From 6a2f20c47bf59c9313f844aceec61faad4ffd602 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Danny Auble <>
Date: Fri, 25 Jun 2010 19:14:15 +0000
Subject: [PATCH] fixed and removed tests

 testsuite/expect/ |   1 -
 testsuite/expect/ |   1 -
 testsuite/expect/test23.1    | 219 ++++-------
 testsuite/expect/test23.2    | 669 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++--
 testsuite/expect/test23.3    | 713 -----------------------------------
 5 files changed, 707 insertions(+), 896 deletions(-)
 delete mode 100755 testsuite/expect/test23.3

diff --git a/testsuite/expect/ b/testsuite/expect/
index eb02f79b32e..f53bda4d80a 100644
--- a/testsuite/expect/
+++ b/testsuite/expect/
@@ -332,7 +332,6 @@ EXTRA_DIST = \
 	test22.2			\
 	test23.1			\
 	test23.2			\
-	test23.3			\
 	test24.1			\
 	test24.1.prog.c			\
 	test24.2			\
diff --git a/testsuite/expect/ b/testsuite/expect/
index a6f110dfe69..d0cc1b777f6 100644
--- a/testsuite/expect/
+++ b/testsuite/expect/
@@ -601,7 +601,6 @@ EXTRA_DIST = \
 	test22.2			\
 	test23.1			\
 	test23.2			\
-	test23.3			\
 	test24.1			\
 	test24.1.prog.c			\
 	test24.2			\
diff --git a/testsuite/expect/test23.1 b/testsuite/expect/test23.1
index 3b5492c69cd..822501d20c6 100755
--- a/testsuite/expect/test23.1
+++ b/testsuite/expect/test23.1
@@ -59,197 +59,136 @@ proc sstat_job { soption } {
 	set not_support 0
 	send_user "sstat -$soption \n"
-	if { $soption == "e" || $soption == "-helpformat" } {
-	spawn $sstat -$soption
-	expect {
-		-re "AveCPU *AvePages *AveRSS *AveVMSize" {
-			if {$debug} {send_user "\nmatch1\n"}
-			incr matches
-			exp_continue
-		}
-		-re "JobID *MaxPages *MaxPagesNode *MaxPagesTask" {
-			if {$debug} {send_user "\nmatch2\n"}
-			incr matches
-			exp_continue
-		}
-		-re "MaxRSS *MaxRSSNode *MaxRSSTask *MaxVMSize" {
-			if {$debug} {send_user "\nmatch3\n"}
-			incr matches
-			exp_continue
-		}
-		-re "MaxVMSizeNode *MaxVMSizeTask *MinCPU *MinCPUNode" {
-			if {$debug} {send_user "\nmatch4\n"}
-			incr matches
-			exp_continue
-		}
-		-re "MinCPUTask *NTasks" {
-			if {$debug} {send_user "\nmatch5\n"}
-			incr matches
-			exp_continue
-		}
-		timeout {
-			send_user "\nFAILURE: sstat not responding\n"
-			set exit_code 1
-		}
-		eof {
-			wait
-		}
-	}
-	if {$matches != 5} {
-		send_user "\nFAILURE: sstat -$soption failed ($matches)\n"
-		set exit_code 1
-	}
-		return $matches
-	}
 	if { $soption == "h" || $soption == "-help" } {
-	spawn $sstat -$soption
-	expect {
-		-re "sstat...OPTION" {
-			if {$debug} {send_user "\nmatch6\n"}
-			incr matches
-			exp_continue
-		}
-		-re "Valid..OPTION" {
-			if {$debug} {send_user "\nmatch7\n"}
-			incr matches
-			exp_continue
-		}
-		-re "-e, --helpformat" {
-			if {$debug} {send_user "\nmatch8\n"}
-			incr matches
-			exp_continue
-		}
-		timeout {
-			send_user "\nFAILURE: sstat not responding\n"
+		spawn $sstat -$soption
+		expect {
+			-re "sstat...OPTION" {
+				if {$debug} {send_user "\nmatch6\n"}
+				incr matches
+				exp_continue
+			}
+			-re "Valid..OPTION" {
+				if {$debug} {send_user "\nmatch7\n"}
+				incr matches
+				exp_continue
+			}
+			-re "-e, --helpformat" {
+				if {$debug} {send_user "\nmatch8\n"}
+				incr matches
+				exp_continue
+			}
+			timeout {
+				send_user "\nFAILURE: sstat not responding\n"
+				set exit_code 1
+			}
+			eof {
+				wait
+			}
+		}
+		if {$matches != 3} {
+			send_user "\nFAILURE: sstat -$soption failed ($matches)\n"
 			set exit_code 1
-		eof {
-			wait
-		}
-	}
-	if {$matches != 3} {
-		send_user "\nFAILURE: sstat -$soption failed ($matches)\n"
-		set exit_code 1
-	}
 		return $matches
 	if { $soption == "-usage" } {
-	spawn $sstat -$soption
-	expect {
-		-re "Usage: sstat .options. -j .job..stepid." {
-			if {$debug} {send_user "\nmatch9\n"}
-			incr matches
-			exp_continue
-		}
-		-re "Use --help for help" {
-			if {$debug} {send_user "\nmatch10\n"}
-			incr matches
-			exp_continue
-		}
-		timeout {
-			send_user "\nFAILURE: sstat not responding\n"
+		spawn $sstat -$soption
+		expect {
+			-re "Usage: sstat .options. -j .job..stepid." {
+				if {$debug} {send_user "\nmatch9\n"}
+				incr matches
+				exp_continue
+			}
+			-re "Use --help for help" {
+				if {$debug} {send_user "\nmatch10\n"}
+				incr matches
+				exp_continue
+			}
+			timeout {
