From a568756be22389e45f53a0b96be9b7e56a8bf171 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Danny Auble <>
Date: Thu, 13 Oct 2005 21:39:53 +0000
Subject: [PATCH] small partition ci for bgl

 NEWS                                          |   3 +
 slurm/                              |   3 +-
 src/api/node_select_info.h                    |   2 +
 src/common/node_select.c                      |   5 +
 src/partition_allocator/partition_allocator.h |   6 +-
 src/plugins/select/bluegene/bgl_job_place.c   |  12 +-
 src/plugins/select/bluegene/bgl_part_info.c   |   2 +
 .../select/bluegene/bgl_switch_connections.c  | 188 ++++++-
 src/plugins/select/bluegene/bluegene.c        | 527 ++++++++++--------
 src/plugins/select/bluegene/bluegene.h        |  12 +-
 src/plugins/select/bluegene/partition_sys.c   | 139 +++--
 src/plugins/select/bluegene/select_bluegene.c |   7 +
 src/smap/partition_functions.c                | 131 ++---
 13 files changed, 649 insertions(+), 388 deletions(-)

diff --git a/NEWS b/NEWS
index 4d06240d445..06be6c15eba 100644
--- a/NEWS
+++ b/NEWS
@@ -11,6 +11,9 @@ documents those changes that are of interest to users and admins.
  -- Added task plugin and use task prolog/epilog(s).
  -- New slurmd_step functionality added.  Fork exec instead of using shared
     memory.  Not completely tested.
+ -- BGL small partition logic in place in plugin and smap.  Scheduler needs  
+    to be rewritten to handle multiple partitions on a single node. No 
+    documentation written on process yet.
 * Changes in SLURM 0.7.0-pre1
diff --git a/slurm/ b/slurm/
index 7c38be6181a..ec875b9b559 100644
--- a/slurm/
+++ b/slurm/
@@ -171,7 +171,8 @@ enum job_wait_reason {
 enum connection_type {
 	SELECT_MESH, 		/* nodes wired in mesh */
 	SELECT_TORUS, 		/* nodes wired in torus */
-	SELECT_NAV		/* nodes wired in torus else mesh */
+	SELECT_NAV,		/* nodes wired in torus else mesh */
+	SELECT_SMALL 		/* nodes in a small partition */
 enum node_use_type {
diff --git a/src/api/node_select_info.h b/src/api/node_select_info.h
index d3d9c9aff2c..e8dc94cee21 100644
--- a/src/api/node_select_info.h
+++ b/src/api/node_select_info.h
@@ -43,6 +43,8 @@ typedef struct {
 	int state;
 	int conn_type;
 	int node_use;
+	int cnodes_per_bp;
+	int quarter;
 } bgl_info_record_t;
 typedef struct {
diff --git a/src/common/node_select.c b/src/common/node_select.c
index 3c462c7ff9e..46b5d347815 100644
--- a/src/common/node_select.c
+++ b/src/common/node_select.c
@@ -754,6 +754,7 @@ extern char *select_g_sprint_jobinfo(select_jobinfo_t jobinfo,
 static int _unpack_node_info(bgl_info_record_t *bgl_info_record, Buf buffer)
 	uint16_t uint16_tmp;
+	uint32_t uint32_tmp;
 	safe_unpackstr_xmalloc(&(bgl_info_record->nodes), &uint16_tmp, buffer);
 	safe_unpackstr_xmalloc(&bgl_info_record->owner_name, &uint16_tmp, 
@@ -766,6 +767,10 @@ static int _unpack_node_info(bgl_info_record_t *bgl_info_record, Buf buffer)
 	bgl_info_record->conn_type = (int) uint16_tmp;
 	safe_unpack16(&uint16_tmp, buffer);
 	bgl_info_record->node_use = (int) uint16_tmp;
+	safe_unpack16(&uint16_tmp, buffer);
+	bgl_info_record->cnodes_per_bp = (int) uint16_tmp;
+	safe_unpack32(&uint32_tmp, buffer);
+	bgl_info_record->quarter = (int) uint32_tmp;
diff --git a/src/partition_allocator/partition_allocator.h b/src/partition_allocator/partition_allocator.h
index ac94e2ec151..4fbd7876f65 100644
--- a/src/partition_allocator/partition_allocator.h
+++ b/src/partition_allocator/partition_allocator.h
@@ -76,7 +76,7 @@ extern bool have_db2;
 enum {X, Y, Z};
 /* */
-enum {MESH, TORUS};
 /* NOTE: Definition of bgl_info_record_t moved to src/api/node_select_info.h */
@@ -106,7 +106,7 @@ typedef struct {
  * - letter            - filled in after the request is fulfilled
  * - geometry          - request size
  * - size              - node count for request
- * - conn_type         - MESH or TORUS
+ * - conn_type         - MESH or TORUS or SMALL
  * - rotate_count      - when rotating we keep a count so we aren't in an infinate loop.
  * - elongate_count    - when elongating we keep a count so we aren't in an infinate loop.
  * - rotate            - weather to allow rotating or not.
@@ -235,7 +235,7 @@ extern void destroy_bgl_info_record(void* object);
  * IN - elongate: if true, will try to fit different geometries of
  *      same size requests
  * IN - contig: enforce contiguous regions constraint
- * IN - conn_type: connection type of request (TORUS or MESH)
+ * IN - conn_type: connection type of request (TORUS or MESH or SMALL)
  * return success of allocation/validation of params
diff --git a/src/plugins/select/bluegene/bgl_job_place.c b/src/plugins/select/bluegene/bgl_job_place.c
index cfed2c0c7df..9558baf6632 100644
--- a/src/plugins/select/bluegene/bgl_job_place.c
+++ b/src/plugins/select/bluegene/bgl_job_place.c
@@ -124,18 +124,22 @@ static int _find_best_partition_match(struct job_record* job_ptr,
 	debug("number of partitions to check: %d", list_count(bgl_list));
 	while ((record = (bgl_record_t*) list_next(itr))) {
 		/* Check processor count */
-		if (req_procs > 512) {
+		printf("%d\n",req_procs);
+		if (req_procs > record->cnodes_per_bp) {
 			/* We use the c-node count here. Job could start
 			 * twice this count if VIRTUAL_NODE_MODE, but this
-			 * is now controlled by mpirun, not SLURM */
-			proc_cnt = record->bp_count * 512;
+			 * is now controlled by mpirun, not SLURM 
+			 * We now use the number set by the admins in the
+			 * slurm.conf file.  This should never happen.
