    State_Val = NO_VAL;
-    State = NULL;
-    if (Error_Code=Load_String (&State, "State=", Spec)) return Error_Code;
-    if (State != NULL) {
-	for (i=0; i<=STATE_END; i++) {
-	    if (strcmp(Node_State_String[i], "END") == 0) break;
-	    if (strcmp(Node_State_String[i], State) == 0) {
-		State_Val = i;
-		break;
-	    } /* if */
-	} /* for */
-	if (State_Val == NO_VAL) {
+		return EINVAL;
+	}
+	state_val = NO_VAL;
+	state = NULL;
+	if (error_code = load_string (&state, "State=", spec))
+		return error_code;
+	if (state != NULL) {
+		for (i = 0; i <= STATE_END; i++) {
+			if (strcmp (node_state_string[i], "END") == 0)
+				break;
+			if (strcmp (node_state_string[i], state) == 0) {
+				state_val = i;
+				break;
+			}
+		}
+		if (state_val == NO_VAL) {
-	    fprintf(stderr, "Update_Node: Invalid State %s for NodeName %s\n", State, NodeName);
+			fprintf (stderr,
+				 "update_node: invalid state %s for node_name %s\n",
+				 state, node_name);
-	    syslog(LOG_ERR, "Update_Node: Invalid State %s for NodeName %s\n", State, NodeName);
+			syslog (LOG_ERR,
+				"update_node: invalid state %s for node_name %s\n",
+				state, node_name);
-	    free(State);
-	    return EINVAL;
-	} /* if */
-	free(State);
-    } /* if */
-    /* Check for anything else (unparsed) in the specification */
-    Bad_Index = -1;
-    for (i=0; i<strlen(Spec); i++) {
-	if (Spec[i] == '\n') Spec[i]=' ';
-	if (isspace((int)Spec[i])) continue;
-	Bad_Index=i;
-	break;
-    } /* if */
-    if (Bad_Index != -1) {
+			free (state);
+			return EINVAL;
+		}
+		free (state);
+	}
+	/* check for anything else (unparsed) in the specification */
+	bad_index = -1;
+	for (i = 0; i < strlen (spec); i++) {
+		if (spec[i] == '\n')
+			spec[i] = ' ';
+		if (isspace ((int) spec[i]))
+			continue;
+		bad_index = i;
+		break;
+	}
+	if (bad_index != -1) {
-	fprintf(stderr, "Update_Node: Ignored node %s update specification: %s\n", 
-		NodeName, &Spec[Bad_Index]);
+		fprintf (stderr,
+			 "update_node: ignored node %s update specification: %s\n",
+			 node_name, &spec[bad_index]);
-	syslog(LOG_ERR, "Update_Node: Ignored node %s update specification: %s\n", 
-		NodeName, &Spec[Bad_Index]);
+		syslog (LOG_ERR,
+			"update_node: ignored node %s update specification: %s\n",
+			node_name, &spec[bad_index]);
-	return EINVAL;
-    } /* if */
+		return EINVAL;
+	}
-    My_Node_List = malloc(strlen(NodeName)+1);
-    if (My_Node_List == NULL) {
+	my_node_list = malloc (strlen (node_name) + 1);
+	if (my_node_list == NULL) {
-	fprintf(stderr, "Update_Node: Unable to allocate memory\n");
+		fprintf (stderr, "update_node: unable to allocate memory\n");
-	syslog(LOG_ALERT, "Update_Node: Unable to allocate memory\n");
+		syslog (LOG_ALERT,
+			"update_node: unable to allocate memory\n");
-	abort();
-    } /* if */
-    strcpy(My_Node_List, NodeName);
-    str_ptr2 = (char *)strtok_r(My_Node_List, ",", &str_ptr1);
-    Last_Node_Update = time(NULL);
-    Node_Lock();
-    while (str_ptr2) {	/* Break apart by comma separators */
-	Error_Code = Parse_Node_Name(str_ptr2, &Format, &Start_Inx, &End_Inx, &Count_Inx);
-	if (Error_Code) return Error_Code;
-	if (strlen(Format) >= sizeof(This_Node_Name)) {
+		abort ();
+	}
+	strcpy (my_node_list, node_name);
+	str_ptr2 = (char *) strtok_r (my_node_list, ",", &str_ptr1);
+	last_node_update = time (NULL);
+	while (str_ptr2) {	/* break apart by comma separators */
+		error_code =
+			parse_node_name (str_ptr2, &format, &start_inx,
+					 &end_inx, &count_inx);
+		if (error_code)
+			return error_code;
+		if (strlen (format) >= sizeof (this_node_name)) {
-	    fprintf(stderr, "Update_Node: Node name specification too long: %s\n", Format);
+			fprintf (stderr,
+				 "update_node: node name specification too long: %s\n",
+				 format);
-	    syslog(LOG_ERR, "Update_Node: Node name specification too long: %s\n", Format);
+			syslog (LOG_ERR,
+				"update_node: node name specification too long: %s\n",
+				format);
-	    free(Format);
-	    Error_Code = EINVAL;
-	    break;
-	} /* if */
-	for (i=Start_Inx; i<=End_Inx; i++) {
-	    if (Count_Inx == 0) 
-		strncpy(This_Node_Name, Format, sizeof(This_Node_Name));
-	    else
-		sprintf(This_Node_Name, Format, i);
-	    Node_Record_Point = Find_Node_Record(This_Node_Name);
-	    if (Node_Record_Point == NULL) {
+			free (format);
+			error_code = EINVAL;
+			break;
+		}
+		for (i = start_inx; i <= end_inx; i++) {
+			if (count_inx == 0)
+				strncpy (this_node_name, format,
+					 sizeof (this_node_name));
+			else
+				sprintf (this_node_name, format, i);
+			node_record_point = find_node_record (this_node_name);
+			if (node_record_point == NULL) {
-		fprintf(stderr, "Update_Node: Node name %s does not exist, can not be updated\n", This_Node_Name);
+				fprintf (stderr,
+					 "update_node: node name %s does not exist, can not be updated\n",
+					 this_node_name);
-		syslog(LOG_ERR, "Update_Node: Node name %s does not exist, can not be updated\n", This_Node_Name);
+				syslog (LOG_ERR,
+					"update_node: node name %s does not exist, can not be updated\n",
+					this_node_name);
-		Error_Code = EINVAL;
-		break;
-	    } /* if */
-	    if (State_Val != NO_VAL) {
-		if ((State_Val == STATE_DOWN) &&
-		    (Node_Record_Point->NodeState != STATE_UNKNOWN))
-		    Node_Record_Point->NodeState = -(Node_Record_Point->NodeState);
-		else
-		    Node_Record_Point->NodeState = State_Val;
-		if (State_Val != STATE_IDLE) BitMapClear(Idle_NodeBitMap, 
-			(int)(Node_Record_Point-Node_Record_Table_Ptr));
-		if (State_Val == STATE_DOWN)   BitMapClear(Up_NodeBitMap, 
-			(int)(Node_Record_Point-Node_Record_Table_Ptr));
+				error_code = EINVAL;
+				break;
+			}
+			if (state_val != NO_VAL) {
+				if ((state_val == STATE_DOWN) &&
+				    (node_record_point->node_state !=
+				     STATE_UNKNOWN))
+					node_record_point->node_state =
+						-(node_record_point->node_state);
+				else
+					node_record_point->node_state =
+						state_val;
+				if (state_val != STATE_IDLE)
+					bitmap_clear (idle_node_bitmap,
+						      (int) (node_record_point -
+							     node_record_table_ptr));
+				if (state_val == STATE_DOWN)
+					bitmap_clear (up_node_bitmap,
+						      (int) (node_record_point -
+							     node_record_table_ptr));
-		fprintf(stderr, "Update_Node: Node %s state set to %s\n", 
-			This_Node_Name, Node_State_String[State_Val]);
+				fprintf (stderr,
+					 "update_node: node %s state set to %s\n",
+					 this_node_name,
+					 node_state_string[state_val]);
-		syslog(LOG_INFO, "Update_Node: Node %s state set to %s\n", 
-			This_Node_Name, Node_State_String[State_Val]);
+				syslog (LOG_INFO,
+					"update_node: node %s state set to %s\n",
+					this_node_name,
+					node_state_string[state_val]);
-	    } /* if */
-	} /* for */
-	free(Format);
-	str_ptr2 = (char *)strtok_r(NULL, ",", &str_ptr1);
-    } /* while */
+			}
+		}
+		free (format);
+		str_ptr2 = (char *) strtok_r (NULL, ",", &str_ptr1);
+	}
-    Node_Unlock();
-    free(My_Node_List);
-    return Error_Code;
-} /* Update_Node */
+	free (my_node_list);
+	return error_code;
- * Validate_Node_Specs - Validate the node's specifications as valid, 
- *   if not set state to DOWN, in any case update LastResponse
- * Input: NodeName - Name of the node
- *        CPUs - Number of CPUs measured
- *        RealMemory - MegaBytes of RealMemory measured
- *        TmpDisk - MegaBytes of TmpDisk measured
- * Output: Returns 0 if no error, ENOENT if no such node, EINVAL if values too low
- */ 
-int Validate_Node_Specs(char *NodeName, int CPUs, int RealMemory, int TmpDisk) {
-    int Error_Code;
-    struct Config_Record *Config_Ptr;
-    struct Node_Record *Node_Ptr;
-    Node_Lock();
-    Node_Ptr = Find_Node_Record(NodeName);
-    if (Node_Ptr == NULL) {
-	Node_Unlock();
-	return ENOENT;
-    } /* if */
-    Node_Ptr->LastResponse = time(NULL);
-    Config_Ptr = Node_Ptr->Config_Ptr;
-    Error_Code = 0;
-    if (CPUs < Config_Ptr->CPUs) {
+ * validate_node_specs - validate the node's specifications as valid, 
+ *   if not set state to down, in any case update last_response
+ * input: node_name - name of the node
+ *        cpus - number of cpus measured
+ *        real_memory - mega_bytes of real_memory measured
+ *        tmp_disk - mega_bytes of tmp_disk measured
+ * output: returns 0 if no error, ENOENT if no such node, EINVAL if values too low
+ */
+int validate_node_specs (char *node_name, int cpus, int real_memory, int tmp_disk) {
+	int error_code;
+	struct config_record *config_ptr;
+	struct node_record *node_ptr;
+	node_ptr = find_node_record (node_name);
+	if (node_ptr == NULL) {
+		return ENOENT;
+	}
+	node_ptr->last_response = time (NULL);
+	config_ptr = node_ptr->config_ptr;
+	error_code = 0;
+	if (cpus < config_ptr->cpus) {
-	fprintf(stderr, "Validate_Node_Specs: Node %s has low CPU count\n", NodeName);
+		fprintf (stderr,
+			 "validate_node_specs: node %s has low cpu count\n",
+			 node_name);
-	syslog(LOG_ERR, "Validate_Node_Specs: Node %s has low CPU count\n", NodeName);
+		syslog (LOG_ERR,
+			"validate_node_specs: node %s has low cpu count\n",
+			node_name);
-	Error_Code = EINVAL;
-    } /* if */
-    Node_Ptr->CPUs = CPUs;
-    if ((Config_Ptr->CPUs != CPUs) &&
-	(Node_Ptr->Partition_Ptr))	/* Need to update Partition records TotalCPUs */
-	Node_Ptr->Partition_Ptr->TotalCPUs += (CPUs - Config_Ptr->CPUs);
-    if (RealMemory < Config_Ptr->RealMemory) {
+		error_code = EINVAL;
+	}
+	node_ptr->cpus = cpus;
+	if ((config_ptr->cpus != cpus) && (node_ptr->partition_ptr))	/* need to update partition records total_cpus */
+		node_ptr->partition_ptr->total_cpus += (cpus - config_ptr->cpus);
+	if (real_memory < config_ptr->real_memory) {
-	fprintf(stderr, "Validate_Node_Specs: Node %s has low RealMemory size\n", NodeName);
+		fprintf (stderr,
+			 "validate_node_specs: node %s has low real_memory size\n",
+			 node_name);
-	syslog(LOG_ERR, "Validate_Node_Specs: Node %s has low RealMemory size\n", NodeName);
+		syslog (LOG_ERR,
+			"validate_node_specs: node %s has low real_memory size\n",
+			node_name);
-	Error_Code = EINVAL;
-    } /* if */
-    Node_Ptr->RealMemory = RealMemory;
+		error_code = EINVAL;
+	}
+	node_ptr->real_memory = real_memory;
-    if (TmpDisk < Config_Ptr->TmpDisk) {
+	if (tmp_disk < config_ptr->tmp_disk) {
-	fprintf(stderr, "Validate_Node_Specs: Node %s has low TmpDisk size\n", NodeName);
+		fprintf (stderr,
+			 "validate_node_specs: node %s has low tmp_disk size\n",
+			 node_name);
-	syslog(LOG_ERR, "Validate_Node_Specs: Node %s has low TmpDisk size\n", NodeName);
+		syslog (LOG_ERR,
+			"validate_node_specs: node %s has low tmp_disk size\n",
+			node_name);
-	Error_Code = EINVAL;
-    } /* if */
-    Node_Ptr->TmpDisk = TmpDisk;
+		error_code = EINVAL;
+	}
+	node_ptr->tmp_disk = tmp_disk;
-    if (Error_Code) {
+	if (error_code) {
-	fprintf(stderr, "Validate_Node_Specs: Setting node %s state to DOWN\n", NodeName);
+		fprintf (stderr,
+			 "validate_node_specs: setting node %s state to down\n",
+			 node_name);
-	syslog(LOG_ERR, "Validate_Node_Specs: Setting node %s state to DOWN\n", NodeName);
+		syslog (LOG_ERR,
+			"validate_node_specs: setting node %s state to down\n",
+			node_name);
-	Node_Ptr->NodeState = STATE_DOWN;
-	BitMapClear(Up_NodeBitMap, (Node_Ptr - Node_Record_Table_Ptr));
+		node_ptr->node_state = STATE_DOWN;
+		bitmap_clear (up_node_bitmap,
+			      (node_ptr - node_record_table_ptr));
-    } else {
+	}
+	else {
-	fprintf(stderr, "Validate_Node_Specs: Node %s has registered\n", NodeName);
+		fprintf (stderr,
+			 "validate_node_specs: node %s has registered\n",
+			 node_name);
-	syslog(LOG_ERR, "Validate_Node_Specs: Node %s has registered\n", NodeName);
+		syslog (LOG_ERR,
+			"validate_node_specs: node %s has registered\n",
+			node_name);
-	if ((Node_Ptr->NodeState == STATE_DOWN) || 
-            (Node_Ptr->NodeState == STATE_UNKNOWN))	Node_Ptr->NodeState = STATE_IDLE;
-	if (Node_Ptr->NodeState < 0) 			Node_Ptr->NodeState = -(Node_Ptr->NodeState);
-	BitMapSet(Up_NodeBitMap, (Node_Ptr - Node_Record_Table_Ptr));
-    } /* else */
-    Node_Unlock();
-    return Error_Code;
-}  /* Validate_Node_Specs */
+		if ((node_ptr->node_state == STATE_DOWN) ||
+		    (node_ptr->node_state == STATE_UNKNOWN))
+			node_ptr->node_state = STATE_IDLE;
+		if (node_ptr->node_state < 0)
+			node_ptr->node_state = -(node_ptr->node_state);
+		bitmap_set (up_node_bitmap,
+			    (node_ptr - node_record_table_ptr));
+	}
+	return error_code;
diff --git a/src/slurmctld/node_scheduler.c b/src/slurmctld/node_scheduler.c
index f01881d6ae2aa9a2a371e83e69226e78e802588c..f4ca1285cd68e28c0e7df5caf2945288de5058ed 100644
--- a/src/slurmctld/node_scheduler.c
+++ b/src/slurmctld/node_scheduler.c
@@ -1,11 +1,11 @@
- * node_scheduler.c - Select and allocated nodes to jobs 
- * See slurm.h for documentation on external functions and data structures
+ * node_scheduler.c - select and allocated nodes to jobs 
+ * see slurm.h for documentation on external functions and data structures
  * NOTE: DEBUG_MODULE mode test with execution line
- *	node_scheduler ../../etc/SLURM.conf2 ../../etc/SLURM.jobs
+ *	node_scheduler ../../etc/slurm.conf2 ../../etc/slurm.jobs
- * Author: Moe Jette, jette@llnl.gov
+ * author: moe jette, jette@llnl.gov
@@ -22,1086 +22,1365 @@
 #define BUF_SIZE 1024
 #define NO_VAL (-99)
-struct Node_Set {	/* Set of nodes with same configuration that could be allocated */
-	int CPUs_Per_Node;
-	int Nodes;
-	int Weight;
-	int Feature;
-	unsigned *My_BitMap;
+struct node_set {		/* set of nodes with same configuration that could be allocated */
+	int cpus_per_node;
+	int nodes;
+	int weight;
+	int feature;
+	unsigned *my_bitmap;
-int Is_Key_Valid(int Key);
-int Match_Group(char *AllowGroups, char *UserGroups);
-int Match_Feature(char *Seek, char *Available);
-int Parse_Job_Specs(char *Job_Specs, char **Req_Features, char **Req_Node_List, char **Job_Name,
-	char **Req_Group, char **Req_Partition, int *Contiguous, int *Req_CPUs, 
-	int *Req_Nodes, int *Min_CPUs, int *Min_Memory, int *Min_TmpDisk, int *Key, int *Shared);
-int Pick_Best_CPUs(unsigned *BitMap, unsigned *Req_BitMap, int Req_Nodes, int Req_CPUs, 
-	int Consecutive);
-int Pick_Best_Nodes(struct Node_Set *Node_Set_Ptr, int Node_Set_Size, unsigned **Req_BitMap, 
-	int Req_CPUs, int  Req_Nodes, int Contiguous, int Shared, int Max_Nodes);
-int ValidFeatures(char *Requested, char *Available);
+int is_key_valid (int key);
+int match_group (char *allow_groups, char *user_groups);
+int match_feature (char *seek, char *available);
+int parse_job_specs (char *job_specs, char **req_features,
+		     char **req_node_list, char **job_name, char **req_group,
+		     char **req_partition, int *contiguous, int *req_cpus,
+		     int *req_nodes, int *min_cpus, int *min_memory,
+		     int *min_tmp_disk, int *key, int *shared);
+int pick_best_cpus (unsigned *bitmap, unsigned *req_bitmap, int req_nodes,
+		    int req_cpus, int consecutive);
+int pick_best_nodes (struct node_set *node_set_ptr, int node_set_size,
+		     unsigned **req_bitmap, int req_cpus, int req_nodes,
+		     int contiguous, int shared, int max_nodes);
+int valid_features (char *requested, char *available);
 /* main is used here for testing purposes only */
-main(int argc, char * argv[]) {
-    int Error_Code, Line_Num, i;
-    FILE *Command_File;
-    char In_Line[BUF_SIZE], *Node_List;
-    if (argc < 3) {
-	printf("Usage: %s <slurm_conf_file> <slurm_job_file>\n", argv[0]);
-	exit(1);
-    } /* if */
-    Error_Code = Init_SLURM_Conf();
-    if (Error_Code) {
-	printf("controller: Error %d from Init_SLURM_Conf\n", Error_Code);
-	exit(Error_Code);
-    } /* if */
-    Error_Code = Read_SLURM_Conf(argv[1]);
-    if (Error_Code) {
-	printf("controller: Error %d from Read_SLURM_Conf\n", Error_Code);
-	exit(Error_Code);
-    } /* if */
-    /* Mark everything up and idle for testing */
-    for (i=0; i<Node_Record_Count; i++) {
-	BitMapSet(Idle_NodeBitMap, i);
-	BitMapSet(Up_NodeBitMap, i);
-    } /* for */
-    Command_File = fopen(argv[2], "r");
-    if (Command_File == NULL) {
-	fprintf(stderr, "node_scheduler: error %d opening command file %s\n", 
-		errno, argv[2]);
-	exit(1);
-    } /* if */
-    i = ValidFeatures("FS1&FS2","FS1");
-    if (i != 0) printf("ValidFeatures error 1\n");
-    i = ValidFeatures("FS1|FS2","FS1");
-    if (i != 1) printf("ValidFeatures error 2\n");
-    i = ValidFeatures("FS1|FS2&FS3","FS1,FS3");
-    if (i != 1) printf("ValidFeatures error 3\n");
-    i = ValidFeatures("[FS1|FS2]&FS3","FS2,FS3");
-    if (i != 2) printf("ValidFeatures error 4\n");
-    i = ValidFeatures("FS0&[FS1|FS2]&FS3","FS2,FS3");
-    if (i != 0) printf("ValidFeatures error 5\n");
-    i = ValidFeatures("FS3&[FS1|FS2]&FS3","FS2,FS3");
-    if (i != 2) printf("ValidFeatures error 6\n");
-    Line_Num = 0;
-    printf("\n");
-    while (fgets(In_Line, BUF_SIZE, Command_File)) {
-	if (In_Line[strlen(In_Line)-1] == '\n') In_Line[strlen(In_Line)-1]=(char)NULL;
-	Line_Num++;
-	Error_Code = Select_Nodes(In_Line, &Node_List);
-	if (Error_Code) {
-	    if (strncmp(In_Line, "JobName=FAIL", 12) != 0) printf("ERROR:");
-	    printf("For job: %s\n", In_Line, Node_List);
-	    printf("node_scheduler: Error %d from Select_Nodes on line %d\n\n", Error_Code, Line_Num);
-	} else {
-	    if (strncmp(In_Line, "JobName=FAIL", 12) == 0) printf("ERROR: ");
-	    printf("For job: %s\n  Nodes selected %s\n\n", In_Line, Node_List);
-	    free(Node_List);
-	} /* else */
-    } /* while */
-} /* main */
+main (int argc, char *argv[]) {
+	int error_code, line_num, i;
+	FILE *command_file;
+	char in_line[BUF_SIZE], *node_list;
+	if (argc < 3) {
+		printf ("usage: %s <SLURM_CONF_file> <slurm_job_file>\n",
+			argv[0]);
+		exit (1);
+	}			
+	error_code = init_slurm_conf ();
+	if (error_code) {
+		printf ("controller: error %d from init_slurm_conf\n",
+			error_code);
+		exit (error_code);
+	}			
+	error_code = read_slurm_conf (argv[1]);
+	if (error_code) {
+		printf ("controller: error %d from read_slurm_conf\n",
+			error_code);
+		exit (error_code);
+	}			
+	/* mark everything up and idle for testing */
+	for (i = 0; i < node_record_count; i++) {
+		bitmap_set (idle_node_bitmap, i);
+		bitmap_set (up_node_bitmap, i);
+	}			/* for */
+	command_file = fopen (argv[2], "r");
+	if (command_file == NULL) {
+		fprintf (stderr,
+			 "node_scheduler: error %d opening command file %s\n",
+			 errno, argv[2]);
+		exit (1);
+	}			
+	i = valid_features ("fs1&fs2", "fs1");
+	if (i != 0)
+		printf ("valid_features error 1\n");
+	i = valid_features ("fs1|fs2", "fs1");
+	if (i != 1)
+		printf ("valid_features error 2\n");
+	i = valid_features ("fs1|fs2&fs3", "fs1,fs3");
+	if (i != 1)
+		printf ("valid_features error 3\n");
+	i = valid_features ("[fs1|fs2]&fs3", "fs2,fs3");
+	if (i != 2)
+		printf ("valid_features error 4\n");
+	i = valid_features ("fs0&[fs1|fs2]&fs3", "fs2,fs3");
+	if (i != 0)
+		printf ("valid_features error 5\n");
+	i = valid_features ("fs3&[fs1|fs2]&fs3", "fs2,fs3");
+	if (i != 2)
+		printf ("valid_features error 6\n");
+	line_num = 0;
+	printf ("\n");
+	while (fgets (in_line, BUF_SIZE, command_file)) {
+		if (in_line[strlen (in_line) - 1] == '\n')
+			in_line[strlen (in_line) - 1] = (char) NULL;
+		line_num++;
+		error_code = select_nodes (in_line, &node_list);
+		if (error_code) {
+			if (strncmp (in_line, "JobName=FAIL", 12) != 0)
+				printf ("ERROR:");
+			printf ("for job: %s\n", in_line, node_list);
+			printf ("node_scheduler: error %d from select_nodes on line %d\n\n", 
+				error_code, line_num);
+		}
+		else {
+			if (strncmp (in_line, "job_name=fail", 12) == 0)
+				printf ("ERROR: ");
+			printf ("for job: %s\n  nodes selected %s\n\n",
+				in_line, node_list);
+			free (node_list);
+		}		
+	}			
-/* For a given bitmap, change the state of specified nodes to STAGE_IN */
-/* This is a simple prototype for testing */
-void Allocate_Nodes(unsigned *BitMap) {
-    int i;
+/* for a given bitmap, change the state of specified nodes to stage_in */
+/* this is a simple prototype for testing */
+void allocate_nodes (unsigned *bitmap) {
+	int i;
-    for (i=0; i<Node_Record_Count; i++) {
-	if (BitMapValue(BitMap, i) == 0) continue;
-	Node_Record_Table_Ptr[i].NodeState = STATE_STAGE_IN;
-	BitMapClear(Idle_NodeBitMap, i);
-    } /* for */
-    return;
-} /* Allocate_Nodes */
+	for (i = 0; i < node_record_count; i++) {
+		if (bitmap_value (bitmap, i) == 0)
+			continue;
+		node_record_table_ptr[i].node_state = STATE_STAGE_IN;
+		bitmap_clear (idle_node_bitmap, i);
+	}			/* for */
+	return;
- * Count_CPUs - Report how many CPUs are associated with the identified nodes 
- * Input: BitMap - A node bitmap
- * Output: Returns a CPU count
+ * count_cpus - report how many cpus are associated with the identified nodes 
+ * input: bitmap - a node bitmap
+ * output: returns a cpu count
-int Count_CPUs(unsigned *BitMap) {
-    int i, sum;
+int count_cpus (unsigned *bitmap) {
+	int i, sum;
-    sum = 0;
-    for (i=0; i<Node_Record_Count; i++) {
-	if (BitMapValue(BitMap, i) != 1) continue;
-	sum += Node_Record_Table_Ptr[i].CPUs;
-    } /* for */
-    return sum;
-} /* Count_CPUs */
+	sum = 0;
+	for (i = 0; i < node_record_count; i++) {
+		if (bitmap_value (bitmap, i) != 1)
+			continue;
+		sum += node_record_table_ptr[i].cpus;
+	}			/* for */
+	return sum;
- * Is_Key_Valid - Determine if supplied key is valid
- * Input: Key - A SLURM key acquired by user root
- * Output: Returns 1 if key is valid, 0 otherwise
- * NOTE: This is only a placeholder for a future function
+ * is_key_valid - determine if supplied key is valid
+ * input: key - a slurm key acquired by user root
+ * output: returns 1 if key is valid, 0 otherwise
+ * NOTE: this is only a placeholder for a future function
-int Is_Key_Valid(int Key) {
-    if (Key == NO_VAL) return 0;
-    return 1;
-}  /* Is_Key_Valid */
+int is_key_valid (int key) {
+	if (key == NO_VAL)
+		return 0;
+	return 1;
- * Match_Feature - Determine if the desired feature (Seek) is one of those available
- * Input: Seek - Desired feature
- *        Available - Comma separated list of features
- * Output: Returns 1 if found, 0 otherwise
+ * match_feature - determine if the desired feature (seek) is one of those available
+ * input: seek - desired feature
+ *        available - comma separated list of features
+ * output: returns 1 if found, 0 otherwise
-int Match_Feature(char *Seek, char *Available) {
-    char *Tmp_Available, *str_ptr3, *str_ptr4;
-    int found;
+int match_feature (char *seek, char *available) {
+	char *tmp_available, *str_ptr3, *str_ptr4;
+	int found;
-    if (Seek      == NULL) return 1;	/* Nothing to look for */
-    if (Available == NULL) return 0;	/* Nothing to find */
+	if (seek == NULL)
+		return 1;	/* nothing to look for */
+	if (available == NULL)
+		return 0;	/* nothing to find */
-    Tmp_Available = malloc(strlen(Available)+1);
-    if (Tmp_Available == NULL) {
+	tmp_available = malloc (strlen (available) + 1);
+	if (tmp_available == NULL) {
-	fprintf(stderr, "Match_Feature: unable to allocate memory\n");
+		fprintf (stderr,
+			 "match_feature: unable to allocate memory\n");
-	syslog(LOG_ALERT, "Match_Feature: unable to allocate memory\n");
+		syslog (LOG_ALERT,
+			"match_feature: unable to allocate memory\n");
-	return 1; /* Assume good for now */
-    } /* if */
-    strcpy(Tmp_Available, Available);
+		return 1;	/* assume good for now */
+	}			
+	strcpy (tmp_available, available);
-    found = 0;
-    str_ptr3 = (char *)strtok_r(Tmp_Available, ",", &str_ptr4);
-    while (str_ptr3) {
-	if (strcmp(Seek, str_ptr3) == 0) {  /* We have a match */
-	    found = 1;
-	    break;
-	} /* if */
-	str_ptr3 = (char *)strtok_r(NULL, ",", &str_ptr4);
-    } /* while (str_ptr3) */
+	found = 0;
+	str_ptr3 = (char *) strtok_r (tmp_available, ",", &str_ptr4);
+	while (str_ptr3) {
+		if (strcmp (seek, str_ptr3) == 0) {	/* we have a match */
+			found = 1;
+			break;
+		}		
+		str_ptr3 = (char *) strtok_r (NULL, ",", &str_ptr4);
+	}			/* while (str_ptr3) */
-    free(Tmp_Available);
-    return found;
-} /* Match_Feature */
+	free (tmp_available);
+	return found;
- * Match_Group - Determine if the user is a member of any groups permitted to use this partition
- * Input: AllowGroups - Comma delimited list of groups permitted to use the partition, 
- *			NULL is for ALL groups
- *        UserGroups - Comma delimited list of groups the user belongs to
- * Output: Returns 1 if user is member, 0 otherwise
+ * match_group - determine if the user is a member of any groups permitted to use this partition
+ * input: allow_groups - comma delimited list of groups permitted to use the partition, 
+ *			NULL is for all groups
+ *        user_groups - comma delimited list of groups the user belongs to
+ * output: returns 1 if user is member, 0 otherwise
-int Match_Group(char *AllowGroups, char *UserGroups) {
-    char *Tmp_Allow_Group, *str_ptr1, *str_ptr2;
-    char *Tmp_User_Group, *str_ptr3, *str_ptr4;
+int match_group (char *allow_groups, char *user_groups) {
+	char *tmp_allow_group, *str_ptr1, *str_ptr2;
+	char *tmp_user_group, *str_ptr3, *str_ptr4;
-    if ((AllowGroups == NULL) ||	/* Anybody can use it */
-        (strcmp(AllowGroups, "ALL") == 0)) return 1;	
-    if (UserGroups  == NULL) return 0;	/* Empty group list */
+	if ((allow_groups == NULL) ||	/* anybody can use it */
+	    (strcmp (allow_groups, "all") == 0))
+		return 1;
+	if (user_groups == NULL)
+		return 0;	/* empty group list */
-    Tmp_Allow_Group = malloc(strlen(AllowGroups)+1);
-    if (Tmp_Allow_Group == NULL) {
+	tmp_allow_group = malloc (strlen (allow_groups) + 1);
+	if (tmp_allow_group == NULL) {
-	fprintf(stderr, "Match_Group: unable to allocate memory\n");
+		fprintf (stderr, "match_group: unable to allocate memory\n");
-	syslog(LOG_ALERT, "Match_Group: unable to allocate memory\n");
+		syslog (LOG_ALERT,
+			"match_group: unable to allocate memory\n");
-	return 1; /* Assume good for now */
-    } /* if */
-    strcpy(Tmp_Allow_Group, AllowGroups);
+		return 1;	/* assume good for now */
+	}			
+	strcpy (tmp_allow_group, allow_groups);
-    Tmp_User_Group = malloc(strlen(UserGroups)+1);
-    if (Tmp_User_Group == NULL) {