+				send_user "\nFAILURE: sstat not responding\n"
+				set exit_code 1
+			}
+			eof {
+				wait
+			}
+		}
+		if {$matches != 2} {
+			send_user "\nFAILURE: sstat -$soption failed ($matches)\n"
 			set exit_code 1
-		eof {
-			wait
-		}
-	}
-	if {$matches != 2} {
-		send_user "\nFAILURE: sstat -$soption failed ($matches)\n"
-		set exit_code 1
-	}
 		return $matches
 	if { $soption == "V" || $soption == "-version" } {
-	spawn $sstat -$soption
-	expect {
-		-re "slurm ($number).($number)." {
-			if {$debug} {send_user "\nmatch11\n"}
-			incr matches
-			exp_continue
-		}
-		timeout {
-			send_user "\nFAILURE: sstat not responding\n"
+		spawn $sstat -$soption
+		expect {
+			-re "slurm ($number).($number)." {
+				if {$debug} {send_user "\nmatch11\n"}
+				incr matches
+				exp_continue
+			}
+			timeout {
+				send_user "\nFAILURE: sstat not responding\n"
+				set exit_code 1
+			}
+			eof {
+				wait
+			}
+		}
+		if {$matches != 1} {
+			send_user "\nFAILURE: sstat -$soption failed ($matches)\n"
 			set exit_code 1
-		eof {
-			wait
-		}
-	}
-	if {$matches != 1} {
-		send_user "\nFAILURE: sstat -$soption failed ($matches)\n"
-		set exit_code 1
-	}
 		return $matches
-set matches [sstat_job e ]
-if {$matches != 5} {
-	send_user "\nFAILURE: sstat -e failed ($matches)\n"
-	set exit_code 1
-	}	else	{
-		send_user "\nsstat -e test GOOD!\n"
-set matches [sstat_job -helpformat ]
-if {$matches != 5} {
-	send_user "\nFAILURE: sstat --helpformat failed ($matches)\n"
-	set exit_code 1
-	}	else	{
-		send_user "\nsstat --helpformat test GOOD!\n"
 set matches [sstat_job h ]
 if {$matches != 3} {
 	send_user "\nFAILURE: sstat -h failed ($matches)\n"
 	set exit_code 1
-	}	else	{
-		send_user "\nsstat -h test GOOD!\n"
+} else {
+	send_user "\nsstat -h test GOOD!\n"
 set matches [sstat_job -help ]
 if {$matches != 3} {
 	send_user "\nFAILURE: sstat --help failed ($matches)\n"
 	set exit_code 1
-	}	else	{
-		send_user "\nsstat --help test GOOD!\n"
+} else {
+	send_user "\nsstat --help test GOOD!\n"
 set matches [sstat_job -usage ]
 if {$matches != 2} {
 	send_user "\nFAILURE: sstat --usage failed ($matches)\n"
 	set exit_code 1
-	}	else	{
-		send_user "\nsstat --usage test GOOD!\n"
+} else {
+	send_user "\nsstat --usage test GOOD!\n"
 set matches [sstat_job V ]
 if {$matches != 1} {
 	send_user "\nFAILURE: sstat -V failed ($matches)\n"
 	set exit_code 1
-	}	else	{
-		send_user "\nsstat -V test GOOD!\n"
+} else {
+	send_user "\nsstat -V test GOOD!\n"
 set matches [sstat_job -version ]
 if {$matches != 1} {
 	send_user "\nFAILURE: sstat --version failed ($matches)\n"
 	set exit_code 1
-	}	else	{
-		send_user "\nsstat --version test GOOD!\n"
+} else {
+	send_user "\nsstat --version test GOOD!\n"
diff --git a/testsuite/expect/test23.2 b/testsuite/expect/test23.2
index 7c8a493274f..3cb187ad369 100755
--- a/testsuite/expect/test23.2
+++ b/testsuite/expect/test23.2
@@ -1,13 +1,13 @@
-# Purpose: Test of SLURM functionality
-#          Test sstat --helpformat option.
+# Purpose: Test of SLURM sstat functionality
+#          sstat a, n, o, p, P and v options.
 # Output:  "TEST: #.#" followed by "SUCCESS" if test was successful, OR
 #          "FAILURE: ..." otherwise with an explanation of the failure, OR
 #          anything else indicates a failure mode that must be investigated.
-# Copyright (C) 2008 Lawrence Livermore National Security.
+# Copyright (C) 2009 Lawrence Livermore National Security.
 # Produced at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (cf, DISCLAIMER).
 # Written by Joseph Donaghy <>
 # CODE-OCEC-09-009. All rights reserved.
@@ -34,80 +34,631 @@ source ./globals
 set test_id     "23.2"
 set exit_code   0
-set matches     0
-set not_support 0
+set file_in1    "test.$test_id.input1"
+set file_in2    "test.$test_id.input2"
+set file_in3    "test.$test_id.input3"
+set test_acct   "test_acct"
+set timeout 60
 print_header $test_id
+set ac		AveCPU
+set ap		AvePages
+set ar		AveRSS
+set av		AveVMSize
+set ji		JobID
+set mp		MaxPages
+set mpn		MaxPagesNode
+set mpt		MaxPagesTask
+set mr		MaxRSS
+set mrn		MaxRSSNode
+set mrt		MaxRSSTask
+set mvs		MaxVMSize
+set mvn		MaxVMSizeNode
+set mvt		MaxVMSizeTask
+set mc		MinCPU
+set mn		MinCPUNode
+set mt		MinCPUTask
+set nt		NTasks
-# Report the sstat --helpformat option
+# Check accounting config and bail if not found.
