diff --git a/testsuite/expect/Makefile.am b/testsuite/expect/Makefile.am
index 82dcd978c82c239d0cef8767609465fee8fa33b1..2b40d4a701f7cb0ece9007db02bfca6922a66e27 100644
--- a/testsuite/expect/Makefile.am
+++ b/testsuite/expect/Makefile.am
@@ -205,6 +205,8 @@ EXTRA_DIST = \
 	test8.20			\
 	test8.21			\
 	test8.21.bash			\
+	test8.22			\
+	test8.23			\
 	test9.1				\
 	test9.2				\
 	test9.3				\
diff --git a/testsuite/expect/Makefile.in b/testsuite/expect/Makefile.in
index d8ca829822188a88b81f7742e009406ba817d6ff..bb98c848174c5bbced51a529e488c14c5c2423ec 100644
--- a/testsuite/expect/Makefile.in
+++ b/testsuite/expect/Makefile.in
@@ -485,6 +485,8 @@ EXTRA_DIST = \
 	test8.20			\
 	test8.21			\
 	test8.21.bash			\
+	test8.22			\
+	test8.23			\
 	test9.1				\
 	test9.2				\
 	test9.3				\
diff --git a/testsuite/expect/README b/testsuite/expect/README
index ea1f5ab954f21db5b1eabf1f685201e515e93c92..0e20828eb4e0cfdf97d699453915ba249812b83d 100644
--- a/testsuite/expect/README
+++ b/testsuite/expect/README
@@ -333,6 +333,10 @@ test8.20   Bluegene/Q only: Test that job step allocations are a valid size
            and within the job's allocation
 test8.21   Bluegene/Q only: Test that multple job step allocations are
            properly packed within the job's allocation
+test8.22   Bluegene/Q only: Stress test of running many job step allocations
+           within the job's allocation
+test8.23   Bluegene/Q only: Test that multple jobs allocations are properly
+           packed within a midplane
 test9.#    System stress testing. Exercises all commands and daemons.
diff --git a/testsuite/expect/test8.21 b/testsuite/expect/test8.21
index 515498dd527ed87c49c76085f6036e2d417c73c5..ed271f170f28b97c4e9ecfc079417d7420009e30 100755
--- a/testsuite/expect/test8.21
+++ b/testsuite/expect/test8.21
@@ -172,7 +172,7 @@ expect {
 							if [info exists use_cnt($dim1,$dim2,$dim3,$dim4,$dim5)] {
 								incr use_cnt($dim1,$dim2,$dim3,$dim4,$dim5)
 							} else {
-								send_user "\nFAILURE: invalid step cnode allocation at "
+								send_user "\nFAILURE: invalid step c-node allocation at "
 								send_user "\[$dim1,$dim2,$dim3,$dim4,$dim5\]/"
 								set exit_code 1
@@ -193,7 +193,7 @@ expect {
 		if [info exists use_cnt($dim1,$dim2,$dim3,$dim4,$dim5)] {
 			incr use_cnt($dim1,$dim2,$dim3,$dim4,$dim5)
 		} else {
-			send_user "\nFAILURE: invalid step cnode allocation at "
+			send_user "\nFAILURE: invalid step c-node allocation at "
 			send_user "\[$dim1,$dim2,$dim3,$dim4,$dim5\]\n"
 			set exit_code 1
@@ -217,7 +217,7 @@ for {set dim1 $job_start1} {$dim1 <= $job_fini1} {incr dim1} {
 			for {set dim4 $job_start4} {$dim4 <= $job_fini4} {incr dim4} {
 				for {set dim5 $job_start5} {$dim5 <= $job_fini5} {incr dim5} {
 					if {$use_cnt($dim1,$dim2,$dim3,$dim4,$dim5) != 1} {
-						send_user "\nFAILURE: cnode at \[$dim1,$dim2,$dim3,$dim4,$dim5\] "
+						send_user "\nFAILURE: c-node at \[$dim1,$dim2,$dim3,$dim4,$dim5\] "
 						send_user "allocated $use_cnt($dim1,$dim2,$dim3,$dim4,$dim5) times\n"
 						set exit_code 1
@@ -273,7 +273,7 @@ expect {
 							if [info exists use_cnt($dim1,$dim2,$dim3,$dim4,$dim5)] {
 								incr use_cnt($dim1,$dim2,$dim3,$dim4,$dim5)
 							} else {
-								send_user "\nFAILURE: invalid step cnode allocation at "
+								send_user "\nFAILURE: invalid step c-node allocation at "
 								send_user "\[$dim1,$dim2,$dim3,$dim4,$dim5\]/"
 								set exit_code 1
@@ -294,7 +294,7 @@ expect {
 		if [info exists use_cnt($dim1,$dim2,$dim3,$dim4,$dim5)] {