+	tmp_user_group = malloc (strlen (user_groups) + 1);
+	if (tmp_user_group == NULL) {
-	fprintf(stderr, "Match_Group: unable to allocate memory\n");
+		fprintf (stderr, "match_group: unable to allocate memory\n");
-	syslog(LOG_ALERT, "Match_Group: unable to allocate memory\n");
+		syslog (LOG_ALERT,
+			"match_group: unable to allocate memory\n");
-	free(Tmp_Allow_Group);
-	return 1; /* Assume good for now */
-    } /* if */
-    str_ptr1 = (char *)strtok_r(Tmp_Allow_Group, ",", &str_ptr2);
-    while (str_ptr1) {
-	strcpy(Tmp_User_Group, UserGroups);
-	str_ptr3 = (char *)strtok_r(Tmp_User_Group, ",", &str_ptr4);
-	while (str_ptr3) {
-	    if (strcmp(str_ptr1, str_ptr3) == 0) {  /* We have a match */
-		free(Tmp_Allow_Group);
-		free(Tmp_User_Group);
-		return 1;
-	    } /* if */
-	    str_ptr3 = (char *)strtok_r(NULL, ",", &str_ptr4);
-	} /* while (str_ptr3) */
-	str_ptr1 = (char *)strtok_r(NULL, ",", &str_ptr2);
-    } /* while (str_ptr1) */
-    free(Tmp_Allow_Group);
-    free(Tmp_User_Group);
-    return 0;  /* No match */
-} /* Match_Group */
+		free (tmp_allow_group);
+		return 1;	/* assume good for now */
+	}			
+	str_ptr1 = (char *) strtok_r (tmp_allow_group, ",", &str_ptr2);
+	while (str_ptr1) {
+		strcpy (tmp_user_group, user_groups);
+		str_ptr3 = (char *) strtok_r (tmp_user_group, ",", &str_ptr4);
+		while (str_ptr3) {
+			if (strcmp (str_ptr1, str_ptr3) == 0) {	/* we have a match */
+				free (tmp_allow_group);
+				free (tmp_user_group);
+				return 1;
+			}	
+			str_ptr3 = (char *) strtok_r (NULL, ",", &str_ptr4);
+		}	
+		str_ptr1 = (char *) strtok_r (NULL, ",", &str_ptr2);
+	}		
+	free (tmp_allow_group);
+	free (tmp_user_group);
+	return 0;		/* no match */
- * Parse_Job_Specs - Pick the appropriate fields out of a job request specification
- * Input: Job_Specs - String containing the specification
- *        Req_Features, etc. - Pointers to storage for the specifications
- * Output: Req_Features, etc. - The job's specifications
- *         Returns 0 if no error, errno otherwise
- * NOTE: The calling function must free memory at Req_Features[0], Req_Node_List[0],
- *	Job_Name[0], Req_Group[0], and Req_Partition[0]
+ * parse_job_specs - pick the appropriate fields out of a job request specification
+ * input: job_specs - string containing the specification
+ *        req_features, etc. - pointers to storage for the specifications
+ * output: req_features, etc. - the job's specifications
+ *         returns 0 if no error, errno otherwise
+ * NOTE: the calling function must free memory at req_features[0], req_node_list[0],
+ *	job_name[0], req_group[0], and req_partition[0]
-int Parse_Job_Specs(char *Job_Specs, char **Req_Features, char **Req_Node_List, char **Job_Name,
-	char **Req_Group, char **Req_Partition, int *Contiguous, int *Req_CPUs, 
-	int *Req_Nodes, int *Min_CPUs, int *Min_Memory, int *Min_TmpDisk, int *Key, int *Shared) {
-    int Bad_Index, Error_Code, i;
-    char *Temp_Specs;
-    Req_Features[0] = Req_Node_List[0] = Req_Group[0] = Req_Partition[0] = Job_Name[0] = NULL;
-    *Contiguous = *Req_CPUs = *Req_Nodes = *Min_CPUs = *Min_Memory = *Min_TmpDisk = NO_VAL;
-    *Key = *Shared = NO_VAL;
-    Temp_Specs = malloc(strlen(Job_Specs)+1);
-    if (Temp_Specs == NULL) {
+int parse_job_specs (char *job_specs, char **req_features, char **req_node_list,
+		 char **job_name, char **req_group, char **req_partition,
+		 int *contiguous, int *req_cpus, int *req_nodes,
+		 int *min_cpus, int *min_memory, int *min_tmp_disk, int *key,
+		 int *shared) {
+	int bad_index, error_code, i;
+	char *temp_specs;
+	req_features[0] = req_node_list[0] = req_group[0] = req_partition[0] =
+		job_name[0] = NULL;
+	*contiguous = *req_cpus = *req_nodes = *min_cpus = *min_memory =
+		*min_tmp_disk = NO_VAL;
+	*key = *shared = NO_VAL;
+	temp_specs = malloc (strlen (job_specs) + 1);
+	if (temp_specs == NULL) {
-	fprintf(stderr, "Parse_Job_Specs: unable to allocate memory\n");
+		fprintf (stderr,
+			 "parse_job_specs: unable to allocate memory\n");
-	syslog(LOG_ALERT, "Parse_Job_Specs: unable to allocate memory\n");
+		syslog (LOG_ALERT,
+			"parse_job_specs: unable to allocate memory\n");
-	abort();
-    } /* if */
-    strcpy(Temp_Specs, Job_Specs);
-    Error_Code = Load_String (Job_Name, "JobName=", Temp_Specs);
-    if (Error_Code) goto cleanup;
-    Error_Code = Load_String (Req_Features, "Features=", Temp_Specs);
-    if (Error_Code) goto cleanup;
-    Error_Code = Load_String (Req_Node_List, "NodeList=", Temp_Specs);
-    if (Error_Code) goto cleanup;
-    Error_Code = Load_String (Req_Group, "Groups=", Temp_Specs);
-    if (Error_Code) goto cleanup;
-    Error_Code = Load_String (Req_Partition, "Partition=", Temp_Specs);
-    if (Error_Code) goto cleanup;
-    Error_Code = Load_Integer (Contiguous, "Contiguous", Temp_Specs);
-    if (Error_Code) goto cleanup;
-    Error_Code = Load_Integer (Req_CPUs, "TotalCPUs=", Temp_Specs);
-    if (Error_Code) goto cleanup;
-    Error_Code = Load_Integer (Req_Nodes, "TotalNodes=", Temp_Specs);
-    if (Error_Code) goto cleanup;
-    Error_Code = Load_Integer (Min_CPUs, "MinCPUs=", Temp_Specs);
-    if (Error_Code) goto cleanup;
-    Error_Code = Load_Integer (Min_Memory, "MinMemory=", Temp_Specs);
-    if (Error_Code) goto cleanup;
-    Error_Code = Load_Integer (Min_TmpDisk, "MinTmpDisk=", Temp_Specs);
-    if (Error_Code) goto cleanup;
-    Error_Code = Load_Integer (Key, "Key=", Temp_Specs);
-    if (Error_Code) goto cleanup;
-    Error_Code = Load_Integer (Shared, "Shared=", Temp_Specs);
-    if (Error_Code) goto cleanup;
-    Bad_Index = -1;
-    for (i=0; i<strlen(Temp_Specs); i++) {
-	if (isspace((int)Temp_Specs[i]) || (Temp_Specs[i] == '\n')) continue;
-	Bad_Index=i;
-	break;
-    } /* if */
+		abort ();
+	}			
+	strcpy (temp_specs, job_specs);
+	error_code = load_string (job_name, "JobName=", temp_specs);
+	if (error_code)
+		goto cleanup;
+	error_code = load_string (req_features, "Features=", temp_specs);
+	if (error_code)
+		goto cleanup;
+	error_code = load_string (req_node_list, "NodeList=", temp_specs);
+	if (error_code)
+		goto cleanup;
+	error_code = load_string (req_group, "Groups=", temp_specs);
+	if (error_code)
+		goto cleanup;
+	error_code = load_string (req_partition, "Partition=", temp_specs);
+	if (error_code)
+		goto cleanup;
+	error_code = load_integer (contiguous, "Contiguous", temp_specs);
+	if (error_code)
+		goto cleanup;
+	error_code = load_integer (req_cpus, "TotalCPUs=", temp_specs);
+	if (error_code)
+		goto cleanup;
+	error_code = load_integer (req_nodes, "TotalNodes=", temp_specs);
+	if (error_code)
+		goto cleanup;
+	error_code = load_integer (min_cpus, "MinCPUs=", temp_specs);
+	if (error_code)
+		goto cleanup;
+	error_code = load_integer (min_memory, "MinMemory=", temp_specs);
+	if (error_code)
+		goto cleanup;
+	error_code = load_integer (min_tmp_disk, "MinTmpDisk=", temp_specs);
+	if (error_code)
+		goto cleanup;
+	error_code = load_integer (key, "Key=", temp_specs);
+	if (error_code)
+		goto cleanup;
+	error_code = load_integer (shared, "Shared=", temp_specs);
+	if (error_code)
+		goto cleanup;
+	bad_index = -1;
+	for (i = 0; i < strlen (temp_specs); i++) {
+		if (isspace ((int) temp_specs[i]) || (temp_specs[i] == '\n'))
+			continue;
+		bad_index = i;
+		break;
+	}			
-    if (Bad_Index != -1) {
+	if (bad_index != -1) {
-	fprintf(stderr, "Parse_Job_Specs: Bad job specification input: %s\n", 
-		&Temp_Specs[Bad_Index]);
+		fprintf (stderr,
+			 "parse_job_specs: bad job specification input: %s\n",
+			 &temp_specs[bad_index]);
-	syslog(LOG_ERR, "Parse_Job_Specs: Bad job specification input: %s\n", 
-		&Temp_Specs[Bad_Index]);
+		syslog (LOG_ERR,
+			"parse_job_specs: bad job specification input: %s\n",
+			&temp_specs[bad_index]);
-	Error_Code = EINVAL;
-    } /* if */
-    free(Temp_Specs);
-    return Error_Code;
-    free(Temp_Specs);
-    if (Req_Features[0])  free(Req_Features[0]);
-    if (Req_Node_List[0]) free(Req_Node_List[0]);
-    if (Req_Group[0])     free(Req_Group[0]);
-    if (Req_Partition[0]) free(Req_Partition[0]);
-    if (Job_Name[0])      free(Job_Name[0]);
-    Req_Features[0] = Req_Node_List[0] = Req_Group[0] = Req_Partition[0] = Job_Name[0] = NULL;
-} /* Parse_Job_Specs */
+		error_code = EINVAL;
+	}			
+	free (temp_specs);
+	return error_code;
+      cleanup:
+	free (temp_specs);
+	if (req_features[0])
+		free (req_features[0]);
+	if (req_node_list[0])
+		free (req_node_list[0]);
+	if (req_group[0])
+		free (req_group[0]);
+	if (req_partition[0])
+		free (req_partition[0]);
+	if (job_name[0])
+		free (job_name[0]);
+	req_features[0] = req_node_list[0] = req_group[0] = req_partition[0] =
+		job_name[0] = NULL;
- * Pick_Best_CPUs - Identify the nodes which best fit the Req_Nodes and Req_CPUs counts
- * Input: BitMap - The bit map to search
- *        Req_BitMap - The bit map of nodes that MUST be selected, if not NULL these 
- *                     have already been confirmed to be in the input BitMap
- *        Req_Nodes - Number of nodes required
- *        Req_CPUs - Number of CPUs required
- *        Consecutive - Nodes must be consecutive is 1, otherwise 0
- * Output: BitMap - Nodes NOT required to satisfy the request are cleared, other left set
- *         Returns zero on success, EINVAL otherwise
- * NOTE: BitMap must be a superset of Req_Nodes at function call time
+ * pick_best_cpus - identify the nodes which best fit the req_nodes and req_cpus counts
+ * input: bitmap - the bit map to search
+ *        req_bitmap - the bit map of nodes that must be selected, if not NULL these 
+ *                     have already been confirmed to be in the input bitmap
+ *        req_nodes - number of nodes required
+ *        req_cpus - number of cpus required
+ *        consecutive - nodes must be consecutive is 1, otherwise 0
+ * output: bitmap - nodes not required to satisfy the request are cleared, other left set
+ *         returns zero on success, EINVAL otherwise
+ * NOTE: bitmap must be a superset of req_nodes at function call time
-int Pick_Best_CPUs(unsigned *BitMap, unsigned *Req_BitMap, int Req_Nodes, int Req_CPUs, 
-	int Consecutive) {
-    int i, index, Error_Code, Sufficient;
-    int *Consec_Nodes;	/* How many nodes we can add from this consecutive set of nodes */
-    int *Consec_CPUs;	/* How many nodes we can add from this consecutive set of nodes */
-    int *Consec_Start;	/* Where this consecutive set starts (index) */
-    int *Consec_End;	/* Where this consecutive set ends (index) */
-    int *Consec_Req;	/* Are nodes from this set required (in Req_BitMap) */
-    int Consec_Index, Consec_Size;
-    int Rem_CPUs, Rem_Nodes;	/* Remaining resources required */
-    int Best_Fit_Nodes, Best_Fit_CPUs, Best_Fit_Req, Best_Fit_Location, Best_Fit_Sufficient;
-    if (BitMap == NULL) {
+int pick_best_cpus (unsigned *bitmap, unsigned *req_bitmap, int req_nodes,
+		int req_cpus, int consecutive) {
+	int i, index, error_code, sufficient;
+	int *consec_nodes;	/* how many nodes we can add from this consecutive set of nodes */
+	int *consec_cpus;	/* how many nodes we can add from this consecutive set of nodes */
+	int *consec_start;	/* where this consecutive set starts (index) */
+	int *consec_end;	/* where this consecutive set ends (index) */
+	int *consec_req;	/* are nodes from this set required (in req_bitmap) */
+	int consec_index, consec_size;
+	int rem_cpus, rem_nodes;	/* remaining resources required */
+	int best_fit_nodes, best_fit_cpus, best_fit_req, best_fit_location,
+		best_fit_sufficient;
+	if (bitmap == NULL) {
-	fprintf(stderr, "Pick_Best_CPUs: BitMap pointer is NULL\n");
+		fprintf (stderr, "pick_best_cpus: bitmap pointer is NULL\n");
-	syslog(LOG_ALERT, "Pick_Best_CPUs: BitMap pointer is NULL\n");
+		syslog (LOG_ALERT,
+			"pick_best_cpus: bitmap pointer is NULL\n");
-	abort();
-    } /* if */
-    Error_Code = EINVAL;	/* Default is no fit */
-    Consec_Index = 0;
-    Consec_Size  = 50;		/* Start allocation for 50 sets of consecutive nodes */
-    Consec_CPUs  = malloc(sizeof(int)*Consec_Size);
-    Consec_Nodes = malloc(sizeof(int)*Consec_Size);
-    Consec_Start = malloc(sizeof(int)*Consec_Size);
-    Consec_End   = malloc(sizeof(int)*Consec_Size);
-    Consec_Req   = malloc(sizeof(int)*Consec_Size);
-    if ((Consec_CPUs  == NULL) || (Consec_Nodes == NULL) || 
-	(Consec_Start == NULL) || (Consec_End   == NULL) || (Consec_Req   == NULL)) {
+		abort ();
+	}			
+	error_code = EINVAL;	/* default is no fit */
+	consec_index = 0;
+	consec_size = 50;	/* start allocation for 50 sets of consecutive nodes */
+	consec_cpus = malloc (sizeof (int) * consec_size);
+	consec_nodes = malloc (sizeof (int) * consec_size);
+	consec_start = malloc (sizeof (int) * consec_size);
+	consec_end = malloc (sizeof (int) * consec_size);
+	consec_req = malloc (sizeof (int) * consec_size);
+	if ((consec_cpus == NULL) || (consec_nodes == NULL) ||
+	    (consec_start == NULL) || (consec_end == NULL)
+	    || (consec_req == NULL)) {
-	fprintf(stderr, "Pick_Best_CPUs: unable to allocate memory\n");
+		fprintf (stderr,
+			 "pick_best_cpus: unable to allocate memory\n");
-	syslog(LOG_ALERT, "Pick_Best_CPUs: unable to allocate memory\n");
+		syslog (LOG_ALERT,
+			"pick_best_cpus: unable to allocate memory\n");
-	goto cleanup;
-    } /* if */
-    Consec_CPUs[Consec_Index] = Consec_Nodes[Consec_Index] = 0;
-    Consec_Req[Consec_Index]  = -1;	/* No required nodes here by default */
-    Rem_CPUs  = Req_CPUs;
-    Rem_Nodes = Req_Nodes;
-    for (index=0; index<Node_Record_Count; index++) {
-	if (BitMapValue(BitMap,index)) {
-	    if (Consec_Nodes[Consec_Index] == 0) Consec_Start[Consec_Index] = index;
-	    i = Node_Record_Table_Ptr[index].CPUs;
-	    if (Req_BitMap && BitMapValue(Req_BitMap,index)) {
-		if (Consec_Req[Consec_Index] == -1) 
-			Consec_Req[Consec_Index] = index;	/* First required node in set */
-		Rem_CPUs -= i;	/* Reduce count of additional resources required */
-		Rem_Nodes--;	/* Reduce count of additional resources required */
-	    } else {
-		BitMapClear(BitMap, index);
-		Consec_CPUs[Consec_Index] += i;
-		Consec_Nodes[Consec_Index]++;
-	    } /* else */
-	} else if (Consec_Nodes[Consec_Index] == 0) { 
-	    Consec_Req[Consec_Index]  = -1;	/* Already picked up any required nodes */
-						/* Re-use this record */
-	} else {
-	    Consec_End[Consec_Index] = index - 1;
-	    if (++Consec_Index >= Consec_Size) {
-		Consec_Size *= 2;
-		Consec_CPUs  = realloc(Consec_CPUs , sizeof(int)*Consec_Size);
-		Consec_Nodes = realloc(Consec_Nodes, sizeof(int)*Consec_Size);
-		Consec_Start = realloc(Consec_Start, sizeof(int)*Consec_Size);
-		Consec_End   = realloc(Consec_End,   sizeof(int)*Consec_Size);
-		Consec_Req   = realloc(Consec_Req,   sizeof(int)*Consec_Size);
-		if ((Consec_CPUs  == NULL) || (Consec_Nodes == NULL) || 
-		    (Consec_Start == NULL) || (Consec_End   == NULL) || (Consec_Req   == NULL)) {
+		goto cleanup;
+	}			
+	consec_cpus[consec_index] = consec_nodes[consec_index] = 0;
+	consec_req[consec_index] = -1;	/* no required nodes here by default */
+	rem_cpus = req_cpus;
+	rem_nodes = req_nodes;
+	for (index = 0; index < node_record_count; index++) {
+		if (bitmap_value (bitmap, index)) {
+			if (consec_nodes[consec_index] == 0)
+				consec_start[consec_index] = index;
+			i = node_record_table_ptr[index].cpus;
+			if (req_bitmap && bitmap_value (req_bitmap, index)) {
+				if (consec_req[consec_index] == -1)
+					consec_req[consec_index] = index;	/* first required node in set */
+				rem_cpus -= i;	/* reduce count of additional resources required */
+				rem_nodes--;	/* reduce count of additional resources required */
+			}
+			else {
+				bitmap_clear (bitmap, index);
+				consec_cpus[consec_index] += i;
+				consec_nodes[consec_index]++;
+			}	
+		}
+		else if (consec_nodes[consec_index] == 0) {
+			consec_req[consec_index] = -1;	/* already picked up any required nodes */
+			/* re-use this record */
+		}
+		else {
+			consec_end[consec_index] = index - 1;
+			if (++consec_index >= consec_size) {
+				consec_size *= 2;
+				consec_cpus =
+					realloc (consec_cpus,
+						 sizeof (int) * consec_size);
+				consec_nodes =
+					realloc (consec_nodes,
+						 sizeof (int) * consec_size);
+				consec_start =
+					realloc (consec_start,
+						 sizeof (int) * consec_size);
+				consec_end =
+					realloc (consec_end,
+						 sizeof (int) * consec_size);
+				consec_req =
+					realloc (consec_req,
+						 sizeof (int) * consec_size);
+				if ((consec_cpus == NULL)
+				    || (consec_nodes == NULL)
+				    || (consec_start == NULL)
+				    || (consec_end == NULL)
+				    || (consec_req == NULL)) {
-		    fprintf(stderr, "Pick_Best_CPUs: unable to allocate memory\n");
+					fprintf (stderr,
+						 "pick_best_cpus: unable to allocate memory\n");
-		    syslog(LOG_ALERT, "Pick_Best_CPUs: unable to allocate memory\n");
+					syslog (LOG_ALERT,
+						"pick_best_cpus: unable to allocate memory\n");
-		    goto cleanup;
-		} /* if */
-	    } /* if */
-	    Consec_CPUs[Consec_Index]  = 0;
-	    Consec_Nodes[Consec_Index] = 0;
-	    Consec_Req[Consec_Index]   = -1;
-	} /* else */
-    } /* for (index */
-    if (Consec_Nodes[Consec_Index] != 0) Consec_End[Consec_Index++] = index-1;
+					goto cleanup;
+				}	
+			}	
+			consec_cpus[consec_index] = 0;
+			consec_nodes[consec_index] = 0;
+			consec_req[consec_index] = -1;
+		}		
+	}
+	if (consec_nodes[consec_index] != 0)
+		consec_end[consec_index++] = index - 1;
-    printf("Rem_CPUs=%d, Rem_Nodes=%d\n", Rem_CPUs, Rem_Nodes);
-    for (i=0; i<Consec_Index; i++) {
-	printf("Start=%s, End=%s, Nodes=%d, CPUs=%d", 
-		Node_Record_Table_Ptr[Consec_Start[i]].Name, 
-		Node_Record_Table_Ptr[Consec_End[i]].Name, 
-		Consec_Nodes[i], Consec_CPUs[i]);
-	if (Consec_Req[i] != -1) 
-	    printf(", Req=%s\n", Node_Record_Table_Ptr[Consec_Req[i]].Name);
-	else
-	    printf("\n");
-    } /* if */
+	printf ("rem_cpus=%d, rem_nodes=%d\n", rem_cpus, rem_nodes);
+	for (i = 0; i < consec_index; i++) {
+		printf ("start=%s, end=%s, nodes=%d, cpus=%d",
+			node_record_table_ptr[consec_start[i]].name,
+			node_record_table_ptr[consec_end[i]].name,
+			consec_nodes[i], consec_cpus[i]);
+		if (consec_req[i] != -1)
+			printf (", req=%s\n",
+				node_record_table_ptr[consec_req[i]].name);
+		else
+			printf ("\n");
+	}			
-    while (Consec_Index) {
-	Best_Fit_CPUs = Best_Fit_Nodes = Best_Fit_Sufficient = 0;
-	Best_Fit_Req = -1;	/* First required node, -1 if none */
-	for (i=0; i<Consec_Index; i++) {
-	    if (Consec_Nodes[i] == 0) continue;
-	    Sufficient = ((Consec_Nodes[i] >= Rem_Nodes) && (Consec_CPUs[i] >= Rem_CPUs));
-	    if ((Best_Fit_Nodes == 0) || 					/* First possibility */
-		((Best_Fit_Req == -1) && (Consec_Req[i] != -1)) ||		/* Required nodes */
-		(Sufficient && (Best_Fit_Sufficient == 0)) ||			/* First large enough */
-	        (Sufficient && (Consec_CPUs[i] < Best_Fit_CPUs)) ||		/* Less waste option */
-	        ((Sufficient == 0) && (Consec_CPUs[i] > Best_Fit_CPUs))) {	/* Larger option */ 
-		Best_Fit_CPUs  = Consec_CPUs[i];
-		Best_Fit_Nodes = Consec_Nodes[i];
-		Best_Fit_Location = i;
-		Best_Fit_Req = Consec_Req[i];
-		Best_Fit_Sufficient = Sufficient;
-	    } /* if */
-	} /* for */
-	if (Best_Fit_Nodes == 0) break;
-	if (Consecutive && ((Best_Fit_Nodes < Rem_Nodes) || (Best_Fit_CPUs < Rem_CPUs))) 
-		break; /* No hole large enough */
-	if (Best_Fit_Req != -1) {	/* Work out from required nodes */
-	    for (i=Best_Fit_Req; i<=Consec_End[Best_Fit_Location]; i++) {
-		if ((Rem_Nodes <= 0) && (Rem_CPUs <= 0)) break;
-		if (BitMapValue(BitMap, i)) continue;
-		BitMapSet(BitMap, i);
-		Rem_Nodes--;
-		Rem_CPUs -= Node_Record_Table_Ptr[i].CPUs;
-	    } /* for */
-	    for (i=(Best_Fit_Req-1); i>=Consec_Start[Best_Fit_Location]; i--) {
-		if ((Rem_Nodes <= 0) && (Rem_CPUs <= 0)) break;
-		/* if (BitMapValue(BitMap, i)) continue;  nothing set earlier */
-		BitMapSet(BitMap, i);
-		Rem_Nodes--;
-		Rem_CPUs -= Node_Record_Table_Ptr[i].CPUs;
-	    } /* for */
-	} else {
-	    for (i=Consec_Start[Best_Fit_Location]; i<=Consec_End[Best_Fit_Location]; i++) {
-		if ((Rem_Nodes <= 0) && (Rem_CPUs <= 0)) break;
-		if (BitMapValue(BitMap, i)) continue;
-		BitMapSet(BitMap, i);
-		Rem_Nodes--;
-		Rem_CPUs -= Node_Record_Table_Ptr[i].CPUs;
-	    } /* for */
-	} /* else */
-	if ((Rem_Nodes <= 0) && (Rem_CPUs <= 0)) {
-	    Error_Code = 0;
-	    break;
-	} /* if */
-	Consec_CPUs[Best_Fit_Location]  = 0;
-	Consec_Nodes[Best_Fit_Location] = 0;
-    } /* while */
-    if (Consec_CPUs ) free(Consec_CPUs);
-    if (Consec_Nodes) free(Consec_Nodes);
-    if (Consec_Start) free(Consec_Start);
-    if (Consec_End  ) free(Consec_End);
-    if (Consec_Req  ) free(Consec_Req);
-    return Error_Code;
-} /* Pick_Best_CPUs */
+	while (consec_index) {
+		best_fit_cpus = best_fit_nodes = best_fit_sufficient = 0;
+		best_fit_req = -1;	/* first required node, -1 if none */
+		for (i = 0; i < consec_index; i++) {
+			if (consec_nodes[i] == 0)
+				continue;
+			sufficient = ((consec_nodes[i] >= rem_nodes)
+				      && (consec_cpus[i] >= rem_cpus));
+			if ((best_fit_nodes == 0) ||	/* first possibility */
+			    ((best_fit_req == -1) && (consec_req[i] != -1)) ||	/* required nodes */
+			    (sufficient && (best_fit_sufficient == 0)) ||	/* first large enough */
+			    (sufficient && (consec_cpus[i] < best_fit_cpus)) ||	/* less waste option */
+			    ((sufficient == 0) && (consec_cpus[i] > best_fit_cpus))) {	/* larger option */
+				best_fit_cpus = consec_cpus[i];
+				best_fit_nodes = consec_nodes[i];
+				best_fit_location = i;
+				best_fit_req = consec_req[i];
+				best_fit_sufficient = sufficient;
+			}	
+		}		/* for */
+		if (best_fit_nodes == 0)
+			break;
+		if (consecutive
+		    && ((best_fit_nodes < rem_nodes)
+			|| (best_fit_cpus < rem_cpus)))
+			break;	/* no hole large enough */
+		if (best_fit_req != -1) {	/* work out from required nodes */
+			for (i = best_fit_req;
+			     i <= consec_end[best_fit_location]; i++) {
+				if ((rem_nodes <= 0) && (rem_cpus <= 0))
+					break;
+				if (bitmap_value (bitmap, i))
+					continue;
+				bitmap_set (bitmap, i);
+				rem_nodes--;
+				rem_cpus -= node_record_table_ptr[i].cpus;
+			}	/* for */
+			for (i = (best_fit_req - 1);
+			     i >= consec_start[best_fit_location]; i--) {
+				if ((rem_nodes <= 0) && (rem_cpus <= 0))
+					break;
+				/* if (bitmap_value(bitmap, i)) continue;  nothing set earlier */
+				bitmap_set (bitmap, i);
+				rem_nodes--;
+				rem_cpus -= node_record_table_ptr[i].cpus;
+			}	/* for */
+		}
+		else {
+			for (i = consec_start[best_fit_location];
+			     i <= consec_end[best_fit_location]; i++) {
+				if ((rem_nodes <= 0) && (rem_cpus <= 0))
+					break;
+				if (bitmap_value (bitmap, i))
+					continue;
+				bitmap_set (bitmap, i);
+				rem_nodes--;
+				rem_cpus -= node_record_table_ptr[i].cpus;
+			}	/* for */
+		}		
+		if ((rem_nodes <= 0) && (rem_cpus <= 0)) {
+			error_code = 0;
+			break;
+		}		
+		consec_cpus[best_fit_location] = 0;
+		consec_nodes[best_fit_location] = 0;
+	}			
+      cleanup:
+	if (consec_cpus)
+		free (consec_cpus);
+	if (consec_nodes)
+		free (consec_nodes);
+	if (consec_start)
+		free (consec_start);
+	if (consec_end)
+		free (consec_end);
+	if (consec_req)
+		free (consec_req);
+	return error_code;
- * Pick_Best_Nodes - From nodes satisfying partition and configuration specifications, 
+ * pick_best_nodes - from nodes satisfying partition and configuration specifications, 
  *	select the "best" for use
- * Input: Node_Set_Ptr - Pointer to node specification information
- *        Node_Set_Size - Number of entries in records pointed to by Node_Set_Ptr
- *        Req_BitMap - Pointer to bitmap of specific nodes required by the job, could be NULL
- *        Req_CPUs - Count of CPUs required by the job
- *        Req_Nodes - Count of nodes required by the job
- *        Contiguous - Set to 1 if allocated nodes must be contiguous, 0 otherwise
- *        Shared - Set to 1 if nodes may be shared, 0 otherwise
- *        Max_Nodes - Maximum number of nodes permitted for job, -1 for none (partition limit)
- * Output: Req_BitMap - Pointer to bitmap of selected nodes
- *         Returns 0 on success, EAGAIN if request can not be satisfied now, 
+ * input: node_set_ptr - pointer to node specification information
+ *        node_set_size - number of entries in records pointed to by node_set_ptr
+ *        req_bitmap - pointer to bitmap of specific nodes required by the job, could be NULL
+ *        req_cpus - count of cpus required by the job
+ *        req_nodes - count of nodes required by the job
+ *        contiguous - set to 1 if allocated nodes must be contiguous, 0 otherwise
+ *        shared - set to 1 if nodes may be shared, 0 otherwise
+ *        max_nodes - maximum number of nodes permitted for job, -1 for none (partition limit)
+ * output: req_bitmap - pointer to bitmap of selected nodes
+ *         returns 0 on success, EAGAIN if request can not be satisfied now, 
  *		EINVAL if request can never be satisfied (insufficient contiguous nodes)
- * NOTE: The caller must free memory pointed to by Req_BitMap
+ * NOTE: the caller must free memory pointed to by req_bitmap
-int Pick_Best_Nodes(struct Node_Set *Node_Set_Ptr, int Node_Set_Size, unsigned **Req_BitMap, 
-	int Req_CPUs, int  Req_Nodes, int Contiguous, int Shared, int Max_Nodes) {
-    int Error_Code, i, j, size;
-    int Total_Nodes, Total_CPUs;	/* Total resources configured in partition */
-    int Avail_Nodes, Avail_CPUs;	/* Resources available for use now */
-    unsigned *Avail_BitMap, *Total_BitMap;
-    int Max_Feature, Min_Feature;
-    int *CPUs_Per_Node;
-    int Avail_Set, Total_Set, Runable;
-    if (Node_Set_Size == 0) return EINVAL;
-    if ((Max_Nodes != -1) && (Req_Nodes > Max_Nodes)) return EINVAL; 
-    Error_Code = 0;
-    Avail_BitMap = Total_BitMap = NULL;
-    Avail_Nodes = Avail_CPUs = 0;
-    Total_Nodes = Total_CPUs = 0;
-    if (Req_BitMap[0]) {	/* Specific nodes required */
-	/* NOTE: We have already confirmed that all of these nodes have a usable */
-	/*       configuration and are in the proper partition */
-	if (Req_Nodes != 0) Total_Nodes=BitMapCount(Req_BitMap[0]);
