[][static-gl-url] [][static-gl-url] # Mobile Cartography 2023/24 Workshop Series: Social Media, Jupyter Lab & Tag Maps  This is the public repository containing the course material for the Mobile Cartography Jupyter Lab Workshop. ------ > :warning: Unfortunately, the ZIH is in the midst of migration from `Taurus` system to `Barnard`. You > can run the workshop in both systems, but the startup is a little bit different between the two. We > do not know whether or how long Taurus will be available in 2024, so please try to use this only as a fallback. ## Preparations 1. If working from remote: Make sure to connect to TUD network using [a VPN connection][cisco-zih] (Cisco VPN or OpenVPN), otherwise you will not be able to use any of ZIH HPC Services 2. Add your ZIH-Login to the HPC project, using the pre-shared link - this needs to be done only once - it may take up to two hours before your login is available ## Barnard (new): Start Jupyter Lab 3. [Login to HPC][login-zih-link-barnard] - You'll be requested to login using your TUD Account 4. Select `Barnard - 2 core, 3G, 4 hours` or `Romeo - 2 core, 3G, 4 hours` 5. **Click Start** to spawn a Jupyter Lab instance on the TUD ZIH Jupyter Hub. 6. Clone the workshop files - Once JupyterHub started, open a new empty Python Notebook with click on the following icon:  - .. and copy &paste the following command in the first cell: ```bash !cd /home/$USER && \ git clone https://gitlab.hrz.tu-chemnitz.de/tud-ifk/jupyter_python_datascience.git ``` - run with <kbd>SHIFT+Enter</kbd>  - this will download the workshop material to your local user folder (explorer on the left side) - in the explorer on the left, open the file `jupyter_python_datascience/notebooks/01_raw_intro.ipynb`  - and start following the instructions ## Taurus (old): Start Jupyter Lab 3. [Login to HPC][login-zih-link] (do not click "spawn") - You'll be requested to login using your TUD Account 4. **Click [this link][spawn-zih-link]** to spawn a Jupyter Lab instance on the TUD ZIH Jupyter Hub. - If you see a pop-up asking "Found slurm parameters in URL. Do you want to submit and spawn now?" - click **Ok** - Do _not_ click "Start My Server". - If you see a button or form, click or copy the link again, paste, & the server should start automatically. - **Important: Do not change configuration if you see a form:** If the Server doesn't start automatically, click the [ZIH Jupyter link][spawn-zih-link] one more time - If there are not enough resources and you need to wait a very long time (>10 minutes), try [this alternative spawn link][spawn-zih-link2] that uses a different ZIH resource partition A video showing startup and environment selection:  Afterwards, once the notebook has opened: - If asked to select a Kernel: Confirm suggestion (Python 3) with "Select". - execute the first cell, with `SHIFT+ENTER` - this will link the conda `01_intro_env` to your user folder. Follow any instructions in the notebook. ## FAQ Based on previous workshops, we have collected some frequent questions and answers. Please click on the links below to see possible routes to solve these issues. 1. [**500: Internal Server Error** after clicking spawn the link?](resources/faq/01_error_500.md) 2. [Jupyter Lab Starts, but **the explorer on the left is empty**?](resources/faq/02_explorer_empty.md) 3. [**Cannot activate `workshop_env`**/ the first code cell returns an error?](resources/faq/03_activate_workshop_env.md) 4. [How can I run these notebooks offline (locally)?](resources/faq/04_offline_setup.md) ## HTML Versions of Notebooks 1. [01_raw_intro.html](https://kartographie.geo.tu-dresden.de/ad/jupyter_python_datascience/01_raw_intro.html) 2. [02_hll_intro.html](https://kartographie.geo.tu-dresden.de/ad/jupyter_python_datascience/02_hll_intro.html) 3. [03_tagmaps.html](https://kartographie.geo.tu-dresden.de/ad/jupyter_python_datascience/03_tagmaps.html) 4. [04_topic_classification.html](https://kartographie.geo.tu-dresden.de/ad/jupyter_python_datascience/04_topic_classification.html) [login-zih-link]: https://taurus.hrsk.tu-dresden.de/jupyter/hub/ [login-zih-link-barnard]: https://jupyterhub.hpc.tu-dresden.de/ [spawn-zih-link]: https://taurus.hrsk.tu-dresden.de/jupyter/hub/user-redirect/git-pull?repo=https%3A%2F%2Fgitlab.hrz.tu-chemnitz.de%2Ftud-ifk%2Fpython_datascience_2022.git&branch=main&urlpath=lab%2Ftree%2Fpython_datascience_2022.git%2Fnotebooks%2F01_raw_intro.ipynb#/~(partition~'ml~project~'p_lv_mobicart_2324~runtime~'2*3a30*3a00~cpuspertask~'2~mempercpu~'4000) [static-gl-url]: https://gitlab.hrz.tu-chemnitz.de/tud-ifk/jupyter_python_datascience [cisco-zih]: https://tu-dresden.de/zih/dienste/service-katalog/arbeitsumgebung/zugang_datennetz/vpn?set_language=de