 			incr use_cnt($dim1,$dim2,$dim3,$dim4,$dim5)
 		} else {
-			send_user "\nFAILURE: invalid step cnode allocation at "
+			send_user "\nFAILURE: invalid step c-node allocation at "
 			send_user "\[$dim1,$dim2,$dim3,$dim4,$dim5\]\n"
 			set exit_code 1
@@ -320,7 +320,7 @@ for {set dim1 $job_start1} {$dim1 <= $job_fini1} {incr dim1} {
 			for {set dim4 $job_start4} {$dim4 <= $job_fini4} {incr dim4} {
 				for {set dim5 $job_start5} {$dim5 <= $job_fini5} {incr dim5} {
 					if {$use_cnt($dim1,$dim2,$dim3,$dim4,$dim5) > 1} {
-						send_user "\nFAILURE: cnode at \[$dim1,$dim2,$dim3,$dim4,$dim5\] "
+						send_user "\nFAILURE: c-node at \[$dim1,$dim2,$dim3,$dim4,$dim5\] "
 						send_user "allocated $use_cnt($dim1,$dim2,$dim3,$dim4,$dim5) times\n"
 						set exit_code 1
diff --git a/testsuite/expect/test8.22 b/testsuite/expect/test8.22
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..a0407360ebbda6c0ffa7107acd0eecf1d899d508
--- /dev/null
+++ b/testsuite/expect/test8.22
@@ -0,0 +1,163 @@
+# Purpose: Test of SLURM functionality
+#          Bluegene/Q only: Stress test of running many job step allocations
+#          within the job's allocation
+# Output:  "TEST: #.#" followed by "SUCCESS" if test was successful, OR
+#          "FAILURE: ..." otherwise with an explanation of the failure, OR
+#          anything else indicates a failure mode that must be investigated.
+# Copyright (C) 2011 SchedMD LLC
+# Written by Morris Jette <jette@schedmd.gov>
+# This file is part of SLURM, a resource management program.
+# For details, see <http://www.schedmd.com/slurmdocs/>.
+# Please also read the included file: DISCLAIMER.
+# SLURM is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
+# the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
+# Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option)
+# any later version.
+# SLURM is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
+# WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
+# FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License for more
+# details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
+# with SLURM; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
+# 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301  USA.
+source ./globals
+set test_id          "8.22"
+set exit_code        0
+set file_in          "test$test_id.in"
+set job_id           0
+set job_size         32
+print_header $test_id
+if {([test_bluegene] == 0) || [string compare [get_bluegene_type] "Q"]} {
+	send_user "\nWARNING: This test is only compatable with Bluegene/Q systems\n"
+	exit $exit_code
+# Spawn a job via salloc
+set matches 0
+set timeout $max_job_delay
+set salloc_pid [spawn $salloc -N$job_size -t1 $bin_bash]
+expect {
+	-re "Granted job allocation ($number)" {
+		set job_id $expect_out(1,string)
+		exp_continue
+	}
+	-re $prompt {
+		#send_user "Job initiated\n"
+	}
+	timeout {
+		send_user "\nFAILURE: salloc not responding\n"
+		if {$job_id != 0} {
+			cancel_job $job_id
+		}
+		slow_kill [expr 0 - $salloc_pid]
+		exit 1
+	}
+if {$job_id == 0} {
+	send_user "\nFAILURE: did not get job_id\n"
+	exit 1
+# Determine the job's allocation dimensions
+set job_start1 -1
+send "$scontrol show job $job_id\r"
+expect {
+	-re "BP_List=($alpha_numeric).($digit)($digit)($digit)($digit)($digit)x($digit)($digit)($digit)($digit)($digit)" {
+		set job_prefix $expect_out(1,string)
+		set job_start1 $expect_out(2,string)
+		set job_start2 $expect_out(3,string)
+		set job_start3 $expect_out(4,string)