+			 */
+			proc_cnt = record->bp_count * record->cnodes_per_bp;
 			if (req_procs > proc_cnt) {
 				debug("partition %s CPU count too low",
 		 * check that the number of nodes is suitable
diff --git a/src/plugins/select/bluegene/bgl_part_info.c b/src/plugins/select/bluegene/bgl_part_info.c
index 52a17195116..f1bde2d7cf7 100644
--- a/src/plugins/select/bluegene/bgl_part_info.c
+++ b/src/plugins/select/bluegene/bgl_part_info.c
@@ -193,6 +193,8 @@ extern void pack_partition(bgl_record_t *bgl_record, Buf buffer)
 	pack16((uint16_t)bgl_record->state, buffer);
 	pack16((uint16_t)bgl_record->conn_type, buffer);
 	pack16((uint16_t)bgl_record->node_use, buffer);	
+	pack16((uint16_t)bgl_record->cnodes_per_bp, buffer);	
+	pack32(bgl_record->quarter, buffer);	
 extern int update_partition_list()
diff --git a/src/plugins/select/bluegene/bgl_switch_connections.c b/src/plugins/select/bluegene/bgl_switch_connections.c
index c0c49c98d03..ae8a89e99b5 100644
--- a/src/plugins/select/bluegene/bgl_switch_connections.c
+++ b/src/plugins/select/bluegene/bgl_switch_connections.c
@@ -305,6 +305,150 @@ static int _destroy_bgl_bp_list(List bgl_bp_list)
+extern int configure_small_partition(bgl_record_t *bgl_record)
+	bool small = true;
+	ListIterator itr;
+	pa_node_t* pa_node = NULL;
+	int rc = SLURM_SUCCESS;
+	rm_BP_t *curr_bp;
+	rm_bp_id_t bp_id = NULL;
+	int num_ncards = 4;
+	rm_nodecard_t *ncard;
+	rm_nodecard_list_t *ncard_list;
+	rm_quarter_t quarter;
+	int num, i;
+	if(bgl_record->bp_count != 1) {
+		error("Requesting small partition with %d bps, needs to be 1.",
+		      bgl_record->bp_count);
+		return SLURM_ERROR;
+	}
+	/* set that we are doing a small partition */
+	if ((rc = rm_set_data(bgl_record->bgl_part, RM_PartitionSmall, 
+			      &small)) != STATUS_OK) {
+		fatal("rm_set_data(RM_PartitionPsetsPerBP)", bgl_err_str(rc));
+	}
+	if ((rc = rm_set_data(bgl_record->bgl_part,
+			      RM_PartitionNodeCardNum,
+			      &num_ncards))
+	    != STATUS_OK) {
+		fatal("rm_set_data: RM_PartitionBPNum: %s", bgl_err_str(rc));
+	}
+	itr = list_iterator_create(bgl_record->bgl_part_list);
+	pa_node = list_next(itr);
+	list_iterator_destroy(itr);
+	if (_get_bp_by_location(bgl, pa_node->coord, &curr_bp) 
+	    == SLURM_ERROR) {
+		fatal("_get_bp_by_location()");
+	}
+	/* Set the one BP */
+	if ((rc = rm_set_data(bgl_record->bgl_part,
+			      RM_PartitionBPNum,
+			      &bgl_record->bp_count)) 
+	    != STATUS_OK) {
+		fatal("rm_set_data: RM_PartitionBPNum: %s", bgl_err_str(rc));
+		return SLURM_ERROR;
+	}	
+	if ((rc = rm_set_data(bgl_record->bgl_part,
+			      RM_PartitionFirstBP, 
+			      curr_bp)) 
+	    != STATUS_OK) {
+		fatal("rm_set_data("
+		      "RM_PartitionFirstBP): %s", 
+		      bgl_err_str(rc));
+		return SLURM_ERROR;
+	}
+	/* find the bp_id of the bp to get the nodecards */
+	if ((rc = rm_get_data(curr_bp, RM_BPID, &bp_id))
+	    != STATUS_OK) {
+		error("rm_get_data(): %d", rc);
+		return SLURM_ERROR;
+	}
+	if ((rc = rm_get_nodecards(bp_id, &ncard_list))
+	    != STATUS_OK) {
+		error("rm_get_nodecards(%s): %d",
+		       bp_id, rc);
+		return SLURM_ERROR;
+	}
+	if((rc = rm_get_data(ncard_list, RM_NodeCardListSize, &num))
+	   != STATUS_OK) {
+		error("rm_get_data(RM_NodeCardListSize): %s", bgl_err_str(rc));
+		return SLURM_ERROR;
+	}
+	num_ncards = 0;
+	for(i=0; i<num; i++) {
+		if (i) {
+			if ((rc = rm_get_data(ncard_list, 
+					      RM_NodeCardListNext, 
+					      &ncard)) != STATUS_OK) {
+				error("rm_get_data(RM_NodeCardListNext): %s",
+				      rc);
+				rc = SLURM_ERROR;
+				goto cleanup;
+			}
+		} else {
+			if ((rc = rm_get_data(ncard_list, 
+					      RM_NodeCardListFirst, 
+					      &ncard)) != STATUS_OK) {
+				error("rm_get_data(RM_NodeCardListFirst: %s",
+				      rc);
+				rc = SLURM_ERROR;
+				goto cleanup;
+			}
+		}
+		if ((rc = rm_get_data(ncard, 
+				      RM_NodeCardQuarter, 
+				      &quarter)) != STATUS_OK) {
+			error("rm_get_data(PartitionID): %d",rc);
+			rc = SLURM_ERROR;
+			goto cleanup;
+		}
+		if(bgl_record->quarter != quarter)
+			continue;
+		if (num_ncards) {
+			if ((rc = rm_set_data(bgl_record->bgl_part,
+					      RM_PartitionNextNodeCard, 
+					      ncard)) 
+			    != STATUS_OK) {
+				fatal("rm_set_data("
+				      "RM_PartitionNextNodeCard): %s", 
+				      bgl_err_str(rc));
+			}
+		} else {
+			if ((rc = rm_set_data(bgl_record->bgl_part,
+					      RM_PartitionFirstNodeCard, 
+					      ncard)) 
+			    != STATUS_OK) {
+				fatal("rm_set_data("
+				      "RM_PartitionFirstNodeCard): %s", 
+				      bgl_err_str(rc));
+			}
+		}
+		num_ncards++;
+		if(num_ncards == 4)
+			break;
+	}
+	if ((rc = rm_free_nodecard_list(ncard_list)) != STATUS_OK) {
+		error("rm_free_nodecard_list(): %s", bgl_err_str(rc));
+		return SLURM_ERROR;
+	}
+	debug("making the small partition");
+	return rc;
  * connect the given switch up with the given connections
@@ -427,12 +571,10 @@ extern int configure_partition_switches(bgl_record_t * bgl_record)
 				    != STATUS_OK) {
+					list_iterator_destroy(bgl_itr);
 					      "RM_PartitionFirstBP): %s", 
-					list_iterator_destroy(bgl_itr);
-					rc = SLURM_ERROR;
-					goto cleanup;
 				first_bp = 0;
 			} else {
@@ -440,21 +582,17 @@ extern int configure_partition_switches(bgl_record_t * bgl_record)
 				    != STATUS_OK) {
+					list_iterator_destroy(bgl_itr);
 					      ": %s", bgl_err_str(rc));
-					list_iterator_destroy(bgl_itr);
-					rc = SLURM_ERROR;
-					goto cleanup;
 		if ((rc = rm_get_data(curr_bp,  RM_BPID, &bpid)) 
 		    != STATUS_OK) {
-			fatal("rm_get_data: RM_BPID: %s", bgl_err_str(rc));
-			rc = SLURM_ERROR;
-			goto cleanup;
+			fatal("rm_get_data: RM_BPID: %s", bgl_err_str(rc));
 		if(!bpid) {
@@ -468,31 +606,25 @@ extern int configure_partition_switches(bgl_record_t * bgl_record)
 				if ((rc = rm_get_data(bgl, RM_NextSwitch, 
 				    != STATUS_OK) {
+					list_iterator_destroy(bgl_itr);
 					fatal("rm_get_data: RM_NextSwitch: %s",
-					list_iterator_destroy(bgl_itr);
-					rc = SLURM_ERROR;
-					goto cleanup;
 			} else {
 				if ((rc = rm_get_data(bgl, RM_FirstSwitch, 
 				    != STATUS_OK) {
+					list_iterator_destroy(bgl_itr);
 					fatal("rm_get_data: "
 					      "RM_FirstSwitch: %s",
-					list_iterator_destroy(bgl_itr);
-					rc = SLURM_ERROR;
-					goto cleanup;
 			if ((rc = rm_get_data(curr_switch, RM_SwitchBPID, 
 					      &curr_bpid)) != STATUS_OK) {
+				list_iterator_destroy(bgl_itr);
 				fatal("rm_get_data: RM_SwitchBPID: %s", 
-				list_iterator_destroy(bgl_itr);
-				rc = SLURM_ERROR;
-				goto cleanup;
 			if(!curr_bpid) {
@@ -515,7 +647,7 @@ extern int configure_partition_switches(bgl_record_t * bgl_record)
 		if(found_bpid==PA_SYSTEM_DIMENSIONS) {
-			debug2("adding midplane %d%d%d\n",
+			debug2("adding midplane %d%d%d",
@@ -533,7 +665,7 @@ extern int configure_partition_switches(bgl_record_t * bgl_record)
