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Ermöglicht die Nutzung des Corporate Designs der TU Chemnitz mit dem Django-Template-System.
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ZYFPOR - Zynq Flexible Platform for Object Recognition
git repository of the ZYFPOR-project - winner of the Xilinx Open Hardware Design Contest 2015 in the Zynq category
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indisign / pyavis
MIT LicenseDEPRECATED - Python Client for Avis(http://avis.sourceforge.net/) EventRouter
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Provides a simple model history, including all changed attributes. Does not require schema changes, just one additional database table.
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Quiz Plugin for self test for DokuWiki based on QuizLib at https://github.com/ALPSquid/quizlib
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saxid-federated-resource-management / Owncloud-SaxID-Integration
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0Connects Owncloud to the SaxID API
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Martin Schroschk / SynTAT
BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" LicenseUpdatedUpdated