+		set job_start4 $expect_out(5,string)
+		set job_start5 $expect_out(6,string)
+		set job_fini1 $expect_out(7,string)
+		set job_fini2 $expect_out(8,string)
+		set job_fini3 $expect_out(9,string)
+		set job_fini4 $expect_out(10,string)
+		set job_fini5 $expect_out(11,string)
+		exp_continue
+	}
+	-re $prompt {
+		#break
+	}
+	timeout {
+		send_user "\nFAILURE: scontrol not responding\n"
+		set exit_code 1
+	}
+if {$job_start1 == -1} {
+	send_user "\nFAILURE: did not get job dimensions\n"
+	cancel_job $job_id
+	exit 1
+send_user "\nJob allocation\n"
+send_user "prefix: $job_prefix\n"
+send_user "dim 1:  $job_start1 to $job_fini1  "
+send_user "dim 2:  $job_start2 to $job_fini2  "
+send_user "dim 3:  $job_start3 to $job_fini3  "
+send_user "dim 4:  $job_start4 to $job_fini4  "
+send_user "dim 5:  $job_start5 to $job_fini5\n"
+set job_dim1 [expr $job_fini1 - $job_start1 + 1]
+set job_dim2 [expr $job_fini2 - $job_start2 + 1]
+set job_dim3 [expr $job_fini3 - $job_start3 + 1]
+set job_dim4 [expr $job_fini4 - $job_start4 + 1]
+set job_dim5 [expr $job_fini5 - $job_start5 + 1]
+set actual_job_size [expr $job_dim1 * $job_dim2 * $job_dim3 * $job_dim4 * $job_dim5]
+send_user "size:   $actual_job_size c-nodes\n"
+if {$actual_job_size < $job_size} {
+	send_user "\nFAILURE: job allocation too small ($actual_job_size < $job_size)\n"
+	cancel_job $job_id
+	exit 1
+if {$actual_job_size != $job_size} {
+#	This is a legitimate condition. A request for 5 c-nodes requires
+#	at least 6 c-nodes (3x2x1x1x1).
+	send_user "\nWARNING: job allocation too large ($actual_job_size != $job_size)\n"
+make_bash_script $file_in "
+for ((inx=0; inx<$actual_job_size; inx++)) ; do
+	$srun -N4 sleep 1 &
+	$srun -N2 sleep 1 &
+	$srun -N1 sleep 1 &
+send "./$file_in\r"
+expect {
+	-re $prompt {
+		send "exit\r"
+		exp_continue
+	}
+	timeout {
+		send_user "\nFAILURE: job not responding\n"
+		set exit_code 1
+	}
+if {$exit_code == 0} {
+	exec rm -f $file_in
+	send_user "\nSUCCESS\n"
+} else {
+	cancel_job $job_id
+exit $exit_code
diff --git a/testsuite/expect/test8.23 b/testsuite/expect/test8.23
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..6ec366caf773b0f7c9514c9c56ad18e0e91b19f5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/testsuite/expect/test8.23
@@ -0,0 +1,283 @@
+# Purpose: Test of SLURM functionality
+#          Bluegene/Q only: Test that multple jobs allocations are properly
+#          packed within a midplane
+# Output:  "TEST: #.#" followed by "SUCCESS" if test was successful, OR
+#          "FAILURE: ..." otherwise with an explanation of the failure, OR
+#          anything else indicates a failure mode that must be investigated.
+# Copyright (C) 2011 SchedMD LLC
+# Written by Morris Jette <jette@schedmd.gov>
+# This file is part of SLURM, a resource management program.
+# For details, see <http://www.schedmd.com/slurmdocs/>.
+# Please also read the included file: DISCLAIMER.
+# SLURM is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
+# the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
+# Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option)
+# any later version.
+# SLURM is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
+# WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
+# FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License for more
+# details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
+# with SLURM; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
+# 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301  USA.