-	if (Req_CPUs  != 0) Total_CPUs=Count_CPUs(Req_BitMap[0]);
-	if (Total_Nodes > Max_Nodes) return EINVAL;
-	if ((Req_Nodes <= Total_Nodes) && (Req_CPUs  <= Total_CPUs)) { 
-	    if (BitMapIsSuper(Req_BitMap[0], Up_NodeBitMap) != 1) return EAGAIN;
-	    if ((Shared != 1) && (BitMapIsSuper(Req_BitMap[0], Idle_NodeBitMap) != 1)) return EAGAIN;
-	    return 0;		/* User can have selected nodes, we're done! */
-	} /* if */
-        Total_Nodes = Total_CPUs = 0;  /* reinitialize */
-    } /* if */
-    /* Identify how many feature sets we have (e.g. "[FS1|FS2|FS3|FS4]" */
-    Max_Feature = Min_Feature = Node_Set_Ptr[0].Feature;
-    for (i=1; i<Node_Set_Size; i++) {
-	if (Node_Set_Ptr[i].Feature > Max_Feature) Max_Feature = Node_Set_Ptr[i].Feature;
-	if (Node_Set_Ptr[i].Feature < Min_Feature) Min_Feature = Node_Set_Ptr[i].Feature;
-    } /* for */
-    Runable = 0;	/* Assume not runable until otherwise demonstrated */
-    for (j=Min_Feature; j<=Max_Feature; j++) {
-	Avail_Set = Total_Set = 0;
-	for (i=0; i<Node_Set_Size; i++) {
-	    if (Node_Set_Ptr[i].Feature != j) continue;
-	    if (Runable == 0) {
-		if (Total_Set)
-		    BitMapOR(Total_BitMap, Node_Set_Ptr[i].My_BitMap);
-		else {
-		    Total_BitMap = BitMapCopy(Node_Set_Ptr[i].My_BitMap);
-		    if (Total_BitMap == NULL) {		/* No memory */
-			if (Avail_BitMap) free(Avail_BitMap);
-			return EAGAIN;
-		    } /* if */
-		    Total_Set = 1;
-		} /* else */
-		Total_Nodes += Node_Set_Ptr[i].Nodes;
-		Total_CPUs += (Node_Set_Ptr[i].Nodes * Node_Set_Ptr[i].CPUs_Per_Node);
-	    } /* if */
-	    BitMapAND(Node_Set_Ptr[i].My_BitMap, Up_NodeBitMap);
-	    if (Shared != 1) BitMapAND(Node_Set_Ptr[i].My_BitMap, Idle_NodeBitMap);
-	    Node_Set_Ptr[i].Nodes = BitMapCount(Node_Set_Ptr[i].My_BitMap);
-	    if (Avail_Set)
-		BitMapOR(Avail_BitMap, Node_Set_Ptr[i].My_BitMap);
-	    else {
-		Avail_BitMap = BitMapCopy(Node_Set_Ptr[i].My_BitMap);
-		if (Avail_BitMap == NULL) {		/* No memory */
-		    if (Total_BitMap) free(Total_BitMap);
-		    return EAGAIN;
-		} /* if */
-		Avail_Set = 1;
-	    } /* else */
-	    Avail_Nodes += Node_Set_Ptr[i].Nodes;
-	    Avail_CPUs += (Node_Set_Ptr[i].Nodes * Node_Set_Ptr[i].CPUs_Per_Node);
-	    if ((Req_BitMap[0]) && (BitMapIsSuper(Req_BitMap[0],Avail_BitMap) == 0)) continue;
-	    if (Avail_Nodes < Req_Nodes) continue;
-	    if (Avail_CPUs  < Req_CPUs ) continue;
-	    Error_Code = Pick_Best_CPUs(Avail_BitMap, Req_BitMap[0], Req_Nodes, Req_CPUs, Contiguous);
-	    if ((Error_Code == 0) && (Max_Nodes != -1) && 
-		(BitMapCount(Avail_BitMap) > Max_Nodes)) {
-		Error_Code = EINVAL;
-		break;
-	    } /* if */
-	    if (Error_Code == 0) {
-		if (Total_BitMap)  free(Total_BitMap);
-		if (Req_BitMap[0]) free(Req_BitMap[0]);
-		Req_BitMap[0] = Avail_BitMap;
-		return 0;
-	    } /* if */
-	} /* for (i */
-	if ((Error_Code == 0) && (Runable == 0) && 
-	    (Total_Nodes > Req_Nodes) && (Total_CPUs > Req_CPUs) && 
-	    ((Req_BitMap[0] == NULL) || (BitMapIsSuper(Req_BitMap[0],Avail_BitMap) == 1)) &&
-	     ((Max_Nodes == -1) || (Req_Nodes <= Max_Nodes))) {	
-	    /* Determine if job could possibly run (if configured nodes all available) */
-	    Error_Code = Pick_Best_CPUs(Total_BitMap, Req_BitMap[0], Req_Nodes, Req_CPUs, Contiguous);
-	    if ((Error_Code == 0) && (Max_Nodes != -1) && 
-		    (BitMapCount(Avail_BitMap) > Max_Nodes)) Error_Code = EINVAL;
-	    if (Error_Code == 0) Runable=1;
-	} /* if */
-	if (Avail_BitMap) free(Avail_BitMap);
-	if (Total_BitMap) free(Total_BitMap);
-	Avail_BitMap = Total_BitMap = NULL;
-	if (Error_Code != 0) break;
-    } /* for (j */
-    if (Runable == 0)    Error_Code=EINVAL;
-    if (Error_Code == 0) Error_Code=EAGAIN;
-    return Error_Code;
-} /* Pick_Best_Nodes */
+pick_best_nodes (struct node_set *node_set_ptr, int node_set_size,
+		 unsigned **req_bitmap, int req_cpus, int req_nodes,
+		 int contiguous, int shared, int max_nodes) {
+	int error_code, i, j, size;
+	int total_nodes, total_cpus;	/* total resources configured in partition */
+	int avail_nodes, avail_cpus;	/* resources available for use now */
+	unsigned *avail_bitmap, *total_bitmap;
+	int max_feature, min_feature;
+	int *cpus_per_node;
+	int avail_set, total_set, runable;
+	if (node_set_size == 0)
+		return EINVAL;
+	if ((max_nodes != -1) && (req_nodes > max_nodes))
+		return EINVAL;
+	error_code = 0;
+	avail_bitmap = total_bitmap = NULL;
+	avail_nodes = avail_cpus = 0;
+	total_nodes = total_cpus = 0;
+	if (req_bitmap[0]) {	/* specific nodes required */
+		/* NOTE: we have already confirmed that all of these nodes have a usable */
+		/*       configuration and are in the proper partition */
+		if (req_nodes != 0)
+			total_nodes = bitmap_count (req_bitmap[0]);
+		if (req_cpus != 0)
+			total_cpus = count_cpus (req_bitmap[0]);
+		if (total_nodes > max_nodes)
+			return EINVAL;
+		if ((req_nodes <= total_nodes) && (req_cpus <= total_cpus)) {
+			if (bitmap_is_super (req_bitmap[0], up_node_bitmap) !=
+			    1)
+				return EAGAIN;
+			if ((shared != 1)
+			    &&
+			    (bitmap_is_super (req_bitmap[0], idle_node_bitmap)
+			     != 1))
+				return EAGAIN;
+			return 0;	/* user can have selected nodes, we're done! */
+		}		
+		total_nodes = total_cpus = 0;	/* reinitialize */
+	}			
+	/* identify how many feature sets we have (e.g. "[fs1|fs2|fs3|fs4]" */
+	max_feature = min_feature = node_set_ptr[0].feature;
+	for (i = 1; i < node_set_size; i++) {
+		if (node_set_ptr[i].feature > max_feature)
+			max_feature = node_set_ptr[i].feature;
+		if (node_set_ptr[i].feature < min_feature)
+			min_feature = node_set_ptr[i].feature;
+	}			/* for */
+	runable = 0;		/* assume not runable until otherwise demonstrated */
+	for (j = min_feature; j <= max_feature; j++) {
+		avail_set = total_set = 0;
+		for (i = 0; i < node_set_size; i++) {
+			if (node_set_ptr[i].feature != j)
+				continue;
+			if (runable == 0) {
+				if (total_set)
+					bitmap_or (total_bitmap,
+						   node_set_ptr[i].my_bitmap);
+				else {
+					total_bitmap =
+						bitmap_copy (node_set_ptr[i].
+							     my_bitmap);
+					if (total_bitmap == NULL) {	/* no memory */
+						if (avail_bitmap)
+							free (avail_bitmap);
+						return EAGAIN;
+					}	
+					total_set = 1;
+				}	
+				total_nodes += node_set_ptr[i].nodes;
+				total_cpus +=
+					(node_set_ptr[i].nodes *
+					 node_set_ptr[i].cpus_per_node);
+			}	
+			bitmap_and (node_set_ptr[i].my_bitmap,
+				    up_node_bitmap);
+			if (shared != 1)
+				bitmap_and (node_set_ptr[i].my_bitmap,
+					    idle_node_bitmap);
+			node_set_ptr[i].nodes =
+				bitmap_count (node_set_ptr[i].my_bitmap);
+			if (avail_set)
+				bitmap_or (avail_bitmap,
+					   node_set_ptr[i].my_bitmap);
+			else {
+				avail_bitmap =
+					bitmap_copy (node_set_ptr[i].
+						     my_bitmap);
+				if (avail_bitmap == NULL) {	/* no memory */
+					if (total_bitmap)
+						free (total_bitmap);
+					return EAGAIN;
+				}	
+				avail_set = 1;
+			}	
+			avail_nodes += node_set_ptr[i].nodes;
+			avail_cpus +=
+				(node_set_ptr[i].nodes *
+				 node_set_ptr[i].cpus_per_node);
+			if ((req_bitmap[0])
+			    && (bitmap_is_super (req_bitmap[0], avail_bitmap)
+				== 0))
+				continue;
+			if (avail_nodes < req_nodes)
+				continue;
+			if (avail_cpus < req_cpus)
+				continue;
+			error_code =
+				pick_best_cpus (avail_bitmap, req_bitmap[0],
+						req_nodes, req_cpus,
+						contiguous);
+			if ((error_code == 0) && (max_nodes != -1)
+			    && (bitmap_count (avail_bitmap) > max_nodes)) {
+				error_code = EINVAL;
+				break;
+			}	
+			if (error_code == 0) {
+				if (total_bitmap)
+					free (total_bitmap);
+				if (req_bitmap[0])
+					free (req_bitmap[0]);
+				req_bitmap[0] = avail_bitmap;
+				return 0;
+			}	
+		}		/* for (i */
+		if ((error_code == 0) && (runable == 0) &&
+		    (total_nodes > req_nodes) && (total_cpus > req_cpus) &&
+		    ((req_bitmap[0] == NULL)
+		     || (bitmap_is_super (req_bitmap[0], avail_bitmap) == 1))
+		    && ((max_nodes == -1) || (req_nodes <= max_nodes))) {
+			/* determine if job could possibly run (if configured nodes all available) */
+			error_code =
+				pick_best_cpus (total_bitmap, req_bitmap[0],
+						req_nodes, req_cpus,
+						contiguous);
+			if ((error_code == 0) && (max_nodes != -1)
+			    && (bitmap_count (avail_bitmap) > max_nodes))
+				error_code = EINVAL;
+			if (error_code == 0)
+				runable = 1;
+		}		
+		if (avail_bitmap)
+			free (avail_bitmap);
+		if (total_bitmap)
+			free (total_bitmap);
+		avail_bitmap = total_bitmap = NULL;
+		if (error_code != 0)
+			break;
+	}			/* for (j */
+	if (runable == 0)
+		error_code = EINVAL;
+	if (error_code == 0)
+		error_code = EAGAIN;
+	return error_code;
- * Select_Nodes - Select and allocate nodes to a job with the given specifications
- * Input: Job_Specs - Job specifications
- *        Node_List - Pointer to node list returned
- * Output: Node_List - List of allocated nodes
- *         Returns 0 on success, EINVAL if not possible to satisfy request, 
+ * select_nodes - select and allocate nodes to a job with the given specifications
+ * input: job_specs - job specifications
+ *        node_list - pointer to node list returned
+ * output: node_list - list of allocated nodes
+ *         returns 0 on success, EINVAL if not possible to satisfy request, 
  *		or EAGAIN if resources are presently busy
- * NOTE: The calling program must free the memory pointed to by Node_List
+ * NOTE: the calling program must free the memory pointed to by node_list
-int Select_Nodes(char *Job_Specs, char **Node_List) {
-    char *Req_Features, *Req_Node_List, *Job_Name, *Req_Group, *Req_Partition, *Out_Line;
-    int Contiguous, Req_CPUs, Req_Nodes, Min_CPUs, Min_Memory, Min_TmpDisk;
-    int Error_Code, CPU_Tally, Node_Tally, Key, Shared;
-    struct Part_Record *Part_Ptr;
-    unsigned *Req_BitMap, *Scratch_BitMap;
-    ListIterator Config_Record_Iterator;	/* For iterating through Config_List */
-    struct Config_Record *Config_Record_Point;	/* Pointer to Config_Record */
-    int i;
-    struct Node_Set *Node_Set_Ptr;
-    int Node_Set_Index, Node_Set_Size;
-    Req_Features = Req_Node_List = Job_Name = Req_Group = Req_Partition = NULL;
-    Req_BitMap = Scratch_BitMap = NULL;
-    Contiguous = Req_CPUs = Req_Nodes = Min_CPUs = Min_Memory = Min_TmpDisk = NO_VAL;
-    Key = Shared = NO_VAL;
-    Node_Set_Ptr = NULL;
-    Config_Record_Iterator = NULL;
-    Node_List[0] = NULL;
-    Config_Record_Iterator = (ListIterator)NULL;
-    Node_Lock();
-    Part_Lock();
-    /* Setup and basic parsing */
-    Error_Code = Parse_Job_Specs(Job_Specs, &Req_Features, &Req_Node_List, &Job_Name, &Req_Group, 
-		&Req_Partition, &Contiguous, &Req_CPUs, &Req_Nodes, &Min_CPUs, 
-		&Min_Memory, &Min_TmpDisk, &Key, &Shared);
-    if (Error_Code != 0) {
-	Error_Code =  EINVAL;	/* Permanent error, invalid parsing */
+select_nodes (char *job_specs, char **node_list) {
+	char *req_features, *req_node_list, *job_name, *req_group,
+		*req_partition, *out_line;
+	int contiguous, req_cpus, req_nodes, min_cpus, min_memory,
+		min_tmp_disk;
+	int error_code, cpu_tally, node_tally, key, shared;
+	struct part_record *part_ptr;
+	unsigned *req_bitmap, *scratch_bitmap;
+	ListIterator config_record_iterator;	/* for iterating through config_list */
+	struct config_record *config_record_point;	/* pointer to config_record */
+	int i;
+	struct node_set *node_set_ptr;
+	int node_set_index, node_set_size;
+	req_features = req_node_list = job_name = req_group = req_partition =
+		NULL;
+	req_bitmap = scratch_bitmap = NULL;
+	contiguous = req_cpus = req_nodes = min_cpus = min_memory =
+		min_tmp_disk = NO_VAL;
+	key = shared = NO_VAL;
+	node_set_ptr = NULL;
+	config_record_iterator = NULL;
+	node_list[0] = NULL;
+	config_record_iterator = (ListIterator) NULL;
+	node_lock ();
+	part_lock ();
+	/* setup and basic parsing */
+	error_code =
+		parse_job_specs (job_specs, &req_features, &req_node_list,
+				 &job_name, &req_group, &req_partition,
+				 &contiguous, &req_cpus, &req_nodes,
+				 &min_cpus, &min_memory, &min_tmp_disk, &key,
+				 &shared);
+	if (error_code != 0) {
+		error_code = EINVAL;	/* permanent error, invalid parsing */
-	fprintf(stderr, "Select_Nodes: Parsing failure on %s\n", Job_Specs);
+		fprintf (stderr, "select_nodes: parsing failure on %s\n",
+			 job_specs);
-	syslog(LOG_NOTICE, "Select_Nodes: Parsing failure on %s\n", Job_Specs);
+		syslog (LOG_NOTICE, "select_nodes: parsing failure on %s\n",
+			job_specs);
-	goto cleanup;
-    } /* if */
-    if ((Req_CPUs == NO_VAL) && (Req_Nodes == NO_VAL) && (Req_Node_List == NULL)) {
+		goto cleanup;
+	}			
+	if ((req_cpus == NO_VAL) && (req_nodes == NO_VAL)
+	    && (req_node_list == NULL)) {
-	fprintf(stderr, "Select_Nodes: Job failed to specify NodeList, CPU or Node count\n");
+		fprintf (stderr,
+			 "select_nodes: job failed to specify node_list, cpu or node count\n");
-	syslog(LOG_NOTICE, "Select_Nodes: Job failed to specify NodeList, CPU or Node count\n");
+		syslog (LOG_NOTICE,
+			"select_nodes: job failed to specify node_list, cpu or node count\n");
-	Error_Code =  EINVAL;
-	goto cleanup;
-    } /* if */
-    if (Contiguous == NO_VAL) Contiguous=0;	/* Default not contiguous */
-    if (Req_CPUs   == NO_VAL) Req_CPUs=0;	/* Default no CPU count requirements */
-    if (Req_Nodes  == NO_VAL) Req_Nodes=0;	/* Default no node count requirements */
-    /* Find selected partition */
-    if (Req_Partition) {
-	Part_Ptr   = list_find_first(Part_List, &List_Find_Part, Req_Partition);
-	if (Part_Ptr == NULL) {
+		error_code = EINVAL;
+		goto cleanup;
+	}			
+	if (contiguous == NO_VAL)
+		contiguous = 0;	/* default not contiguous */
+	if (req_cpus == NO_VAL)
+		req_cpus = 0;	/* default no cpu count requirements */
+	if (req_nodes == NO_VAL)
+		req_nodes = 0;	/* default no node count requirements */
+	/* find selected partition */
+	if (req_partition) {
+		part_ptr =
+			list_find_first (part_list, &list_find_part,
+					 req_partition);
+		if (part_ptr == NULL) {
-	    fprintf(stderr, "Select_Nodes: Invalid partition specified: %s\n", Req_Partition);
+			fprintf (stderr,
+				 "select_nodes: invalid partition specified: %s\n",
+				 req_partition);
-	    syslog(LOG_NOTICE, "Select_Nodes: Invalid partition specified: %s\n", Req_Partition);
+			syslog (LOG_NOTICE,
+				"select_nodes: invalid partition specified: %s\n",
+				req_partition);
-	    Error_Code = EINVAL;
-	    goto cleanup;
-	} /* if */
-    } else {
-	if (Default_Part_Loc == NULL) {
+			error_code = EINVAL;
+			goto cleanup;
+		}		
+	}
+	else {
+		if (default_part_loc == NULL) {
-	    fprintf(stderr, "Select_Nodes: Default partition not set.\n");
+			fprintf (stderr,
+				 "select_nodes: default partition not set.\n");
-	    syslog(LOG_ERR, "Select_Nodes: Default partition not set.\n");
+			syslog (LOG_ERR,
+				"select_nodes: default partition not set.\n");
-	    Error_Code = EINVAL;
-	    goto cleanup;
-	} /* if */
-	Part_Ptr = Default_Part_Loc;
-    } /* if */
+			error_code = EINVAL;
+			goto cleanup;
+		}		
+		part_ptr = default_part_loc;
+	}			
-    /* Can this user access this partition */
-    if (Part_Ptr->Key && (Is_Key_Valid(Key) == 0)) {
+	/* can this user access this partition */
+	if (part_ptr->key && (is_key_valid (key) == 0)) {
-	fprintf(stderr, "Select_Nodes: Job lacks key required of partition %s\n", 
-		Part_Ptr->Name);
+		fprintf (stderr,
+			 "select_nodes: job lacks key required of partition %s\n",
+			 part_ptr->name);
-	syslog(LOG_NOTICE, "Select_Nodes: Job lacks key required of partition %s\n", 
-		Part_Ptr->Name);
+		syslog (LOG_NOTICE,
+			"select_nodes: job lacks key required of partition %s\n",
+			part_ptr->name);
-	Error_Code = EINVAL;
-	goto cleanup;
-    } /* if */
-    if (Match_Group(Part_Ptr->AllowGroups, Req_Group) == 0) {
+		error_code = EINVAL;
+		goto cleanup;
+	}			
+	if (match_group (part_ptr->allow_groups, req_group) == 0) {
-	fprintf(stderr, "Select_Nodes: Job lacks group required of partition %s\n", 
-		Part_Ptr->Name);
+		fprintf (stderr,
+			 "select_nodes: job lacks group required of partition %s\n",
+			 part_ptr->name);
-	syslog(LOG_NOTICE, "Select_Nodes: Job lacks group required of partition %s\n", 
-		Part_Ptr->Name);
+		syslog (LOG_NOTICE,
+			"select_nodes: job lacks group required of partition %s\n",
+			part_ptr->name);
-	Error_Code = EINVAL;
-	goto cleanup;
-    } /* if */
-    /* Check if select partition has sufficient resources to satisfy request */
-    if (Req_Node_List) { /* Insure that selected nodes are in this partition */
-	Error_Code = NodeName2BitMap(Req_Node_List, &Req_BitMap);
-	if (Error_Code == EINVAL) goto cleanup;
-	if (Error_Code != 0) {
-	    Error_Code = EAGAIN;  /* No memory */
-	    goto cleanup;
-	} /* if */
-	if (Contiguous == 1) BitMapFill(Req_BitMap);
-	if (BitMapIsSuper(Req_BitMap, Part_Ptr->NodeBitMap) != 1) {
+		error_code = EINVAL;
+		goto cleanup;
+	}			
+	/* check if select partition has sufficient resources to satisfy request */
+	if (req_node_list) {	/* insure that selected nodes are in this partition */
+		error_code = node_name2bitmap (req_node_list, &req_bitmap);
+		if (error_code == EINVAL)
+			goto cleanup;
+		if (error_code != 0) {
+			error_code = EAGAIN;	/* no memory */
+			goto cleanup;
+		}		
+		if (contiguous == 1)
+			bitmap_fill (req_bitmap);
+		if (bitmap_is_super (req_bitmap, part_ptr->node_bitmap) != 1) {
-	    fprintf(stderr, "Select_Nodes: Requested nodes %s not in partition %s\n", 
-		Req_Node_List, Part_Ptr->Name);
+			fprintf (stderr,
+				 "select_nodes: requested nodes %s not in partition %s\n",
+				 req_node_list, part_ptr->name);
-	    syslog(LOG_NOTICE, "Select_Nodes: Requested nodes %s not in partition %s\n", 
-		Req_Node_List, Part_Ptr->Name);
+			syslog (LOG_NOTICE,
+				"select_nodes: requested nodes %s not in partition %s\n",
+				req_node_list, part_ptr->name);
-	    Error_Code = EINVAL;
-	    goto cleanup;
-	} /* if */
-	i = Count_CPUs(Req_BitMap);
-	if (i > Req_CPUs) Req_CPUs=i;
-	i = BitMapCount(Req_BitMap);
-	if (i > Req_Nodes) Req_Nodes=i;
-    } /* if */
-    if (Req_CPUs > Part_Ptr->TotalCPUs) {
+			error_code = EINVAL;
+			goto cleanup;
+		}		
+		i = count_cpus (req_bitmap);
+		if (i > req_cpus)
+			req_cpus = i;
+		i = bitmap_count (req_bitmap);
+		if (i > req_nodes)
+			req_nodes = i;
+	}			
+	if (req_cpus > part_ptr->total_cpus) {
-	fprintf(stderr, "Select_Nodes: Too many CPUs (%d) requested of partition %s(%d)\n", 
-		Req_CPUs, Part_Ptr->Name, Part_Ptr->TotalCPUs);
+		fprintf (stderr,
+			 "select_nodes: too many cpus (%d) requested of partition %s(%d)\n",
+			 req_cpus, part_ptr->name, part_ptr->total_cpus);
-	syslog(LOG_NOTICE, "Select_Nodes: Too many CPUs (%d) requested of partition %s(%d)\n", 
-		Req_CPUs, Part_Ptr->Name, Part_Ptr->TotalCPUs);
+		syslog (LOG_NOTICE,
+			"select_nodes: too many cpus (%d) requested of partition %s(%d)\n",
+			req_cpus, part_ptr->name, part_ptr->total_cpus);
-	Error_Code = EINVAL;
-	goto cleanup;
-    } /* if */
-    if ((Req_Nodes > Part_Ptr->TotalNodes) || (Req_Nodes > Part_Ptr->MaxNodes)) {
-	if (Part_Ptr->TotalNodes > Part_Ptr->MaxNodes)
-	    i = Part_Ptr->MaxNodes;
-	else
-	    i = Part_Ptr->TotalNodes;
+		error_code = EINVAL;
+		goto cleanup;
+	}			
+	if ((req_nodes > part_ptr->total_nodes)
+	    || (req_nodes > part_ptr->max_nodes)) {
+		if (part_ptr->total_nodes > part_ptr->max_nodes)
+			i = part_ptr->max_nodes;
+		else
+			i = part_ptr->total_nodes;
-	fprintf(stderr, "Select_Nodes: Too many nodes (%d) requested of partition %s(%d)\n", 
-		Req_Nodes, Part_Ptr->Name, i);
+		fprintf (stderr,
+			 "select_nodes: too many nodes (%d) requested of partition %s(%d)\n",
+			 req_nodes, part_ptr->name, i);
-	syslog(LOG_NOTICE, "Select_Nodes: Too many nodes (%d) requested of partition %s(%d)\n", 
-		Req_Nodes, Part_Ptr->Name, i);
+		syslog (LOG_NOTICE,
+			"select_nodes: too many nodes (%d) requested of partition %s(%d)\n",
+			req_nodes, part_ptr->name, i);
-	Error_Code = EINVAL;
-	goto cleanup;
-    } /* if */
-    if (Part_Ptr->Shared == 2)				/* Shared=FORCE */
-	Shared = 1;
-    else if ((Shared != 1) || (Part_Ptr->Shared == 0)) 	/* User or partition want no sharing */
-	Shared = 0;
-    /* Pick up nodes from the Weight ordered configuration list */
-    Node_Set_Index = 0;
-    Node_Set_Size = 0;
-    Node_Set_Ptr = (struct Node_Set *)malloc(sizeof(struct Node_Set));
-    if (Node_Set_Ptr == NULL) {
+		error_code = EINVAL;
+		goto cleanup;
+	}			
+	if (part_ptr->shared == 2)	/* shared=force */
+		shared = 1;
+	else if ((shared != 1) || (part_ptr->shared == 0))	/* user or partition want no sharing */
+		shared = 0;
+	/* pick up nodes from the weight ordered configuration list */
+	node_set_index = 0;
+	node_set_size = 0;
+	node_set_ptr = (struct node_set *) malloc (sizeof (struct node_set));
+	if (node_set_ptr == NULL) {
-	fprintf(stderr, "Select_Nodes: Unable to allocate memory\n");
+		fprintf (stderr, "select_nodes: unable to allocate memory\n");
-	syslog(LOG_ALERT, "Select_Nodes: Unable to allocate memory\n");
+		syslog (LOG_ALERT,
+			"select_nodes: unable to allocate memory\n");
-	Error_Code = EAGAIN;
-	goto cleanup;
-    } /* if */
-    Node_Set_Ptr[Node_Set_Size++].My_BitMap = NULL;
-    Config_Record_Iterator = list_iterator_create(Config_List);
-    if (Config_Record_Iterator == NULL) {
+		error_code = EAGAIN;
+		goto cleanup;
+	}			
+	node_set_ptr[node_set_size++].my_bitmap = NULL;
+	config_record_iterator = list_iterator_create (config_list);
+	if (config_record_iterator == NULL) {
-	fprintf(stderr, "Select_Nodes: list_iterator_create unable to allocate memory\n");
+		fprintf (stderr,
+			 "select_nodes: ListIterator_create unable to allocate memory\n");
-	syslog(LOG_ALERT, "Select_Nodes: list_iterator_create unable to allocate memory\n");
+		syslog (LOG_ALERT,
+			"select_nodes: ListIterator_create unable to allocate memory\n");
-	Error_Code = EAGAIN;
-	goto cleanup;
-    } /* if */
-    while (Config_Record_Point = (struct Config_Record *)list_next(Config_Record_Iterator)) {
-	int Tmp_Feature, Check_Node_Config;
-	Tmp_Feature = ValidFeatures(Req_Features, Config_Record_Point->Feature);
-	if (Tmp_Feature == 0) continue;
-	/* Since nodes can register with more resources than defined in the configuration,    */
-	/* we want to use those higher values for scheduling, but only as needed */
-	if ((Min_CPUs    > Config_Record_Point->CPUs)  ||
-	    (Min_Memory  > Config_Record_Point->RealMemory) ||
-	    (Min_TmpDisk > Config_Record_Point->TmpDisk) )
-	    Check_Node_Config = 1;
-	else
-	    Check_Node_Config = 0;
-	Node_Set_Ptr[Node_Set_Index].My_BitMap = BitMapCopy(Config_Record_Point->NodeBitMap);
-	if (Node_Set_Ptr[Node_Set_Index].My_BitMap == NULL) {
-	    Error_Code = EAGAIN;  /* No memory */
-	    goto cleanup;
-	} /* if */
-	BitMapAND(Node_Set_Ptr[Node_Set_Index].My_BitMap, Part_Ptr->NodeBitMap);
-	Node_Set_Ptr[Node_Set_Index].Nodes = BitMapCount(Node_Set_Ptr[Node_Set_Index].My_BitMap);
-	/* Check configuration of individual nodes ONLY if the check of baseline values in the */
-	/*  configuration file are too low. This will slow the scheduling for very large cluster. */
-	if (Check_Node_Config && (Node_Set_Ptr[Node_Set_Index].Nodes != 0)) {
-	    for (i=0; i<Node_Record_Count; i++) {
-		if (BitMapValue(Node_Set_Ptr[Node_Set_Index].My_BitMap, i) == 0) continue;
-		if ((Min_CPUs    <= Node_Record_Table_Ptr[i].CPUs)       &&
-		    (Min_Memory  <= Node_Record_Table_Ptr[i].RealMemory) &&
-		    (Min_TmpDisk <= Node_Record_Table_Ptr[i].TmpDisk)) continue;
-		BitMapClear(Node_Set_Ptr[Node_Set_Index].My_BitMap, i);
-		if ((--Node_Set_Ptr[Node_Set_Index].Nodes) == 0) break;
-	    } /* for */
-	} /* if */
-	if (Node_Set_Ptr[Node_Set_Index].Nodes == 0) {
-	    free(Node_Set_Ptr[Node_Set_Index].My_BitMap);
-	    Node_Set_Ptr[Node_Set_Index].My_BitMap = NULL;
-	    continue;
-	} /* if */
-	if (Req_BitMap) {
-	    if (Scratch_BitMap) 
-		BitMapOR(Scratch_BitMap, Node_Set_Ptr[Node_Set_Index].My_BitMap);
-	    else {
-		Scratch_BitMap = BitMapCopy(Node_Set_Ptr[Node_Set_Index].My_BitMap);
-		if (Scratch_BitMap == NULL) { 
-		    Error_Code = EAGAIN; 
-		    goto cleanup;
-		} /* if */
-	    } /* else */
-	} /* if */
-	Node_Set_Ptr[Node_Set_Index].CPUs_Per_Node = Config_Record_Point->CPUs;
-	Node_Set_Ptr[Node_Set_Index].Weight = Config_Record_Point->Weight;
-	Node_Set_Ptr[Node_Set_Index].Feature = Tmp_Feature;
+		error_code = EAGAIN;
+		goto cleanup;
+	}			
+	while (config_record_point =
+	       (struct config_record *) list_next (config_record_iterator)) {
+		int tmp_feature, check_node_config;
+		tmp_feature =
+			valid_features (req_features,
+					config_record_point->feature);
+		if (tmp_feature == 0)
+			continue;
+		/* since nodes can register with more resources than defined in the configuration,    */
+		/* we want to use those higher values for scheduling, but only as needed */
+		if ((min_cpus > config_record_point->cpus) ||
+		    (min_memory > config_record_point->real_memory) ||
+		    (min_tmp_disk > config_record_point->tmp_disk))
+			check_node_config = 1;
+		else
+			check_node_config = 0;
+		node_set_ptr[node_set_index].my_bitmap =
+			bitmap_copy (config_record_point->node_bitmap);
+		if (node_set_ptr[node_set_index].my_bitmap == NULL) {
+			error_code = EAGAIN;	/* no memory */
+			goto cleanup;
+		}		
+		bitmap_and (node_set_ptr[node_set_index].my_bitmap,
+			    part_ptr->node_bitmap);
+		node_set_ptr[node_set_index].nodes =
+			bitmap_count (node_set_ptr[node_set_index].my_bitmap);
+		/* check configuration of individual nodes only if the check of baseline values in the */
+		/*  configuration file are too low. this will slow the scheduling for very large cluster. */
+		if (check_node_config
+		    && (node_set_ptr[node_set_index].nodes != 0)) {
+			for (i = 0; i < node_record_count; i++) {
+				if (bitmap_value
+				    (node_set_ptr[node_set_index].my_bitmap,
+				     i) == 0)
+					continue;
+				if ((min_cpus <=
+				     node_record_table_ptr[i].cpus)
+				    && (min_memory <=
+					node_record_table_ptr[i].real_memory)
+				    && (min_tmp_disk <=
+					node_record_table_ptr[i].tmp_disk))
+					continue;
+				bitmap_clear (node_set_ptr[node_set_index].
