# Working offline Setup of python environments can be frustrating, particularly if you're working with Windows. There are many ways to setup python environments, and which way is best often depends on the context. If you're familiar with python and package managers, you can use the list of requirements specified the `yml` files in [resources/](../) to create your env using any available approach. For all other users, we either suggest the conda or docker approach described below. If you're on Windows, the approach should be the same. However, on Windows, we suggest using [Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL1)][wsl]. Follow any guide to set up WSL1. One example process is describes [here][wsl-guide]. ## (Mini)conda We suggest following the [Miniconda](https://docs.conda.io/en/latest/miniconda.html) installer, instead of the Anaconda distribution. A description for setup in WSL [is available here][wsl-conda]. If you do not work in [WSL][wsl], we suggest installation of Miniconda using [Chocolatey Windows Package Manager][choco] (elevated windows command line): ```cmd choco install miniconda3 ``` Afterwards download or clone the repository, and create a python environment from the file(s) provided in the repo: ```bash git clone https://gitlab.hrz.tu-chemnitz.de/tud-ifk/python_datascience_2022.git cd python_datascience_2022 # not necessary, but recommended: conda config --env --set channel_priority strict conda env create -f resources/01_intro.yml ``` Since we are using a separate Jupyter Lab environment, you must install those dependencies manually. ```bash conda activate intro_env conda install -c conda-forge ipywidgets \ jupyter_contrib_nbextensions \ jupyter_nbextensions_configurator \ jupyterlab \ jupytext \ nbconvert ``` Note: On Windows, use `^` instead of `\` as the multi-line-command character Now, activate the environment and start jupyter lab: ``` jupyter lab ``` and open your webbrowser at the default URL (`http://localhost:8888/`) ## IfK Jupyter Docker Container We have prepared a Docker container that can be used to serve Jupyter Lab with various environments. First, [setup Docker](https://docs.docker.com/docker-for-windows/install/). We also suggest using [Chocolatey Windows Package Manager][choco] (elevated windows command line): ```cmd choco install docker-desktop ``` See a complete list of instructions [here][wsl-docker]. You can use Windows Command Line, but we do suggest using [Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL1)][wsl] for starting Docker Containers in Windows. Afterwards, clone the [IfK JupyterLab Docker Container](https://gitlab.vgiscience.de/lbsn/tools/jupyterlab). ```bash git clone https://gitlab.vgiscience.de/lbsn/tools/jupyterlab.git cd jupyterlab ``` Create a folder `envs` and copy [01_intro.yml](../01_intro.yml) to this folder. ```bash mkdir envs cd envs wget https://gitlab.hrz.tu-chemnitz.de/tud-ifk/python_datascience_2022/-/raw/main/resources/01_intro.yml ``` Adjust the `.env.example` to specify that environment_default.yml should be used: ``` cd .. cp .env.example .env ``` Edit the `.env` file and add: ```yml ENVIRONMENT_FILE=envs/01_intro.yml WORKER_ENV_NAME=intro_env JUPYTER_NOTEBOOKS=/c/mypath/to/python_datascience_2022/ ``` Build and startup the docker container: ```bash docker-compose up -d ``` Go to http://localhost:8888/ and login with the password from `.env`. [wsl]: https://docs.microsoft.com/de-de/windows/wsl/install-win10 [wsl-guide]: https://ad.vgiscience.org/links/posts/2019-05-27-setup-wsl-win10/ [wsl-conda]: https://ad.vgiscience.org/links/posts/2019-05-27-wsl-software/#miniconda3 [wsl-docker]: https://ad.vgiscience.org/links/posts/2019-05-27-setup-wsl-win10/#install-docker [choco]: https://chocolatey.org/