+source ./globals
+set test_id          "8.23"
+set exit_code        0
+set file_in          "test$test_id.in"
+set job_size         32
+print_header $test_id
+if {([test_bluegene] == 0) || [string compare [get_bluegene_type] "Q"]} {
+	send_user "\nWARNING: This test is only compatable with Bluegene/Q systems\n"
+	exit $exit_code
+make_bash_script $file_in "sleep 300"
+# Submit a sub-midplane job
+set matches    0
+set timeout    $max_job_delay
+set job_id(1)  0
+set sbatch_pid [spawn $sbatch -N$job_size -t2 $file_in]
+expect {
+	-re "Submitted batch job ($number)" {
+		set job_id(1) $expect_out(1,string)
+		exp_continue
+	}
+	timeout {
+		send_user "\nFAILURE: sbatch not responding\n"
+		if {$job_id(1) != 0} {
+			cancel_job $job_id(1)
+		}
+		slow_kill [expr 0 - $sbatch_pid]
+		exit 1
+	}
+	eof {
+		wait
+	}
+if {$job_id(1) == 0} {
+	send_user "\nFAILURE: did not get job_id\n"
+	exit 1
+# Determine the job's midplane name and allocation dimensions
+if {[wait_for_job $job_id(1) RUNNING] != 0} {
+	send_user "\nFAILURE: error starting job $job_id(1)\n"
+	cancel_job $job_id
+	exit 1
+set job_start(1,1) -1
+spawn $scontrol show job $job_id(1)
+expect {
+	-re "BP_List=($alpha_numeric).($digit)($digit)($digit)($digit)($digit)x($digit)($digit)($digit)($digit)($digit)" {
+		set job_prefix(1) $expect_out(1,string)
+		set job_start(1,1) $expect_out(2,string)
+		set job_start(1,2) $expect_out(3,string)
+		set job_start(1,3) $expect_out(4,string)
+		set job_start(1,4) $expect_out(5,string)
+		set job_start(1,5) $expect_out(6,string)
+		set job_fini(1,1) $expect_out(7,string)
+		set job_fini(1,2) $expect_out(8,string)
+		set job_fini(1,3) $expect_out(9,string)
+		set job_fini(1,4) $expect_out(10,string)
+		set job_fini(1,5) $expect_out(11,string)
+		exp_continue
+	}
+	timeout {
+		send_user "\nFAILURE: scontrol not responding\n"
+		set exit_code 1
+	}
+	eof {
+		wait
+	}
+if {$job_start(1,1) == -1} {
+	send_user "\nFAILURE: did not get job dimensions\n"
+	cancel_job $job_id(1)
+	exit 1
+send_user "\nJob allocation\n"
+send_user "prefix: $job_prefix(1)\n"
+send_user "dim 1:  $job_start(1,1) to $job_fini(1,1)  "
+send_user "dim 2:  $job_start(1,2) to $job_fini(1,2)  "
+send_user "dim 3:  $job_start(1,3) to $job_fini(1,3)  "
+send_user "dim 4:  $job_start(1,4) to $job_fini(1,4)  "
+send_user "dim 5:  $job_start(1,5) to $job_fini(1,5)\n"
+set job_dim(1,1) [expr $job_fini(1,1) - $job_start(1,1) + 1]
+set job_dim(1,2) [expr $job_fini(1,2) - $job_start(1,2) + 1]
+set job_dim(1,3) [expr $job_fini(1,3) - $job_start(1,3) + 1]
+set job_dim(1,4) [expr $job_fini(1,4) - $job_start(1,4) + 1]
+set job_dim(1,5) [expr $job_fini(1,5) - $job_start(1,5) + 1]
+set actual_job_size [expr $job_dim(1,1) * $job_dim(1,2) * $job_dim(1,3) * $job_dim(1,4) * $job_dim(1,5)]
+send_user "size:   $actual_job_size c-nodes\n"
+if {$actual_job_size < $job_size} {
+	send_user "\nFAILURE: job allocation too small ($actual_job_size < $job_size)\n"
+	cancel_job $job_id
+	exit 1
+if {$actual_job_size != $job_size} {
+#	This is a legitimate condition. A request for 5 c-nodes requires
+#	at least 6 c-nodes (3x2x1x1x1).