+if { [test_account_storage] == 0 } {
+	send_user "\nWARNING: This test can't be run without a usable AccountStorageType\n"
+	exit 0
-spawn $sstat --helpformat
+if { [string compare [check_accounting_admin_level] "Administrator"] } {
+	send_user "\nWARNING: This test can't be run without being an Accounting administrator.\nUse sacctmgr mod user \$USER_NAME set admin=admin.\n"
+	exit 0
+# Identify the user and his current default account
+set acct_name ""
+set user_name ""
+set user_gid ""
+spawn $bin_id -u -n
 expect {
-	-re "AveCPU *AvePages *AveRSS *AveVMSize" {
-		incr matches
+	 -re "($alpha_numeric_under)" {
+		set user_name $expect_out(1,string)
-	-re "JobID *MaxPages *MaxPagesNode *MaxPagesTask" {
-		incr matches
+	eof {
+		wait
+	}
+spawn $bin_id -u
+expect {
+	 -re "($alpha_numeric_under)" {
+		set user_gid $expect_out(1,string)
-	-re "MaxRSS *MaxRSSNode *MaxRSSTask *MaxVMSize" {
-		incr matches
+	eof {
+		wait
+	}
+set s_pid [spawn $sacctmgr show user $user_name]
+expect {
+	-re "$user_name *($alpha_numeric_under)" {
+		set acct_name $expect_out(1,string)
-	-re "MaxVMSizeNode *MaxVMSizeTask *MinCPU *MinCPUNode" {
-		incr matches
+	timeout {
+		send_user "FAILURE: sacctmgr add not responding\n"
+		slow_kill $s_pid
+		exit 1
+	}
+	eof {
+		wait
+	}
+# Use sacctmgr to add an account
+set aamatches 0
+set sadd_pid [spawn $sacctmgr -i add account $test_acct]
+expect {
+	-re "Adding Account" {
+		incr aamatches
-	-re "MinCPUTask *NTasks" {
-		incr matches
+	-re "Nothing new added" {
+		send_user "\nWARNING: vestigial account $test_acct found\n"
+		incr aamatches
 	timeout {
-		send_user "\nFAILURE: sstat not responding\n"
+		send_user "\nFAILURE: sacctmgr add not responding\n"
+		slow_kill $sadd_pid
 		set exit_code 1
 	eof {
+if {$aamatches != 1} {
+	send_user "\nFAILURE:  sacctmgr had a problem adding account.\n"
+	exit 1
-if {$matches != 5} {
-	send_user "\nFAILURE: sstat --helpformat failed ($matches)\n"
-	set exit_code 1
+# Add self to this new account
+set sadd_pid [spawn $sacctmgr -i create user name=$user_name account=$test_acct]
+expect {
+	 timeout {
+		send_user "\nFAILURE: sacctmgr add not responding\n"
+		slow_kill $sadd_pid
+		set exit_code 1
+	}
+	eof {
+		wait
+	}
-# Report the sstat -e option
+# Build input script file1
+make_bash_script $file_in1 "
+$srun $file_in2
+# Build input script file2
+make_bash_script $file_in2 "
+$srun $file_in3
+# Build input script file3
-set matches     0
+make_bash_script $file_in3 "
+$srun sleep 10
-spawn $sstat -e
+# Spawn a job via srun using this account
+set job_id3 0
+spawn $sbatch -N1 -v --account=$test_acct $file_in1
 expect {
-	-re "AveCPU *AvePages *AveRSS *AveVMSize" {
-		incr matches
+	-re "Submitted batch job ($number)" {
+		set job_id3 $expect_out(1,string)
+		send_user "\nFOUND JobID to be $job_id3\n"
-	-re "JobID *MaxPages *MaxPagesNode *MaxPagesTask" {
-		incr matches
-		exp_continue
+	timeout {
+		send_user "\nFAILURE: sbatch not responding\n"
+		set exit_code 1
-	-re "MaxRSS *MaxRSSNode *MaxRSSTask *MaxVMSize" {
-		incr matches
-		exp_continue
+	eof {
+		wait
-	-re "MaxVMSizeNode *MaxVMSizeTask *MinCPU *MinCPUNode" {
-		incr matches
-		exp_continue
+if {$job_id3 == 0} {
+	send_user "\nFAILURE: did not get srun job_id3\n"
+	set exit_code 1
+} else {
+	set matches 0
+	spawn $scontrol show job $job_id3
+	expect {
+		 -re "Account=$test_acct" {
+			incr matches
+			exp_continue
+		}
+		timeout {
+			send_user "\nFAILURE: scontrol not responding\n"
+			set exit_code 1
+		}
+		eof {
+			wait
+		}
+	}
+	if {$matches != 1} {
+		send_user "\nFAILURE: srun failed to use specified account\n"
+		set exit_code 1
+	}
+# Wait for job to start running, then signal it
+if {[wait_for_job $job_id3 "RUNNING"] != 0} {
+	send_user "\nFAILURE: waiting for job to start running\n"
+	exit 1
+# Proc: sstat_job
+# Purpose:  Pass sstat options and test
+# Returns: Number of matches.
+# Input: Switch options not requiring arguments
+proc sstat_job { soption job_id} {
+	global sstat
+	set debug       0
+	set exit_code   0
+	set matches     0
+	set not_support 0
+	send_user "sstat -$soption -p -j $job_id\n"
+	if { $soption == "-allsteps" || $soption == "a" } {
+	spawn $sstat -$soption -p -j $job_id
+	expect {
+		-re "SLURM accounting storage is disabled" {
+			set not_support 1
+			exp_continue
+		}
+		-re "$job_id.0" {
+			if {$debug} {send_user "\nmatch1\n"}
+			incr matches
+			exp_continue
+		}
+		-re "$job_id.1" {
+			if {$debug} {send_user "\nmatch2\n"}
+			incr matches
+			exp_continue
+		}
+		-re "$job_id.2" {
+			if {$debug} {send_user "\nmatch3\n"}
+			incr matches
+			exp_continue
+		}
+		timeout {
+			send_user "\nFAILURE: sstat not responding\n"
+			set exit_code 1
+		}
+		eof {