+					      my_bitmap, i);
+				if ((--node_set_ptr[node_set_index].nodes) ==
+				    0)
+					break;
+			}	/* for */
+		}		
+		if (node_set_ptr[node_set_index].nodes == 0) {
+			free (node_set_ptr[node_set_index].my_bitmap);
+			node_set_ptr[node_set_index].my_bitmap = NULL;
+			continue;
+		}		
+		if (req_bitmap) {
+			if (scratch_bitmap)
+				bitmap_or (scratch_bitmap,
+					   node_set_ptr[node_set_index].
+					   my_bitmap);
+			else {
+				scratch_bitmap =
+					bitmap_copy (node_set_ptr
+						     [node_set_index].
+						     my_bitmap);
+				if (scratch_bitmap == NULL) {
+					error_code = EAGAIN;
+					goto cleanup;
+				}	
+			}	
+		}		
+		node_set_ptr[node_set_index].cpus_per_node =
+			config_record_point->cpus;
+		node_set_ptr[node_set_index].weight =
+			config_record_point->weight;
+		node_set_ptr[node_set_index].feature = tmp_feature;
-	printf("Found %d usable nodes from configuration with %s\n",
-	    Node_Set_Ptr[Node_Set_Index].Nodes, Config_Record_Point->Nodes);
+		printf ("found %d usable nodes from configuration with %s\n",
+			node_set_ptr[node_set_index].nodes,
+			config_record_point->nodes);
-	Node_Set_Index++;
-	Node_Set_Ptr = (struct Node_Set *)realloc(Node_Set_Ptr, 
-				sizeof(struct Node_Set)*(Node_Set_Index+1));
-	if (Node_Set_Ptr == 0) {
+		node_set_index++;
+		node_set_ptr = (struct node_set *) realloc (node_set_ptr,
+							    sizeof (struct
+								    node_set)
+							    *
+							    (node_set_index +
+							     1));
+		if (node_set_ptr == 0) {
-	    fprintf(stderr, "Select_Nodes: Unable to allocate memory\n");
+			fprintf (stderr,
+				 "select_nodes: unable to allocate memory\n");
-	    syslog(LOG_ALERT, "Select_Nodes: Unable to allocate memory\n");
+			syslog (LOG_ALERT,
+				"select_nodes: unable to allocate memory\n");
-	    Error_Code = EAGAIN;   /* No memory */
-	    goto cleanup;
-	} /* if */
-	Node_Set_Ptr[Node_Set_Size++].My_BitMap = NULL;
-    } /* while */
-    if (Node_Set_Index == 0) {
+			error_code = EAGAIN;	/* no memory */
+			goto cleanup;
+		}		
+		node_set_ptr[node_set_size++].my_bitmap = NULL;
+	}			
+	if (node_set_index == 0) {
-	fprintf(stderr, "Select_Nodes: No node configurations satisfy requirements %d:%d:%d:%s\n", 
-		Min_CPUs, Min_Memory, Min_TmpDisk, Req_Features);
+		fprintf (stderr,
+			 "select_nodes: no node configurations satisfy requirements %d:%d:%d:%s\n",
+			 min_cpus, min_memory, min_tmp_disk, req_features);
-	syslog(LOG_NOTICE, "Select_Nodes: No node configurations satisfy requirements %d:%d:%d:%s\n", 
-		Min_CPUs, Min_Memory, Min_TmpDisk, Req_Features);
+		syslog (LOG_NOTICE,
+			"select_nodes: no node configurations satisfy requirements %d:%d:%d:%s\n",
+			min_cpus, min_memory, min_tmp_disk, req_features);
-	Error_Code = EINVAL;
-	goto cleanup;
-    } /* if */
-    if (Node_Set_Ptr[Node_Set_Index].My_BitMap) free(Node_Set_Ptr[Node_Set_Index].My_BitMap);
-    Node_Set_Ptr[Node_Set_Index].My_BitMap = NULL;
-    Node_Set_Size = Node_Set_Index;
-    if (Req_BitMap) {
-	if ((Scratch_BitMap == NULL) || (BitMapIsSuper(Req_BitMap, Scratch_BitMap) != 1)) {
+		error_code = EINVAL;
+		goto cleanup;
+	}			
+	if (node_set_ptr[node_set_index].my_bitmap)
+		free (node_set_ptr[node_set_index].my_bitmap);
+	node_set_ptr[node_set_index].my_bitmap = NULL;
+	node_set_size = node_set_index;
+	if (req_bitmap) {
+		if ((scratch_bitmap == NULL)
+		    || (bitmap_is_super (req_bitmap, scratch_bitmap) != 1)) {
-	    fprintf(stderr, "Select_Nodes: Requested nodes do not satisfy configurations requirements %d:%d:%d:%s\n", 
-		Min_CPUs, Min_Memory, Min_TmpDisk, Req_Features);
+			fprintf (stderr,
+				 "select_nodes: requested nodes do not satisfy configurations requirements %d:%d:%d:%s\n",
+				 min_cpus, min_memory, min_tmp_disk,
+				 req_features);
-	    syslog(LOG_NOTICE, "Select_Nodes: Requested nodes do not satisfy configurations requirements %d:%d:%d:%s\n", 
-		Min_CPUs, Min_Memory, Min_TmpDisk, Req_Features);
+			syslog (LOG_NOTICE,
+				"select_nodes: requested nodes do not satisfy configurations requirements %d:%d:%d:%s\n",
+				min_cpus, min_memory, min_tmp_disk,
+				req_features);
-	    Error_Code = EINVAL;
-	    goto cleanup;
-	} /* if */
-    } /* if */
-    /* Pick the nodes providing a best-fit */
-    Error_Code = Pick_Best_Nodes(Node_Set_Ptr, Node_Set_Size, 
-	&Req_BitMap, Req_CPUs, Req_Nodes, Contiguous, Shared, Part_Ptr->MaxNodes);
-    if (Error_Code == EAGAIN) goto cleanup;
-    if (Error_Code == EINVAL) {
+			error_code = EINVAL;
+			goto cleanup;
+		}		
+	}			
+	/* pick the nodes providing a best-fit */
+	error_code = pick_best_nodes (node_set_ptr, node_set_size,
+				      &req_bitmap, req_cpus, req_nodes,
+				      contiguous, shared,
+				      part_ptr->max_nodes);
+	if (error_code == EAGAIN)
+		goto cleanup;
+	if (error_code == EINVAL) {
-	fprintf(stderr, "Select_Nodes: No nodes can satisfy job request\n");
+		fprintf (stderr,
+			 "select_nodes: no nodes can satisfy job request\n");
-	syslog(LOG_NOTICE, "Select_Nodes: No nodes can satisfy job request\n");
+		syslog (LOG_NOTICE,
+			"select_nodes: no nodes can satisfy job request\n");
-	goto cleanup;
-    } /* if */
-    /* Mark the selected nodes as STATE_STAGE_IN */
-    Allocate_Nodes(Req_BitMap);
-    Error_Code = BitMap2NodeName(Req_BitMap, Node_List);
-    if (Error_Code) printf("BitMap2NodeName error %d\n", Error_Code);
-    Part_Unlock();
-    Node_Unlock();
-    if (Req_Features)	free(Req_Features);
-    if (Req_Node_List)	free(Req_Node_List);
-    if (Job_Name)	free(Job_Name);
-    if (Req_Group)	free(Req_Group);
-    if (Req_Partition)	free(Req_Partition);
-    if (Req_BitMap)	free(Req_BitMap);
-    if (Scratch_BitMap)	free(Scratch_BitMap);
-    if (Node_Set_Ptr)	{
-	for (i=0; i<Node_Set_Size; i++) {
-	    if (Node_Set_Ptr[i].My_BitMap) free(Node_Set_Ptr[i].My_BitMap);
-	} /* for */
-	free(Node_Set_Ptr);
-    } /* if */
-    if (Config_Record_Iterator) list_iterator_destroy(Config_Record_Iterator);
-    return Error_Code;
-} /* Select_Nodes */
-/* ValidFeatures - Determine if the Requested features are satisfied by those Available
- * Input: Requested - Requested features (by a job)
- *        Available - Available features (on a node)
- * Output: Returns 0 if request is not satisfied, otherwise an integer indicating 
- *		which mutually exclusive feature is satisfied. For example
- *		ValidFeatures("[FS1|FS2|FS3|FS4]", "FS3") returns 3. See the 
- *		SLURM administrator and user guides for details. Returns 1 if 
+		goto cleanup;
+	}			
+	/* mark the selected nodes as STATE_STAGE_IN */
+	allocate_nodes (req_bitmap);
+	error_code = bitmap2node_name (req_bitmap, node_list);
+	if (error_code)
+		printf ("bitmap2node_name error %d\n", error_code);
+      cleanup:
+	part_unlock ();
+	node_unlock ();
+	if (req_features)
+		free (req_features);
+	if (req_node_list)
+		free (req_node_list);
+	if (job_name)
+		free (job_name);
+	if (req_group)
+		free (req_group);
+	if (req_partition)
+		free (req_partition);
+	if (req_bitmap)
+		free (req_bitmap);
+	if (scratch_bitmap)
+		free (scratch_bitmap);
+	if (node_set_ptr) {
+		for (i = 0; i < node_set_size; i++) {
+			if (node_set_ptr[i].my_bitmap)
+				free (node_set_ptr[i].my_bitmap);
+		}		/* for */
+		free (node_set_ptr);
+	}			
+	if (config_record_iterator)
+		list_iterator_destroy (config_record_iterator);
+	return error_code;
+/* valid_features - determine if the requested features are satisfied by those available
+ * input: requested - requested features (by a job)
+ *        available - available features (on a node)
+ * output: returns 0 if request is not satisfied, otherwise an integer indicating 
+ *		which mutually exclusive feature is satisfied. for example
+ *		valid_features("[fs1|fs2|fs3|fs4]", "fs3") returns 3. see the 
+ *		slurm administrator and user guides for details. returns 1 if 
  *		requirements are satisfied without mutually exclusive feature list.
-int ValidFeatures(char *Requested, char *Available) {
-    char *Tmp_Requested, *str_ptr1;
-    int bracket, found, i, option, position, result;
-    int last_op;	/* Last operation 0 for OR, 1 for AND */
-    int save_op, save_result; /* For bracket support */
-    if (Requested == NULL) return 1;	/* No constraints */
-    if (Available == NULL) return 0;	/* No features */
-    Tmp_Requested = malloc(strlen(Requested)+1);
-    if (Tmp_Requested == NULL) {
+valid_features (char *requested, char *available) {
+	char *tmp_requested, *str_ptr1;
+	int bracket, found, i, option, position, result;
+	int last_op;		/* last operation 0 for or, 1 for and */
+	int save_op, save_result;	/* for bracket support */
+	if (requested == NULL)
+		return 1;	/* no constraints */
+	if (available == NULL)
+		return 0;	/* no features */
+	tmp_requested = malloc (strlen (requested) + 1);
+	if (tmp_requested == NULL) {
-	fprintf(stderr, "ValidFeatures: unable to allocate memory\n");
+		fprintf (stderr,
+			 "valid_features: unable to allocate memory\n");
-	syslog(LOG_ALERT, "ValidFeatures: unable to allocate memory\n");
+		syslog (LOG_ALERT,
+			"valid_features: unable to allocate memory\n");
-	return 1; /* Assume good for now */
-    } /* if */
-    strcpy(Tmp_Requested, Requested);
-    bracket = option = position = 0;
-    str_ptr1 = Tmp_Requested;	/* Start of feature name */
-    result = last_op = 1;	/* Assume good for now */
-    for (i=0; ; i++) {
-	if (Tmp_Requested[i] == (char)NULL) {
-	    if (strlen(str_ptr1) == 0) break;
-	    found = Match_Feature(str_ptr1, Available);
-	    if (last_op == 1)	/* AND */
-		result &= found;
-	    else		/* OR */
-		result |= found;
-	    break;
-	} /* if */
-	if (Tmp_Requested[i] == '&') {
-	    if (bracket != 0) {
+		return 1;	/* assume good for now */
+	}			
+	strcpy (tmp_requested, requested);
+	bracket = option = position = 0;
+	str_ptr1 = tmp_requested;	/* start of feature name */
+	result = last_op = 1;	/* assume good for now */
+	for (i = 0;; i++) {
+		if (tmp_requested[i] == (char) NULL) {
+			if (strlen (str_ptr1) == 0)
+				break;
+			found = match_feature (str_ptr1, available);
+			if (last_op == 1)	/* and */
+				result &= found;
+			else	/* or */
+				result |= found;
+			break;
+		}		
+		if (tmp_requested[i] == '&') {
+			if (bracket != 0) {
-		fprintf(stderr, "ValidFeatures: Parsing failure 1 on %s\n", Requested);
+				fprintf (stderr,
+					 "valid_features: parsing failure 1 on %s\n",
+					 requested);
-		syslog(LOG_NOTICE, "ValidFeatures: Parsing failure 1 on %s\n", Requested);
+				syslog (LOG_NOTICE,
+					"valid_features: parsing failure 1 on %s\n",
+					requested);
-		result = 0;
-		break;
-	    } /* if */
-	    Tmp_Requested[i] = (char)NULL;
-	    found = Match_Feature(str_ptr1, Available);
-	    if (last_op == 1)	/* AND */
-		result &= found;
-	    else		/* OR */
-		result |= found;
-	    str_ptr1 = &Tmp_Requested[i+1];
-	    last_op = 1;	/* AND */
-	} else if (Tmp_Requested[i] == '|') {
-	    Tmp_Requested[i] = (char)NULL;
-	    found = Match_Feature(str_ptr1, Available);
-	    if (bracket != 0) {
-		if (found) option=position;
-		position++;
-	    } 
-	    if (last_op == 1)	/* AND */
-		result &= found;
-	    else		/* OR */
-		result |= found;
-	    str_ptr1 = &Tmp_Requested[i+1];
-	    last_op = 0;	/* OR */
-	} else if (Tmp_Requested[i] == '[') {
-	    bracket++;
-	    position = 1;
-	    save_op = last_op;
-	    save_result = result;
-	    last_op = result =1;
-	    str_ptr1 = &Tmp_Requested[i+1];
-	} else if (Tmp_Requested[i] == ']') {
-	    Tmp_Requested[i] = (char)NULL;
-	    found = Match_Feature(str_ptr1, Available);
-	    if (found) option=position;
-	    result |= found;
-	    if (save_op == 1)	/* AND */
-		result &= save_result;
-	    else		/* OR */
-		result |= save_result;
-	    if ((Tmp_Requested[i+1] == '&') && (bracket == 1)) {
-		last_op = 1;
-		str_ptr1 = &Tmp_Requested[i+2];
-	    } else if ((Tmp_Requested[i+1] == '|') && (bracket == 1)) {
-		last_op = 0;
-		str_ptr1 = &Tmp_Requested[i+2];
-	    } else if ((Tmp_Requested[i+1] == (char)NULL) && (bracket == 1)) {
-		break;
-	    } else {
+				result = 0;
+				break;
+			}	
+			tmp_requested[i] = (char) NULL;
+			found = match_feature (str_ptr1, available);
+			if (last_op == 1)	/* and */
+				result &= found;
+			else	/* or */
+				result |= found;
+			str_ptr1 = &tmp_requested[i + 1];
+			last_op = 1;	/* and */
+		}
+		else if (tmp_requested[i] == '|') {
+			tmp_requested[i] = (char) NULL;
+			found = match_feature (str_ptr1, available);
+			if (bracket != 0) {
+				if (found)
+					option = position;
+				position++;
+			}
+			if (last_op == 1)	/* and */
+				result &= found;
+			else	/* or */
+				result |= found;
+			str_ptr1 = &tmp_requested[i + 1];
+			last_op = 0;	/* or */
+		}
+		else if (tmp_requested[i] == '[') {
+			bracket++;
+			position = 1;
+			save_op = last_op;
+			save_result = result;
+			last_op = result = 1;
+			str_ptr1 = &tmp_requested[i + 1];
+		}
+		else if (tmp_requested[i] == ']') {
+			tmp_requested[i] = (char) NULL;
+			found = match_feature (str_ptr1, available);
+			if (found)
+				option = position;
+			result |= found;
+			if (save_op == 1)	/* and */
+				result &= save_result;
+			else	/* or */
+				result |= save_result;
+			if ((tmp_requested[i + 1] == '&') && (bracket == 1)) {
+				last_op = 1;
+				str_ptr1 = &tmp_requested[i + 2];
+			}
+			else if ((tmp_requested[i + 1] == '|')
+				 && (bracket == 1)) {
+				last_op = 0;
+				str_ptr1 = &tmp_requested[i + 2];
+			}
+			else if ((tmp_requested[i + 1] == (char) NULL)
+				 && (bracket == 1)) {
+				break;
+			}
+			else {
-		fprintf(stderr, "ValidFeatures: Parsing failure 2 on %s\n", Requested);
+				fprintf (stderr,
+					 "valid_features: parsing failure 2 on %s\n",
+					 requested);
-		syslog(LOG_NOTICE, "ValidFeatures: Parsing failure 2 on %s\n", Requested);
+				syslog (LOG_NOTICE,
+					"valid_features: parsing failure 2 on %s\n",
+					requested);
-		result = 0;
-		break;
-	    } /* else */
-	    bracket = 0;
-	} /* else */
-    } /* for */
-    if (position) result *= option;
-    free(Tmp_Requested);
-    return result;
-} /* ValidFeatures */
+				result = 0;
+				break;
+			}	
+			bracket = 0;
+		}		
+	}			/* for */
+	if (position)
+		result *= option;
+	free (tmp_requested);
+	return result;
diff --git a/src/slurmctld/partition_mgr.c b/src/slurmctld/partition_mgr.c
index 9e928c3e3844a5e534edb171fd0ef029a08b3771..d56834ee87d824dd22684dc30ffb37ee6504de08 100644
--- a/src/slurmctld/partition_mgr.c
+++ b/src/slurmctld/partition_mgr.c
@@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
- * partition_mgr.c - Manage the partition information of SLURM
- * See slurm.h for documentation on external functions and data structures
+ * partition_mgr.c - manage the partition information of slurm
+ * see slurm.h for documentation on external functions and data structures
- * Author: Moe Jette, jette@llnl.gov
+ * author: moe jette, jette@llnl.gov
@@ -22,756 +22,901 @@
 #define NO_VAL   -99
 #define SEPCHARS " \n\t"
-struct	Part_Record Default_Part;		/* Default configuration values */
-List	Part_List = NULL;			/* Partition List */
-char	Default_Part_Name[MAX_NAME_LEN];	/* Name of default partition */
-struct	Part_Record *Default_Part_Loc = NULL;	/* Location of default partition */
-time_t	Last_Part_Update;			/* Time of last update to Part Records */
-static pthread_mutex_t Part_Mutex= PTHREAD_MUTEX_INITIALIZER;	/* Lock for partition info */
+struct part_record default_part;	/* default configuration values */
+List part_list = NULL;			/* partition list */
+char default_part_name[MAX_NAME_LEN];	/* name of default partition */
+struct part_record *default_part_loc = NULL;	/* location of default partition */
+time_t last_part_update;		/* time of last update to part records */
+static pthread_mutex_t part_mutex = PTHREAD_MUTEX_INITIALIZER;	/* lock for partition info */
-int 	Build_Part_BitMap(struct Part_Record *Part_Record_Point);
-void	List_Delete_Part(void *Part_Entry);
-int	List_Find_Part(void *Part_Entry, void *key);
+int build_part_bitmap (struct part_record *part_record_point);
+void list_delete_part (void *part_entry);
+int list_find_part (void *part_entry, void *key);
 /* main is used here for module testing purposes only */
-main(int argc, char * argv[]) {
-    int Error_Code;
-    time_t Update_Time;
-    struct Part_Record *Part_Ptr;
-    char *Dump;
-    int Dump_Size;
-    char Req_Name[MAX_NAME_LEN];	/* Name of the partition */
-    char Next_Name[MAX_NAME_LEN];	/* Name of the next partition */
-    int MaxTime;		/* -1 if unlimited */
-    int MaxNodes;		/* -1 if unlimited */
-    int TotalNodes;		/* Total number of nodes in the partition */
-    int TotalCPUs;		/* Total number of CPUs in the partition */
-    char *Nodes;		/* Names of nodes in partition */
-    char *AllowGroups;		/* NULL indicates ALL */
-    int Key;    	 	/* 1 if SLURM distributed key is required for use of partition */
-    int StateUp;		/* 1 if state is UP */
-    int Shared;			/* 1 if partition can be shared */
-    unsigned *NodeBitMap;	/* Bitmap of nodes in partition */
-    int BitMapSize;		/* Bytes in NodeBitMap */
-    char Update_Spec[] = "MaxTime=34 MaxNodes=56 Key=NO State=DOWN Shared=FORCE";
-    Error_Code = Init_Node_Conf();
-    if (Error_Code) printf("Init_Node_Conf error %d\n", Error_Code);
-    Part_Lock();
-    Error_Code = Init_Part_Conf();
-    if (Error_Code) printf("Init_Part_Conf error %d\n", Error_Code);
-    Default_Part.MaxTime	= 223344;
-    Default_Part.MaxNodes	= 556677;
-    Default_Part.TotalNodes	= 4;
-    Default_Part.TotalCPUs	= 16;
-    Default_Part.Key	   	= 1;
-    Node_Record_Count 		= 8;
-    printf("Create some partitions and test defaults\n");
-    Part_Ptr = Create_Part_Record(&Error_Code);
-    if (Error_Code) 
-	printf("Create_Part_Record error %d\n", Error_Code);
-    else {
-	static int Tmp_BitMap;
-	if (Part_Ptr->MaxTime  != 223344) printf("ERROR: Partition default MaxTime not set\n");
-	if (Part_Ptr->MaxNodes != 556677) printf("ERROR: Partition default MaxNodes not set\n");
-	if (Part_Ptr->TotalNodes != 4)    printf("ERROR: Partition default TotalNodes not set\n");
-	if (Part_Ptr->TotalCPUs != 16)    printf("ERROR: Partition default MaxNodes not set\n");
-	if (Part_Ptr->Key != 1)           printf("ERROR: Partition default Key not set\n");
-	if (Part_Ptr->StateUp != 1)       printf("ERROR: Partition default StateUp not set\n");
-	if (Part_Ptr->Shared != 0)        printf("ERROR: Partition default Shared not set\n");
-	strcpy(Part_Ptr->Name, "Interactive");
-	Part_Ptr->Nodes = "lx[01-04]";
-	Part_Ptr->AllowGroups = "students";
-	Tmp_BitMap = 0x3c << (sizeof(unsigned)*8-8);
-	Part_Ptr->NodeBitMap = &Tmp_BitMap;
-    } /* else */
-    Part_Ptr = Create_Part_Record(&Error_Code);
-    if (Error_Code) 
-	printf("Create_Part_Record error %d\n", Error_Code);
-    else 
-	strcpy(Part_Ptr->Name, "Batch");
-    Part_Ptr = Create_Part_Record(&Error_Code);
-    if (Error_Code) 
-	printf("ERROR: Create_Part_Record error %d\n", Error_Code);
-    else 
-	strcpy(Part_Ptr->Name, "Class");
-    Update_Time = (time_t)0;
-    Error_Code = Dump_Part(&Dump, &Dump_Size, &Update_Time);
-    if (Error_Code) printf("ERROR: Dump_Part error %d\n", Error_Code);
-    Error_Code = Update_Part("Batch", Update_Spec);
-    if (Error_Code) printf("ERROR: Update_Part error %d\n", Error_Code);
-    Part_Ptr   = list_find_first(Part_List, &List_Find_Part, "Batch");
-    if (Part_Ptr == NULL) printf("ERROR: list_find failure\n");
-    if (Part_Ptr->MaxTime  != 34) printf("ERROR: Update_Part MaxTime not reset\n");
-    if (Part_Ptr->MaxNodes != 56) printf("ERROR: Update_Part MaxNodes not reset\n");
-    if (Part_Ptr->Key != 0)       printf("ERROR: Update_Part Key not reset\n");
-    if (Part_Ptr->StateUp != 0)   printf("ERROR: Update_Part StateUp not set\n");
-    if (Part_Ptr->Shared != 2)    printf("ERROR: Update_Part Shared not set\n");
-    Node_Record_Count = 0;	/* Delete_Part_Record dies if node count is bad */
-    Error_Code = Delete_Part_Record("Batch");
-    if (Error_Code != 0)  printf("Delete_Part_Record error1 %d\n", Error_Code);
-    printf("NOTE: We expect Delete_Part_Record to report not finding a record for Batch\n");
-    Error_Code = Delete_Part_Record("Batch");
-    if (Error_Code != ENOENT)  printf("ERROR: Delete_Part_Record error2 %d\n", Error_Code);
-    Part_Unlock();
-    exit(0);
-} /* main */
+main (int argc, char *argv[]) {
+	int error_code;
+	time_t update_time;
+	struct part_record *part_ptr;
+	char *dump;
+	int dump_size;
+	char req_name[MAX_NAME_LEN];	/* name of the partition */
+	char next_name[MAX_NAME_LEN];	/* name of the next partition */
+	int max_time;		/* -1 if unlimited */
+	int max_nodes;		/* -1 if unlimited */
+	int total_nodes;	/* total number of nodes in the partition */
+	int total_cpus;		/* total number of cpus in the partition */
+	char *nodes;		/* names of nodes in partition */
+	char *allow_groups;	/* NULL indicates all */
+	int key;		/* 1 if slurm distributed key is required for use of partition */
+	int state_up;		/* 1 if state is up */
+	int shared;		/* 1 if partition can be shared */
+	unsigned *node_bitmap;	/* bitmap of nodes in partition */
+	int bitmap_size;	/* bytes in node_bitmap */
+	char update_spec[] =
+		"MaxTime=34 MaxNodes=56 Key=NO State=DOWN Shared=FORCE";
+	error_code = init_node_conf ();
+	if (error_code)
+		printf ("init_node_conf error %d\n", error_code);
+	error_code = init_part_conf ();
+	if (error_code)
+		printf ("init_part_conf error %d\n", error_code);
+	default_part.max_time = 223344;
+	default_part.max_nodes = 556677;
+	default_part.total_nodes = 4;
+	default_part.total_cpus = 16;
+	default_part.key = 1;
+	node_record_count = 8;
+	printf ("create some partitions and test defaults\n");
+	part_ptr = create_part_record (&error_code);
+	if (error_code)
+		printf ("create_part_record error %d\n", error_code);
+	else {
+		int tmp_bitmap;
+		if (part_ptr->max_time != 223344)
+			printf ("ERROR: partition default max_time not set\n");
+		if (part_ptr->max_nodes != 556677)
+			printf ("ERROR: partition default max_nodes not set\n");
+		if (part_ptr->total_nodes != 4)
+			printf ("ERROR: partition default total_nodes not set\n");
+		if (part_ptr->total_cpus != 16)
+			printf ("ERROR: partition default max_nodes not set\n");
+		if (part_ptr->key != 1)
+			printf ("ERROR: partition default key not set\n");
+		if (part_ptr->state_up != 1)
+			printf ("ERROR: partition default state_up not set\n");
+		if (part_ptr->shared != 0)
+			printf ("ERROR: partition default shared not set\n");
+		strcpy (part_ptr->name, "interactive");
+		part_ptr->nodes = "lx[01-04]";
+		part_ptr->allow_groups = "students";
+		tmp_bitmap = 0x3c << (sizeof (unsigned) * 8 - 8);
+		part_ptr->node_bitmap = &tmp_bitmap;
+	}			
+	part_ptr = create_part_record (&error_code);
+	if (error_code)
+		printf ("create_part_record error %d\n", error_code);
+	else
+		strcpy (part_ptr->name, "batch");
+	part_ptr = create_part_record (&error_code);
+	if (error_code)
+		printf ("ERROR: create_part_record error %d\n", error_code);
+	else
+		strcpy (part_ptr->name, "class");
+	update_time = (time_t) 0;
+	error_code = dump_part (&dump, &dump_size, &update_time);
+	if (error_code)
+		printf ("ERROR: dump_part error %d\n", error_code);
+	error_code = update_part ("batch", update_spec);
+	if (error_code)
+		printf ("ERROR: update_part error %d\n", error_code);
+	part_ptr = list_find_first (part_list, &list_find_part, "batch");
+	if (part_ptr == NULL)
+		printf ("ERROR: list_find failure\n");
+	if (part_ptr->max_time != 34)
+		printf ("ERROR: update_part max_time not reset\n");
+	if (part_ptr->max_nodes != 56)
+		printf ("ERROR: update_part max_nodes not reset\n");
+	if (part_ptr->key != 0)
+		printf ("ERROR: update_part key not reset\n");
+	if (part_ptr->state_up != 0)
+		printf ("ERROR: update_part state_up not set\n");
+	if (part_ptr->shared != 2)
+		printf ("ERROR: update_part shared not set\n");
+	node_record_count = 0;	/* delete_part_record dies if node count is bad */
+	error_code = delete_part_record ("batch");
+	if (error_code != 0)
+		printf ("delete_part_record error1 %d\n", error_code);
+	printf ("NOTE: we expect delete_part_record to report not finding a record for batch\n");
+	error_code = delete_part_record ("batch");
+	if (error_code != ENOENT)
+		printf ("ERROR: delete_part_record error2 %d\n", error_code);
+	exit (0);
- * Build_Part_BitMap - Update the TotalCPUs, TotalNodes, and NodeBitMap for the specified partition
- *	Also reset the partition pointers in the node back to this partition.