+	send_user "\nWARNING: job allocation too large ($actual_job_size != $job_size)\n"
+# Submit more jobs to fill that midplane
+set job_count [expr 512 / $actual_job_size]
+for {set inx 2} {$inx <= $job_count} {incr inx} {
+	set sbatch_pid [spawn $sbatch -N$job_size -w $job_prefix(1) -t2 $file_in]
+	expect {
+		-re "Submitted batch job ($number)" {
+			set job_id($inx) $expect_out(1,string)
+			exp_continue
+		}
+		timeout {
+			send_user "\nFAILURE: sbatch not responding\n"
+			if {$job_id($inx) != 0} {
+				cancel_job $job_id($inx)
+			}
+			slow_kill [expr 0 - $sbatch_pid]
+			exit 1
+		}
+		eof {
+			wait
+		}
+	}
+	if {$job_id($inx) == 0} {
+		send_user "\nFAILURE: did not get job_id\n"
+		exit 1
+	}
+# Give the new jobs a chance to start and see what resources they are allocated
+sleep 15
+for {set inx 2} {$inx <= $job_count} {incr inx} {
+	set job_start($inx,1) -1
+	spawn $scontrol show job $job_id($inx)
+	expect {
+		-re "BP_List=($alpha_numeric).($digit)($digit)($digit)($digit)($digit)x($digit)($digit)($digit)($digit)($digit)" {
+			set job_prefix($inx) $expect_out(1,string)
+			set job_start($inx,1) $expect_out(2,string)
+			set job_start($inx,2) $expect_out(3,string)
+			set job_start($inx,3) $expect_out(4,string)
+			set job_start($inx,4) $expect_out(5,string)
+			set job_start($inx,5) $expect_out(6,string)
+			set job_fini($inx,1) $expect_out(7,string)
+			set job_fini($inx,2) $expect_out(8,string)
+			set job_fini($inx,3) $expect_out(9,string)
+			set job_fini($inx,4) $expect_out(10,string)
+			set job_fini($inx,5) $expect_out(11,string)
+			exp_continue
+		}
+		timeout {
+			send_user "\nFAILURE: scontrol not responding\n"
+			set exit_code 1
+		}
+		eof {
+			wait
+		}
+	}
+# Build an array to count the job's c-nodes which have been allocated to our jobs
+for {set dim1 0} {$dim1 <= 3} {incr dim1} {
+	for {set dim2 0} {$dim2 <= 3} {incr dim2} {
+		for {set dim3 0} {$dim3 <= 3} {incr dim3} {
+			for {set dim4 0} {$dim4 <= 3} {incr dim4} {
+				for {set dim5 0} {$dim5 <= 1} {incr dim5} {
+					set use_cnt($dim1,$dim2,$dim3,$dim4,$dim5) 0
+				}
+			}
+		}
+	}
+# Validate the allocated midplane name and count specific allocated c-nodes
+for {set inx 1} {$inx <= $job_count} {incr inx} {
+	if {$job_start($inx,1) == -1} {
+		continue
+	}
+	if {[string compare $job_prefix(1) $job_prefix($inx)]} {
+		send_user "\nFAILURE: job $job_id($inx) is running on "
+		send_user "midplane job_prefix($inx) instead of $job_prefix(1)\n"
+		set exit_code 1
+		continue
+	}
+	for {set dim1 $job_start($inx,1)} {$dim1 <= $job_fini($inx,1)} {incr dim1} {
+		for {set dim2 $job_start($inx,2)} {$dim2 <= $job_fini($inx,2)} {incr dim2} {
+			for {set dim3 $job_start($inx,3)} {$dim3 <= $job_fini($inx,3)} {incr dim3} {
+				for {set dim4 $job_start($inx,4)} {$dim4 <= $job_fini($inx,4)} {incr dim4} {
+					for {set dim5 $job_start($inx,5)} {$dim5 <= $job_fini($inx,5)} {incr dim5} {
+						if [info exists use_cnt($dim1,$dim2,$dim3,$dim4,$dim5)] {
+							incr use_cnt($dim1,$dim2,$dim3,$dim4,$dim5)
+						} else {
+							send_user "\nFAILURE: invalid c-node allocation for job "
+							send_user "$job_id($inx) at \[$dim1,$dim2,$dim3,$dim4,$dim5\]/"
+							set exit_code 1
+						}
+					}
+				}
+			}
+		}
+	}
+# Test that no c-nodes have been allocated more than once to our jobs
+# This is an independent loop so that we might check for unallocated c-nodes
+set unused_count 0
+for {set dim1 0} {$dim1 <= 3} {incr dim1} {
+	for {set dim2 0} {$dim2 <= 3} {incr dim2} {
+		for {set dim3 0} {$dim3 <= 3} {incr dim3} {
+			for {set dim4 0} {$dim4 <= 3} {incr dim4} {
+				for {set dim5 0} {$dim5 <= 1} {incr dim5} {
+					if {$use_cnt($dim1,$dim2,$dim3,$dim4,$dim5) > 1} {
+						send_user "\nFAILURE: c-node at \[$dim1,$dim2,$dim3,$dim4,$dim5\] "
+						send_user "allocated $use_cnt($dim1,$dim2,$dim3,$dim4,$dim5) times\n"
+						set exit_code 1
+					} elseif {$use_cnt($dim1,$dim2,$dim3,$dim4,$dim5) == 0} {
+						incr unused_count
+					}
+				}
+			}
+		}
+	}
+send_user "\nNOTE: $unused_count c-nodes on midplane $job_prefix(1) were unused by our jobs\n"
+for {set inx 1} {$inx <= $job_count} {incr inx} {
+	cancel_job $job_id($inx)
+if {$exit_code == 0} {
+	exec rm -f $file_in
+	send_user "\nSUCCESS\n"
+exit $exit_code