 /* 					rc = SLURM_ERROR; */
 /* 					goto cleanup; */
 /* 				} */
-				debug2("adding switch dim %d\n",
+				debug2("adding switch dim %d",
 				if (_add_switch_conns(coord_switch
@@ -553,15 +685,13 @@ extern int configure_partition_switches(bgl_record_t * bgl_record)
 					    != STATUS_OK) {
+						list_iterator_destroy(
+							switch_itr);
+						list_iterator_destroy(bgl_itr);
 						      "Switch): %s", 
-						list_iterator_destroy(
-							switch_itr);
-						list_iterator_destroy(bgl_itr);
-						rc = SLURM_ERROR;
-						goto cleanup;
 					first_switch = 0;
@@ -572,15 +702,13 @@ extern int configure_partition_switches(bgl_record_t * bgl_record)
 					    != STATUS_OK) {
+						list_iterator_destroy(
+							switch_itr);
+						list_iterator_destroy(bgl_itr);
 						      "Switch:) %s", 
-						list_iterator_destroy(
-							switch_itr);
-						list_iterator_destroy(bgl_itr);
-						rc = SLURM_ERROR;
-						goto cleanup;
diff --git a/src/plugins/select/bluegene/bluegene.c b/src/plugins/select/bluegene/bluegene.c
index f627f9fb3bf..d69798f9cf3 100644
--- a/src/plugins/select/bluegene/bluegene.c
+++ b/src/plugins/select/bluegene/bluegene.c
@@ -63,14 +63,17 @@ static int _update_bgl_record_state();
 /* some local functions */
 #ifdef HAVE_BGL
 static int  _addto_node_list(bgl_record_t *bgl_record, int *start, int *end);
+static int _update_bgl_record_state(List bgl_destroy_list);
 static void _set_bgl_lists();
 static int  _validate_config_nodes(void);
 static int  _bgl_record_cmpf_inc(bgl_record_t* rec_a, bgl_record_t* rec_b);
+static int _delete_old_partitions(void);
+static char *_get_bgl_conf(void);
+static void _strip_13_10(char *line);
 static int  _parse_bgl_spec(char *in_line);
 static void _process_nodes(bgl_record_t *bgl_record);
 static int  _reopen_bridge_log(void);
-static void _strip_13_10(char *line);
 /* Initialize all plugin variables */
 extern int init_bgl(void)
@@ -530,10 +533,10 @@ extern int create_static_partitions(List part_list)
 	if(bgl_list) {
 		itr = list_iterator_create(bgl_list);
 		while ((bgl_record = (bgl_record_t *) list_next(itr)) 
-		       != NULL) {
+		       != NULL) {			
-			   && !bgl_record->full_partition) {
+			   && !bgl_record->full_partition
+			   && bgl_record->cnodes_per_bp == procs_per_node) {
 				debug("adding %s %d%d%d",
@@ -569,8 +572,16 @@ extern int create_static_partitions(List part_list)
 				while ((found_record = (bgl_record_t*) 
 					list_next(itr_found)) != NULL) {
-					if (!strcmp(bgl_record->nodes, 
-						    found_record->nodes)) {
+					/*printf("%s %d %s %d\n",*/
+/* 					       bgl_record->nodes, */
+/* 					       bgl_record->quarter, */
+/* 					       found_record->nodes, */
+/* 					       found_record->quarter); */
+					if ((!strcmp(bgl_record->nodes, 
+						     found_record->nodes))
+					    && (bgl_record->quarter ==
+						found_record->quarter)) {
 						/* don't reboot this one */
@@ -617,7 +628,8 @@ extern int create_static_partitions(List part_list)
 	bgl_record->geo[X] = DIM_SIZE[X]-1;
 	bgl_record->geo[Y] = DIM_SIZE[Y]-1;
 	bgl_record->geo[Z] = DIM_SIZE[Z]-1;
+	bgl_record->quarter = -1;
        	if(bgl_found_part_list) {
 		itr = list_iterator_create(bgl_found_part_list);
 		while ((found_record = (bgl_record_t *) list_next(itr)) 
@@ -681,6 +693,7 @@ extern int create_static_partitions(List part_list)
 	bgl_record->node_use = SELECT_COPROCESSOR_MODE;
+	bgl_record->cnodes_per_bp = procs_per_node;
 	if((rc = configure_partition(bgl_record)) == SLURM_ERROR) {
@@ -832,6 +845,123 @@ extern void *mult_destroy_part(void *args)
 	return NULL;
+ * Read and process the bluegene.conf configuration file so to interpret what
+ * partitions are static/dynamic, torus/mesh, etc.
+ */
+extern int read_bgl_conf(void)
+	FILE *bgl_spec_file;	/* pointer to input data file */
+	int line_num;		/* line number in input file */
+	char in_line[BUFSIZE];	/* input line */
+	int i, j, error_code = SLURM_SUCCESS;
+	static time_t last_config_update = (time_t) 0;
+	struct stat config_stat;
+	debug("Reading the bluegene.conf file");
+	/* check if config file has changed */
+	if (!bgl_conf)
+		bgl_conf = _get_bgl_conf();
+	if (stat(bgl_conf, &config_stat) < 0)
+		fatal("can't stat bluegene.conf file %s: %m", bgl_conf);
+	if (last_config_update) {
+		if(last_config_update == config_stat.st_mtime)
+			debug("bluegene.conf unchanged");
+		else
+			debug("bluegene.conf changed, doing nothing");
+		_reopen_bridge_log();
+		last_config_update = config_stat.st_mtime; 
+		return SLURM_SUCCESS;
+	}
+	last_config_update = config_stat.st_mtime; 
+	/* initialization */
+	/* bgl_conf defined in bgl_node_alloc.h */
+	bgl_spec_file = fopen(bgl_conf, "r");
+	if (bgl_spec_file == NULL)
+		fatal("_read_bgl_conf error opening file %s, %m",
+		      bgl_conf);
+	_set_bgl_lists();	
+	/* process the data file */
+	line_num = 0;
+	while (fgets(in_line, BUFSIZE, bgl_spec_file) != NULL) {
+		line_num++;
+		_strip_13_10(in_line);
+		if (strlen(in_line) >= (BUFSIZE - 1)) {
+			error("_read_bgl_config line %d, of input file %s "
+			      "too long", line_num, bgl_conf);
+			fclose(bgl_spec_file);
+			xfree(bgl_conf);
+			return E2BIG;
+		}
+		/* everything after a non-escaped "#" is a comment */
+		/* replace comment flag "#" with an end of string (NULL) */
+		/* escape sequence "\#" translated to "#" */
+		for (i = 0; i < BUFSIZE; i++) {
+			if (in_line[i] == (char) NULL)
+				break;
+			if (in_line[i] != '#')
+				continue;
+			if ((i > 0) && (in_line[i - 1] == '\\')) {
+				for (j = i; j < BUFSIZE; j++) {
+					in_line[j - 1] = in_line[j];
+				}
+				continue;
+			}
+			in_line[i] = (char) NULL;
+			break;
+		}
+		/* parse what is left, non-comments */
+		/* partition configuration parameters */
+		error_code = _parse_bgl_spec(in_line);
+		/* report any leftover strings on input line */
+		report_leftover(in_line, line_num);
+	}
+	fclose(bgl_spec_file);
+	xfree(bgl_conf);
+	if (!bluegene_blrts)
+		fatal("BlrtsImage not configured in bluegene.conf");
+	if (!bluegene_linux)
+		fatal("LinuxImage not configured in bluegene.conf");
+	if (!bluegene_mloader)
+		fatal("MloaderImage not configured in bluegene.conf");
+	if (!bluegene_ramdisk)
+		fatal("RamDiskImage not configured in bluegene.conf");
+	if (!bridge_api_file)
+		info("BridgeAPILogFile not configured in bluegene.conf");
+	else
+		_reopen_bridge_log();	
+	if (!numpsets)
+		info("Warning: Numpsets not configured in bluegene.conf");
+//#if 0	
+	/* Check to see if the configs we have are correct */
+	if (_validate_config_nodes() == SLURM_ERROR) { 
+		_delete_old_partitions();
+	}
+	/* looking for partitions only I created */
+	if (create_static_partitions(NULL) == SLURM_ERROR) {
+		/* error in creating the static partitions, so
+		 * partitions referenced by submitted jobs won't
+		 * correspond to actual slurm partitions/bgl
+		 * partitions.
