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Voigt, Lars / frms
GNU General Public License v3.0 onlyUpdated -
A script to export all publications of a university sub-organization such as a professorship into a csv file which can then be converted into a DSPace Simple Archive Format to import it in a DSpace 6.x+ community
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Najia Ahmadi / MeDatS Python Tutorial
MIT LicenseUpdated -
Daniel Schreiber / pyasn
MIT LicenseUpdated -
zih-pub / Nersc.Gitlab.Io
BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" LicenseUpdated -
Calculate conductance of random networks consisting of 1D conductors using nodal analysis.
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Ray dynamic calculator for arrays of microcavities seperated by air, with emphasis on limaçon-shaped cavities.
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Calculates the effective surface area from matrix topographies.