- * Input: Part_Record_Point - Pointer to the partition
- * Output: Returns 0 if no error, errno otherwise
- * NOTE: This does not report nodes defined in more than one partition. This is checked only  
+ * build_part_bitmap - update the total_cpus, total_nodes, and node_bitmap for the specified partition
+ *	also reset the partition pointers in the node back to this partition.
+ * input: part_record_point - pointer to the partition
+ * output: returns 0 if no error, errno otherwise
+ * NOTE: this does not report nodes defined in more than one partition. this is checked only  
  *	upon reading the configuration file, not on an update
-int Build_Part_BitMap(struct Part_Record *Part_Record_Point) {
-    int Start_Inx, End_Inx, Count_Inx;
-    int i, j, Error_Code, size;
-    char *str_ptr1, *str_ptr2, *Format, *My_Node_List, This_Node_Name[BUF_SIZE];
-    unsigned *Old_BitMap;
-    struct Node_Record *Node_Record_Point;	/* Pointer to Node_Record */
-    Format = My_Node_List = NULL;
-    Part_Record_Point->TotalCPUs  = 0;
-    Part_Record_Point->TotalNodes = 0;
-    size = (Node_Record_Count + (sizeof(unsigned)*8) - 1) / 
-		(sizeof(unsigned)*8); 	/* Unsigned int records in bitmap */
-    size *= 8;				/* Bytes in bitmap */
-    if (Part_Record_Point->NodeBitMap == NULL) {
-	Part_Record_Point->NodeBitMap = malloc(size);
-	if (Part_Record_Point->NodeBitMap == NULL) {
+int build_part_bitmap (struct part_record *part_record_point) {
+	int start_inx, end_inx, count_inx;
+	int i, j, error_code, size;
+	char *str_ptr1, *str_ptr2, *format, *my_node_list,
+		this_node_name[BUF_SIZE];
+	unsigned *old_bitmap;
+	struct node_record *node_record_point;	/* pointer to node_record */
+	format = my_node_list = NULL;
+	part_record_point->total_cpus = 0;
+	part_record_point->total_nodes = 0;
+	size = (node_record_count + (sizeof (unsigned) * 8) - 1) / (sizeof (unsigned) * 8);	/* unsigned int records in bitmap */
+	size *= 8;		/* bytes in bitmap */
+	if (part_record_point->node_bitmap == NULL) {
+		part_record_point->node_bitmap = malloc (size);
+		if (part_record_point->node_bitmap == NULL) {
-	    fprintf(stderr, "Build_Part_BitMap: unable to allocate memory\n");
+			fprintf (stderr,
+				 "build_part_bitmap: unable to allocate memory\n");
-	    syslog(LOG_ALERT, "Build_Part_BitMap: unable to allocate memory\n");
+			syslog (LOG_ALERT,
+				"build_part_bitmap: unable to allocate memory\n");
-	    abort();
-	} /* if */
-	Old_BitMap = NULL;
-    } else
-	Old_BitMap = BitMapCopy(Part_Record_Point->NodeBitMap);
-    memset(Part_Record_Point->NodeBitMap, 0, size);
-    if (Part_Record_Point->Nodes == NULL) {
-	if (Old_BitMap) free(Old_BitMap);
-	return 0;
-    } /* if */
-    My_Node_List = malloc(strlen(Part_Record_Point->Nodes)+1);
-    if (My_Node_List == NULL) {
+			abort ();
+		}		
+		old_bitmap = NULL;
+	}
+	else
+		old_bitmap = bitmap_copy (part_record_point->node_bitmap);
+	memset (part_record_point->node_bitmap, 0, size);
+	if (part_record_point->nodes == NULL) {
+		if (old_bitmap)
+			free (old_bitmap);
+		return 0;
+	}			
+	my_node_list = malloc (strlen (part_record_point->nodes) + 1);
+	if (my_node_list == NULL) {
-	fprintf(stderr, "Build_Part_BitMap: unable to allocate memory\n");
+		fprintf (stderr,
+			 "build_part_bitmap: unable to allocate memory\n");
-	syslog(LOG_ALERT, "Build_Part_BitMap: unable to allocate memory\n");
+		syslog (LOG_ALERT,
+			"build_part_bitmap: unable to allocate memory\n");
-	if (Old_BitMap) free(Old_BitMap);
-	abort();
-    } /* if */
-    strcpy(My_Node_List, Part_Record_Point->Nodes);
-    str_ptr2 = (char *)strtok_r(My_Node_List, ",", &str_ptr1);
-    while (str_ptr2) {	/* Break apart by comma separators */
-	Error_Code = Parse_Node_Name(str_ptr2, &Format, &Start_Inx, &End_Inx, &Count_Inx);
-	if (Error_Code) {
-	    free(My_Node_List);
-	    if (Old_BitMap) free(Old_BitMap);
-	    return EINVAL;
-	} /* if */
-	if (strlen(Format) >= sizeof(This_Node_Name)) {
+		if (old_bitmap)
+			free (old_bitmap);
+		abort ();
+	}			
+	strcpy (my_node_list, part_record_point->nodes);
+	str_ptr2 = (char *) strtok_r (my_node_list, ",", &str_ptr1);
+	while (str_ptr2) {	/* break apart by comma separators */
+		error_code =
+			parse_node_name (str_ptr2, &format, &start_inx,
+					 &end_inx, &count_inx);
+		if (error_code) {
+			free (my_node_list);
+			if (old_bitmap)
+				free (old_bitmap);
+			return EINVAL;
+		}		
+		if (strlen (format) >= sizeof (this_node_name)) {
-	    fprintf(stderr, "Build_Part_BitMap: Node name specification too long: %s\n", Format);
+			fprintf (stderr,
+				 "build_part_bitmap: node name specification too long: %s\n",
+				 format);
-	    syslog(LOG_ERR, "Build_Part_BitMap: Node name specification too long: %s\n", Format);
+			syslog (LOG_ERR,
+				"build_part_bitmap: node name specification too long: %s\n",
+				format);
-	    free(My_Node_List);
-	    free(Format);
-	    if (Old_BitMap) free(Old_BitMap);
-	    return EINVAL;
-	} /* if */
-	for (i=Start_Inx; i<=End_Inx; i++) {
-	    if (Count_Inx == 0) 
-		strncpy(This_Node_Name, Format, sizeof(This_Node_Name));
-	    else
-		sprintf(This_Node_Name, Format, i);
-	    Node_Record_Point = Find_Node_Record(This_Node_Name);
-	    if (Node_Record_Point == NULL) {
+			free (my_node_list);
+			free (format);
+			if (old_bitmap)
+				free (old_bitmap);
+			return EINVAL;
+		}		
+		for (i = start_inx; i <= end_inx; i++) {
+			if (count_inx == 0)
+				strncpy (this_node_name, format,
+					 sizeof (this_node_name));
+			else
+				sprintf (this_node_name, format, i);
+			node_record_point = find_node_record (this_node_name);
+			if (node_record_point == NULL) {
-		fprintf(stderr, "Build_Part_BitMap: Invalid node specified %s\n", This_Node_Name);
+				fprintf (stderr,
+					 "build_part_bitmap: invalid node specified %s\n",
+					 this_node_name);
-		syslog(LOG_ERR, "Build_Part_BitMap: Invalid node specified %s\n", This_Node_Name);
+				syslog (LOG_ERR,
+					"build_part_bitmap: invalid node specified %s\n",
+					this_node_name);
-		free(My_Node_List);
-		free(Format);
-		if (Old_BitMap) free(Old_BitMap);
-		return EINVAL;
-	    } /* if */
-	    BitMapSet(Part_Record_Point->NodeBitMap, 
-			(int)(Node_Record_Point - Node_Record_Table_Ptr));
-	    Part_Record_Point->TotalNodes++;
-	    Part_Record_Point->TotalCPUs += Node_Record_Point->CPUs;
-	    Node_Record_Point->Partition_Ptr = Part_Record_Point;
-	    BitMapClear(Old_BitMap, (int)(Node_Record_Point - Node_Record_Table_Ptr));
-	} /* for */
-	str_ptr2 = (char *)strtok_r(NULL, ",", &str_ptr1);
-    } /* while */
-    /* Unlink nodes removed from the partition */
-    for (i=0; i<Node_Record_Count; i++) {
-	if (BitMapValue(Old_BitMap, i) == 0) continue;
-	Node_Record_Table_Ptr[i].Partition_Ptr = NULL;
-    } /* for */
-    if(My_Node_List) free(My_Node_List);
-    if(Format) free(Format);
-    if (Old_BitMap) free(Old_BitMap);
-    return 0;
-} /* Build_Part_BitMap */
+				free (my_node_list);
+				free (format);
+				if (old_bitmap)
+					free (old_bitmap);
+				return EINVAL;
+			}	
+			bitmap_set (part_record_point->node_bitmap,
+				    (int) (node_record_point -
+					   node_record_table_ptr));
+			part_record_point->total_nodes++;
+			part_record_point->total_cpus +=
+				node_record_point->cpus;
+			node_record_point->partition_ptr = part_record_point;
+			bitmap_clear (old_bitmap,
+				      (int) (node_record_point -
+					     node_record_table_ptr));
+		}		
+		str_ptr2 = (char *) strtok_r (NULL, ",", &str_ptr1);
+	}			
+	/* unlink nodes removed from the partition */
+	for (i = 0; i < node_record_count; i++) {
+		if (bitmap_value (old_bitmap, i) == 0)
+			continue;
+		node_record_table_ptr[i].partition_ptr = NULL;
+	}			
+	if (my_node_list)
+		free (my_node_list);
+	if (format)
+		free (format);
+	if (old_bitmap)
+		free (old_bitmap);
+	return 0;
- * Create_Part_Record - Create a partition record
- * Input: Error_Code - Location to store error value in
- * Output: Error_Code - Set to zero if no error, errno otherwise
- *         Returns a pointer to the record or NULL if error
- * NOTE: The record's values are initialized to those of Default_Part
- * NOTE: Allocates memory that should be freed with Delete_Part_Record
+ * create_part_record - create a partition record
+ * input: error_code - location to store error value in
+ * output: error_code - set to zero if no error, errno otherwise
+ *         returns a pointer to the record or NULL if error
+ * NOTE: the record's values are initialized to those of default_part
+ * NOTE: allocates memory that should be freed with delete_part_record
-struct Part_Record *Create_Part_Record(int *Error_Code) {
-    struct Part_Record *Part_Record_Point;
+struct part_record * create_part_record (int *error_code) {
+	struct part_record *part_record_point;
-    *Error_Code = 0;
-    Last_Part_Update = time(NULL);
+	*error_code = 0;
+	last_part_update = time (NULL);
-    Part_Record_Point = (struct Part_Record *)malloc(sizeof(struct Part_Record));
-    if (Part_Record_Point == NULL) {
+	part_record_point =
+		(struct part_record *) malloc (sizeof (struct part_record));
+	if (part_record_point == NULL) {
-	fprintf(stderr, "Create_Part_Record: unable to allocate memory\n");
+		fprintf (stderr,
+			 "create_part_record: unable to allocate memory\n");
-	syslog(LOG_ALERT, "Create_Part_Record: unable to allocate memory\n");
+		syslog (LOG_ALERT,
+			"create_part_record: unable to allocate memory\n");
-	abort();
-    } /* if */
-    strcpy(Part_Record_Point->Name, "DEFAULT");
-    Part_Record_Point->MaxTime     = Default_Part.MaxTime;
-    Part_Record_Point->MaxNodes    = Default_Part.MaxNodes;
-    Part_Record_Point->Key         = Default_Part.Key;
-    Part_Record_Point->StateUp     = Default_Part.StateUp;
-    Part_Record_Point->Shared      = Default_Part.Shared;
-    Part_Record_Point->TotalNodes  = Default_Part.TotalNodes;
-    Part_Record_Point->TotalCPUs   = Default_Part.TotalCPUs;
-    Part_Record_Point->NodeBitMap  = NULL;
+		abort ();
+	}			
+	strcpy (part_record_point->name, "default");
+	part_record_point->max_time = default_part.max_time;
+	part_record_point->max_nodes = default_part.max_nodes;
+	part_record_point->key = default_part.key;
+	part_record_point->state_up = default_part.state_up;
+	part_record_point->shared = default_part.shared;
+	part_record_point->total_nodes = default_part.total_nodes;
+	part_record_point->total_cpus = default_part.total_cpus;
+	part_record_point->node_bitmap = NULL;
-    Part_Record_Point->Magic       = PART_MAGIC;
+	part_record_point->magic = PART_MAGIC;
-    if (Default_Part.AllowGroups) {
-	Part_Record_Point->AllowGroups = (char *)malloc(strlen(Default_Part.AllowGroups)+1);
-	if (Part_Record_Point->AllowGroups == NULL) {
+	if (default_part.allow_groups) {
+		part_record_point->allow_groups =
+			(char *) malloc (strlen (default_part.allow_groups) +
+					 1);
+		if (part_record_point->allow_groups == NULL) {
-	    fprintf(stderr, "Create_Part_Record: unable to allocate memory\n");
+			fprintf (stderr,
+				 "create_part_record: unable to allocate memory\n");
-	    syslog(LOG_ALERT, "Create_Part_Record: unable to allocate memory\n");
+			syslog (LOG_ALERT,
+				"create_part_record: unable to allocate memory\n");
-	    abort();
-	} /* if */
-	strcpy(Part_Record_Point->AllowGroups, Default_Part.AllowGroups);
-    } else
-	Part_Record_Point->AllowGroups = NULL;
-    if (Default_Part.Nodes) {
-	Part_Record_Point->Nodes = (char *)malloc(strlen(Default_Part.Nodes)+1);
-	if (Part_Record_Point->Nodes == NULL) {
+			abort ();
+		}		
+		strcpy (part_record_point->allow_groups,
+			default_part.allow_groups);
+	}
+	else
+		part_record_point->allow_groups = NULL;
+	if (default_part.nodes) {
+		part_record_point->nodes =
+			(char *) malloc (strlen (default_part.nodes) + 1);
+		if (part_record_point->nodes == NULL) {
-	    fprintf(stderr, "Create_Part_Record: unable to allocate memory\n");
+			fprintf (stderr,
+				 "create_part_record: unable to allocate memory\n");
-	    syslog(LOG_ALERT, "Create_Part_Record: unable to allocate memory\n");
+			syslog (LOG_ALERT,
+				"create_part_record: unable to allocate memory\n");
-	    abort();
-	} /* if */
-	strcpy(Part_Record_Point->Nodes, Default_Part.Nodes);
-    } else
-	Part_Record_Point->Nodes = NULL;
+			abort ();
+		}		
+		strcpy (part_record_point->nodes, default_part.nodes);
+	}
+	else
+		part_record_point->nodes = NULL;
-    if (list_append(Part_List, Part_Record_Point) == NULL) {
+	if (list_append (part_list, part_record_point) == NULL) {
-	fprintf(stderr, "Create_Part_Record: unable to allocate memory\n");
+		fprintf (stderr,
+			 "create_part_record: unable to allocate memory\n");
-	syslog(LOG_ALERT, "Create_Part_Record: unable to allocate memory\n");
+		syslog (LOG_ALERT,
+			"create_part_record: unable to allocate memory\n");
-	abort();
-    } /* if */
+		abort ();
+	}			
-    return Part_Record_Point;
-} /* Create_Part_Record */
+	return part_record_point;
- * Delete_Part_Record - Delete record for partition with specified name
- * Input: name - Name of the desired node, Delete all partitions if pointer is NULL 
- * Output: return 0 on success, errno otherwise
+ * delete_part_record - delete record for partition with specified name
+ * input: name - name of the desired node, delete all partitions if pointer is NULL 
+ * output: return 0 on success, errno otherwise
-int Delete_Part_Record(char *name) {
-    int i;
+int delete_part_record (char *name) {
+	int i;
-    Last_Part_Update = time(NULL);
-    if (name == NULL) 
-	i = list_delete_all(Part_List, &List_Find_Part, "UNIVERSAL_KEY");
-    else
-	i = list_delete_all(Part_List, &List_Find_Part, name);
-    if ((name == NULL) || (i != 0)) return 0;
+	last_part_update = time (NULL);
+	if (name == NULL)
+		i = list_delete_all (part_list, &list_find_part,
+				     "universal_key");
+	else
+		i = list_delete_all (part_list, &list_find_part, name);
+	if ((name == NULL) || (i != 0))
+		return 0;
-    fprintf(stderr, "Delete_Part_Record: Attempt to delete non-existent partition %s\n", name);
+	fprintf (stderr,
+		 "delete_part_record: attempt to delete non-existent partition %s\n",
+		 name);
-    syslog(LOG_ERR, "Delete_Part_Record: Attempt to delete non-existent partition %s\n", name);
+	syslog (LOG_ERR,
+		"delete_part_record: attempt to delete non-existent partition %s\n",
+		name);
-    return ENOENT;
-} /* Delete_Part_Record */
+	return ENOENT;
- * Dump_Part - Dump all partition information to a buffer
- * Input: Buffer_Ptr - Location into which a pointer to the data is to be stored.
- *                     The data buffer is actually allocated by Dump_Part and the 
+ * dump_part - dump all partition information to a buffer
+ * input: buffer_ptr - location into which a pointer to the data is to be stored.
+ *                     the data buffer is actually allocated by dump_part and the 
  *                     calling function must free the storage.
- *         Buffer_Size - Location into which the size of the created buffer is in bytes
- *         Update_Time - Dump new data only if partition records updated since time 
+ *         buffer_size - location into which the size of the created buffer is in bytes
+ *         update_time - dump new data only if partition records updated since time 
  *                       specified, otherwise return empty buffer
- * Output: Buffer_Ptr - The pointer is set to the allocated buffer.
- *         Buffer_Size - Set to size of the buffer in bytes
- *         Update_Time - set to time partition records last updated
- *         Returns 0 if no error, errno otherwise
- * NOTE: The buffer at *Buffer_Ptr must be freed by the caller
- * NOTE: IF YOU MAKE ANY CHANGES HERE be sure to increment the value of PART_STRUCT_VERSION
- *       and make the corresponding changes to Load_Part_Name in api/partition_info.c
+ * output: buffer_ptr - the pointer is set to the allocated buffer.