+		 */
+		fatal("Error, could not create the static partitions");
+		return SLURM_ERROR;
+	}
+	debug("Partitions have finished being created.");
+	partitions_are_created = 1;
+	return error_code;
 #ifdef HAVE_BGL
 static int _addto_node_list(bgl_record_t *bgl_record, int *start, int *end)
@@ -870,7 +1000,105 @@ static int _addto_node_list(bgl_record_t *bgl_record, int *start, int *end)
 	return node_count;
+static int _update_bgl_record_state(List bgl_destroy_list)
+	rm_partition_state_flag_t part_state = PARTITION_ALL_FLAG;
+	char *name = NULL;
+	rm_partition_list_t *part_list = NULL;
+	int j, rc, func_rc = SLURM_SUCCESS, num_parts = 0;
+	rm_partition_state_t state;
+	rm_partition_t *part_ptr = NULL;
+	ListIterator itr;
+	bgl_record_t* bgl_record = NULL;	
+	if(!bgl_destroy_list) {
+		return SLURM_SUCCESS;
+	}
+	if ((rc = rm_get_partitions_info(part_state, &part_list))
+	    != STATUS_OK) {
+		error("rm_get_partitions_info(): %s", bgl_err_str(rc));
+		return SLURM_ERROR; 
+	}
+	if ((rc = rm_get_data(part_list, RM_PartListSize, &num_parts))
+	    != STATUS_OK) {
+		error("rm_get_data(RM_PartListSize): %s", bgl_err_str(rc));
+		func_rc = SLURM_ERROR;
+		num_parts = 0;
+	}
+	for (j=0; j<num_parts; j++) {
+		if (j) {
+			if ((rc = rm_get_data(part_list, 
+					      RM_PartListNextPart, 
+					      &part_ptr)) 
+			    != STATUS_OK) {
+				error("rm_get_data(RM_PartListNextPart): %s",
+				      bgl_err_str(rc));
+				func_rc = SLURM_ERROR;
+				break;
+			}
+		} else {
+			if ((rc = rm_get_data(part_list, 
+					      RM_PartListFirstPart, 
+					      &part_ptr)) 
+			    != STATUS_OK) {
+				error("rm_get_data(RM_PartListFirstPart: %s",
+				      bgl_err_str(rc));
+				func_rc = SLURM_ERROR;
+				break;
+			}
+		}
+		if ((rc = rm_get_data(part_ptr, 
+				      RM_PartitionID, 
+				      &name))
+		    != STATUS_OK) {
+			error("rm_get_data(RM_PartitionID): %s", 
+			      bgl_err_str(rc));
+			func_rc = SLURM_ERROR;
+			break;
+		}
+		if (!name) {
+			error("RM_Partition is NULL");
+			continue;
+		}
+		itr = list_iterator_create(bgl_destroy_list);
+		while ((bgl_record = (bgl_record_t*) list_next(itr))) {	
+			if(!bgl_record->bgl_part_id) 
+				continue;
+			if(strcmp(bgl_record->bgl_part_id, name)) {
+				continue;		
+			}
+			slurm_mutex_lock(&part_state_mutex);
+			if ((rc = rm_get_data(part_ptr, 
+					      RM_PartitionState, 
+					      &state))
+			    != STATUS_OK) {
+				error("rm_get_data(RM_PartitionState): %s",
+				      bgl_err_str(rc));
+			} else if(bgl_record->state != state) {
+				debug("state of Partition %s was %d "
+				      "and now is %d",
+				      name, bgl_record->state, state);
+				bgl_record->state = state;
+			}
+			slurm_mutex_unlock(&part_state_mutex);
+			break;
+		}
+		list_iterator_destroy(itr);
+		free(name);
+	}
+	if ((rc = rm_free_partition_list(part_list)) != STATUS_OK) {
+		error("rm_free_partition_list(): %s", bgl_err_str(rc));
+	}
+	return func_rc;
+#endif /* HAVE_BGL_FILES */
 static void _set_bgl_lists()
@@ -945,6 +1173,9 @@ static int _validate_config_nodes(void)
 					if (record->conn_type 
 					    != init_record->conn_type)
 						continue; /* wrong conn_type */
+					if(record->quarter !=
+					    init_record->quarter)
+						continue; /* wrong quart */
 					record->bgl_part_id = xstrdup(
 					record->state = init_record->state;
@@ -1000,7 +1231,8 @@ static int _validate_config_nodes(void)
 				if ((init_record->geo[X] == DIM_SIZE[X])
 				    && (init_record->geo[Y] == DIM_SIZE[Y])
 				    && (init_record->geo[Z] == DIM_SIZE[Z])) {
-					record = (bgl_record_t*) xmalloc(sizeof(bgl_record_t));
+					record = (bgl_record_t*) 
+						xmalloc(sizeof(bgl_record_t));
 					list_append(bgl_list, record);
 					record->full_partition = 1;
@@ -1027,6 +1259,10 @@ static int _validate_config_nodes(void)
 					record->switch_count = 
+					record->cnodes_per_bp = 
+						init_record->cnodes_per_bp;
+					record->quarter = 
+						init_record->quarter;
 					if((record->bitmap = 
 					   == NULL) {
@@ -1233,123 +1469,6 @@ static char *_get_bgl_conf(void)
 	return rc;
- * Read and process the bluegene.conf configuration file so to interpret what
- * partitions are static/dynamic, torus/mesh, etc.
