diff --git a/text_editors/README.md b/text_editors/README.md
index e87a1f8ab30209c56d38c2594d963dc9be3dbbf0..4bd80ee0d7e5d134a6b0b142f59141ba6111ce5c 100644
--- a/text_editors/README.md
+++ b/text_editors/README.md
@@ -4,7 +4,8 @@
 1. Download and install VSCode: https://code.visualstudio.com/
 2. Install the "Continue" PlugIn: https://www.continue.dev/
 3. Disable the "Telemetry" option in the plugin settings
-4. Edit the  `$HOME/.continue/config.json` as follows:
+4. Obtain API key to access our services at https://llm.scads.ai
+5. Edit the  `$HOME/.continue/config.json` as follows, and replace `YOUR-API-KEY` with the API key from step 4:
     "models": [
@@ -34,5 +35,5 @@
 ## PyCharm - Community Edition
 1. Install PyCharm: Download and install PyCharm from [the website](https://www.jetbrains.com/pycharm/download/?section=linux) and follow the installation instructions for your OS.
 2. Install "[Continue](https://plugins.jetbrains.com/plugin/22707-continue)" Plugin: Go to PyCharm's Settings > Plugins, search for "Continue" in the Marketplace, and click Install.
-3. Edit Plugin Configuration: Click on plugin on right side bar > Click on "Open Continue Config" option. Add configuration mentioned above. Save the changes.
+3. Edit Plugin Configuration: Click on plugin on right side bar > Click on "Open Continue Config" option. Add configuration mentioned above and replace `YOUR-API-KEY` with your own API key. Save the changes.
 4. Restart PyCharm.
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