+			wait
+		}
+	}
+	if {$not_support != 0} {
+		send_user "\nWARNING: can not test without accounting enabled\n"
+		exit 0
+	}
+	if {$matches != 3} {
+		send_user "\nFAILURE: sstat -$soption failed ($matches)\n"
+		set exit_code 1
+	}
+	return $matches
+	if { $soption == "-noheader" || $soption == "n" } {
+	spawn $sstat -$soption -p -j $job_id
+	expect {
+		-re "SLURM accounting storage is disabled" {
+			set not_support 1
+			exp_continue
+		}
+		-re "JobID|MaxVMSize|MaxVMSizeNode|MaxVMSizeTask|	\
+			AveVMSize|MaxRSS|MaxRSSNode|MaxRSSTask|AveRSS|	\
+			MaxPages|MaxPagesNode|MaxPagesTask|AvePages|	\
+			MinCPU|MinCPUNode|MinCPUTask|AveCPU|NTasks" {
+			if {$debug} {send_user "\nmatch4\n"}
+			incr matches
+			exp_continue
+		}
+		-re "$job_id" {
+			if {$debug} {send_user "\nmatch5\n"}
+			incr matches
+			exp_continue
+		}
+		timeout {
+			send_user "\nFAILURE: sstat not responding\n"
+			set exit_code 1
+		}
+		eof {
+			wait
+		}
+	}
+	if {$not_support != 0} {
+		send_user "\nWARNING: can not test without accounting enabled\n"
+		exit 0
+	}
+	if {$matches != 1} {
+		send_user "\nFAILURE: sstat -$soption failed ($matches)\n"
+		set exit_code 1
+	}
+	return $matches
+	if { $soption == "-parsable" || $soption == "p" } {
+	spawn $sstat -$soption -p -j $job_id
+	expect {
+		-re "SLURM accounting storage is disabled" {
+			set not_support 1
+			exp_continue
+		}
+		-re "JobID\\|MaxVMSize\\|MaxVMSizeNode\\|MaxVMSizeTask\\|AveVMSize\\|MaxRSS\\|" {
+			if {$debug} {send_user "\nmatch6\n"}
+			incr matches
+			exp_continue
+		}
+		-re "MaxRSSNode\\|MaxRSSTask\\|AveRSS\\|MaxPages\\|MaxPagesNode\\|MaxPagesTask\\|" {
+			if {$debug} {send_user "\nmatch7\n"}
+			incr matches
+			exp_continue
+		}
+		-re "AvePages\\|MinCPU\\|MinCPUNode\\|MinCPUTask\\|AveCPU\\|NTasks\\|" {
+			if {$debug} {send_user "\nmatch8\n"}
+			incr matches
+			exp_continue
+		}
+		-re "$job_id..\\|" {
+			if {$debug} {send_user "\nmatch9\n"}
+			incr matches
+			exp_continue
+		}
+		timeout {
+			send_user "\nFAILURE: sstat not responding\n"
+			set exit_code 1
+		}
+		eof {
+			wait
+		}
+	}
+	if {$not_support != 0} {
+		send_user "\nWARNING: can not test without accounting enabled\n"
+		exit 0
+	}
+	if {$matches != 4} {
+		send_user "\nFAILURE: sstat -$soption failed ($matches)\n"
+		set exit_code 1
+	}
+	return $matches
+	if { $soption == "-parsable2" || $soption == "P" } {
+	spawn $sstat -$soption -j $job_id
+	expect {
+		-re "SLURM accounting storage is disabled" {
+			set not_support 1
+			exp_continue
+		}
+		-re "JobID\\|MaxVMSize\\|MaxVMSizeNode\\|MaxVMSizeTask\\|AveVMSize\\|MaxRSS\\|" {
+			if {$debug} {send_user "\nmatch10\n"}
+			incr matches
+			exp_continue
+		}
+		-re "MaxRSSNode\\|MaxRSSTask\\|AveRSS\\|MaxPages\\|MaxPagesNode\\|MaxPagesTask\\|" {
+			if {$debug} {send_user "\nmatch11\n"}
+			incr matches
+			exp_continue
+		}
+		-re "AvePages\\|MinCPU\\|MinCPUNode\\|MinCPUTask\\|AveCPU\\|NTasks" {
+			if {$debug} {send_user "\nmatch12\n"}
+			incr matches
+			exp_continue
+		}
+		-re "$job_id..\\|" {
+			if {$debug} {send_user "\nmatch13\n"}
+			incr matches
+			exp_continue
+		}
+		timeout {
+			send_user "\nFAILURE: sstat not responding\n"
+			set exit_code 1
+		}
+		eof {
+			wait
+		}
-	-re "MinCPUTask *NTasks" {
-		incr matches
+	if {$not_support != 0} {
+		send_user "\nWARNING: can not test without accounting enabled\n"
+		exit 0
+	}
+	if {$matches != 4} {
+		send_user "\nFAILURE: sstat -$soption failed ($matches)\n"
+		set exit_code 1
+	}
+		return $matches
+	}
+	if { $soption == "-verbose" || $soption == "v" } {
+	spawn $sstat -$soption -p -j $job_id
+	expect {
+		-re "SLURM accounting storage is disabled" {
+			set not_support 1
+			exp_continue
+		}
+		-re "JobID.MaxVMSize.MaxVMSizeNode.MaxVMSizeTask.AveVMSize.MaxRSS" {
+			if {$debug} {send_user "\nmatch14\n"}
+			incr matches
+			exp_continue
+		}
+		-re "MaxRSSNode.MaxRSSTask.AveRSS.MaxPages.MaxPagesNode.MaxPagesTask" {
+			if {$debug} {send_user "\nmatch15\n"}
+			incr matches
+			exp_continue
+		}
+		-re "AvePages.MinCPU.MinCPUNode.MinCPUTask.AveCPU.NTasks" {
+			if {$debug} {send_user "\nmatch16\n"}
+			incr matches
+			exp_continue
+		}
+		-re "$job_id" {
+			if {$debug} {send_user "\nmatch17\n"}
+			incr matches
+			exp_continue
+		}
+		timeout {
+			send_user "\nFAILURE: sstat not responding\n"
+			set exit_code 1
+		}
+		eof {
+			wait
+		}
+	}
+	if {$not_support != 0} {
+		send_user "\nWARNING: can not test without accounting enabled\n"
+		exit 0
+	}
+	if {$matches != 4} {
+		send_user "\nFAILURE: sstat -$soption failed ($matches)\n"
+		set exit_code 1
+	}
+		return $matches
+	}
+# Proc: sstat_vargs
+# Purpose:  Pass sstat options with arguments and test
+# Returns: Number of matches.