- */
-extern int read_bgl_conf(void)
-	FILE *bgl_spec_file;	/* pointer to input data file */
-	int line_num;		/* line number in input file */
-	char in_line[BUFSIZE];	/* input line */
-	int i, j, error_code = SLURM_SUCCESS;
-	static time_t last_config_update = (time_t) 0;
-	struct stat config_stat;
-	debug("Reading the bluegene.conf file");
-	/* check if config file has changed */
-	if (!bgl_conf)
-		bgl_conf = _get_bgl_conf();
-	if (stat(bgl_conf, &config_stat) < 0)
-		fatal("can't stat bluegene.conf file %s: %m", bgl_conf);
-	if (last_config_update) {
-		if(last_config_update == config_stat.st_mtime)
-			debug("bluegene.conf unchanged");
-		else
-			debug("bluegene.conf changed, doing nothing");
-		_reopen_bridge_log();
-		last_config_update = config_stat.st_mtime; 
-		return SLURM_SUCCESS;
-	}
-	last_config_update = config_stat.st_mtime; 
-	/* initialization */
-	/* bgl_conf defined in bgl_node_alloc.h */
-	bgl_spec_file = fopen(bgl_conf, "r");
-	if (bgl_spec_file == NULL)
-		fatal("_read_bgl_conf error opening file %s, %m",
-		      bgl_conf);
-	_set_bgl_lists();	
-	/* process the data file */
-	line_num = 0;
-	while (fgets(in_line, BUFSIZE, bgl_spec_file) != NULL) {
-		line_num++;
-		_strip_13_10(in_line);
-		if (strlen(in_line) >= (BUFSIZE - 1)) {
-			error("_read_bgl_config line %d, of input file %s "
-			      "too long", line_num, bgl_conf);
-			fclose(bgl_spec_file);
-			xfree(bgl_conf);
-			return E2BIG;
-		}
-		/* everything after a non-escaped "#" is a comment */
-		/* replace comment flag "#" with an end of string (NULL) */
-		/* escape sequence "\#" translated to "#" */
-		for (i = 0; i < BUFSIZE; i++) {
-			if (in_line[i] == (char) NULL)
-				break;
-			if (in_line[i] != '#')
-				continue;
-			if ((i > 0) && (in_line[i - 1] == '\\')) {
-				for (j = i; j < BUFSIZE; j++) {
-					in_line[j - 1] = in_line[j];
-				}
-				continue;
-			}
-			in_line[i] = (char) NULL;
-			break;
-		}
-		/* parse what is left, non-comments */
-		/* partition configuration parameters */
-		error_code = _parse_bgl_spec(in_line);
-		/* report any leftover strings on input line */
-		report_leftover(in_line, line_num);
-	}
-	fclose(bgl_spec_file);
-	xfree(bgl_conf);
-	if (!bluegene_blrts)
-		fatal("BlrtsImage not configured in bluegene.conf");
-	if (!bluegene_linux)
-		fatal("LinuxImage not configured in bluegene.conf");
-	if (!bluegene_mloader)
-		fatal("MloaderImage not configured in bluegene.conf");
-	if (!bluegene_ramdisk)
-		fatal("RamDiskImage not configured in bluegene.conf");
-	if (!bridge_api_file)
-		info("BridgeAPILogFile not configured in bluegene.conf");
-	else
-		_reopen_bridge_log();	
-	if (!numpsets)
-		info("Warning: Numpsets not configured in bluegene.conf");
-//#if 0	
-	/* Check to see if the configs we have are correct */
-	if (_validate_config_nodes() == SLURM_ERROR) { 
-		_delete_old_partitions();
-	}
-	/* looking for partitions only I created */
-	if (create_static_partitions(NULL) == SLURM_ERROR) {
-		/* error in creating the static partitions, so
-		 * partitions referenced by submitted jobs won't
-		 * correspond to actual slurm partitions/bgl
-		 * partitions.
-		 */
-		fatal("Error, could not create the static partitions");
-		return SLURM_ERROR;
-	}
-	debug("Partitions have finished being created.");
-	partitions_are_created = 1;
-	return error_code;
 /* Explicitly strip out  new-line and carriage-return */
 static void _strip_13_10(char *line)
@@ -1378,13 +1497,17 @@ static void _strip_13_10(char *line)
 static int _parse_bgl_spec(char *in_line)
 	int error_code = SLURM_SUCCESS;
-	char *nodes = NULL, *conn_type = NULL, *node_use = NULL;
+	char *nodes = NULL, *conn_type = NULL;
 	char *blrts_image = NULL,   *linux_image = NULL;
 	char *mloader_image = NULL, *ramdisk_image = NULL;
 	char *api_file = NULL;
-	int pset_num=-1, api_verb=-1;
+	int pset_num=-1, api_verb=-1, node_split=-1;
 	bgl_record_t *bgl_record = NULL;
+	bgl_record_t *small_bgl_record = NULL;
+	pa_node_t *pa_node = NULL;
 	struct passwd *pw_ent = NULL;
+	ListIterator itr;
+	int i=0;
 	//info("in_line = %s",in_line);
 	error_code = slurm_parser(in_line,
@@ -1397,7 +1520,7 @@ static int _parse_bgl_spec(char *in_line)
 				  "Nodes=", 's', &nodes,
 				  "RamDiskImage=", 's', &ramdisk_image,
 				  "Type=", 's', &conn_type,
-				  "Use=", 's', &node_use,
+				  "Split=", 'd', &node_split,
 	if (error_code)
@@ -1429,7 +1552,6 @@ static int _parse_bgl_spec(char *in_line)
 		bridge_api_file = api_file;
 		api_file = NULL;	/* nothing left to xfree */
 	if (pset_num > 0) {
 		numpsets = pset_num;
@@ -1440,8 +1562,8 @@ static int _parse_bgl_spec(char *in_line)
 	/* Process node information */
 	if (!nodes)
 		return SLURM_SUCCESS;	/* not partition line. */
 	bgl_record = (bgl_record_t*) xmalloc(sizeof(bgl_record_t));
-	list_append(bgl_list, bgl_record);
 	bgl_record->user_name = xstrdup(slurmctld_conf.slurm_user_name);
 	if((pw_ent = getpwnam(bgl_record->user_name)) == NULL) {
@@ -1466,7 +1588,51 @@ static int _parse_bgl_spec(char *in_line)
 	bgl_record->node_use = SELECT_COPROCESSOR_MODE;
+	bgl_record->cnodes_per_bp = procs_per_node;
+	bgl_record->quarter = -1;
+	/* number to split 2= 2x256 4= 4x128 6= 4x128, 2x256 */
+	if(node_split == 1) {
+		itr = list_iterator_create(bgl_record->bgl_part_list);
+		while ((pa_node = list_next(itr)) != NULL) {
+			for(i=0; i<4 ; i++) {
+				small_bgl_record = 
+					(bgl_record_t*) 
+					xmalloc(sizeof(bgl_record_t));
+				list_append(bgl_list, small_bgl_record);
+				small_bgl_record->user_name = 
+					xstrdup(bgl_record->user_name);
+				small_bgl_record->user_uid = 
+					bgl_record->user_uid;
+				small_bgl_record->bgl_part_list = 
+					list_create(NULL);
+				small_bgl_record->hostlist = 