+ *         buffer_size - set to size of the buffer in bytes
+ *         update_time - set to time partition records last updated
+ *         returns 0 if no error, errno otherwise
+ * NOTE: the buffer at *buffer_ptr must be freed by the caller
+ * NOTE: if you make any changes here be sure to increment the value of PART_STRUCT_VERSION
+ *       and make the corresponding changes to load_part_name in api/partition_info.c
-int Dump_Part(char **Buffer_Ptr, int *Buffer_Size, time_t *Update_Time) {
-    ListIterator Part_Record_Iterator;		/* For iterating through Part_Record_List */
-    struct Part_Record *Part_Record_Point;	/* Pointer to Part_Record */
-    char *Buffer;
-    int Buffer_Offset, Buffer_Allocated, i, Record_Size;
-    char Out_Line[BUF_SIZE*2], *Nodes, *Key, *Default, *AllowGroups, *Shared, *State;
-    Buffer_Ptr[0] = NULL;
-    *Buffer_Size = 0;
-    Buffer = NULL;
-    Buffer_Offset = 0;
-    Buffer_Allocated = 0;
-   if (*Update_Time == Last_Part_Update) return 0;
-    Part_Lock();
-    Part_Record_Iterator = list_iterator_create(Part_List);
-    if (Part_Record_Iterator == NULL) {
+int dump_part (char **buffer_ptr, int *buffer_size, time_t * update_time) {
+	ListIterator part_record_iterator;	/* for iterating through part_record_list */
+	struct part_record *part_record_point;	/* pointer to part_record */
+	char *buffer;
+	int buffer_offset, buffer_allocated, i, record_size;
+	char out_line[BUF_SIZE * 2], *nodes, *key, *default_flag, *allow_groups,
+		*shared, *state;
+	buffer_ptr[0] = NULL;
+	*buffer_size = 0;
+	buffer = NULL;
+	buffer_offset = 0;
+	buffer_allocated = 0;
+	if (*update_time == last_part_update)
+		return 0;
+	part_record_iterator = list_iterator_create (part_list);
+	if (part_record_iterator == NULL) {
-	fprintf(stderr, "Dump_Part: list_iterator_create unable to allocate memory\n");
+		fprintf (stderr,
+			 "dump_part: list_iterator_create unable to allocate memory\n");
-	syslog(LOG_ALERT, "Dump_Part: list_iterator_create unable to allocate memory\n");
+		syslog (LOG_ALERT,
+			"dump_part: list_iterator_create unable to allocate memory\n");
-	abort();
-    } /* if */
-    /* Write haeader, version and time */
-    sprintf(Out_Line, HEAD_FORMAT, (unsigned long)Last_Part_Update, PART_STRUCT_VERSION);
-    if (Write_Buffer(&Buffer, &Buffer_Offset, &Buffer_Allocated, Out_Line)) goto cleanup;
-    /* Write partition records */
-    while (Part_Record_Point = (struct Part_Record *)list_next(Part_Record_Iterator)) {
+		abort ();
+	}			
+	/* write haeader, version and time */
+	sprintf (out_line, HEAD_FORMAT, (unsigned long) last_part_update,
+	if (write_buffer
+	    (&buffer, &buffer_offset, &buffer_allocated, out_line))
+		goto cleanup;
+	/* write partition records */
+	while (part_record_point =
+	       (struct part_record *) list_next (part_record_iterator)) {
-	if (Part_Record_Point->Magic != PART_MAGIC) {
+		if (part_record_point->magic != PART_MAGIC) {
-	    fprintf(stderr, "Dump_Part: Data integrity is bad\n");
+			fprintf (stderr,
+				 "dump_part: data integrity is bad\n");
-	    syslog(LOG_ALERT, "Dump_Part: Data integrity is bad\n");
+			syslog (LOG_ALERT,
+				"dump_part: data integrity is bad\n");
-	    abort();
-	} /* if */
+			abort ();
+		}		
-	if (Part_Record_Point->Nodes)
-	    Nodes = Part_Record_Point->Nodes;
-	else
-	    Nodes = "NONE";
-	if (Part_Record_Point == Default_Part_Loc)
-	    Default = "YES";
-	else
-	    Default = "NO";
-	if (Part_Record_Point->Key)
-	    Key = "YES";
-	else
-	    Key = "NO";
-	if (Part_Record_Point->StateUp)
-	    State = "UP";
-	else
-	    State = "DOWN";
-	if (Part_Record_Point->Shared)
-	    Shared = "YES";
-	else
-	    Shared = "NO";
-	if (Part_Record_Point->AllowGroups)
-	    AllowGroups = Part_Record_Point->AllowGroups;
-	else
-	    AllowGroups = "ALL";
-	sprintf(Out_Line, PART_STRUCT_FORMAT, 
-		Part_Record_Point->Name,
-		Part_Record_Point->MaxNodes,
-		Part_Record_Point->MaxTime,
-		Nodes,
-		Key,
-		Default,
-		AllowGroups,
-		Shared,
-		State,
-		Part_Record_Point->TotalNodes,
-		Part_Record_Point->TotalCPUs);
-	if (strlen(Out_Line) > BUF_SIZE) {
+		if (part_record_point->nodes)
+			nodes = part_record_point->nodes;
+		else
+			nodes = "NONE";
+		if (part_record_point == default_part_loc)
+			default_flag = "YES";
+		else
+			default_flag = "NO";
+		if (part_record_point->key)
+			key = "YES";
+		else
+			key = "NO";
+		if (part_record_point->state_up)
+			state = "UP";
+		else
+			state = "DONW";
+		if (part_record_point->shared)
+			shared = "YES";
+		else
+			shared = "NO";
+		if (part_record_point->allow_groups)
+			allow_groups = part_record_point->allow_groups;
+		else
+			allow_groups = "ALL";
+		sprintf (out_line, PART_STRUCT_FORMAT,
+			 part_record_point->name,
+			 part_record_point->max_nodes,
+			 part_record_point->max_time,
+			 nodes,
+			 key,
+			 default_flag,
+			 allow_groups,
+			 shared,
+			 state,
+			 part_record_point->total_nodes,
+			 part_record_point->total_cpus);
+		if (strlen (out_line) > BUF_SIZE) {
-	    fprintf(stderr, "Dump_Part: buffer overflow for partition %s\n", Part_Record_Point->Name);
+			fprintf (stderr,
+				 "dump_part: buffer overflow for partition %s\n",
+				 part_record_point->name);
-	    syslog(LOG_ALERT, "Dump_Part: buffer overflow for partition %s\n", Part_Record_Point->Name);
+			syslog (LOG_ALERT,
+				"dump_part: buffer overflow for partition %s\n",
+				part_record_point->name);
-	    if (strlen(Out_Line) > (2*BUF_SIZE)) abort();
-	} /* if */
-	if (Write_Buffer(&Buffer, &Buffer_Offset, &Buffer_Allocated, Out_Line)) goto cleanup;
-    } /* while */
-    list_iterator_destroy(Part_Record_Iterator);
-    Buffer = realloc(Buffer, Buffer_Offset);
-    if (Buffer == NULL) {
+			if (strlen (out_line) > (2 * BUF_SIZE))
+				abort ();
+		}		
+		if (write_buffer
+		    (&buffer, &buffer_offset, &buffer_allocated, out_line))
+			goto cleanup;
+	}			
+	list_iterator_destroy (part_record_iterator);
+	buffer = realloc (buffer, buffer_offset);
+	if (buffer == NULL) {
-	fprintf(stderr, "Dump_Part: unable to allocate memory\n");
+		fprintf (stderr, "dump_part: unable to allocate memory\n");
-	syslog(LOG_ALERT, "Dump_Part: unable to allocate memory\n");
+		syslog (LOG_ALERT, "dump_part: unable to allocate memory\n");
-	abort();
-    } /* if */
+		abort ();
+	}			
-    Buffer_Ptr[0] = Buffer;
-    *Buffer_Size = Buffer_Offset;
-    *Update_Time = Last_Part_Update;
-    Part_Unlock();
-    return 0;
+	buffer_ptr[0] = buffer;
+	*buffer_size = buffer_offset;
+	*update_time = last_part_update;
+	return 0;
-    Part_Unlock();
-    list_iterator_destroy(Part_Record_Iterator);
-    if (Buffer) free(Buffer);
-    return EINVAL;
-} /* Dump_Part */
+      cleanup:
+	list_iterator_destroy (part_record_iterator);
+	if (buffer)
+		free (buffer);
+	return EINVAL;
- * Init_Part_Conf - Initialize the partition configuration values. 
- * This should be called before creating any partition entries.
- * Output: return value - 0 if no error, otherwise an error code
+ * init_part_conf - initialize the partition configuration values. 
+ * this should be called before creating any partition entries.
+ * output: return value - 0 if no error, otherwise an error code
-int Init_Part_Conf() {
-    Last_Part_Update = time(NULL);
-    strcpy(Default_Part.Name, "DEFAULT");
-    Default_Part.AllowGroups = (char *)NULL;
-    Default_Part.MaxTime     = -1;
-    Default_Part.MaxNodes    = -1;
-    Default_Part.Key         = 0;
-    Default_Part.StateUp     = 1;
-    Default_Part.Shared      = 0;
-    Default_Part.TotalNodes  = 0;
-    Default_Part.TotalCPUs   = 0;
-    if (Default_Part.Nodes) free(Default_Part.Nodes);
-    Default_Part.Nodes       = (char *)NULL;
-    if (Default_Part.AllowGroups) free(Default_Part.AllowGroups);
-    Default_Part.AllowGroups = (char *)NULL;
-    if (Default_Part.NodeBitMap) free(Default_Part.NodeBitMap);
-    Default_Part.NodeBitMap  = (unsigned *)NULL;
-    if (Part_List) 	/* Delete defunct partitions */
-	(void)Delete_Part_Record(NULL);
-    else
-	Part_List = list_create(&List_Delete_Part);
-    if (Part_List == NULL) {
+int init_part_conf () {
+	last_part_update = time (NULL);
+	strcpy (default_part.name, "DEFAULT");
+	default_part.allow_groups = (char *) NULL;
+	default_part.max_time = -1;
+	default_part.max_nodes = -1;
+	default_part.key = 0;
+	default_part.state_up = 1;
+	default_part.shared = 0;
+	default_part.total_nodes = 0;
+	default_part.total_cpus = 0;
+	if (default_part.nodes)
+		free (default_part.nodes);
+	default_part.nodes = (char *) NULL;
+	if (default_part.allow_groups)
+		free (default_part.allow_groups);
+	default_part.allow_groups = (char *) NULL;
+	if (default_part.node_bitmap)
+		free (default_part.node_bitmap);
+	default_part.node_bitmap = (unsigned *) NULL;
+	if (part_list)		/* delete defunct partitions */
+		(void) delete_part_record (NULL);
+	else
+		part_list = list_create (&list_delete_part);
+	if (part_list == NULL) {
-	fprintf(stderr, "Init_Part_Conf: list_create can not allocate memory\n");
+		fprintf (stderr,
+			 "init_part_conf: list_create can not allocate memory\n");
-	syslog(LOG_ALERT, "Init_Part_Conf: list_create can not allocate memory\n");
+		syslog (LOG_ALERT,
+			"init_part_conf: list_create can not allocate memory\n");
-	abort();
-    } /* if */
-    strcpy(Default_Part_Name, "");
-    Default_Part_Loc = (struct Part_Record *)NULL;
-    return 0;
-} /* Init_Part_Conf */
-/* List_Delete_Part - Delete an entry from the partition list, see list.h for documentation */
-void List_Delete_Part(void *Part_Entry) {
-    struct Part_Record *Part_Record_Point;	/* Pointer to Part_Record */
-    int i;
-    Part_Record_Point = (struct Part_Record *)Part_Entry;
-    for (i=0; i<Node_Record_Count; i++) {
-	if (Node_Record_Table_Ptr[i].Partition_Ptr != Part_Record_Point) continue;
-	Node_Record_Table_Ptr[i].Partition_Ptr = NULL;
-    } /* if */
-    if (Part_Record_Point->AllowGroups) free(Part_Record_Point->AllowGroups);
-    if (Part_Record_Point->Nodes)       free(Part_Record_Point->Nodes);
-    if (Part_Record_Point->NodeBitMap)  free(Part_Record_Point->NodeBitMap);
-    free(Part_Entry);
-} /* List_Delete_Part */
-/* List_Find_Part - Find an entry in the partition list, see list.h for documentation 
- * Key is partition name or "UNIVERSAL_KEY" for all partitions */
-int List_Find_Part(void *Part_Entry, void *key) {
-    struct Part_Record *Part_Record_Point;	/* Pointer to Part_Record */
-    if (strcmp(key, "UNIVERSAL_KEY") == 0) return 1;
-    Part_Record_Point = (struct Part_Record *)Part_Entry;
-    if (strcmp(Part_Record_Point->Name, (char *)key) == 0) return 1;
-    return 0;
-} /* List_Find_Part */
-/* Part_Lock - Lock the partition information */
-void Part_Lock() {
-    int Error_Code;
-    Error_Code = pthread_mutex_lock(&Part_Mutex);
-    if (Error_Code) {
+		abort ();
+	}			
+	strcpy (default_part_name, "");
+	default_part_loc = (struct part_record *) NULL;
+	return 0;
+/* list_delete_part - delete an entry from the partition list, see list.h for documentation */
+void list_delete_part (void *part_entry) {
+	struct part_record *part_record_point;	/* pointer to part_record */
+	int i;
+	part_record_point = (struct part_record *) part_entry;
+	for (i = 0; i < node_record_count; i++) {
+		if (node_record_table_ptr[i].partition_ptr !=
+		    part_record_point)
+			continue;
+		node_record_table_ptr[i].partition_ptr = NULL;
+	}			
+	if (part_record_point->allow_groups)
+		free (part_record_point->allow_groups);
+	if (part_record_point->nodes)
+		free (part_record_point->nodes);
+	if (part_record_point->node_bitmap)
+		free (part_record_point->node_bitmap);
+	free (part_entry);
+/* list_find_part - find an entry in the partition list, see list.h for documentation 
+ * key is partition name or "universal_key" for all partitions */
+int list_find_part (void *part_entry, void *key) {
+	struct part_record *part_record_point;	/* pointer to part_record */
+	if (strcmp (key, "universal_key") == 0)
+		return 1;
+	part_record_point = (struct part_record *) part_entry;
+	if (strcmp (part_record_point->name, (char *) key) == 0)
+		return 1;
+	return 0;
+/* part_lock - lock the partition information */
+void part_lock () {
+	int error_code;
+	error_code = pthread_mutex_lock (&part_mutex);
+	if (error_code) {
-	fprintf(stderr, "Part_Lock: pthread_mutex_lock error %d\n", Error_Code);
+		fprintf (stderr, "part_lock: pthread_mutex_lock error %d\n",
+			 error_code);
-	syslog(LOG_ALERT, "Part_Lock: pthread_mutex_lock error %d\n", Error_Code);
+		syslog (LOG_ALERT, "part_lock: pthread_mutex_lock error %d\n",
+			error_code);
-	abort();
-    } /* if */
-} /* Part_Lock */
+		abort ();
+	}			
-/* Part_Unlock - Unlock the partition information */
-void Part_Unlock() {
-    int Error_Code;
-    Error_Code = pthread_mutex_unlock(&Part_Mutex);
-    if (Error_Code) {
+/* part_unlock - unlock the partition information */
+void part_unlock () {
+	int error_code;
+	error_code = pthread_mutex_unlock (&part_mutex);
+	if (error_code) {
-	fprintf(stderr, "Part_Unlock: pthread_mutex_unlock error %d\n", Error_Code);
+		fprintf (stderr,
+			 "part_unlock: pthread_mutex_unlock error %d\n",
+			 error_code);
-	syslog(LOG_ALERT, "Part_Unlock: pthread_mutex_unlock error %d\n", Error_Code);
+		syslog (LOG_ALERT,
+			"part_unlock: pthread_mutex_unlock error %d\n",
+			error_code);
-	abort();
-    } /* if */
-} /* Part_Unlock */
+		abort ();
+	}			
- * Update_Part - Update a partition's configuration data
- * Input: PartitionName - Partition's name
- *        Spec - The updates to the partition's specification 
- * Output:  Return - 0 if no error, otherwise an error code
- * NOTE: The contents of Spec are overwritten by white space
+ * update_part - update a partition's configuration data
+ * input: partition_name - partition's name
+ *        spec - the updates to the partition's specification 
+ * output:  return - 0 if no error, otherwise an error code
+ * NOTE: the contents of spec are overwritten by white space
-int Update_Part(char *PartitionName, char *Spec) {
-    int Error_Code;
-    struct Part_Record *Part_Ptr;
-    int MaxTime_Val, MaxNodes_Val, Key_Val, State_Val, Shared_Val, Default_Val;
-    char *AllowGroups, *Nodes;
-    int Bad_Index, i;
-    if (strcmp(PartitionName, "DEFAULT") == 0) {
+int update_part (char *partition_name, char *spec) {
+	int error_code;
+	struct part_record *part_ptr;
+	int max_time_val, max_nodes_val, key_val, state_val, shared_val,
+		default_val;
+	char *allow_groups, *nodes;
+	int bad_index, i;
+	if (strcmp (partition_name, "DEFAULT") == 0) {
-	fprintf(stderr, "Update_Part: Invalid partition name %s\n", PartitionName);
+		fprintf (stderr, "update_part: invalid partition name %s\n",
+			 partition_name);
-	syslog(LOG_ALERT, "Update_Part: Invalid partition name  %s\n", PartitionName);
+		syslog (LOG_ALERT,
+			"update_part: invalid partition name  %s\n",
+			partition_name);
-	return EINVAL;
-    } /* if */
+		return EINVAL;
+	}			
-    Node_Lock();
-    Part_Lock();
-    Part_Ptr   = list_find_first(Part_List, &List_Find_Part, PartitionName);
-    if (Part_Ptr == 0) {
+	part_ptr =
+		list_find_first (part_list, &list_find_part, partition_name);
+	if (part_ptr == 0) {
-	fprintf(stderr, "Update_Part: Partition %s does not exist, being created.\n", PartitionName);
+		fprintf (stderr,
+			 "update_part: partition %s does not exist, being created.\n",
+			 partition_name);
-	syslog(LOG_ALERT, "Update_Part: Partition %s does not exist, being created.\n", PartitionName);
+		syslog (LOG_ALERT,
+			"update_part: partition %s does not exist, being created.\n",
+			partition_name);
-	Part_Ptr = Create_Part_Record(&Error_Code);
-	if (Error_Code) goto cleanup;
-    } /* if */
-    MaxTime_Val = NO_VAL;
-    Error_Code = Load_Integer(&MaxTime_Val, "MaxTime=", Spec);
-    if (Error_Code) goto cleanup;
-    MaxNodes_Val = NO_VAL;
-    Error_Code = Load_Integer(&MaxNodes_Val, "MaxNodes=", Spec);
-    if (Error_Code) goto cleanup;
-    Key_Val = NO_VAL;
-    Error_Code = Load_Integer(&Key_Val, "Key=NO", Spec);
-    if (Error_Code) goto cleanup;
-    if (Key_Val == 1) Key_Val = 0;
-    Error_Code = Load_Integer(&Key_Val, "Key=YES", Spec);
-    if (Error_Code) goto cleanup;
-    State_Val = NO_VAL;
-    Error_Code = Load_Integer(&State_Val, "State=DOWN", Spec);
-    if (Error_Code) goto cleanup;
-    if (State_Val == 1) State_Val = 0;
-    Error_Code = Load_Integer(&State_Val, "State=UP", Spec);
-    if (Error_Code) goto cleanup;
-    Shared_Val = NO_VAL;
-    Error_Code = Load_Integer(&Shared_Val, "Shared=NO", Spec);
-    if (Error_Code) goto cleanup;
-    if (Shared_Val == 1) Shared_Val = 0;
-    Error_Code = Load_Integer(&Shared_Val, "Shared=FORCE", Spec);
-    if (Error_Code) goto cleanup;
-    if (Shared_Val == 1) Shared_Val = 2;
-    Error_Code = Load_Integer(&Shared_Val, "Shared=YES", Spec);
-    if (Error_Code) goto cleanup;
-    Default_Val = NO_VAL;
-    Error_Code = Load_Integer(&Default_Val, "Default=YES", Spec);
-    if (Error_Code) goto cleanup;
-    AllowGroups = NULL;
-    Error_Code = Load_String (&AllowGroups, "AllowGroups=", Spec);
-    if (Error_Code) goto cleanup;
-    Nodes = NULL;
-    Error_Code = Load_String (&Nodes, "Nodes=", Spec);
-    if (Error_Code) goto cleanup;
-    Bad_Index = -1;
-    for (i=0; i<strlen(Spec); i++) {
-	if (Spec[i] == '\n') Spec[i]=' ';
-	if (isspace((int)Spec[i])) continue;
-	Bad_Index=i;
-	break;
-    } /* if */
-    if (Bad_Index != -1) {
+		part_ptr = create_part_record (&error_code);
+		if (error_code)
+			goto cleanup;
+	}			
+	max_time_val = NO_VAL;
+	error_code = load_integer (&max_time_val, "MaxTime=", spec);
+	if (error_code)
+		goto cleanup;
+	max_nodes_val = NO_VAL;
+	error_code = load_integer (&max_nodes_val, "MaxNodes=", spec);
+	if (error_code)
+		goto cleanup;
+	key_val = NO_VAL;
+	error_code = load_integer (&key_val, "Key=NO", spec);
+	if (error_code)
+		goto cleanup;
+	if (key_val == 1)
+		key_val = 0;
+	error_code = load_integer (&key_val, "Key=YES", spec);
+	if (error_code)
+		goto cleanup;
+	state_val = NO_VAL;
+	error_code = load_integer (&state_val, "State=DOWN", spec);
+	if (error_code)
+		goto cleanup;
+	if (state_val == 1)
+		state_val = 0;
+	error_code = load_integer (&state_val, "State=UP", spec);
+	if (error_code)
+		goto cleanup;
+	shared_val = NO_VAL;
+	error_code = load_integer (&shared_val, "Shared=NO", spec);
+	if (error_code)
+		goto cleanup;
+	if (shared_val == 1)
+		shared_val = 0;
+	error_code = load_integer (&shared_val, "Shared=FORCE", spec);
+	if (error_code)
+		goto cleanup;
+	if (shared_val == 1)
+		shared_val = 2;
+	error_code = load_integer (&shared_val, "Shared=YES", spec);
+	if (error_code)
+		goto cleanup;
+	default_val = NO_VAL;
+	error_code = load_integer (&default_val, "Default=YES", spec);
+	if (error_code)
+		goto cleanup;
+	allow_groups = NULL;
+	error_code = load_string (&allow_groups, "AllowGroups=", spec);
+	if (error_code)
+		goto cleanup;
+	nodes = NULL;
+	error_code = load_string (&nodes, "Nodes=", spec);
+	if (error_code)
+		goto cleanup;
+	bad_index = -1;
+	for (i = 0; i < strlen (spec); i++) {
+		if (spec[i] == '\n')
+			spec[i] = ' ';
+		if (isspace ((int) spec[i]))
+			continue;
+		bad_index = i;
+		break;
+	}			
+	if (bad_index != -1) {
-	fprintf(stderr, "Update_Part: Ignored partition %s update specification: %s\n", 
-		PartitionName, &Spec[Bad_Index]);
+		fprintf (stderr,
+			 "update_part: ignored partition %s update specification: %s\n",
+			 partition_name, &spec[bad_index]);
-	syslog(LOG_ERR, "Update_Part: Ignored partition %s update specification: %s\n", 
-		PartitionName, &Spec[Bad_Index]);
+		syslog (LOG_ERR,
+			"update_part: ignored partition %s update specification: %s\n",
+			partition_name, &spec[bad_index]);
-	Error_Code = EINVAL;
-	goto cleanup;
-    } /* if */
+		error_code = EINVAL;
+		goto cleanup;
+	}			
-    Last_Part_Update = time(NULL);
-    if (MaxTime_Val  != NO_VAL) {
+	last_part_update = time (NULL);
+	if (max_time_val != NO_VAL) {
-	fprintf(stderr, "Update_Part: setting MaxTime to %d for partition %s\n", 
-		    MaxTime_Val, PartitionName);
+		fprintf (stderr,
+			 "update_part: setting max_time to %d for partition %s\n",
+			 max_time_val, partition_name);
-	syslog(LOG_NOTICE, "Update_Part: setting MaxTime to %d for partition %s\n", 
-		    MaxTime_Val, PartitionName);
+		syslog (LOG_NOTICE,
+			"update_part: setting max_time to %d for partition %s\n",
+			max_time_val, partition_name);
-	Part_Ptr->MaxTime  = MaxTime_Val;
-    }/* if */
+		part_ptr->max_time = max_time_val;
+	}			
-    if (MaxNodes_Val != NO_VAL) {
+	if (max_nodes_val != NO_VAL) {
-	fprintf(stderr, "Update_Part: setting MaxNodes to %d for partition %s\n", 
-		    MaxNodes_Val, PartitionName);
+		fprintf (stderr,
+			 "update_part: setting max_nodes to %d for partition %s\n",
+			 max_nodes_val, partition_name);
-	syslog(LOG_NOTICE, "Update_Part: setting MaxNodes to %d for partition %s\n", 
-		    MaxNodes_Val, PartitionName);
+		syslog (LOG_NOTICE,
+			"update_part: setting max_nodes to %d for partition %s\n",
+			max_nodes_val, partition_name);
-	Part_Ptr->MaxNodes = MaxNodes_Val;
-    }/* if */
+		part_ptr->max_nodes = max_nodes_val;
+	}			
-    if (Key_Val      != NO_VAL) {
+	if (key_val != NO_VAL) {
-	fprintf(stderr, "Update_Part: setting Key to %d for partition %s\n", 
-		    Key_Val, PartitionName);
+		fprintf (stderr,
+			 "update_part: setting key to %d for partition %s\n",
+			 key_val, partition_name);
-	syslog(LOG_NOTICE, "Update_Part: setting Key to %d for partition %s\n", 
-		    Key_Val, PartitionName);
+		syslog (LOG_NOTICE,
+			"update_part: setting key to %d for partition %s\n",
+			key_val, partition_name);
-	Part_Ptr->Key      = Key_Val;
-    }/* if */
+		part_ptr->key = key_val;
+	}			
-    if (State_Val    != NO_VAL) {
+	if (state_val != NO_VAL) {
-	fprintf(stderr, "Update_Part: setting StateUp to %d for partition %s\n", 
-		    State_Val, PartitionName);
+		fprintf (stderr,
+			 "update_part: setting state_up to %d for partition %s\n",
+			 state_val, partition_name);
-	syslog(LOG_NOTICE, "Update_Part: setting StateUp to %d for partition %s\n", 
-		    State_Val, PartitionName);
+		syslog (LOG_NOTICE,
+			"update_part: setting state_up to %d for partition %s\n",
+			state_val, partition_name);
-	Part_Ptr->StateUp  = State_Val;
-    }/* if */
+		part_ptr->state_up = state_val;
+	}			
-    if (Shared_Val    != NO_VAL) {
+	if (shared_val != NO_VAL) {
-	fprintf(stderr, "Update_Part: setting Shared to %d for partition %s\n", 
-		    Shared_Val, PartitionName);
+		fprintf (stderr,
+			 "update_part: setting shared to %d for partition %s\n",
+			 shared_val, partition_name);
-	syslog(LOG_NOTICE, "Update_Part: setting Shared to %d for partition %s\n", 
-		    Shared_Val, PartitionName);
+		syslog (LOG_NOTICE,
+			"update_part: setting shared to %d for partition %s\n",
+			shared_val, partition_name);
-	Part_Ptr->Shared  = Shared_Val;
-    }/* if */
+		part_ptr->shared = shared_val;
+	}			
-    if (Default_Val == 1) {
+	if (default_val == 1) {
-	fprintf(stderr, "Update_Part: changing default partition from %s to %s\n", 
-		    Default_Part_Name, PartitionName);
+		fprintf (stderr,
+			 "update_part: changing default partition from %s to %s\n",
+			 default_part_name, partition_name);
-	syslog(LOG_NOTICE, "Update_Part: changing default partition from %s to %s\n", 
-		    Default_Part_Name, PartitionName);
+		syslog (LOG_NOTICE,
+			"update_part: changing default partition from %s to %s\n",
+			default_part_name, partition_name);
-	strcpy(Default_Part_Name, PartitionName);
-	Default_Part_Loc = Part_Ptr;
-    } /* if */
-    if (AllowGroups != NULL) {
-	if (Part_Ptr->AllowGroups) free(Part_Ptr->AllowGroups);
-	Part_Ptr->AllowGroups = AllowGroups;
+		strcpy (default_part_name, partition_name);
+		default_part_loc = part_ptr;
+	}			
+	if (allow_groups != NULL) {
+		if (part_ptr->allow_groups)
+			free (part_ptr->allow_groups);
+		part_ptr->allow_groups = allow_groups;
-	fprintf(stderr, "Update_Part: setting AllowGroups to %s for partition %s\n", 
-		    AllowGroups, PartitionName);
+		fprintf (stderr,
+			 "update_part: setting allow_groups to %s for partition %s\n",
+			 allow_groups, partition_name);
-	syslog(LOG_NOTICE, "Update_Part: setting AllowGroups to %s for partition %s\n", 
-		    AllowGroups, PartitionName);
+		syslog (LOG_NOTICE,
+			"update_part: setting allow_groups to %s for partition %s\n",
+			allow_groups, partition_name);
-    } /* if */
+	}			
-    if (Nodes != NULL) {
-	if (Part_Ptr->Nodes) free(Part_Ptr->Nodes);
-	Part_Ptr->Nodes = Nodes;
+	if (nodes != NULL) {
+		if (part_ptr->nodes)
+			free (part_ptr->nodes);
+		part_ptr->nodes = nodes;
-	fprintf(stderr, "Update_Part: setting Nodes to %s for partition %s\n", 
-		    Nodes, PartitionName);
+		fprintf (stderr,
+			 "update_part: setting nodes to %s for partition %s\n",
+			 nodes, partition_name);
-	syslog(LOG_NOTICE, "Update_Part: setting Nodes to %s for partition %s\n", 
-		    Nodes, PartitionName);
+		syslog (LOG_NOTICE,
+			"update_part: setting nodes to %s for partition %s\n",
+			nodes, partition_name);
-	/* Now we need to update TotalCPUs, TotalNodes, and NodeBitMap */
-	Error_Code = Build_Part_BitMap(Part_Ptr);
-	if (Error_Code) goto cleanup;
-    } /* if */
-    Part_Unlock();
-    Node_Unlock();
-    return Error_Code;
-} /* Update_Part */
+		/* now we need to update total_cpus, total_nodes, and node_bitmap */
+		error_code = build_part_bitmap (part_ptr);
+		if (error_code)
+			goto cleanup;
+	}			
+      cleanup:
+	return error_code;
diff --git a/src/slurmctld/read_config.c b/src/slurmctld/read_config.c
index 484fed37bd025e83d67e4ed34be023f97f72a17d..ed25e1d684bad44b2dd143aa1570d6dca27947bb 100644
--- a/src/slurmctld/read_config.c
+++ b/src/slurmctld/read_config.c
@@ -1,12 +1,12 @@
- * read_config.c - Read the overall SLURM configuration file
- * See slurm.h for documentation on external functions and data structures
+ * read_config.c - read the overall slurm configuration file
+ * see slurm.h for documentation on external functions and data structures
  * NOTE: DEBUG_MODULE mode test with execution line
- *	read_config ../../etc/SLURM.conf1
- *	read_config ../../etc/SLURM.conf1 1000
+ *	read_config ../../etc/slurm.conf1
+ *	read_config ../../etc/slurm.conf1 1000
- * Author: Moe Jette, jette@llnl.gov
+ * author: moe jette, jette@llnl.gov
@@ -25,715 +25,919 @@
 #define BUF_SIZE 1024
 #define NO_VAL (-99)
-int 	Parse_Node_Spec(char *In_Line);
-int 	Parse_Part_Spec(char *In_Line);
+int parse_node_spec (char *in_line);
+int parse_part_spec (char *in_line);
-char *BackupController = NULL;
-char *ControlMachine  = NULL;
+char *backup_controller = NULL;
+char *control_machine = NULL;
 /* main is used here for module testing purposes only */
-main(int argc, char * argv[]) {
-    int Error_Code, Start_Inx, End_Inx, Count_Inx;
-    char Out_Line[BUF_SIZE];
-    char *Format, *NodeName, *BitMap;
-    char *Partitions[] = {"login", "debug", "batch", "class", "END"};
-    struct Part_Record *Part_Ptr;
-    int cycles, i, found;
-    if (argc > 3) {
-	printf("Usage: %s <in_file> <cnt>\n", argv[0]);
-	exit(1);
-    } /* if */
-    Error_Code = Init_SLURM_Conf();
-    if (Error_Code != 0) exit(Error_Code);
-    if (argc >= 2) 
-	Error_Code = Read_SLURM_Conf(argv[1]);
-    else
-	Error_Code = Read_SLURM_Conf(SLURM_CONF);
-    if (Error_Code) {
-	printf("Error %d from Read_SLURM_Conf\n", Error_Code);
-	exit(1);
-    } /* if */
-    printf("ControlMachine=%s\n", ControlMachine);
-    printf("BackupController=%s\n", BackupController);
-    printf("\n");
-    for (i=0; i<Node_Record_Count; i++) {
-	if (strlen(Node_Record_Table_Ptr[i].Name) == 0) continue;
-	printf("NodeName=%s ",      Node_Record_Table_Ptr[i].Name);
-	printf("NodeState=%s ",     Node_State_String[Node_Record_Table_Ptr[i].NodeState]);
-	printf("LastResponse=%ld ", (long)Node_Record_Table_Ptr[i].LastResponse);
-	printf("CPUs=%d ",          Node_Record_Table_Ptr[i].CPUs);
-	printf("RealMemory=%d ",    Node_Record_Table_Ptr[i].RealMemory);
-	printf("TmpDisk=%d ",       Node_Record_Table_Ptr[i].TmpDisk);
-	printf("Weight=%d ",        Node_Record_Table_Ptr[i].Config_Ptr->Weight);
-	printf("Feature=%s\n",      Node_Record_Table_Ptr[i].Config_Ptr->Feature);
-    } /* for */
-    BitMap = BitMapPrint(Up_NodeBitMap);
-    printf("\nUp_NodeBitMap  =%s\n", BitMap);
-    free(BitMap);
-    BitMap = BitMapPrint(Idle_NodeBitMap);
-    printf("Idle_NodeBitMap=%s\n\n", BitMap);
-    free(BitMap);
-    printf("Default_Part_Name=%s\n", Default_Part_Name);
-    found = 0;
-    for (i=0; ;i++) {
-	if (strcmp(Partitions[i], "END") == 0) {
-	    if (found) break;
-	    Part_Ptr = Default_Part_Loc;
-	} else {
-	    Part_Ptr = list_find_first(Part_List, &List_Find_Part, Partitions[i]);
-	    if (Part_Ptr == Default_Part_Loc) found = 1;
-	} /* else */
-	if (Part_Ptr == NULL) continue;
-	printf("PartitionName=%s ",     Part_Ptr->Name);
-	printf("MaxTime=%d ",           Part_Ptr->MaxTime);
-	printf("MaxNodes=%d ",          Part_Ptr->MaxNodes);
-	printf("Key=%d ",               Part_Ptr->Key);
-	printf("StateUp=%d ",           Part_Ptr->StateUp);
-	printf("Shared=%d ",            Part_Ptr->Shared);
-	printf("Nodes=%s ",             Part_Ptr->Nodes);
-	printf("TotalNodes=%d ",        Part_Ptr->TotalNodes);
-	printf("TotalCPUs=%d ",         Part_Ptr->TotalCPUs);
-	printf("AllowGroups=%s  ",      Part_Ptr->AllowGroups);
-	BitMap = BitMapPrint(Part_Ptr->NodeBitMap);
-	printf("NodeBitMap=%s\n",	BitMap);
-	if (BitMap) free(BitMap);
-    } /* for */
-    if (argc < 3) exit(0);
-    cycles = atoi(argv[2]);
-    printf("Let's reinitialize the database %d times. Run /bin/ps to get memory size.\n", cycles);
-    sleep(5);
-    for (i=0; i<cycles; i++) {
-	Error_Code = Init_SLURM_Conf();
-	if (Error_Code) {
-	    printf("Error %d from Init_SLURM_Conf\n", Error_Code);
-	    exit(Error_Code);
-	} /* if */
-	Error_Code = Read_SLURM_Conf(argv[1]);
-	if (Error_Code) {
-	    printf("Error %d from Read_SLURM_Conf\n", Error_Code);
-	    exit(Error_Code);
-	} /* if */
-    } /* for */
-    printf("All done. Run /bin/ps again look for increase in memory size (leakage).\n");
-    sleep(10);
-    exit(0);
-} /* main */
+main (int argc, char *argv[]) {
+	int error_code, start_inx, end_inx, count_inx;
+	char out_line[BUF_SIZE];
+	char *format, *node_name, *bitmap;
+	char *partitions[] = { "login", "debug", "batch", "class", "end" };
+	struct part_record *part_ptr;
+	int cycles, i, found;
+	if (argc > 3) {
+		printf ("usage: %s <in_file> <cnt>\n", argv[0]);
+		exit (1);
+	}			
+	error_code = init_slurm_conf ();
+	if (error_code != 0)
+		exit (error_code);
+	if (argc >= 2)
+		error_code = read_slurm_conf (argv[1]);
+	else
+		error_code = read_slurm_conf (SLURM_CONF);
+	if (error_code) {
+		printf ("error %d from read_slurm_conf\n", error_code);
+		exit (1);
+	}			
+	printf ("ControlMachine=%s\n", control_machine);
+	printf ("BackupController=%s\n", backup_controller);
+	printf ("\n");
+	for (i = 0; i < node_record_count; i++) {
+		if (strlen (node_record_table_ptr[i].name) == 0)
+			continue;
+		printf ("NodeName=%s ", node_record_table_ptr[i].name);
+		printf ("NodeState=%s ",
+			node_state_string[node_record_table_ptr[i].