+# Input: Switch options with argument
+proc sstat_vargs { soption vargs job_id} {
+	global sstat
+	set debug	0
+	set exit_code   0
+	set matches     0
+	set not_support 0
+	send_user "sstat -$soption $vargs -p -j $job_id\n"
+	if { $soption == "o" || $soption == "-format" } {
+	spawn $sstat -$soption $vargs -p -j $job_id
+	expect {
+		-re "SLURM accounting storage is disabled" {
+			set not_support 1
+			exp_continue
+		}
+		-re "AveCPU.AvePages.AveRSS.AveVMSize" {
+			if {$debug} {send_user "\nmatch18\n"}
+			incr matches
+			exp_continue
+		}
+		-re "JobID.MaxPages.MaxPagesNode.MaxPagesTask" {
+			if {$debug} {send_user "\nmatch19\n"}
+			incr matches
+			exp_continue
+		}
+		-re "MaxRSS.MaxRSSNode.MaxRSSTask.MaxVMSize" {
+			if {$debug} {send_user "\nmatch20\n"}
+			incr matches
+			exp_continue
+		}
+		-re "MaxVMSizeNode.MaxVMSizeTask.MinCPU.MinCPUNode" {
+			if {$debug} {send_user "\nmatch21\n"}
+			incr matches
+			exp_continue
+		}
+		-re "MinCPUTask.NTasks" {
+			if {$debug} {send_user "\nmatch22\n"}
+			incr matches
+			exp_continue
+		}
+		-re "$job_id" {
+			if {$debug} {send_user "\nmatch23\n"}
+			incr matches
+			exp_continue
+		}
+		timeout {
+			send_user "\nFAILURE: sstat not responding\n"
+			set exit_code 1
+		}
+		eof {
+			wait
+		}
+	}
+	if {$not_support != 0} {
+		send_user "\nWARNING: can not test without accounting enabled\n"
+		exit 0
+	}
+	if {$matches != 6} {
+		send_user "\nFAILURE: sstat -$soption failed ($matches)\n"
+		set exit_code 1
+	}
+		return $matches
+	}
+sleep 1
+set matches [sstat_job a $job_id3]
+if {$matches != 3} {
+	send_user "\nFAILURE: sstat -a failed ($matches)\n"
+	set exit_code 1
+set matches [sstat_job -allsteps $job_id3]
+if {$matches != 3} {
+	send_user "\nFAILURE: sstat --allsteps failed ($matches)\n"
+	set exit_code 1
+set matches [sstat_job n $job_id3]
+if {$matches != 1} {
+	send_user "\nFAILURE: sstat -n failed ($matches)\n"
+	set exit_code 1
+set matches [sstat_job -noheader $job_id3]
+if {$matches != 1} {
+	send_user "\nFAILURE: sstat --noheader failed ($matches)\n"
+	set exit_code 1
+set matches [sstat_job p $job_id3]
+if {$matches != 4} {
+	send_user "\nFAILURE: sstat -p failed ($matches)\n"
+	set exit_code 1
+set matches [sstat_job -parsable $job_id3]
+if {$matches != 4} {
+	send_user "\nFAILURE: sstat --parsable failed ($matches)\n"
+	set exit_code 1
+set matches [sstat_job P $job_id3]
+if {$matches != 4} {
+	send_user "\nFAILURE: sstat -P failed ($matches)\n"
+	set exit_code 1
+set matches [sstat_job -parsable2 $job_id3]
+if {$matches != 4} {
+	send_user "\nFAILURE: sstat --parsable2 failed ($matches)\n"
+	set exit_code 1
+set matches [sstat_job v $job_id3]
+if {$matches != 4} {
+	send_user "\nFAILURE: sstat -v failed ($matches)\n"
+	set exit_code 1
+set matches [sstat_job -verbose $job_id3]
+if {$matches != 4} {
+	send_user "\nFAILURE: sstat --verbose failed ($matches)\n"
+	set exit_code 1
+set matches [sstat_vargs o $ac,$ap,$ar,$av,$ji,$mp,$mpn,$mpt,$mr,$mrn,$mrt,$mvs,$mvn,$mvt,$mc,$mn,$mt,$nt $job_id3]
+if {$matches != 6} {
+	send_user "\nFAILURE: sstat -o failed ($matches)\n"
+	set exit_code 1
+set matches [sstat_vargs -format $ac,$ap,$ar,$av,$ji,$mp,$mpn,$mpt,$mr,$mrn,$mrt,$mvs,$mvn,$mvt,$mc,$mn,$mt,$nt $job_id3]
+if {$matches != 6} {
+	send_user "\nFAILURE: sstat --format failed ($matches)\n"
+	set exit_code 1
+# Use sacctmgr to delete the test account (shouldn't work, because of running jobs)
+set damatches 0
+set needtodel 0
+set sadel_pid [spawn $sacctmgr -i delete account $test_acct]
+expect {
+	-re "Deleting account" {
+		incr damatches
+	"Job(s) running, cancel job(s) before remove" {
+		send_user "This error was expected, no worries\n"
+		set needtodel 1
+	}
 	timeout {
-		send_user "\nFAILURE: sstat not responding\n"
+		send_user "\nFAILURE: sacctmgr delete not responding\n"
+		slow_kill $sadel_pid
 		set exit_code 1
 	eof {
@@ -115,12 +666,48 @@ expect {
-if {$matches != 5} {
-	send_user "\nFAILURE: sstat -e failed ($matches)\n"
+if {$needtodel == 1} {
+	#
+	# Use scancel to quite jobs
+	#
+	spawn $scancel -A $test_acct
+	expect {
+		eof {
+			wait
+		}
+	}
+	sleep 1
+	#
+	# Use sacctmgr to delete the test account
+	#
+	set damatches 0
+	set sadel_pid [spawn $sacctmgr -i delete account $test_acct]
+	expect {
+		-re "Deleting account" {
+			incr damatches
+			exp_continue
+		}
+		timeout {
+			send_user "\nFAILURE: sacctmgr delete not responding\n"
+			slow_kill $sadel_pid
+			set exit_code 1
+		}
+		eof {
+			wait
+		}
+	}
+if {$damatches != 1} {
+	send_user "\nFAILURE: sacctmgr had problems deleting the account\n"
 	set exit_code 1
 if {$exit_code == 0} {
+	exec $bin_rm -f $file_in1 $file_in2 $file_in3
 	send_user "\nSUCCESS\n"
 exit $exit_code
diff --git a/testsuite/expect/test23.3 b/testsuite/expect/test23.3
deleted file mode 100755
index afca05cd842..00000000000
--- a/testsuite/expect/test23.3
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,713 +0,0 @@
-# Purpose: Test of SLURM sstat functionality
-#          sstat a, n, o, p, P and v options.
-# Output:  "TEST: #.#" followed by "SUCCESS" if test was successful, OR
-#          "FAILURE: ..." otherwise with an explanation of the failure, OR
-#          anything else indicates a failure mode that must be investigated.
-# Copyright (C) 2009 Lawrence Livermore National Security.
-# Produced at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (cf, DISCLAIMER).
-# Written by Joseph Donaghy <>
-# CODE-OCEC-09-009. All rights reserved.
-# This file is part of SLURM, a resource management program.
-# For details, see <>.
-# Please also read the included file: DISCLAIMER.
-# SLURM is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
-# the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
-# Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option)
-# any later version.
-# SLURM is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
-# WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
-# FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License for more
-# details.
-# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
-# with SLURM; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
-# 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301  USA.
-source ./globals
-set test_id     "23.3"
-set exit_code   0
-set file_in1    "test.$test_id.input1"
-set file_in2    "test.$test_id.input2"
-set file_in3    "test.$test_id.input3"
-set test_acct   "test_acct"
-set timeout 60
-print_header $test_id
-set ac		AveCPU
-set ap		AvePages
-set ar		AveRSS
-set av		AveVMSize
-set ji		JobID
-set mp		MaxPages
-set mpn		MaxPagesNode
-set mpt		MaxPagesTask
-set mr		MaxRSS
-set mrn		MaxRSSNode
-set mrt		MaxRSSTask
-set mvs		MaxVMSize
-set mvn		MaxVMSizeNode
-set mvt		MaxVMSizeTask
-set mc		MinCPU
-set mn		MinCPUNode
-set mt		MinCPUTask
-set nt		NTasks
-# Check accounting config and bail if not found.
-if { [test_account_storage] == 0 } {
-	send_user "\nWARNING: This test can't be run without a usable AccountStorageType\n"
-	exit 0
-if { [string compare [check_accounting_admin_level] "Administrator"] } {
-	send_user "\nWARNING: This test can't be run without being an Accounting administrator.\nUse sacctmgr mod user \$USER_NAME set admin=admin.\n"
-	exit 0
-# Identify the user and his current default account
-set acct_name ""
-set user_name ""
-set user_gid ""
-spawn $bin_id -u -n
-expect {
-	 -re "($alpha_numeric_under)" {
-		set user_name $expect_out(1,string)
-		exp_continue
-	}
-	eof {
-		wait
-	}
-spawn $bin_id -u
-expect {
-	 -re "($alpha_numeric_under)" {
-		set user_gid $expect_out(1,string)
-		exp_continue
-	}
-	eof {
-		wait
-	}
-set s_pid [spawn $sacctmgr show user $user_name]
-expect {
-	-re "$user_name *($alpha_numeric_under)" {
-		set acct_name $expect_out(1,string)
-		exp_continue
-	}
-	timeout {
-		send_user "FAILURE: sacctmgr add not responding\n"
-		slow_kill $s_pid
-		exit 1
-	}
-	eof {
-		wait
-	}
-# Use sacctmgr to add an account
-set aamatches 0
-set sadd_pid [spawn $sacctmgr -i add account $test_acct]
-expect {
-	-re "Adding Account" {
-		incr aamatches
-		exp_continue
-	}
-	-re "Nothing new added" {
-		send_user "\nWARNING: vestigial account $test_acct found\n"
-		incr aamatches
-		exp_continue
-	}
-	timeout {
-		send_user "\nFAILURE: sacctmgr add not responding\n"
-		slow_kill $sadd_pid
-		set exit_code 1
-	}
-	eof {
-		wait
-	}
-if {$aamatches != 1} {
-	send_user "\nFAILURE:  sacctmgr had a problem adding account.\n"
-	exit 1
-# Add self to this new account
-set sadd_pid [spawn $sacctmgr -i create user name=$user_name account=$test_acct]
-expect {
-	 timeout {
-		send_user "\nFAILURE: sacctmgr add not responding\n"
-		slow_kill $sadd_pid
-		set exit_code 1
-	}
-	eof {
-		wait
-	}
-# Build input script file1
-make_bash_script $file_in1 "
-$srun $file_in2
-# Build input script file2
-make_bash_script $file_in2 "
-$srun $file_in3
-# Build input script file3
-make_bash_script $file_in3 "
-$srun sleep 10
-# Spawn a job via srun using this account
-set job_id3 0
-spawn $sbatch -N1 -v --account=$test_acct $file_in1
-expect {
-	-re "Submitted batch job ($number)" {
-		set job_id3 $expect_out(1,string)
-		send_user "\nFOUND JobID to be $job_id3\n"
-		exp_continue
-	}
-	timeout {
-		send_user "\nFAILURE: sbatch not responding\n"
-		set exit_code 1
-	}
-	eof {
-		wait
-	}
-if {$job_id3 == 0} {
-	send_user "\nFAILURE: did not get srun job_id3\n"
-	set exit_code 1
-} else {
-	set matches 0
-	spawn $scontrol show job $job_id3
-	expect {
-		 -re "Account=$test_acct" {
-			incr matches
-			exp_continue
-		}
-		timeout {
-			send_user "\nFAILURE: scontrol not responding\n"
-			set exit_code 1
-		}
-		eof {
-			wait
-		}
-	}
-	if {$matches != 1} {
-		send_user "\nFAILURE: srun failed to use specified account\n"
-		set exit_code 1
-	}
-# Wait for job to start running, then signal it
-if {[wait_for_job $job_id3 "RUNNING"] != 0} {
-	send_user "\nFAILURE: waiting for job to start running\n"
-	exit 1
-# Proc: sstat_job
-# Purpose:  Pass sstat options and test
-# Returns: Number of matches.