+					hostlist_create(NULL);
+				small_bgl_record->nodes = 
+					xstrdup(bgl_record->nodes);
+				_process_nodes(small_bgl_record);
+				small_bgl_record->conn_type = 
+				small_bgl_record->node_use = 
+				small_bgl_record->cnodes_per_bp = 
+					procs_per_node/4;
+				small_bgl_record->quarter = i; 
+			}
+		}
+		list_iterator_destroy(itr);
+		destroy_bgl_record(bgl_record);
+	} else
+		list_append(bgl_list, bgl_record);
 #if _DEBUG
 	debug("_parse_bgl_spec: added nodes=%s type=%s use=%s", 
@@ -1613,102 +1779,3 @@ static int _reopen_bridge_log(void)
-static int _update_bgl_record_state(List bgl_destroy_list)
-	rm_partition_state_flag_t part_state = PARTITION_ALL_FLAG;
-	char *name = NULL;
-	rm_partition_list_t *part_list = NULL;
-	int j, rc, func_rc = SLURM_SUCCESS, num_parts = 0;
-	rm_partition_state_t state;
-	rm_partition_t *part_ptr = NULL;
-	ListIterator itr;
-	bgl_record_t* bgl_record = NULL;	
-	if(!bgl_destroy_list) {
-		return SLURM_SUCCESS;
-	}
-	if ((rc = rm_get_partitions_info(part_state, &part_list))
-	    != STATUS_OK) {
-		error("rm_get_partitions_info(): %s", bgl_err_str(rc));
-		return SLURM_ERROR; 
-	}
-	if ((rc = rm_get_data(part_list, RM_PartListSize, &num_parts))
-	    != STATUS_OK) {
-		error("rm_get_data(RM_PartListSize): %s", bgl_err_str(rc));
-		func_rc = SLURM_ERROR;
-		num_parts = 0;
-	}
-	for (j=0; j<num_parts; j++) {
-		if (j) {
-			if ((rc = rm_get_data(part_list, 
-					      RM_PartListNextPart, 
-					      &part_ptr)) 
-			    != STATUS_OK) {
-				error("rm_get_data(RM_PartListNextPart): %s",
-				      bgl_err_str(rc));
-				func_rc = SLURM_ERROR;
-				break;
-			}
-		} else {
-			if ((rc = rm_get_data(part_list, 
-					      RM_PartListFirstPart, 
-					      &part_ptr)) 
-			    != STATUS_OK) {
-				error("rm_get_data(RM_PartListFirstPart: %s",
-				      bgl_err_str(rc));
-				func_rc = SLURM_ERROR;
-				break;
-			}
-		}
-		if ((rc = rm_get_data(part_ptr, 
-				      RM_PartitionID, 
-				      &name))
-		    != STATUS_OK) {
-			error("rm_get_data(RM_PartitionID): %s", 
-			      bgl_err_str(rc));
-			func_rc = SLURM_ERROR;
-			break;
-		}
-		if (!name) {
-			error("RM_Partition is NULL");
-			continue;
-		}
-		itr = list_iterator_create(bgl_destroy_list);
-		while ((bgl_record = (bgl_record_t*) list_next(itr))) {	
-			if(!bgl_record->bgl_part_id) 
-				continue;
-			if(strcmp(bgl_record->bgl_part_id, name)) {
-				continue;		
-			}
-			slurm_mutex_lock(&part_state_mutex);
-			if ((rc = rm_get_data(part_ptr, 
-					      RM_PartitionState, 
-					      &state))
-			    != STATUS_OK) {
-				error("rm_get_data(RM_PartitionState): %s",
-				      bgl_err_str(rc));
-			} else if(bgl_record->state != state) {
-				debug("state of Partition %s was %d "
-				      "and now is %d",
-				      name, bgl_record->state, state);
-				bgl_record->state = state;
-			}
-			slurm_mutex_unlock(&part_state_mutex);
-			break;
-		}
-		list_iterator_destroy(itr);
-		free(name);
-	}
-	if ((rc = rm_free_partition_list(part_list)) != STATUS_OK) {
-		error("rm_free_partition_list(): %s", bgl_err_str(rc));
-	}
-	return func_rc;
-#endif /* HAVE_BGL_FILES */
diff --git a/src/plugins/select/bluegene/bluegene.h b/src/plugins/select/bluegene/bluegene.h
index efabdf4e11c..cf4d4c64bf8 100644
--- a/src/plugins/select/bluegene/bluegene.h
+++ b/src/plugins/select/bluegene/bluegene.h
@@ -61,6 +61,7 @@ extern pthread_mutex_t part_state_mutex;
 extern int num_part_to_free;
 extern int num_part_freed;
 extern int partitions_are_created;
+extern int procs_per_node;
 typedef int lifecycle_type_t;
 enum part_lifecycle {DYNAMIC, STATIC};
@@ -95,6 +96,8 @@ typedef struct bgl_record {
 					   partition */
 	int job_running;                /* signal if there is a job running 
 					   on the partition */
+	int cnodes_per_bp;
+	int quarter;
 } bgl_record_t;
 typedef struct {
@@ -189,19 +192,20 @@ extern char *bgl_err_str(status_t inx);
 extern int create_static_partitions(List part_list);
+extern int bgl_free_partition(bgl_record_t *bgl_record);
+extern void *mult_free_part(void *args);
+extern void *mult_destroy_part(void *args);
 extern int read_bgl_conf(void);
 /* partition_sys.c */
 extern int configure_partition(bgl_record_t * bgl_conf_record);
-extern int read_bgl_partitions(void);
+extern int read_bgl_partitions();
 /* bgl_switch_connections.c */
+extern int configure_small_partition(bgl_record_t *bgl_record);
 extern int configure_partition_switches(bgl_record_t * bgl_conf_record);
-extern int bgl_free_partition(bgl_record_t *bgl_record);
-extern void *mult_free_part(void *args);
-extern void *mult_destroy_part(void *args);
 #endif /* _BLUEGENE_H_ */
diff --git a/src/plugins/select/bluegene/partition_sys.c b/src/plugins/select/bluegene/partition_sys.c
index 1e7a9afa37a..11b8dae75aa 100755
--- a/src/plugins/select/bluegene/partition_sys.c
+++ b/src/plugins/select/bluegene/partition_sys.c
@@ -51,6 +51,7 @@ List bgl_sys_allocated = NULL;
 static void _pre_allocate(bgl_record_t *bgl_record);
 static int _post_allocate(bgl_record_t *bgl_record);
 static int _post_bgl_init_read(void *object, void *arg);
+static int _split_block(bgl_record_t *bgl_record);
 #define MAX_ADD_RETRY 2
@@ -93,6 +94,7 @@ static void _print_list(List list)
 static void _pre_allocate(bgl_record_t *bgl_record)
 	int rc;
+	int send_psets=numpsets;
 	if ((rc = rm_set_data(bgl_record->bgl_part, RM_PartitionBlrtsImg,   
 			bluegene_blrts)) != STATUS_OK)
@@ -113,13 +115,12 @@ static void _pre_allocate(bgl_record_t *bgl_record)
 	if ((rc = rm_set_data(bgl_record->bgl_part, RM_PartitionConnection, 
 			&bgl_record->conn_type)) != STATUS_OK)
 		error("rm_set_data(RM_PartitionConnection)", bgl_err_str(rc));
-	/* if ((rc = rm_set_data(bgl_record->bgl_part, RM_PartitionMode,  */