+					  node_state]);
+		printf ("LastResponse=%ld ",
+			(long) node_record_table_ptr[i].last_response);
+		printf ("CPUs=%d ", node_record_table_ptr[i].cpus);
+		printf ("RealMemory=%d ",
+			node_record_table_ptr[i].real_memory);
+		printf ("TmpDisk=%d ", node_record_table_ptr[i].tmp_disk);
+		printf ("Weight=%d ",
+			node_record_table_ptr[i].config_ptr->weight);
+		printf ("Feature=%s\n",
+			node_record_table_ptr[i].config_ptr->feature);
+	}			
+	bitmap = bitmap_print (up_node_bitmap);
+	printf ("\nup_node_bitmap  =%s\n", bitmap);
+	free (bitmap);
+	bitmap = bitmap_print (idle_node_bitmap);
+	printf ("idle_node_bitmap=%s\n\n", bitmap);
+	free (bitmap);
+	printf ("default_part_name=%s\n", default_part_name);
+	found = 0;
+	for (i = 0;; i++) {
+		if (strcmp (partitions[i], "end") == 0) {
+			if (found)
+				break;
+			part_ptr = default_part_loc;
+		}
+		else {
+			part_ptr =
+				list_find_first (part_list, &list_find_part,
+						 partitions[i]);
+			if (part_ptr == default_part_loc)
+				found = 1;
+		}		/* else */
+		if (part_ptr == NULL)
+			continue;
+		printf ("PartitionName=%s ", part_ptr->name);
+		printf ("MaxTime=%d ", part_ptr->max_time);
+		printf ("MaxNodes=%d ", part_ptr->max_nodes);
+		printf ("Key=%d ", part_ptr->key);
+		printf ("State=%d ", part_ptr->state_up);
+		printf ("Shared=%d ", part_ptr->shared);
+		printf ("Nodes=%s ", part_ptr->nodes);
+		printf ("AllowGroups=%s  ", part_ptr->allow_groups);
+		printf ("total_nodes=%d ", part_ptr->total_nodes);
+		printf ("total_cpus=%d ", part_ptr->total_cpus);
+		bitmap = bitmap_print (part_ptr->node_bitmap);
+		printf ("node_bitmap=%s\n", bitmap);
+		if (bitmap)
+			free (bitmap);
+	}			
+	if (argc < 3)
+		exit (0);
+	cycles = atoi (argv[2]);
+	printf ("let's reinitialize the database %d times. run /bin/ps to get memory size.\n", cycles);
+	sleep (5);
+	for (i = 0; i < cycles; i++) {
+		error_code = init_slurm_conf ();
+		if (error_code) {
+			printf ("error %d from init_slurm_conf\n",
+				error_code);
+			exit (error_code);
+		}		
+		error_code = read_slurm_conf (argv[1]);
+		if (error_code) {
+			printf ("error %d from read_slurm_conf\n",
+				error_code);
+			exit (error_code);
+		}		
+	}			
+	printf ("all done. run /bin/ps again look for increase in memory size (leakage).\n");
+	sleep (10);
+	exit (0);
- * Build_BitMaps - Build node bitmaps to define which nodes are in which 
- *    1) Partition  2) Configuration record  3) UP state  4) IDLE state
- *    Also sets values of TotalNodes and TotalCPUs for every partition.
- * Output: Returns 0 if no error, errno otherwise
+ * build_bitmaps - build node bitmaps to define which nodes are in which 
+ *    1) partition  2) configuration record  3) up state  4) idle state
+ *    also sets values of total_nodes and total_cpus for every partition.
+ * output: returns 0 if no error, errno otherwise
-int Build_BitMaps() {
-    int i, j, size, Error_Code;
-    ListIterator Config_Record_Iterator;	/* For iterating through Config_Record */
-    ListIterator Part_Record_Iterator;		/* For iterating through Part_Record_List */
-    struct Config_Record *Config_Record_Point;	/* Pointer to Config_Record */
-    struct Part_Record *Part_Record_Point;	/* Pointer to Part_Record */
-    struct Node_Record *Node_Record_Point;	/* Pointer to Node_Record */
-    unsigned *AllPart_NodeBitMap;
-    char *Format, This_Node_Name[BUF_SIZE];
-    int Start_Inx, End_Inx, Count_Inx;
-    char *My_Node_List, *str_ptr1, *str_ptr2;
-    Error_Code = 0;
-    Last_Node_Update = time(NULL);
-    Last_Part_Update = time(NULL);
-    size = (Node_Record_Count + (sizeof(unsigned)*8) - 1) / 
-		(sizeof(unsigned)*8); 	/* Unsigned int records in bitmap */
-    size *= 8;				/* Bytes in bitmap */
-    /* Initialize the Idle and Up bitmaps */
-    if (Idle_NodeBitMap) free(Idle_NodeBitMap);
-    if (Up_NodeBitMap)   free(Up_NodeBitMap);
-    Idle_NodeBitMap = (unsigned *)malloc(size);
-    Up_NodeBitMap   = (unsigned *)malloc(size);
-    if ((Idle_NodeBitMap == NULL) || (Up_NodeBitMap == NULL)) {
+int build_bitmaps () {
+	int i, j, size, error_code;
+	ListIterator config_record_iterator;	/* for iterating through config_record */
+	ListIterator part_record_iterator;	/* for iterating through part_record_list */
+	struct config_record *config_record_point;	/* pointer to config_record */
+	struct part_record *part_record_point;	/* pointer to part_record */
+	struct node_record *node_record_point;	/* pointer to node_record */
+	unsigned *all_part_node_bitmap;
+	char *format, this_node_name[BUF_SIZE];
+	int start_inx, end_inx, count_inx;
+	char *my_node_list, *str_ptr1, *str_ptr2;
+	error_code = 0;
+	last_node_update = time (NULL);
+	last_part_update = time (NULL);
+	size = (node_record_count + (sizeof (unsigned) * 8) - 1) / (sizeof (unsigned) * 8);	
+				/* unsigned int records in bitmap */
+	size *= 8;		/* bytes in bitmap */
+	/* initialize the idle and up bitmaps */
+	if (idle_node_bitmap)
+		free (idle_node_bitmap);
+	if (up_node_bitmap)
+		free (up_node_bitmap);
+	idle_node_bitmap = (unsigned *) malloc (size);
+	up_node_bitmap = (unsigned *) malloc (size);
+	if ((idle_node_bitmap == NULL) || (up_node_bitmap == NULL)) {
-	fprintf(stderr, "Build_BitMaps: unable to allocate memory\n");
+		fprintf (stderr,
+			 "build_bitmaps: unable to allocate memory\n");
-	syslog(LOG_ALERT, "Build_BitMaps: unable to allocate memory\n");
+		syslog (log_alert,
+			"build_bitmaps: unable to allocate memory\n");
-	abort();
-    } /* if */
-    memset(Idle_NodeBitMap, 0, size);
-    memset(Up_NodeBitMap, 0, size);
-    /* Initialize the configuration bitmaps */
-    Config_Record_Iterator = list_iterator_create(Config_List);
-    if (Config_Record_Iterator == NULL) {
+		abort ();
+	}			
+	memset (idle_node_bitmap, 0, size);
+	memset (up_node_bitmap, 0, size);
+	/* initialize the configuration bitmaps */
+	config_record_iterator = list_iterator_create (config_list);
+	if (config_record_iterator == NULL) {
-	fprintf(stderr, "Build_BitMaps: list_iterator_create unable to allocate memory\n");
+		fprintf (stderr,
+			 "build_bitmaps: list_iterator_create unable to allocate memory\n");
-	syslog(LOG_ALERT, "Build_BitMaps: list_iterator_create unable to allocate memory\n");
+		syslog (log_alert,
+			"build_bitmaps: list_iterator_create unable to allocate memory\n");
-	abort();
-    } /* if */
-    while (Config_Record_Point = (struct Config_Record *)list_next(Config_Record_Iterator)) {
-	if (Config_Record_Point->NodeBitMap) free(Config_Record_Point->NodeBitMap);
-	Config_Record_Point->NodeBitMap = (unsigned *)malloc(size);
-	if (Config_Record_Point->NodeBitMap == NULL) {
+		abort ();
+	}			
+	while (config_record_point =
+	       (struct config_record *) list_next (config_record_iterator)) {
+		if (config_record_point->node_bitmap)
+			free (config_record_point->node_bitmap);
+		config_record_point->node_bitmap = (unsigned *) malloc (size);
+		if (config_record_point->node_bitmap == NULL) {
-	    fprintf(stderr, "Build_BitMaps: unable to allocate memory\n");
+			fprintf (stderr,
+				 "build_bitmaps: unable to allocate memory\n");
-	    syslog(LOG_ALERT, "Build_BitMaps: unable to allocate memory\n");
+			syslog (log_alert,
+				"build_bitmaps: unable to allocate memory\n");
-	    abort();
-	} /* if */
-	memset(Config_Record_Point->NodeBitMap, 0, size);
-    } /* while */
-    list_iterator_destroy(Config_Record_Iterator);
-    /* Scan all nodes and identify which are UP and IDLE and their configuration */
-    for (i=0; i<Node_Record_Count; i++) {
-	if (strlen(Node_Record_Table_Ptr[i].Name) == 0) continue;	/* Defunct */
-	if (Node_Record_Table_Ptr[i].NodeState == STATE_IDLE) BitMapSet(Idle_NodeBitMap, i);
-	if (Node_Record_Table_Ptr[i].NodeState != STATE_DOWN) BitMapSet(Up_NodeBitMap, i);
-	if (Node_Record_Table_Ptr[i].Config_Ptr) 
-		BitMapSet(Node_Record_Table_Ptr[i].Config_Ptr->NodeBitMap, i);
-    } /* for */
-    /* Scan partition table and identify nodes in each */
-    AllPart_NodeBitMap = (unsigned *)malloc(size);
-    if (AllPart_NodeBitMap == NULL) {
+			abort ();
+		}		
+		memset (config_record_point->node_bitmap, 0, size);
+	}			
+	list_iterator_destroy (config_record_iterator);
+	/* scan all nodes and identify which are up and idle and their configuration */
+	for (i = 0; i < node_record_count; i++) {
+		if (strlen (node_record_table_ptr[i].name) == 0)
+			continue;	/* defunct */
+		if (node_record_table_ptr[i].node_state == STATE_IDLE)
+			bitmap_set (idle_node_bitmap, i);
+		if (node_record_table_ptr[i].node_state > STATE_DOWN)
+			bitmap_set (up_node_bitmap, i);
+		if (node_record_table_ptr[i].config_ptr)
+			bitmap_set (node_record_table_ptr[i].config_ptr->
+				    node_bitmap, i);
+	}			
+	/* scan partition table and identify nodes in each */
+	all_part_node_bitmap = (unsigned *) malloc (size);
+	if (all_part_node_bitmap == NULL) {
-	fprintf(stderr, "Build_BitMaps: unable to allocate memory\n");
+		fprintf (stderr,
+			 "build_bitmaps: unable to allocate memory\n");
-	syslog(LOG_ALERT, "Build_BitMaps: unable to allocate memory\n");
+		syslog (log_alert,
+			"build_bitmaps: unable to allocate memory\n");
-	abort();
-    } /* if */
-    memset(AllPart_NodeBitMap, 0, size);
-    Part_Record_Iterator = list_iterator_create(Part_List);
-    if (Part_Record_Iterator == NULL) {
+		abort ();
+	}			
+	memset (all_part_node_bitmap, 0, size);
+	part_record_iterator = list_iterator_create (part_list);
+	if (part_record_iterator == NULL) {
-	fprintf(stderr, "Build_BitMaps: list_iterator_create unable to allocate memory\n");
+		fprintf (stderr,
+			 "build_bitmaps: list_iterator_create unable to allocate memory\n");
-	syslog(LOG_ALERT, "Build_BitMaps: list_iterator_create unable to allocate memory\n");
+		syslog (log_alert,
+			"build_bitmaps: list_iterator_create unable to allocate memory\n");
-	abort();
-    } /* if */
-    while (Part_Record_Point = (struct Part_Record *)list_next(Part_Record_Iterator)) {
-	if (Part_Record_Point->NodeBitMap) free(Part_Record_Point->NodeBitMap);
-	Part_Record_Point->NodeBitMap = (unsigned *)malloc(size);
-	if (Part_Record_Point->NodeBitMap == NULL) {
+		abort ();
+	}			
+	while (part_record_point =
+	       (struct part_record *) list_next (part_record_iterator)) {
+		if (part_record_point->node_bitmap)
+			free (part_record_point->node_bitmap);
+		part_record_point->node_bitmap = (unsigned *) malloc (size);
+		if (part_record_point->node_bitmap == NULL) {
-	    fprintf(stderr, "Build_BitMaps: unable to allocate memory\n");
+			fprintf (stderr,
+				 "build_bitmaps: unable to allocate memory\n");
-	    syslog(LOG_ALERT, "Build_BitMaps: unable to allocate memory\n");
+			syslog (log_alert,
+				"build_bitmaps: unable to allocate memory\n");
-	    abort();
-	} /* if */
-	memset(Part_Record_Point->NodeBitMap, 0, size);
-	/* Check for each node in the partition */
-	if ((Part_Record_Point->Nodes == NULL) || 
-	    (strlen(Part_Record_Point->Nodes) == 0)) continue;
-	My_Node_List = (char *)malloc(strlen(Part_Record_Point->Nodes)+1);
-	if (My_Node_List == NULL) {
+			abort ();
+		}		
+		memset (part_record_point->node_bitmap, 0, size);
+		/* check for each node in the partition */
+		if ((part_record_point->nodes == NULL) ||
+		    (strlen (part_record_point->nodes) == 0))
+			continue;
+		my_node_list =
+			(char *) malloc (strlen (part_record_point->nodes) +
+					 1);
+		if (my_node_list == NULL) {
-	    fprintf(stderr, "Build_BitMaps: unable to allocate memory\n");
+			fprintf (stderr,
+				 "build_bitmaps: unable to allocate memory\n");
-	    syslog(LOG_ALERT, "Build_BitMaps: unable to allocate memory\n");
+			syslog (log_alert,
+				"build_bitmaps: unable to allocate memory\n");
-	    abort();
-	} /* if */
-	strcpy(My_Node_List, Part_Record_Point->Nodes);
-	str_ptr2 = (char *)strtok_r(My_Node_List, ",", &str_ptr1);
-	while (str_ptr2) {	/* Break apart by comma separators */
-	    Error_Code = Parse_Node_Name(str_ptr2, &Format, &Start_Inx, &End_Inx, &Count_Inx);
-	    if (Error_Code) continue;
-	    if (strlen(Format) >= sizeof(This_Node_Name)) {
+			abort ();
+		}		
+		strcpy (my_node_list, part_record_point->nodes);
+		str_ptr2 = (char *) strtok_r (my_node_list, ",", &str_ptr1);
+		while (str_ptr2) {	/* break apart by comma separators */
+			error_code =
+				parse_node_name (str_ptr2, &format,
+						 &start_inx, &end_inx,
+						 &count_inx);
+			if (error_code)
+				continue;
+			if (strlen (format) >= sizeof (this_node_name)) {
-		fprintf(stderr, "Build_BitMaps: Node name specification too long: %s\n", Format);
+				fprintf (stderr,
+					 "build_bitmaps: node name specification too long: %s\n",
+					 format);
-		syslog(LOG_ERR, "Build_BitMaps: Node name specification too long: %s\n", Format);
+				syslog (log_err,
+					"build_bitmaps: node name specification too long: %s\n",
+					format);
-		free(Format);
-		continue;
-	    } /* if */
-	    for (i=Start_Inx; i<=End_Inx; i++) {
-		if (Count_Inx == 0) 
-		    strncpy(This_Node_Name, Format, sizeof(This_Node_Name));
-		else
-		    sprintf(This_Node_Name, Format, i);
-		Node_Record_Point = Find_Node_Record(This_Node_Name);
-		if (Node_Record_Point == NULL) {
+				free (format);
+				continue;
+			}	
+			for (i = start_inx; i <= end_inx; i++) {
+				if (count_inx == 0)
+					strncpy (this_node_name, format,
+						 sizeof (this_node_name));
+				else
+					sprintf (this_node_name, format, i);
+				node_record_point =
+					find_node_record (this_node_name);
+				if (node_record_point == NULL) {
-		    fprintf(stderr, "Build_BitMaps: Invalid node specified %s\n", This_Node_Name);
+					fprintf (stderr,
+						 "build_bitmaps: invalid node specified %s\n",
+						 this_node_name);
-		    syslog(LOG_ERR, "Build_BitMaps: Invalid node specified %s\n", This_Node_Name);
+					syslog (log_err,
+						"build_bitmaps: invalid node specified %s\n",
+						this_node_name);
-		    continue;
-		} /* if */
-		j = Node_Record_Point - Node_Record_Table_Ptr;
-		if (BitMapValue(AllPart_NodeBitMap, j) == 1) {
+					continue;
+				}	
+				j = node_record_point - node_record_table_ptr;
+				if (bitmap_value (all_part_node_bitmap, j) ==
+				    1) {
-		    fprintf(stderr, "Build_BitMaps: Node %s defined in more than one partition\n", 
-			This_Node_Name);
-		    fprintf(stderr, "Build_BitMaps: Only the first partition's specification is honored\n");
+					fprintf (stderr,
+						 "build_bitmaps: node %s defined in more than one partition\n",
+						 this_node_name);
+					fprintf (stderr,
+						 "build_bitmaps: only the first partition's specification is honored\n");
-		    syslog(LOG_ERR, "Build_BitMaps: Node %s defined in more than one partition\n", 
-			This_Node_Name);
-		    syslog(LOG_ERR, "Build_BitMaps: Only the first partition's specification is honored\n");
+					syslog (log_err,
+						"build_bitmaps: node %s defined in more than one partition\n",
+						this_node_name);
+					syslog (log_err,
+						"build_bitmaps: only the first partition's specification is honored\n");
-		} else {
-		    BitMapSet(Part_Record_Point->NodeBitMap, j);
-		    BitMapSet(AllPart_NodeBitMap, j);
-		    Part_Record_Point->TotalNodes++;
-		    Part_Record_Point->TotalCPUs += Node_Record_Point->CPUs;
-		    Node_Record_Point->Partition_Ptr = Part_Record_Point;
-		} /* else */
-	    } /* for */
-	    free(Format);
-	    str_ptr2 = (char *)strtok_r(NULL, ",", &str_ptr1);
-	} /* while (str_ptr2 */
-	free(My_Node_List);
-    } /* while (Part_Record_Point */
-    list_iterator_destroy(Part_Record_Iterator);
-    free(AllPart_NodeBitMap);
-    return Error_Code;
-} /* Build_BitMaps */
+				}
+				else {
+					bitmap_set (part_record_point->
+						    node_bitmap, j);
+					bitmap_set (all_part_node_bitmap, j);
+					part_record_point->total_nodes++;
+					part_record_point->total_cpus +=
+						node_record_point->cpus;
+					node_record_point->partition_ptr =
+						part_record_point;
+				}	/* else */
+			}	
+			free (format);
+			str_ptr2 = (char *) strtok_r (NULL, ",", &str_ptr1);
+		}		/* while (str_ptr2 */
+		free (my_node_list);
+	}			/* while (part_record_point */
+	list_iterator_destroy (part_record_iterator);
+	free (all_part_node_bitmap);
+	return error_code;
- * Init_SLURM_Conf - Initialize or re-initialize the SLURM configuration  
- *	values. This should be called before calling Read_SLURM_Conf.  
- * Output: return value - 0 if no error, otherwise an error code
+ * init_slurm_conf - initialize or re-initialize the slurm configuration  
+ *	values. this should be called before calling read_slurm_conf.  
