diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index 47eda3381f8a65aaa93b49b604004a17f69a7cee..deb847ab43dd5d230cc0b2da7a23c0a758907bed 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
-# ZYFPOR - Zynq Flexible Platform for Object Recognition
+## ZYFPOR - Zynq Flexible Platform for Object Recognition
-## git repository of the ZYFPOR-project - winner of the Xilinx Open Hardware Design Contest 2015 in the Zynq category
+# git repository of the ZYFPOR-project - winner of the Xilinx Open Hardware Design Contest 2015 in the Zynq category
 ### University of Technology Chemnitz
@@ -65,17 +65,17 @@ Step 6: The menu of the application will show up. Typing "b" with hitting "Enter
 --> The resolution of the video should be 640x480 as can be seen in the mentioned file.  
 ### Short explanation of the files of the software application:
-- apsoc_cv_apps.cpp		contains all software application like image grabbing from a webcam or the image detection function
-- apsoc_cv_apps.h		the corresponding header file
-- apsoc_cv_camera.cpp		contains functions for accessing the webcam
-- apsoc_cv_camera.h		function prototypes
-- apsoc_cv_filter.cpp		contains functions for accessing the image processing IP core
-- apsoc_cv_filter.h		function prototypes and struct declaration
-- apsoc_cv_main.cpp		the main function of the application, handles the user input
-- apsoc_cv_parameters.h		stores all necessary parameters for the applications like resolution of input video or video file location
-- apsoc_cv_vdma.cpp		contains functions for controlling the VDMA
-- apsoc_cv_vdma.h		function prototypes and vdma register addresses/offsets
-- ximage_filter_hw.h		image processing IP core addresses
+- apsoc_cv_apps.cpp		- contains all software application like image grabbing from a webcam or the image detection function
+- apsoc_cv_apps.h		- the corresponding header file
+- apsoc_cv_camera.cpp		- contains functions for accessing the webcam
+- apsoc_cv_camera.h		- function prototypes
+- apsoc_cv_filter.cpp		- contains functions for accessing the image processing IP core
+- apsoc_cv_filter.h		- function prototypes and struct declaration
+- apsoc_cv_main.cpp		- the main function of the application, handles the user input
+- apsoc_cv_parameters.h		- stores all necessary parameters for the applications like resolution of input video or video file location
+- apsoc_cv_vdma.cpp		- contains functions for controlling the VDMA
+- apsoc_cv_vdma.h		- function prototypes and vdma register addresses/offsets
+- ximage_filter_hw.h		- image processing IP core addresses
 - ap_fixed_sim.h; ap_int.h; ap_int_sim.h; ap_private.h 
 --> Header files for fixed-point datatype, which is used to access the data provided by the Hough Line Transform processed in the PL of the ZYNQ.