-/* 			&bgl_record->node_use)) != STATUS_OK) */
-/* 		error("rm_set_data(RM_PartitionMode)", bgl_err_str(rc)); */
+	if(bgl_record->cnodes_per_bp == (procs_per_node/4))
+		send_psets = numpsets/4;
 	if ((rc = rm_set_data(bgl_record->bgl_part, RM_PartitionPsetsPerBP, 
-			&numpsets)) != STATUS_OK)
+			&send_psets)) != STATUS_OK)
 		error("rm_set_data(RM_PartitionPsetsPerBP)", bgl_err_str(rc));
 	if ((rc = rm_set_data(bgl_record->bgl_part, RM_PartitionUserName, 
@@ -144,7 +145,8 @@ static int _post_allocate(bgl_record_t *bgl_record)
 	debug("adding partition\n");
 	for(i=0;i<MAX_ADD_RETRY; i++) {
-		if ((rc = rm_add_partition(bgl_record->bgl_part)) != STATUS_OK) {
+		if ((rc = rm_add_partition(bgl_record->bgl_part)) 
+		    != STATUS_OK) {
 			error("rm_add_partition(): %s", bgl_err_str(rc));
 			rc = SLURM_ERROR;
 		} else {
@@ -197,14 +199,37 @@ static int _post_allocate(bgl_record_t *bgl_record)
 	return rc;
+static int _post_bgl_init_read(void *object, void *arg)
+	bgl_record_t *bgl_record = (bgl_record_t *) object;
+	int i = 1024;
+	bgl_record->nodes = xmalloc(i);
+	while (hostlist_ranged_string(bgl_record->hostlist, i,
+			bgl_record->nodes) < 0) {
+		i *= 2;
+		xrealloc(bgl_record->nodes, i);
+	}
+	if (node_name2bitmap(bgl_record->nodes, 
+			     false, 
+			     &bgl_record->bitmap)) {
+		error("Unable to convert nodes %s to bitmap", 
+		      bgl_record->nodes);
+	}
+	//print_bgl_record(bgl_record);
 extern int configure_partition(bgl_record_t *bgl_record)
 	/* new partition to be added */
-	configure_partition_switches(bgl_record);
+	if(bgl_record->cnodes_per_bp < procs_per_node)
+		configure_small_partition(bgl_record);
+	else
+		configure_partition_switches(bgl_record);
 	return 1;
@@ -230,7 +255,8 @@ int read_bgl_partitions()
 	char *part_name = NULL;
 	rm_partition_list_t *part_list = NULL;
 	rm_partition_state_flag_t state = PARTITION_ALL_FLAG;
+	rm_nodecard_t *ncard = NULL;
+	bool small = false;
 	if ((rc = rm_set_serial(BGL_SERIAL)) != STATUS_OK) {
 		error("rm_set_serial(): %s\n", bgl_err_str(rc));
@@ -303,18 +329,53 @@ int read_bgl_partitions()
 		bgl_record->state = -1;
-		if ((rc = rm_get_data(part_ptr, RM_PartitionBPNum, &bp_cnt)) 
+		bgl_record->quarter = -1;
+		if ((rc = rm_get_data(part_ptr, 
+				      RM_PartitionBPNum, 
+				      &bp_cnt)) 
 		    != STATUS_OK) {
-			error("rm_get_data(RM_BPNum): %s", bgl_err_str(rc));
+			error("rm_get_data(RM_BPNum): %s", 
+			      bgl_err_str(rc));
 			bp_cnt = 0;
 			goto clean_up;
+		if ((rc = rm_get_data(part_ptr, RM_PartitionSmall, &small)) 
+		    != STATUS_OK) {
+			error("rm_get_data(RM_BPNum): %s", bgl_err_str(rc));
+			bp_cnt = 0;
+		}
+		if(small) {
+			if((rc = rm_get_data(part_ptr,
+					     RM_PartitionFirstNodeCard,
+					     &ncard))
+			   != STATUS_OK) {
+				error("rm_get_data(RM_FirstCard): %s",
+				      bgl_err_str(rc));
+				bp_cnt = 0;
+			}
+			if ((rc = rm_get_data(ncard, 
+				      RM_NodeCardQuarter, 
+				      &bgl_record->quarter)) != STATUS_OK) {
+				error("rm_get_data(CardQuarter): %d",rc);
+				bp_cnt = 0;
+			}
+			debug("%s is in quarter %d",
+			      bgl_record->bgl_part_id,
+			      bgl_record->quarter);
+		} 
 		bgl_record->bgl_part_list = list_create(NULL);
 		bgl_record->hostlist = hostlist_create(NULL);
+		/* this needs to be changed for small partitions,
+		   we just don't know what they are suppose to look 
+		   like just yet. 
+		*/
 		for (i=0; i<bp_cnt; i++) {
 			if(i) {
 				if ((rc = rm_get_data(part_ptr, 
@@ -351,7 +412,7 @@ int read_bgl_partitions()
 				error("No BP ID was returned from database");
 			coord = find_bp_loc(bpid);
@@ -368,13 +429,17 @@ int read_bgl_partitions()
 		// need to get the 000x000 range for nodes
 		// also need to get coords
-		if ((rc = rm_get_data(part_ptr, RM_PartitionConnection,
-					 &bgl_record->conn_type))
-		    != STATUS_OK) {
-			error("rm_get_data(RM_PartitionConnection): %s",
-			      bgl_err_str(rc));
-		}
+		if(small)
+			bgl_record->conn_type = SELECT_SMALL;
+		else
+			if ((rc = rm_get_data(part_ptr, 
+					      RM_PartitionConnection,
+					      &bgl_record->conn_type))
+			    != STATUS_OK) {
+				error("rm_get_data"
+				      "(RM_PartitionConnection): %s",
+				      bgl_err_str(rc));
+			}
 		if ((rc = rm_get_data(part_ptr, RM_PartitionMode,
 		    != STATUS_OK) {
@@ -457,7 +522,13 @@ int read_bgl_partitions()
 			error("rm_get_data(RM_PartitionSwitchNum): %s",
+		if(small)
+			bgl_record->cnodes_per_bp = procs_per_node/4;
+		else
+			bgl_record->cnodes_per_bp = procs_per_node;
+		printf("got %d\n",bgl_record->cnodes_per_bp);
 		bgl_record->part_lifecycle = STATIC;
 clean_up:	if (bgl_recover
@@ -473,27 +544,5 @@ clean_up:	if (bgl_recover
 	return rc;
-static int _post_bgl_init_read(void *object, void *arg)
-	bgl_record_t *bgl_record = (bgl_record_t *) object;
-	int i = 1024;
-	bgl_record->nodes = xmalloc(i);
-	while (hostlist_ranged_string(bgl_record->hostlist, i,
-			bgl_record->nodes) < 0) {
-		i *= 2;
-		xrealloc(bgl_record->nodes, i);
-	}
-	if (node_name2bitmap(bgl_record->nodes, 
-			     false, 
-			     &bgl_record->bitmap)) {
-		error("Unable to convert nodes %s to bitmap", 
-		      bgl_record->nodes);
-	}
-	//print_bgl_record(bgl_record);
diff --git a/src/plugins/select/bluegene/select_bluegene.c b/src/plugins/select/bluegene/select_bluegene.c
index 71241cda26a..cdaec1c5ac1 100644
--- a/src/plugins/select/bluegene/select_bluegene.c
+++ b/src/plugins/select/bluegene/select_bluegene.c
@@ -30,6 +30,10 @@
 #define HUGE_BUF_SIZE (1024*16)
+/* global */
+int procs_per_node = 512;
  * These variables are required by the generic plugin interface.  If they
  * are not found in the plugin, the plugin loader will ignore it.