+ * output: return value - 0 if no error, otherwise an error code
-int Init_SLURM_Conf() {
-    int Error_Code;
-    if (ControlMachine)   {
-	free(ControlMachine);
-	ControlMachine = NULL;
-    }
-    if (BackupController) {
- 	free(BackupController);
-	BackupController = NULL;
-    }
-    Error_Code = Init_Node_Conf();
-    if (Error_Code) return Error_Code;
+int init_slurm_conf () {
+	int error_code;
+	if (control_machine) {
+		free (control_machine);
+		control_machine = NULL;
+	}
+	if (backup_controller) {
+		free (backup_controller);
+		backup_controller = NULL;
+	}
+	error_code = init_node_conf ();
+	if (error_code)
+		return error_code;
+	error_code = init_part_conf ();
+	if (error_code)
+		return error_code;
-    Error_Code = Init_Part_Conf();
-    if (Error_Code) return Error_Code;
-    return 0;
-} /* Init_SLURM_Conf */
+	return 0;
- * Parse_Node_Spec - Parse the node specification, build table and set values
- * Input:  In_Line line from the configuration file
- * Output: In_Line parsed keywords and values replaced by blanks
+ * parse_node_spec - parse the node specification, build table and set values
+ * input:  in_line line from the configuration file
+ * output: in_line parsed keywords and values replaced by blanks
  *         return value 0 if no error, error code otherwise
-int Parse_Node_Spec (char *In_Line) {
-    char *NodeName, *State, *Feature, *Format, This_Node_Name[BUF_SIZE];
-    int Start_Inx, End_Inx, Count_Inx;
-    int Error_Code, i;
-    int State_Val, CPUs_Val, RealMemory_Val, TmpDisk_Val, Weight_Val;
-    struct Node_Record *Node_Record_Point;
-    struct Config_Record *Config_Point;
-    char *str_ptr1, *str_ptr2;
-    NodeName = State = Feature = (char *)NULL;
-    CPUs_Val = RealMemory_Val = State_Val = NO_VAL;
-    TmpDisk_Val = Weight_Val = NO_VAL;
-    if (Error_Code=Load_String(&NodeName, "NodeName=", In_Line))      return Error_Code;
-    if (NodeName == NULL) return 0;	/* No Node info */
-    if (Error_Code == 0) Error_Code = Load_Integer(&CPUs_Val, "CPUs=", In_Line);
-    if (Error_Code == 0) Error_Code = Load_Integer(&RealMemory_Val, "RealMemory=", In_Line);
-    if (Error_Code == 0) Error_Code = Load_Integer(&TmpDisk_Val, "TmpDisk=", In_Line);
-    if (Error_Code == 0) Error_Code = Load_Integer(&Weight_Val, "Weight=", In_Line);
-    if (Error_Code != 0) {
-	free(NodeName);
-	return Error_Code;
-    } /* if */
-    if (Error_Code=Load_String (&State, "State=", In_Line))           return Error_Code;
-    if (State != NULL) {
-	for (i=0; i<=STATE_END; i++) {
-	    if (strcmp(Node_State_String[i], "END") == 0) break;
-	    if (strcmp(Node_State_String[i], State) == 0) {
-		State_Val = i;
-		break;
-	    } /* if */
-	} /* for */
-	if (State_Val == NO_VAL) {
+int parse_node_spec (char *in_line) {
+	char *node_name, *state, *feature, *format, this_node_name[BUF_SIZE];
+	int start_inx, end_inx, count_inx;
+	int error_code, i;
+	int state_val, cpus_val, real_memory_val, tmp_disk_val, weight_val;
+	struct node_record *node_record_point;
+	struct config_record *config_point;
+	char *str_ptr1, *str_ptr2;
+	node_name = state = feature = (char *) NULL;
+	cpus_val = real_memory_val = state_val = NO_VAL;
+	tmp_disk_val = weight_val = NO_VAL;
+	if (error_code = load_string (&node_name, "NodeName=", in_line))
+		return error_code;
+	if (node_name == NULL)
+		return 0;	/* no node info */
+	if (error_code == 0)
+		error_code = load_integer (&cpus_val, "CPUs=", in_line);
+	if (error_code == 0)
+		error_code =
+			load_integer (&real_memory_val, "RealMemory=",
+				      in_line);
+	if (error_code == 0)
+		error_code =
+			load_integer (&tmp_disk_val, "TmpDisk=", in_line);
+	if (error_code == 0)
+		error_code = load_integer (&weight_val, "Weight=", in_line);
+	if (error_code != 0) {
+		free (node_name);
+		return error_code;
+	}			
+	if (error_code = load_string (&state, "State=", in_line))
+		return error_code;
+	if (state != NULL) {
+		for (i = 0; i <= STATE_END; i++) {
+			if (strcmp (node_state_string[i], "END") == 0)
+				break;
+			if (strcmp (node_state_string[i], state) == 0) {
+				state_val = i;
+				break;
+			}	
+		}		
+		if (state_val == NO_VAL) {
-	    fprintf(stderr, "Parse_Node_Spec: Invalid State %s for NodeName %s\n", State, NodeName);
+			fprintf (stderr,
+				 "parse_node_spec: invalid state %s for node_name %s\n",
+				 state, node_name);
-	    syslog(LOG_ERR, "Parse_Node_Spec: Invalid State %s for NodeName %s\n", State, NodeName);
+			syslog (log_err,
+				"parse_node_spec: invalid state %s for node_name %s\n",
+				state, node_name);
-	    free(NodeName);
-	    free(State);
-	    return EINVAL;
-	} /* if */
-	free(State);
-    } /* if */
-    Error_Code = Load_String (&Feature, "Feature=", In_Line);
-    if (Error_Code != 0) {
-	free(NodeName);
-	return Error_Code;
-    } /* if */
-    Error_Code = Parse_Node_Name(NodeName, &Format, &Start_Inx, &End_Inx, &Count_Inx);
-    if (Error_Code != 0) {
-	free(NodeName);
-	if (Feature) free(Feature);
-	return Error_Code;
-    } /* if */
-    if (Count_Inx == 0) { 	/* Execute below loop once */
-	Start_Inx = 0;
-	End_Inx = 0;
-    } /* if */
-    for (i=Start_Inx; i<=End_Inx; i++) {
-	if (Count_Inx == 0) {	/* Deal with comma separated node names here */
-	    if (i == Start_Inx)
-		str_ptr2 = strtok_r(Format, ",", &str_ptr1);
-	    else
-		str_ptr2 = strtok_r(NULL, ",", &str_ptr1);
-	    if (str_ptr2 == NULL) break;
-	    End_Inx++;
-	    strncpy(This_Node_Name, str_ptr2, sizeof(This_Node_Name));
-	} else
-	    sprintf(This_Node_Name, Format, i);
-	if (strlen(This_Node_Name) >= MAX_NAME_LEN) {
+			free (node_name);
+			free (state);
+			return EINVAL;
+		}		
+		free (state);
+	}			
+	error_code = load_string (&feature, "Feature=", in_line);
+	if (error_code != 0) {
+		free (node_name);
+		return error_code;
+	}			
+	error_code =
+		parse_node_name (node_name, &format, &start_inx, &end_inx,
+				 &count_inx);
+	if (error_code != 0) {
+		free (node_name);
+		if (feature)
+			free (feature);
+		return error_code;
+	}			
+	if (count_inx == 0) {	/* execute below loop once */
+		start_inx = 0;
+		end_inx = 0;
+	}			
+	for (i = start_inx; i <= end_inx; i++) {
+		if (count_inx == 0) {	/* deal with comma separated node names here */
+			if (i == start_inx)
+				str_ptr2 = strtok_r (format, ",", &str_ptr1);
+			else
+				str_ptr2 = strtok_r (NULL, ",", &str_ptr1);
+			if (str_ptr2 == NULL)
+				break;
+			end_inx++;
+			strncpy (this_node_name, str_ptr2,
+				 sizeof (this_node_name));
+		}
+		else
+			sprintf (this_node_name, format, i);
+		if (strlen (this_node_name) >= MAX_NAME_LEN) {
-    	    fprintf(stderr, "Parse_Node_Spec: Node name %s too long\n", This_Node_Name);
+			fprintf (stderr,
+				 "parse_node_spec: node name %s too long\n",
+				 this_node_name);
-    	    syslog(LOG_ERR, "Parse_Node_Spec: Node name %s too long\n", This_Node_Name);
+			syslog (log_err,
+				"parse_node_spec: node name %s too long\n",
+				this_node_name);
-	    if (i == Start_Inx) free(NodeName);
-	    if (Feature) free(Feature);		/* Can't use feature */
-	    Error_Code = EINVAL;
-	    break;
-	} /* if */
-	if (strcmp(NodeName, "DEFAULT") == 0) {
-	    if (i == Start_Inx)              free(NodeName);
-	    if (CPUs_Val != NO_VAL)          Default_Config_Record.CPUs = CPUs_Val;
-	    if (RealMemory_Val != NO_VAL)    Default_Config_Record.RealMemory = RealMemory_Val;
-	    if (TmpDisk_Val != NO_VAL)       Default_Config_Record.TmpDisk = TmpDisk_Val;
-	    if (Weight_Val != NO_VAL)        Default_Config_Record.Weight = Weight_Val;
-	    if (State_Val != NO_VAL)         Default_Node_Record.NodeState = State_Val;
-	    if (Feature) {
-		if (Default_Config_Record.Feature) free(Default_Config_Record.Feature);
-		Default_Config_Record.Feature = Feature;
-	    } /* if */
-	} else {
-	    if (i == Start_Inx) {
-		Config_Point = Create_Config_Record(&Error_Code);
-		if (Error_Code != 0) {
-		    if (Feature) free(Feature);	/* Can't use feature */
-		    break;
-		} /* if */
-		Config_Point->Nodes = NodeName;
-		if (CPUs_Val != NO_VAL)       Config_Point->CPUs = CPUs_Val;
-		if (RealMemory_Val != NO_VAL) Config_Point->RealMemory = RealMemory_Val;
-		if (TmpDisk_Val != NO_VAL)    Config_Point->TmpDisk = TmpDisk_Val;
-		if (Weight_Val != NO_VAL)     Config_Point->Weight = Weight_Val;
-		if (Feature) {
-		    if (Config_Point->Feature) free(Config_Point->Feature);
-		    Config_Point->Feature = Feature;
-		} /* if */
-	    } /* if */
-	    Node_Record_Point = Find_Node_Record(This_Node_Name);
-	    if (Node_Record_Point == NULL) {
-		Node_Record_Point = Create_Node_Record(&Error_Code, Config_Point, This_Node_Name);
-		if (Error_Code != 0) break;
-		if (State_Val != NO_VAL)         Node_Record_Point->NodeState=State_Val;
-	    } else {
+			if (i == start_inx)
+				free (node_name);
+			if (feature)
+				free (feature);	/* can't use feature */
+			error_code = EINVAL;
+			break;
+		}		
+		if (strcmp (node_name, "DEFAULT") == 0) {
+			if (i == start_inx)
+				free (node_name);
+			if (cpus_val != NO_VAL)
+				default_config_record.cpus = cpus_val;
+			if (real_memory_val != NO_VAL)
+				default_config_record.real_memory =
+					real_memory_val;
+			if (tmp_disk_val != NO_VAL)
+				default_config_record.tmp_disk = tmp_disk_val;
+			if (weight_val != NO_VAL)
+				default_config_record.weight = weight_val;
+			if (state_val != NO_VAL)
+				default_node_record.node_state = state_val;
+			if (feature) {
+				if (default_config_record.feature)
+					free (default_config_record.feature);
+				default_config_record.feature = feature;
+			}	
+		}
+		else {
+			if (i == start_inx) {
+				config_point =
+					create_config_record (&error_code);
+				if (error_code != 0) {
+					if (feature)
+						free (feature);	/* can't use feature */
+					break;
+				}	
+				config_point->nodes = node_name;
+				if (cpus_val != NO_VAL)
+					config_point->cpus = cpus_val;
+				if (real_memory_val != NO_VAL)
+					config_point->real_memory =
+						real_memory_val;
+				if (tmp_disk_val != NO_VAL)
+					config_point->tmp_disk = tmp_disk_val;
+				if (weight_val != NO_VAL)
+					config_point->weight = weight_val;
+				if (feature) {
+					if (config_point->feature)
+						free (config_point->feature);
+					config_point->feature = feature;
+				}	
+			}	
+			node_record_point = find_node_record (this_node_name);
+			if (node_record_point == NULL) {
+				node_record_point =
+					create_node_record (&error_code,
+							    config_point,
+							    this_node_name);
+				if (error_code != 0)
+					break;
+				if (state_val != NO_VAL)
+					node_record_point->node_state =
+						state_val;
+			}
+			else {
-		fprintf(stderr, "Parse_Node_Spec: Reconfiguration for node %s ignored.\n", 
-		    This_Node_Name);
+				fprintf (stderr,
+					 "parse_node_spec: reconfiguration for node %s ignored.\n",
+					 this_node_name);
-		syslog(LOG_ERR, "Parse_Node_Spec: Reconfiguration for node %s ignored.\n", 
-		    This_Node_Name);
+				syslog (log_err,
+					"parse_node_spec: reconfiguration for node %s ignored.\n",
+					this_node_name);
-	    } /* else */
-	} /* else */
-    } /* for (i */
+			}	/* else */
+		}		/* else */
+	}			/* for (i */
-    /* Free allocated storage */
-    if (Format)  free(Format);
-    return Error_Code;
-} /* Parse_Node_Spec */
+	/* free allocated storage */
+	if (format)
+		free (format);
+	return error_code;
- * Parse_Part_Spec - Parse the partition specification, build table and set values
- * Output: 0 if no error, error code otherwise
+ * parse_part_spec - parse the partition specification, build table and set values
+ * output: 0 if no error, error code otherwise
-int Parse_Part_Spec (char *In_Line) {
-    int Line_Num;		/* Line number in input file */
-    char *AllowGroups, *Nodes, *PartitionName;
-    int MaxTime_Val, MaxNodes_Val, Key_Val, Default_Val, StateUp_Val, Shared_Val;
-    int Error_Code, i;
-    struct Part_Record *Part_Record_Point;
-    AllowGroups = Nodes = PartitionName = (char *)NULL;
-    MaxTime_Val = MaxNodes_Val = Key_Val = Default_Val = StateUp_Val = Shared_Val = NO_VAL;
-    if (Error_Code=Load_String(&PartitionName, "PartitionName=", In_Line))      return Error_Code;
-    if (PartitionName == NULL) return 0;	/* No partition info */
-	if (strlen(PartitionName) >= MAX_NAME_LEN) {
+int parse_part_spec (char *in_line) {
+	int line_num;		/* line number in input file */
+	char *allow_groups, *nodes, *partition_name;
+	int max_time_val, max_nodes_val, key_val, default_val, state_up_val,
+		shared_val;
+	int error_code, i;
+	struct part_record *part_record_point;
+	allow_groups = nodes = partition_name = (char *) NULL;
+	max_time_val = max_nodes_val = key_val = default_val = state_up_val =
+		shared_val = NO_VAL;
+	if (error_code =
+	    load_string (&partition_name, "PartitionName=", in_line))
+		return error_code;
+	if (partition_name == NULL)
+		return 0;	/* no partition info */
+	if (strlen (partition_name) >= MAX_NAME_LEN) {
-	fprintf(stderr, "Parse_Part_Spec: Partition name %s too long\n", PartitionName);
+		fprintf (stderr,
+			 "parse_part_spec: partition name %s too long\n",
+			 partition_name);
-	syslog(LOG_ERR, "Parse_Part_Spec: Partition name %s too long\n", PartitionName);
+		syslog (log_err,
+			"parse_part_spec: partition name %s too long\n",
+			partition_name);
-	free(PartitionName);
-	return EINVAL;
-    } /* if */
-    if (Error_Code == 0)  Error_Code = Load_Integer(&MaxTime_Val,  "MaxTime=", In_Line);
-    if (Error_Code == 0)  Error_Code = Load_Integer(&MaxNodes_Val, "MaxNodes=", In_Line);
-    if (Error_Code == 0)  Error_Code = Load_Integer(&Default_Val,  "Default=NO", In_Line);
-    if (Default_Val == 1) Default_Val=0;
-    if (Error_Code == 0)  Error_Code = Load_Integer(&Default_Val,  "Default=YES", In_Line);
-    if (Error_Code == 0)  Error_Code = Load_Integer(&Shared_Val,   "Shared=NO", In_Line);
-    if (StateUp_Val == 1) Shared_Val=0;
-    if (Error_Code == 0)  Error_Code = Load_Integer(&Shared_Val,   "Shared=FORCE", In_Line);
-    if (StateUp_Val == 1) Shared_Val=2;
-    if (Error_Code == 0)  Error_Code = Load_Integer(&Shared_Val,   "Shared=YES", In_Line);
-    if (Error_Code == 0)  Error_Code = Load_Integer(&StateUp_Val,  "State=DOWN", In_Line);
-    if (StateUp_Val == 1) StateUp_Val=0;
-    if (Error_Code == 0)  Error_Code = Load_Integer(&StateUp_Val,  "State=UP", In_Line);
-    if (Error_Code == 0)  Error_Code = Load_Integer(&Key_Val,      "Key=NO", In_Line);
-    if (Key_Val == 1)     Key_Val=0;
-    if (Error_Code == 0)  Error_Code = Load_Integer(&Key_Val,      "Key=YES", In_Line);
-    if (Error_Code != 0) {
-	free(PartitionName);
-	return Error_Code;
-    } /* if */
-    Error_Code = Load_String (&Nodes, "Nodes=", In_Line);
-    if (Error_Code) {
-	free(PartitionName);
-	return Error_Code;
-    } /* if */
-    Error_Code = Load_String (&AllowGroups, "AllowGroups=", In_Line);
-    if (Error_Code) {
-	free(PartitionName);
-	if (Nodes) free(Nodes);
-	return Error_Code;
-    } /* if */
-    if (strcmp(PartitionName, "DEFAULT") == 0) {
-	free(PartitionName);
-	if (MaxTime_Val  != NO_VAL)    Default_Part.MaxTime      = MaxTime_Val;
-	if (MaxNodes_Val != NO_VAL)    Default_Part.MaxNodes     = MaxNodes_Val;
-	if (Key_Val != NO_VAL)         Default_Part.Key          = Key_Val;
-	if (StateUp_Val  != NO_VAL)    Default_Part.StateUp      = StateUp_Val;
-	if (Shared_Val  != NO_VAL)     Default_Part.Shared       = Shared_Val;
-	if (AllowGroups) {
-	    if (Default_Part.AllowGroups) free(Default_Part.AllowGroups);
-	    Default_Part.AllowGroups = AllowGroups;
-	} /* if */
-	if (Nodes) {
-	    if (Default_Part.Nodes) free(Default_Part.Nodes);
-	    Default_Part.Nodes = Nodes;
-	} /* if */
-	return 0;
-    } /* if */
-    Part_Record_Point = list_find_first(Part_List, &List_Find_Part, PartitionName);
-    if (Part_Record_Point == NULL) {
-	Part_Record_Point = Create_Part_Record(&Error_Code);
-	if (Error_Code) {
-	    free(PartitionName);
-	    if (Nodes) free(Nodes);
-	    if (AllowGroups) free(AllowGroups);
-	    return Error_Code;
-	} /* if */
-	strcpy(Part_Record_Point->Name, PartitionName);
-    } else {
+		free (partition_name);
+		return EINVAL;
+	}			
+	if (error_code == 0)
+		error_code =
+			load_integer (&max_time_val, "MaxTime=", in_line);
+	if (error_code == 0)
+		error_code =
+			load_integer (&max_nodes_val, "MaxNodes=", in_line);
+	if (error_code == 0)
+		error_code =
+			load_integer (&default_val, "Default=NO", in_line);
+	if (default_val == 1)
+		default_val = 0;
+	if (error_code == 0)
+		error_code =
+			load_integer (&default_val, "Default=YES", in_line);
+	if (error_code == 0)
+		error_code = load_integer (&shared_val, "Shared=NO", in_line);
+	if (state_up_val == 1)
+		shared_val = 0;
+	if (error_code == 0)
+		error_code =
+			load_integer (&shared_val, "Shared=FORCE", in_line);
+	if (state_up_val == 1)
+		shared_val = 2;
+	if (error_code == 0)
+		error_code =
+			load_integer (&shared_val, "Shared=YES", in_line);
+	if (error_code == 0)
+		error_code =
+			load_integer (&state_up_val, "State=DOWN", in_line);
+	if (state_up_val == 1)
+		state_up_val = 0;
+	if (error_code == 0)
+		error_code =
+			load_integer (&state_up_val, "State=UP", in_line);
+	if (error_code == 0)
+		error_code = load_integer (&key_val, "Key=NO", in_line);
+	if (key_val == 1)
+		key_val = 0;
+	if (error_code == 0)
+		error_code = load_integer (&key_val, "Key=YES", in_line);
+	if (error_code != 0) {
+		free (partition_name);
+		return error_code;
+	}			
+	error_code = load_string (&nodes, "Nodes=", in_line);
+	if (error_code) {
+		free (partition_name);
+		return error_code;
+	}			
+	error_code = load_string (&allow_groups, "AllowGroups=", in_line);
+	if (error_code) {
+		free (partition_name);
+		if (nodes)
+			free (nodes);
+		return error_code;
+	}			
+	if (strcmp (partition_name, "DEFAULT") == 0) {
+		free (partition_name);
+		if (max_time_val != NO_VAL)
+			default_part.max_time = max_time_val;
+		if (max_nodes_val != NO_VAL)
+			default_part.max_nodes = max_nodes_val;
+		if (key_val != NO_VAL)
+			default_part.key = key_val;
+		if (state_up_val != NO_VAL)
+			default_part.state_up = state_up_val;
+		if (shared_val != NO_VAL)
+			default_part.shared = shared_val;
+		if (allow_groups) {
+			if (default_part.allow_groups)
+				free (default_part.allow_groups);
+			default_part.allow_groups = allow_groups;
+		}		
+		if (nodes) {
+			if (default_part.nodes)
+				free (default_part.nodes);
+			default_part.nodes = nodes;
+		}		
+		return 0;
+	}			
+	part_record_point =
+		list_find_first (part_list, &list_find_part, partition_name);
+	if (part_record_point == NULL) {
+		part_record_point = create_part_record (&error_code);
+		if (error_code) {
+			free (partition_name);
+			if (nodes)
+				free (nodes);
+			if (allow_groups)
+				free (allow_groups);
+			return error_code;
+		}		
+		strcpy (part_record_point->name, partition_name);
+	}
+	else {
-	fprintf(stderr, "Parse_Part_Spec: duplicate entry for partition %s\n", PartitionName);
+		fprintf (stderr,
+			 "parse_part_spec: duplicate entry for partition %s\n",
+			 partition_name);
-	syslog(LOG_NOTICE, "Parse_Node_Spec: duplicate entry for partition %s\n", PartitionName);
+		syslog (log_notice,
+			"parse_node_spec: duplicate entry for partition %s\n",
+			partition_name);
-    } /* else */
-    if (Default_Val  == 1) {
-	if (strlen(Default_Part_Name) > 0) {
+	}			/* else */
+	if (default_val == 1) {
+		if (strlen (default_part_name) > 0) {
-	    fprintf(stderr, "Parse_Part_Spec: changing default partition from %s to %s\n", 
-		    Default_Part_Name, PartitionName);
+			fprintf (stderr,
+				 "parse_part_spec: changing default partition from %s to %s\n",
+				 default_part_name, partition_name);
-	syslog(LOG_NOTICE, "Parse_Node_Spec: changing default partition from %s to %s\n", 
-		    Default_Part_Name, PartitionName);
+			syslog (log_notice,
+				"parse_node_spec: changing default partition from %s to %s\n",
+				default_part_name, partition_name);
-	} /* if */
-	strcpy(Default_Part_Name, PartitionName);
-	Default_Part_Loc = Part_Record_Point;
-    } /* if */
-    if (MaxTime_Val  != NO_VAL)    Part_Record_Point->MaxTime      = MaxTime_Val;
-    if (MaxNodes_Val != NO_VAL)    Part_Record_Point->MaxNodes     = MaxNodes_Val;
-    if (Key_Val  != NO_VAL)        Part_Record_Point->Key          = Key_Val;
-    if (StateUp_Val  != NO_VAL)    Part_Record_Point->StateUp      = StateUp_Val;
-    if (Shared_Val  != NO_VAL)     Part_Record_Point->Shared       = Shared_Val;
-    if (AllowGroups) {
-	if (Part_Record_Point->AllowGroups) free(Part_Record_Point->AllowGroups);
-	Part_Record_Point->AllowGroups = AllowGroups;
-    } /* if */
-    if (Nodes) {
-	if (Part_Record_Point->Nodes) free(Part_Record_Point->Nodes);
-	Part_Record_Point->Nodes = Nodes;
-    } /* if */
-    free(PartitionName);
-    return 0;
-} /* Parse_Part_Spec */
+		}		
+		strcpy (default_part_name, partition_name);
+		default_part_loc = part_record_point;
+	}			
+	if (max_time_val != NO_VAL)
+		part_record_point->max_time = max_time_val;
+	if (max_nodes_val != NO_VAL)
+		part_record_point->max_nodes = max_nodes_val;
+	if (key_val != NO_VAL)
+		part_record_point->key = key_val;
+	if (state_up_val != NO_VAL)
+		part_record_point->state_up = state_up_val;
+	if (shared_val != NO_VAL)
+		part_record_point->shared = shared_val;
+	if (allow_groups) {
+		if (part_record_point->allow_groups)
+			free (part_record_point->allow_groups);
+		part_record_point->allow_groups = allow_groups;
+	}			
+	if (nodes) {
+		if (part_record_point->nodes)
+			free (part_record_point->nodes);
+		part_record_point->nodes = nodes;
+	}			
+	free (partition_name);
+	return 0;
- * Read_SLURM_Conf - Load the SLURM configuration from the specified file. 
- * Call Init_SLURM_Conf before ever calling Read_SLURM_Conf.  
- * Read_SLURM_Conf can be called more than once if so desired.
- * Input: File_Name - Name of the file containing overall SLURM configuration information
- * Output: return - 0 if no error, otherwise an error code
+ * read_slurm_conf - load the slurm configuration from the specified file. 
+ * call init_slurm_conf before ever calling read_slurm_conf.  
+ * read_slurm_conf can be called more than once if so desired.
+ * input: file_name - name of the file containing overall slurm configuration information
+ * output: return - 0 if no error, otherwise an error code
-int Read_SLURM_Conf (char *File_Name) {
-    FILE *SLURM_Spec_File;	/* Pointer to input data file */
-    int Line_Num;		/* Line number in input file */
-    char In_Line[BUF_SIZE];	/* Input line */
-    char Scratch[BUF_SIZE];	/* Scratch area for parsing the input line */
-    char *str_ptr1, *str_ptr2, *str_ptr3;
-    int i, j, Error_Code;
-    /* Initialization */
-    SLURM_Spec_File = fopen(File_Name, "r");
-    if (SLURM_Spec_File == NULL) {
+int read_slurm_conf (char *file_name) {
+	FILE *slurm_spec_file;	/* pointer to input data file */
+	int line_num;		/* line number in input file */
+	char in_line[BUF_SIZE];	/* input line */
+	char scratch[BUF_SIZE];	/* scratch area for parsing the input line */
+	char *str_ptr1, *str_ptr2, *str_ptr3;
+	int i, j, error_code;
+	/* initialization */
+	slurm_spec_file = fopen (file_name, "r");
+	if (slurm_spec_file == NULL) {
-	fprintf(stderr, "Read_SLURM_Conf error %d opening file %s\n", errno, File_Name);
+		fprintf (stderr, "read_slurm_conf error %d opening file %s\n",
+			 errno, file_name);
-	syslog(LOG_ALERT, "Read_SLURM_Conf error %d opening file %s\n", errno, File_Name);
+		syslog (log_alert,
+			"read_slurm_conf error %d opening file %s\n", errno,
+			file_name);
-	return errno;
-    } /* if */
+		return errno;
+	}			
-    fprintf(stderr, "Read_SLURM_Conf: Loading configuration from %s\n", File_Name);
+	fprintf (stderr, "read_slurm_conf: loading configuration from %s\n",
+		 file_name);
-    syslog(LOG_NOTICE, "Read_SLURM_Conf: Loading configuration from %s\n", File_Name);
+	syslog (log_notice,
+		"read_slurm_conf: loading configuration from %s\n",
+		file_name);
-    /* Process the data file */
-    Line_Num = 0;
-    while (fgets(In_Line, BUF_SIZE, SLURM_Spec_File) != NULL) {
-	Line_Num++;
-	if (strlen(In_Line) >= (BUF_SIZE-1)) {
+	/* process the data file */
+	line_num = 0;
+	while (fgets (in_line, BUF_SIZE, slurm_spec_file) != NULL) {
+		line_num++;
+		if (strlen (in_line) >= (BUF_SIZE - 1)) {
-	    fprintf(stderr, "Read_SLURM_Conf line %d, of input file %s too long\n", 
-		Line_Num, File_Name);
+			fprintf (stderr,
+				 "read_slurm_conf line %d, of input file %s too long\n",
+				 line_num, file_name);
-	    syslog(LOG_ALERT, "Read_SLURM_Conf line %d, of input file %s too long\n", 
-		Line_Num, File_Name);
+			syslog (log_alert,
+				"read_slurm_conf line %d, of input file %s too long\n",
+				line_num, file_name);
-	    fclose(SLURM_Spec_File);
-	    return E2BIG;
-	    break;
-	} /* if */
-	/* Everything after a non-escaped "#" is a comment */
-	/* Replace comment flag "#" with an end of string (NULL) */
-	for (i=0; i<BUF_SIZE; i++) {
-	    if (In_Line[i] == (char)NULL) break;
-	    if (In_Line[i] != '#') continue;
-	    if ((i>0) && (In_Line[i-1]=='\\')) {	/* escaped "#" */
-		for (j=i; j<BUF_SIZE; j++) {
-		    In_Line[j-1] = In_Line[j];
-		} /* for */
-		continue;
-	    } /* if */
-	    In_Line[i] = (char)NULL;
-	    break;
-	} /* for */
-	/* Parse what is left */
-	/* Overall SLURM configuration parameters */
-	if (Error_Code=Load_String(&ControlMachine, "ControlMachine=", In_Line)) {
-	    fclose(SLURM_Spec_File);
-	    return Error_Code;
-	} /* if */
-	if (Error_Code=Load_String(&BackupController, "BackupController=", In_Line)) {
-	    fclose(SLURM_Spec_File);
-	    return Error_Code;
-	} /* if */
-	/* Node configuration parameters */
-	if (Error_Code=Parse_Node_Spec(In_Line)) {
-	    fclose(SLURM_Spec_File);
-	    return Error_Code;
-	} /* if */
-	/* Partition configuration parameters */
-	if (Error_Code=Parse_Part_Spec(In_Line)) {
-	    fclose(SLURM_Spec_File);
-	    return Error_Code;
-	} /* if */
-	/* Report any leftover strings on input line */
-	Report_Leftover(In_Line, Line_Num);
-    } /* while */
-    fclose(SLURM_Spec_File);
-    /* If values not set in configuration file, set defaults */
-    if (BackupController == NULL) {
+			fclose (slurm_spec_file);
+			return E2BIG;
+			break;
+		}		
+		/* everything after a non-escaped "#" is a comment */
+		/* replace comment flag "#" with an end of string (NULL) */
+		for (i = 0; i < BUF_SIZE; i++) {
+			if (in_line[i] == (char) NULL)
+				break;
+			if (in_line[i] != '#')
+				continue;
+			if ((i > 0) && (in_line[i - 1] == '\\')) {	/* escaped "#" */
+				for (j = i; j < BUF_SIZE; j++) {
+					in_line[j - 1] = in_line[j];
+				}	
+				continue;
+			}	
+			in_line[i] = (char) NULL;
+			break;
+		}		
+		/* parse what is left */
+		/* overall slurm configuration parameters */
+		if (error_code =
+		    load_string (&control_machine, "ControlMachine=",
+				 in_line)) {
+			fclose (slurm_spec_file);
+			return error_code;
+		}		
+		if (error_code =
+		    load_string (&backup_controller, "BackupController=",
+				 in_line)) {
+			fclose (slurm_spec_file);
+			return error_code;
+		}		
+		/* node configuration parameters */
+		if (error_code = parse_node_spec (in_line)) {
+			fclose (slurm_spec_file);
+			return error_code;
+		}		
+		/* partition configuration parameters */
+		if (error_code = parse_part_spec (in_line)) {
+			fclose (slurm_spec_file);
+			return error_code;
+		}		
+		/* report any leftover strings on input line */
+		report_leftover (in_line, line_num);
+	}			
+	fclose (slurm_spec_file);
+	/* if values not set in configuration file, set defaults */
+	if (backup_controller == NULL) {
-	fprintf(stderr, "Read_SLURM_Conf: BackupController value not specified.\n");
+		fprintf (stderr,
+			 "read_slurm_conf: backup_controller value not specified.\n");
-	syslog(LOG_WARNING, "Read_SLURM_Conf: BackupController value not specified.\n");
+		syslog (log_warning,
+			"read_slurm_conf: backup_controller value not specified.\n");
-    } /* if */
+	}			
-    if (ControlMachine == NULL) {
+	if (control_machine == NULL) {
-	fprintf(stderr, "Read_SLURM_Conf: ControlMachine value not specified.\n");
+		fprintf (stderr,
+			 "read_slurm_conf: control_machine value not specified.\n");
-	syslog(LOG_ALERT, "Read_SLURM_Conf: ControlMachine value not specified.\n");
+		syslog (log_alert,
+			"read_slurm_conf: control_machine value not specified.\n");
-	return EINVAL;
-    } /* if */
+		return EINVAL;
+	}			
-    if (Default_Part_Loc == NULL) {
+	if (default_part_loc == NULL) {
-	fprintf(stderr, "Read_SLURM_Conf: Default partition not set.\n");
+		fprintf (stderr,
+			 "read_slurm_conf: default partition not set.\n");
-	syslog(LOG_ALERT, "Read_SLURM_Conf: Default partition not set.\n");
+		syslog (log_alert,
+			"read_slurm_conf: default partition not set.\n");
-	return EINVAL;
-    } /* if */
-    Rehash();
-    if (Error_Code=Build_BitMaps()) return Error_Code;
-    list_sort(Config_List, &List_Compare_Config);
+		return EINVAL;
+	}			
+	rehash ();
+	if (error_code = build_bitmaps ())
+		return error_code;
+	list_sort (config_list, &list_compare_config);
-    fprintf(stderr, "Read_SLURM_Conf: Finished loading configuration\n");
+	fprintf (stderr, "read_slurm_conf: finished loading configuration\n");
-    syslog(LOG_NOTICE, "Read_SLURM_Conf: Finished loading configuration\n");
+	syslog (log_notice,
+		"read_slurm_conf: finished loading configuration\n");
-    return 0;
-} /* Read_SLURM_Conf */
+	return 0;