-# Input: Switch options not requiring arguments
-proc sstat_job { soption job_id} {
-	global sstat
-	set debug       0
-	set exit_code   0
-	set matches     0
-	set not_support 0
-	send_user "sstat -$soption -p -j $job_id\n"
-	if { $soption == "-allsteps" || $soption == "a" } {
-	spawn $sstat -$soption -p -j $job_id
-	expect {
-		-re "SLURM accounting storage is disabled" {
-			set not_support 1
-			exp_continue
-		}
-		-re "$job_id.0" {
-			if {$debug} {send_user "\nmatch1\n"}
-			incr matches
-			exp_continue
-		}
-		-re "$job_id.1" {
-			if {$debug} {send_user "\nmatch2\n"}
-			incr matches
-			exp_continue
-		}
-		-re "$job_id.2" {
-			if {$debug} {send_user "\nmatch3\n"}
-			incr matches
-			exp_continue
-		}
-		timeout {
-			send_user "\nFAILURE: sstat not responding\n"
-			set exit_code 1
-		}
-		eof {
-			wait
-		}
-	}
-	if {$not_support != 0} {
-		send_user "\nWARNING: can not test without accounting enabled\n"
-		exit 0
-	}
-	if {$matches != 3} {
-		send_user "\nFAILURE: sstat -$soption failed ($matches)\n"
-		set exit_code 1
-	}
-	return $matches
-	if { $soption == "-noheader" || $soption == "n" } {
-	spawn $sstat -$soption -p -j $job_id
-	expect {
-		-re "SLURM accounting storage is disabled" {
-			set not_support 1
-			exp_continue
-		}
-		-re "JobID|MaxVMSize|MaxVMSizeNode|MaxVMSizeTask|	\
-			AveVMSize|MaxRSS|MaxRSSNode|MaxRSSTask|AveRSS|	\
-			MaxPages|MaxPagesNode|MaxPagesTask|AvePages|	\
-			MinCPU|MinCPUNode|MinCPUTask|AveCPU|NTasks" {
-			if {$debug} {send_user "\nmatch4\n"}
-			incr matches
-			exp_continue
-		}
-		-re "$job_id" {
-			if {$debug} {send_user "\nmatch5\n"}
-			incr matches
-			exp_continue
-		}
-		timeout {
-			send_user "\nFAILURE: sstat not responding\n"
-			set exit_code 1
-		}
-		eof {
-			wait
-		}
-	}
-	if {$not_support != 0} {
-		send_user "\nWARNING: can not test without accounting enabled\n"
-		exit 0
-	}
-	if {$matches != 1} {
-		send_user "\nFAILURE: sstat -$soption failed ($matches)\n"
-		set exit_code 1
-	}
-	return $matches
-	if { $soption == "-parsable" || $soption == "p" } {
-	spawn $sstat -$soption -p -j $job_id
-	expect {
-		-re "SLURM accounting storage is disabled" {
-			set not_support 1
-			exp_continue
-		}
-		-re "JobID\\|MaxVMSize\\|MaxVMSizeNode\\|MaxVMSizeTask\\|AveVMSize\\|MaxRSS\\|" {
-			if {$debug} {send_user "\nmatch6\n"}
-			incr matches
-			exp_continue
-		}
-		-re "MaxRSSNode\\|MaxRSSTask\\|AveRSS\\|MaxPages\\|MaxPagesNode\\|MaxPagesTask\\|" {
-			if {$debug} {send_user "\nmatch7\n"}
-			incr matches
-			exp_continue
-		}
-		-re "AvePages\\|MinCPU\\|MinCPUNode\\|MinCPUTask\\|AveCPU\\|NTasks\\|" {
-			if {$debug} {send_user "\nmatch8\n"}
-			incr matches
-			exp_continue
-		}
-		-re "$job_id..\\|" {
-			if {$debug} {send_user "\nmatch9\n"}
-			incr matches
-			exp_continue
-		}
-		timeout {
-			send_user "\nFAILURE: sstat not responding\n"
-			set exit_code 1
-		}
-		eof {
-			wait
-		}
-	}
-	if {$not_support != 0} {
-		send_user "\nWARNING: can not test without accounting enabled\n"
-		exit 0
-	}
-	if {$matches != 4} {
-		send_user "\nFAILURE: sstat -$soption failed ($matches)\n"
-		set exit_code 1
-	}
-	return $matches
-	if { $soption == "-parsable2" || $soption == "P" } {
-	spawn $sstat -$soption -j $job_id
-	expect {
-		-re "SLURM accounting storage is disabled" {
-			set not_support 1
-			exp_continue
-		}
-		-re "JobID\\|MaxVMSize\\|MaxVMSizeNode\\|MaxVMSizeTask\\|AveVMSize\\|MaxRSS\\|" {
-			if {$debug} {send_user "\nmatch10\n"}
-			incr matches
-			exp_continue
-		}
-		-re "MaxRSSNode\\|MaxRSSTask\\|AveRSS\\|MaxPages\\|MaxPagesNode\\|MaxPagesTask\\|" {
-			if {$debug} {send_user "\nmatch11\n"}
-			incr matches
-			exp_continue
-		}
-		-re "AvePages\\|MinCPU\\|MinCPUNode\\|MinCPUTask\\|AveCPU\\|NTasks" {
-			if {$debug} {send_user "\nmatch12\n"}
-			incr matches
-			exp_continue
-		}
-		-re "$job_id..\\|" {
-			if {$debug} {send_user "\nmatch13\n"}
-			incr matches
-			exp_continue
-		}
-		timeout {
-			send_user "\nFAILURE: sstat not responding\n"
-			set exit_code 1
-		}
-		eof {
-			wait
-		}
-	}
-	if {$not_support != 0} {
-		send_user "\nWARNING: can not test without accounting enabled\n"
-		exit 0
-	}
-	if {$matches != 4} {
-		send_user "\nFAILURE: sstat -$soption failed ($matches)\n"
-		set exit_code 1
-	}
-		return $matches
-	}
-	if { $soption == "-verbose" || $soption == "v" } {
-	spawn $sstat -$soption -p -j $job_id
-	expect {
-		-re "SLURM accounting storage is disabled" {
-			set not_support 1
-			exp_continue
-		}
-		-re "JobID.MaxVMSize.MaxVMSizeNode.MaxVMSizeTask.AveVMSize.MaxRSS" {
-			if {$debug} {send_user "\nmatch14\n"}
-			incr matches
-			exp_continue
-		}
-		-re "MaxRSSNode.MaxRSSTask.AveRSS.MaxPages.MaxPagesNode.MaxPagesTask" {
-			if {$debug} {send_user "\nmatch15\n"}
-			incr matches
-			exp_continue
-		}
-		-re "AvePages.MinCPU.MinCPUNode.MinCPUTask.AveCPU.NTasks" {
-			if {$debug} {send_user "\nmatch16\n"}
-			incr matches
-			exp_continue
-		}
-		-re "$job_id" {
-			if {$debug} {send_user "\nmatch17\n"}
-			incr matches
-			exp_continue
-		}
-		timeout {
-			send_user "\nFAILURE: sstat not responding\n"
-			set exit_code 1
-		}
-		eof {
-			wait
-		}
-	}
-	if {$not_support != 0} {
-		send_user "\nWARNING: can not test without accounting enabled\n"
-		exit 0
-	}
-	if {$matches != 4} {
-		send_user "\nFAILURE: sstat -$soption failed ($matches)\n"
-		set exit_code 1
-	}
-		return $matches
-	}
-# Proc: sstat_vargs
-# Purpose:  Pass sstat options with arguments and test
-# Returns: Number of matches.