@@ -210,6 +214,9 @@ extern int select_p_job_init(List job_list)
 /* All initialization is performed by select_p_part_init() */
 extern int select_p_node_init(struct node_record *node_ptr, int node_cnt)
+	if(node_cnt>0)
+		if(node_ptr->cpus > 0)
+			procs_per_node = node_ptr->cpus;
diff --git a/src/smap/partition_functions.c b/src/smap/partition_functions.c
index 279394999aa..2fc3c727a05 100644
--- a/src/smap/partition_functions.c
+++ b/src/smap/partition_functions.c
@@ -42,10 +42,10 @@ typedef struct {
 	enum node_use_type bgl_node_use;
 	rm_partition_state_t state;
 	int letter_num;
 	List nodelist;
 	int size;
+	int cnodes_per_bp;
+	int quarter;	
 	bool printed;
 } db2_block_info_t;
@@ -62,7 +62,6 @@ static char *_part_state_str(rm_partition_state_t state);
 static int  _print_text_part(partition_info_t *part_ptr, 
 			     db2_block_info_t *db2_info_ptr);
 #ifdef HAVE_BGL
-static int _set_start_finish(db2_block_info_t *db2_info_ptr);
 static void _block_list_del(void *object);
 static void _nodelist_del(void *object);
 static int _list_match_all(void *object, void *key);
@@ -156,7 +155,7 @@ extern void get_slurm_part()
 extern void get_bgl_part()
 #ifdef HAVE_BGL
-	int error_code, i, j, recs=0, count = 0;
+	int error_code, i, j, recs=0, count = 0, last_count = -1;
 	static partition_info_msg_t *part_info_ptr = NULL;
 	static partition_info_msg_t *new_part_ptr = NULL;
 	static node_select_info_msg_t *bgl_info_ptr = NULL;
@@ -259,8 +258,19 @@ extern void get_bgl_part()
 			= new_bgl_ptr->bgl_info_array[i].conn_type;
 			= new_bgl_ptr->bgl_info_array[i].node_use;
-		_marknodes(block_ptr, i);		
-		_set_start_finish(block_ptr);
+		block_ptr->cnodes_per_bp
+			= new_bgl_ptr->bgl_info_array[i].cnodes_per_bp;
+		block_ptr->quarter 
+			= new_bgl_ptr->bgl_info_array[i].quarter;
+		if(block_ptr->quarter == -1 || last_count == -1) {
+			last_count++;
+			_marknodes(block_ptr, last_count);
+		} else 
+			block_ptr->letter_num = last_count;
+		if(block_ptr->bgl_conn_type == SELECT_SMALL)
+			block_ptr->size = 0;
 	if (!params.no_header)
@@ -494,8 +504,19 @@ static int _print_text_part(partition_info_t *part_ptr,
 	char *nodes = NULL, time_buf[20];
 	if(!params.commandline) {
-		mvwprintw(pa_system_ptr->text_win, pa_system_ptr->ycord,
-			  pa_system_ptr->xcord, "%c", part_ptr->root_only);
+		if((params.display == BGLPART) 
+		   && db2_info_ptr->quarter != -1) {
+			mvwprintw(pa_system_ptr->text_win, 
+				  pa_system_ptr->ycord,
+				  pa_system_ptr->xcord, "%c.%d", 
+				  part_ptr->root_only, 
+				  db2_info_ptr->quarter);
+		} else {
+			mvwprintw(pa_system_ptr->text_win, 
+				  pa_system_ptr->ycord,
+				  pa_system_ptr->xcord, "%c", 
+				  part_ptr->root_only);
+		}
 		pa_system_ptr->xcord += 4;
 		if (part_ptr->name) {
@@ -594,9 +615,15 @@ static int _print_text_part(partition_info_t *part_ptr,
 				pa_system_ptr->xcord += 10;
-		mvwprintw(pa_system_ptr->text_win, pa_system_ptr->ycord,
-			  pa_system_ptr->xcord, "%d", part_ptr->total_nodes);
+		if(part_ptr->total_nodes == 0)
+			mvwprintw(pa_system_ptr->text_win, 
+				  pa_system_ptr->ycord,
+				  pa_system_ptr->xcord, ".25");
+		else	
+			mvwprintw(pa_system_ptr->text_win, 
+				  pa_system_ptr->ycord,
+				  pa_system_ptr->xcord, "%d", 
+				  part_ptr->total_nodes);
 		pa_system_ptr->xcord += 7;
 		tempxcord = pa_system_ptr->xcord;
@@ -633,7 +660,14 @@ static int _print_text_part(partition_info_t *part_ptr,
+		if((params.display == BGLPART) 
+		   && (db2_info_ptr->quarter != -1)) {
+			mvwprintw(pa_system_ptr->text_win, 
+				  pa_system_ptr->ycord,
+				  pa_system_ptr->xcord, ".%d",
+				  db2_info_ptr->quarter);
+		}
 		pa_system_ptr->xcord = 1;
 	} else {
@@ -657,8 +691,7 @@ static int _print_text_part(partition_info_t *part_ptr,
 				width = strlen(time_buf);
-				printf("%9.9s ", time_buf);
+				printf("%9.9s ", time_buf);		
@@ -675,7 +708,6 @@ static int _print_text_part(partition_info_t *part_ptr,
 				printf("%9.9s ",  _convert_node_use(
@@ -687,7 +719,12 @@ static int _print_text_part(partition_info_t *part_ptr,
 			nodes = part_ptr->allow_groups;
 			nodes = part_ptr->nodes;
-		printf("%s\n",nodes);
+		if((params.display == BGLPART) 
+		   && (db2_info_ptr->quarter != -1))
+			printf("%s.%d\n", nodes, db2_info_ptr->quarter);
+		else
+			printf("%s\n",nodes);
 	return printed;
@@ -698,14 +735,10 @@ static void _block_list_del(void *object)
 	db2_block_info_t *block_ptr = (db2_block_info_t *)object;
 	if (block_ptr) {
-		if(block_ptr->bgl_user_name)
-			xfree(block_ptr->bgl_user_name);
-		if(block_ptr->bgl_block_name)
-			xfree(block_ptr->bgl_block_name);
-		if(block_ptr->slurm_part_name)
-			xfree(block_ptr->slurm_part_name);
-		if(block_ptr->nodes)
-			xfree(block_ptr->nodes);
+		xfree(block_ptr->bgl_user_name);
+		xfree(block_ptr->bgl_block_name);
+		xfree(block_ptr->slurm_part_name);
+		xfree(block_ptr->nodes);
@@ -727,50 +760,6 @@ static int _list_match_all(void *object, void *key)
 	return 1;
-static int _set_start_finish(db2_block_info_t *db2_info_ptr)
-	int number;
-	int j=0;
-	while (db2_info_ptr->nodes[j] != '\0') {
-		if ((db2_info_ptr->nodes[j]   == '[')
-		    && (db2_info_ptr->nodes[j+8] == ']')
-		    && ((db2_info_ptr->nodes[j+4] == 'x')
-			|| (db2_info_ptr->nodes[j+4] == '-'))) {
-			j++;
-			number = atoi(db2_info_ptr->nodes + j);
-			db2_info_ptr->start[X] = number / 100;
-			db2_info_ptr->start[Y] = (number % 100) / 10;
-			db2_info_ptr->start[Z] = (number % 10);
-			j += 4;
-			number = atoi(db2_info_ptr->nodes + j);
-			db2_info_ptr->end[X] = number / 100;
-			db2_info_ptr->end[Y] = (number % 100) / 10;
-			db2_info_ptr->end[Z] = (number % 10);
-			j += 5;
-			if(db2_info_ptr->nodes[j] != ',')
-				break;
-		} else if((db2_info_ptr->nodes[j] < 58 
-			   && db2_info_ptr->nodes[j] > 47) 
-			  && db2_info_ptr->nodes[j-1] != '[') {
-			number = atoi(db2_info_ptr->nodes + j);
-			db2_info_ptr->start[X] = db2_info_ptr->end[X] 
-				= number / 100;
-			db2_info_ptr->start[Y] = db2_info_ptr->end[Y] 
-				= (number % 100) / 10;
-			db2_info_ptr->start[Z] = db2_info_ptr->end[Z] 
-				= (number % 10);
-			j+=3;
-			if(db2_info_ptr->nodes[j] != ',')
-				break;	
-		}
-		j++;
-	}
-	return 1;
 static int _in_slurm_partition(List slurm_nodes, List bgl_nodes)
 	ListIterator slurm_itr;
@@ -790,9 +779,7 @@ static int _in_slurm_partition(List slurm_nodes, List bgl_nodes)
 			   && (coord[Z] == slurm_coord[Z])) {
-			}
+			}			
 		if(!found) {
@@ -917,6 +904,8 @@ static char* _convert_conn_type(enum connection_type conn_type)
 		return "MESH";
 	case (SELECT_TORUS):
 		return "TORUS";
+	case (SELECT_SMALL):
+		return "SMALL";
 	case (SELECT_NAV):
 		return "NAV";