-# Input: Switch options with argument
-proc sstat_vargs { soption vargs job_id} {
-	global sstat
-	set debug	0
-	set exit_code   0
-	set matches     0
-	set not_support 0
-	send_user "sstat -$soption $vargs -p -j $job_id\n"
-	if { $soption == "o" || $soption == "-format" } {
-	spawn $sstat -$soption $vargs -p -j $job_id
-	expect {
-		-re "SLURM accounting storage is disabled" {
-			set not_support 1
-			exp_continue
-		}
-		-re "AveCPU.AvePages.AveRSS.AveVMSize" {
-			if {$debug} {send_user "\nmatch18\n"}
-			incr matches
-			exp_continue
-		}
-		-re "JobID.MaxPages.MaxPagesNode.MaxPagesTask" {
-			if {$debug} {send_user "\nmatch19\n"}
-			incr matches
-			exp_continue
-		}
-		-re "MaxRSS.MaxRSSNode.MaxRSSTask.MaxVMSize" {
-			if {$debug} {send_user "\nmatch20\n"}
-			incr matches
-			exp_continue
-		}
-		-re "MaxVMSizeNode.MaxVMSizeTask.MinCPU.MinCPUNode" {
-			if {$debug} {send_user "\nmatch21\n"}
-			incr matches
-			exp_continue
-		}
-		-re "MinCPUTask.NTasks" {
-			if {$debug} {send_user "\nmatch22\n"}
-			incr matches
-			exp_continue
-		}
-		-re "$job_id" {
-			if {$debug} {send_user "\nmatch23\n"}
-			incr matches
-			exp_continue
-		}
-		timeout {
-			send_user "\nFAILURE: sstat not responding\n"
-			set exit_code 1
-		}
-		eof {
-			wait
-		}
-	}
-	if {$not_support != 0} {
-		send_user "\nWARNING: can not test without accounting enabled\n"
-		exit 0
-	}
-	if {$matches != 6} {
-		send_user "\nFAILURE: sstat -$soption failed ($matches)\n"
-		set exit_code 1
-	}
-		return $matches
-	}
-sleep 1
-set matches [sstat_job a $job_id3]
-if {$matches != 3} {
-	send_user "\nFAILURE: sstat -a failed ($matches)\n"
-	set exit_code 1
-set matches [sstat_job -allsteps $job_id3]
-if {$matches != 3} {
-	send_user "\nFAILURE: sstat --allsteps failed ($matches)\n"
-	set exit_code 1
-set matches [sstat_job n $job_id3]
-if {$matches != 1} {
-	send_user "\nFAILURE: sstat -n failed ($matches)\n"
-	set exit_code 1
-set matches [sstat_job -noheader $job_id3]
-if {$matches != 1} {
-	send_user "\nFAILURE: sstat --noheader failed ($matches)\n"
-	set exit_code 1
-set matches [sstat_job p $job_id3]
-if {$matches != 4} {
-	send_user "\nFAILURE: sstat -p failed ($matches)\n"
-	set exit_code 1
-set matches [sstat_job -parsable $job_id3]
-if {$matches != 4} {
-	send_user "\nFAILURE: sstat --parsable failed ($matches)\n"
-	set exit_code 1
-set matches [sstat_job P $job_id3]
-if {$matches != 4} {
-	send_user "\nFAILURE: sstat -P failed ($matches)\n"
-	set exit_code 1
-set matches [sstat_job -parsable2 $job_id3]
-if {$matches != 4} {
-	send_user "\nFAILURE: sstat --parsable2 failed ($matches)\n"
-	set exit_code 1
-set matches [sstat_job v $job_id3]
-if {$matches != 4} {
-	send_user "\nFAILURE: sstat -v failed ($matches)\n"
-	set exit_code 1
-set matches [sstat_job -verbose $job_id3]
-if {$matches != 4} {
-	send_user "\nFAILURE: sstat --verbose failed ($matches)\n"
-	set exit_code 1
-set matches [sstat_vargs o $ac,$ap,$ar,$av,$ji,$mp,$mpn,$mpt,$mr,$mrn,$mrt,$mvs,$mvn,$mvt,$mc,$mn,$mt,$nt $job_id3]
-if {$matches != 6} {
-	send_user "\nFAILURE: sstat -o failed ($matches)\n"
-	set exit_code 1
-set matches [sstat_vargs -format $ac,$ap,$ar,$av,$ji,$mp,$mpn,$mpt,$mr,$mrn,$mrt,$mvs,$mvn,$mvt,$mc,$mn,$mt,$nt $job_id3]
-if {$matches != 6} {
-	send_user "\nFAILURE: sstat --format failed ($matches)\n"
-	set exit_code 1
-# Use sacctmgr to delete the test account (shouldn't work, because of running jobs)
-set damatches 0
-set needtodel 0
-set sadel_pid [spawn $sacctmgr -i delete account $test_acct]
-expect {
-	-re "Deleting account" {
-		incr damatches
-		exp_continue
-	}
-	"Job(s) running, cancel job(s) before remove" {
-		send_user "This error was expected, no worries\n"
-		set needtodel 1
-	}
-	timeout {
-		send_user "\nFAILURE: sacctmgr delete not responding\n"
-		slow_kill $sadel_pid
-		set exit_code 1
-	}
-	eof {
-		wait
-	}
-if {$needtodel == 1} {
-	#
-	# Use scancel to quite jobs
-	#
-	spawn $scancel -A $test_acct
-	expect {
-		eof {
-			wait
-		}
-	}
-	sleep 1
-	#
-	# Use sacctmgr to delete the test account
-	#
-	set damatches 0
-	set sadel_pid [spawn $sacctmgr -i delete account $test_acct]
-	expect {
-		-re "Deleting account" {
-			incr damatches
-			exp_continue
-		}
-		timeout {
-			send_user "\nFAILURE: sacctmgr delete not responding\n"
-			slow_kill $sadel_pid
-			set exit_code 1
-		}
-		eof {
-			wait
-		}
-	}
-if {$damatches != 1} {
-	send_user "\nFAILURE: sacctmgr had problems deleting the account\n"
-	set exit_code 1
-if {$exit_code == 0} {
-	exec $bin_rm -f $file_in1 $file_in2 $file_in3
-	send_user "\nSUCCESS\n"
-exit $exit_code